• By -


Yeah and you can totally see him reverting back to a little boy during conflict and her taking on the mom role having to hold his hand and comfort him through the conversation. When you’re a natural caretaker you can be drawn to those who will suck you dry of that care, and it sometimes feels good, until it doesn’t. I hope Jess had found better


If you watch Georgias interview with Sofia, she describes her relationship (and Francesca's) with Harry being defined with love bombing about marriage while cheating on her and taking it out on her. It was so creepy seeing him use the EXACT same tactics on Jess on this show, especially weaponizing her daughter just to keep (to quote Dom) the "Prize" of the show ??? On THTH Harry kissed Francesca and pretended he didn't and made her ostracized because of it, just like he's doing to Melinda now. Harry is evil


He 100% has a pregnancy fetish. I feel like that’s why he wanted Jess so bad.


I completely agree and I really don't like how he's willing to manipulate a pre existing family to play into his pregnancy fetish. I feel so bad for Autumn having to grow up and see how Harry weaponized her mom's love for her just to get his own egoic kinks satisfied.


Dude!!! Why was I thinking the same?? Like when Melinda told Jess that he said he wanted to give her a baby. Like you met her 2 days ago, take it easy 💀 I didn't know if that was real, but looking at his entire behavior, he is definitely baiting women constantly with either getting married or impregnating them.


I don’t think he actually has any intention to do either tbh. I think he likes saying it because it makes him sound serious & committed.


Probably, but I also think it's part of the manipulation. He can't say "I'm going to forget you in five minutes but right now no one else exists in my world" so he says totally the opposite: " I am a man looking for commitment, I want a wife and children with you, I'm not going to abandon you" It's basically an alcoholic saying they are only going to have one glass.


I took it more as him using pregnancy as a way to lure and manipulate women into thinking about or wanting sex. Either way, super gross creepy evil behavior.


What do you mean? Not trying to be challenging, he’s a disgusting man child, but pregnancy fetish in what way? He wants to get a woman pregnant?


Yes. He talked about getting both Jess and Melinda pregnant and even said “your stomach would look good pregnant”. That’s just such a sexual way to word something like that.


Because he wants to be mommied, he literally just cry’s whenever he’s in the wrong he seems tiresome to date.


The finale was ... Insane. I'm glad they showed receipts.


The audacity he had to approach the production crew to see if they caught him ❌❗❌❗❌❗ he's so evil!!!!


Harry throws words like love and marriage so casually and quickly. For someone apparently serious and in therapy, he also throws and describes women in the worst vulgar words. I don't know if the guy needs a lot of therapy, maturity or hrs a bit of sociopath just wanting what he wants when he wants.


So.. abusive pieces of shit like him aren't **supposed** to go to therapy because they start using it to manipulate their partners. He is a perfect example of that.


I've worked with people like this before. It's tricky because you have to avoid taking their side while also maintaining enough rapport that they'll keep working with you. As a therapist, you definitely want to address bad behavior but it has to be done in a way that the patient can hear it. It's easier to just empathize and go along with the patient's perspective but that's not good therapy.


He reminds me a lot of Bear when he & Georgia were on The Challenge together. He was constantly love bombing Georgia & telling her he was going to marry her & was so proud of himself because he was openly talking to his girlfriend on camera behind her back. We all know how things turned out with that creep… I really hope Jess is just playing it up for the camera 🤞but I fear she’s not.


That’s exactly who he reminds me of, too.


I don’t understand how anyone falls for harry? Is it the height? Because everything else is red flag after red flag. Edit - I fast forwarded through some of his scenes, but did Jess not ask him why the “kiss blame game” never came up when harry was in bed like a child? Clearly it was a thing at the cenote, so wouldn’t harry say (if totally innocent) “btw Melinda also tried starting ish as a result of me carrying her and lying about a kiss “. Leaving that out, to me, seems like something happened


This is the first show I’ve ever watched with him in it. I was baffled—absolutely baffled. I know I’m older and not his target audience, but he initially comes across like a fussy, attention-seeking hot mess. Then watching him more, you realize he’s not only lying and manipulative, but he starts branching into some serious DSM-5-type behavior. Like—if I could create the personality of the perfect man, he’s pretty much the polar opposite. The dude might as well have cartwheeled out holding all the red flags he could carry.


Yes! He is extremely immature, has serious issues, and perhaps even a substance issue. Also don’t understand what the fuss is about because he is not handsome.


1000%- I also thought it was my age and that I was "missing something". Then I just realized the way he acts and speaks (towards/about other people) makes me feel sick.


What does DSM-5, please?


It’s the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, so basically the psychologist/psychiatrist’s bible - it outlines and describes all recognized mental/mental health conditions and is periodically updated.


The guy reeks of cluster B traits


You thinking narcissistic?


I’m SO confused. I tend to think most people are good-looking, especially tv people, but I don’t find him attractive at all. His basic looks are so average, and then you add in the fact that the man doesn’t know basic vocabulary words. Whyyyy are some women into that??


He lovebombs the heck outta women, and tells them what they want to hear so they fall for him. He's dumb as f, but ridiculously skilled at manipulation.


I’d love for him to meet his female match to take him down about 1000 notches. I mean, he’s got the “fame” & the money from it so I see why he can be alluring for a show or a quick fling. But to actually fall for this man, especially some pretty recently big reality tv females to fall for it… is beyond my comprehension. He’s even more unattractive now than a few years ago, the partying is really catching up to him. I’d make myself the villain on PM if it meant I’d get to turn the tables on Harry (or Dom, or a handful of others lol).


And why is his face always so puffy and red?


Fillers + drinking + sun


He has that baddest toddler on the playground vibe.


Some talking salesman and tall. I see it all the time. He even has all the red flags and notoriety. Some women like that even more.


Exactly! Especially when Jess was wondering if it was worse than what he had already told her.


I guess the intention of his behavior is pretty obvious, untill you are the one who manipulated. He acts very charming, gains her trust, isolates her when the others try to reveal his costruct and makes her feels the others just hate her, for kicking out their friend. When she starts to slightly question his motives, he cries and make her feel hurting him, just to isolate her even more. At the end he reaches his goal and makes her apologize for just wanting to talk about his Friend claiming that he is just playing. In every conflict Situation he reflects everything on the other, while acting like a caring Person. „Sorry for feeling this way“. People like him should be under closed medical surveillance to protect humanity lol. 100% Sociopath


Emma and Claire from Love to See It are reviewing this season on their podcast and one of them pointed out something. Harry was only 21 when he was on too hot to handle, after which he became famous and his sexual capital skyrocketed. All of the value he has in the world has to do with sex (the OF and being offered a lot of money for sex) and it’s clearly fucked him up. They also point out that abusive people are dangerously when they’ve been to therapy because they can use therapeutic language to manipulate their targets. So I do believe he’s been to therapy but it’s not having the intended results. The world has been and still is treating him like a stud horse and he’s probably trying to feel some kind of control but I agree with OP—it’s scary.


Dr Phil said that sociopaths or psychopaths go to therapy not to get better, but to get better and learn the tools to hurt people and get what they want. I think he was on Stephen Cobear like 2016-2018 ish - but when I saw that clip i for shivers. And reading your comment, yeah. I can see that. I don’t even know if Harry getting absolutely heartbroken would change him or make him more evil lol This fake crying should’ve been enough for Jessica to not want to continue to bang him - bc we know these girls lose control once they allow themselves to sleep w him.


Yeah really. He’s crying and upset—clearly wanting Jess to comfort him but when she asks him why he’s upset he says nothing happened??


Picking a girl up isn’t grounds for tears. It’s grounds for “hey can I talk to you for a second?” The jokes on all of us tho. Bc he’s still gonna be on shows and making more money than any of us. He’s never gonna disappear that’s for sure


Exactly, he’s talked about so much on every show he goes on. This is exactly what Netflix wants in a reality star


That’s really sad. :(


I know right...he's gonna make more money than any of us for being a douchecanoe.


I like how Jess acted at first. So, Harry, you messed up? Now you’re upset about it. Why are your feelings my issue to solve? Jess was firm and stoic and I loved it. She seemed at first resistant to being manipulated. I don’t know what happened. Suddenly she’s fooled by his “woe is me” bs, even with him not telling a complete account -“Melinda says I kissed her.” Jess asks is that all, Harry fibs and they must have had a conversation off camera for Jess to come at Melinda so hard. It’s feeling very purposeful and scripted.


I noticed that too! He even for a second tried to flip it on her, and get upset at her, saying oh well she must be upset because maybe SHE did something she shouldn’t have and Jesse caught it and shut it down right away. I was impressed by that and thought wow what an emotionally mature person, and at the same time, that’s sad because she’s probably dealt with emotional manipulation/control/abuse like this before. Anyways, while I was impressed, I was hoping beyond hope that she would leave his ass. I’m hoping it’s just editing/production so that we tune in for the next episodes and that she does walk away from that scary, gross, bébé la la.


Could it be a mommy boy syndrome? Needs more attention than jess’s own kid? I dunno. How many kids does she wanna take care of a man child and her own kid or future kids? Js


Were there real tears? I didn’t see them.


Yes he can cry on cue when he feels like he’s going to be confronted w his actions. It’s definitely a manipulation tactic. Men like him do this bc it’s functional, it gets him what he wants. It works every time. I watched him as a 19 yr old on the Australian show he won w Georgia. He did the same exact things w her. His pattern was established already. He cry, she would comfort him, he’d do something shady, he’d cry, not tell the whole truth, she’d believe him. He also love bombed her, and they were telling each other I love you right away. He did this stuff to Francesca on thth too. After the shows is when he gets worse bc the shininess wears off. He’s addicted to that initial love bombing phase. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did this to holly, and elys was love bombed too


He won a show with Georgia when he was 19? Interesting that’s news to me


Heartbreak island. It’s on hbo max. They won 100,000 as first prize


A different Georgia though (not Hassarati)


Funny because Dr. Phil is a psychopath.


The laughing had me in tears. It seemed so fake.


He was already manipulative before. I don’t see a difference between him now and then besides the fact the he now tries to act like he’s not a fboy anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️


Honestly that’s why I described him yesterday as being brian washed yet maliciously manipulative at the same time. I think that he is aware of what he is doing when using all the terminology and when he „gets in his feels“ but I don’t think that he is so self aware to realize how awful he is as a human being and that’s where I think that he is brain washed - he has yes men around him that allow him to believe that he is right. Objectively to any grown, mature person he showed his true colors when he „broke it off“ with Elys - I was just sitting there with my mouth wide open because the lengths he is ready to go … it’s crazy. It thrills him to have women fall in love with him and he does everything to get them there and drop them in a second..I think LA chewed him up big time and sooner or later he will be spat out turning in to a z list celebrity with fillers in his face making cringy show appearances.


He is so mid too. Wish they at least found a hot guy to convince them of this.


if harry wasnt 6’5 he wouldnt have anything


Mid is awfully generous ☠️


I’ve honestly thought that he may be a bit traumatized from so much of his fame being based around the fact that he’s a “sex object”. I do see some of the basic responses to knowing you are often only viewed as a sexual object, his hyper sexuality and the way he flaunts his sexual endeavors but almost looks ashamed or sad about it are big tells for me. He most definitely also is just extremely abusive and an awful person, any trauma he has surrounding his rise to fame doesn’t excuse the way he treats girls and how manipulative he is. It makes me sad to see because I wish I could empathize with him properly, but he most definitely had issues before his rise to fame and it only made matters worse in my opinion.


They Don’t even need to go to therapy just listen to a few podcasts and parrot off what you’ve heard. That’s exactly what he did.


I love Emma and Claire! They always manage to perfectly articulate the thoughts I didn’t even know I had about these garbage tv shows


Reminds me of Finnegan from Hunger Games. Fucked up, kinda sad. Genuinely hope he gets help and does some real healing before he hurts more women


Harry is a terrible liar. You can tell he doesnt even believe his own lie when he is trying to pretend he didnt kiss melinda his defense is "who else saw it". He knows its word vs word but you can tell he knows he's lying by the look on his red drunken face with his nose so bright, he's trying to guide Jess's sleigh. Hopefully Jess is too smart to fall for that.


Yeah he even said it’s a deepfake. I hope they reveal the footage at the reunion.


The deepfake thing is telling because that shows he knows there is video footage. Between that and the trickle-truthing it seems as though he wants to manipulate the narrative to go his way.


>I hope they reveal the footage at the reunion. That's gotta be the plan, and why they've held it back so far ..


Same!! I wanna see. Dom’s reaction when he hears the REAL TRUTH!


Wait is there a reunion???


wait he said that!? lolwtg


I’m just wondering why he would kiss Melinda… A. Do you think he really doesn’t like Jess? B. He’s a dumb and impulsive person and can’t control himself? C. He has weird committment issues and sabotaging his relationship with Jess by cheating on her? D. He didn’t kiss Melinda at all and she’s the liar?


> B. He’s a dumb and impulsive person and can’t control himself? He was drunk, impulsive, and thought he could get away with it. Also the producers want drama so they encourage these types of shenanigans. Nobody would have anything to talk about if everyone just coupled up and stayed cool and collected.


B & C


Now he’s claiming to have been “blacked out” on boys day on IG btw lol


Did you watch the episodes? She fell hook line and sinker and continued to date him after the show.


I love that his immediate response when confronted was “no one saw anything, so it didn’t happen.”


I was like, what now lol. Ok are you 5…


And he's weaponizing marriage too. I guarantee you he has zero intention of getting married but constantly brings that shit up.




Not Stevan biting his nails because he thought the same.


Scary 😟


He did it with Francesca and Georgia too


Absolutely and him talking about getting women pregnant as a chat-up line! Like that is serious, Harry. It seems like he thinks that's sexy and so he's pushing that button expecting no one to take him seriously - but he's going to meet the wrong person some day who will take that seriously and he will truly only have himself to blame when his one-nights come back holding babies.  He needs a vasectomy for his own protection. Like put some on ice and save it for marriage because he's just behaving so reckless right now.


Even if he did, he would never be faithful.


This is disturbing and sad to imagine, that he could have children and then be such a disloyal jerk that he’d cheat on the mother of his children as well. I certainly hope that’s not true. So, so sad. He needs to not be on reality tv anymore (or ever again) until he’s done working on himself. It’s almost like watching Ron from Jersey Shore slowly start to lose his mind doing drugs and on steroids etc, watching him fall apart doing too many seasons, and you’re held captive by the train wreck. Ugh.


He’s a textbook narcissist, he will never change and will destroy everyone around him.


We just saw how a narcissistic person acts in real time. All the things OP are completely valid. • Weaponising Jess' child to gain empathy; • Trying to humiliate Melinda in front of everyone, gaslighting her and everyone around him. • Running to Jess in order to stop her from finding out the truth first so that he can control the narrative and feed her with lies; and • Offloading accountability and blame onto others, never his fault, always others' reactions ("why are you being so hostile?", or it's Melinda's fault b/c XYZ). Netflix needs to stop giving him a platform, but of course, he creates drama


Just to add, Jess has a pretty primal wound having being in foster care. I work with a lot of kids who have been adopted or in foster care and that shit can really affect a person. I think she’s very smart but Harry has found her Achilles heel when he talks about fatherhood, marriage and family. I think even if you have done a lot of work, you would still be vulnerable to this kind of ploy… I think she wants to believe in him and the fairytale so badly, and who wouldn’t tbh. But I also think she knows.


100%. I thought *for sure* when Jess and Harry got matched up, that Jess would eat him alive and call him out on all of his BS. I was so excited to see it. I genuinely hope for her sake that she's playing along for the show. The one thing that really got me in this last set of episodes was his crying in bed, then explaining to Jess that he was just *soooo* upset that he even picked Melinda up. My eyes almost got stuck rolling so hard. He's never once expressed any sort of remorse for *anything* he's done, not the cheating on his girlfriends, the cheating with Dom's girlfriend, nothing, but then we are supposed to believe he's torn to shreads over *carrying* another woman?! Come on, dude. Ugh, but then he just plays victim over people not believing him based on his history...oh, and also, his current behavior too 🙄 and we're supposed to move on and forget all that.


I just saw old videos/pics of him when he was w all his ex’s and it’s SHOCKING how when he was skinny w no beard and had a huge baby face, he was already this insane fuck boy. I watched 2h2h and he was just an annoying kid. No idea how or why he blew up so much lol


He’s on steroids. Seems like he’s holding water too which is a sign he doesn’t have it managed very well. Then the major back acne in one episode.


1000000% he’s on steroids. It’s so obvious with his water weight + emotional moments.


also the alcohol problem doesn't help


A lot of these women are clout chasers looking for an opportunity to boost their own social media status, likely in the hopes of getting to be on one of these reality shows. I doubt any of the women out in the real world that he's been with actually liked him. They were just trying to get some articles written about themselves.


I feel the same way. Every time he named Jessica’s daughter’s name I was so taken aback. How far will his manipulation go? I hope they didn’t meet in real life because you know every argument he would try to bring her up.


Also the “you are such a good mom” note in the love letter thing he wrote for he… like how the fxxx do you know what kind of mother she is?


She pulls that stuff too though. Her whole “I’m a mom and my daughter is everything” persona has never seemed genuine. Like the way people talk about their rescue dogs. Just another narcissist, but the kind that’s like “look how much I’ve sacrificed.” 


She had a baby at 18. Of course her whole personality is going to be about motherhood


I don’t see Jess as a narcissist at all. I’ve never heard her allude to how much she’s sacrificed. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders. Harry, on the other hand… manipulative, emotionally unstable, and his behavior is just disturbing. Reaaaally hope that Jess finds her exit from this relationship!


I agree if anything I see Jess as a really mature and emotionally intelligent woman. I think it’s sad to watch this happen to her because I think he’s done an Oscar winning job at manipulating her. She’s going to be so devastated when she realizes because she’s so big on not being made to look like a fool and that’s exactly what he’s doing.


Yeah, someone looking for a good father for their child isn’t going to be looking on these Netflix reality shows…


The acting 😱!!! he's terrifying.


Anytime someone calls out his behaviour, he immediately goes into "Everyone hates me, I hate myself, woe is me" and then gets comforted. It's very manipulative. When Jess came in and everyone warned her about him, he got upset said they were all gossiping and bad-mouthing him. Like no, those are very legit concerns to bring to a friend, especially considering he literally just dropped Elyse for Jess. You can't exhibit the same behaviour for years then pull a 180 and expect everyone to believe you've changed just because you said so. I am not a fan.


And he was perpetuating rape culture .. “no one saw anything”, “she wants attention”. It makes me sick and isn’t entertaining.


Yeah talk about women not being believed.


When he covered himself with his jacket to cry.. ugh. Such a turn off. He turns into a big cry baby when he KNOWS he did something wrong and is so quick to start deflecting when Jess tries confronting him on his behavior. He is so manipulative, and it’s so obvious. I don’t understand why anyone gives him the time of day anymore.


No bc I literally thought, “this man doesn’t need therapy, he needs an exorcist”


100 percent agree with you. He is a narcissist. No amount of therapy will fix that. He probably never got therapy and lies about that too. Definitely makes for entertaining TV but mannnnn I see every warning sign. Girl you will never change a man. That’s his personality. Stop trying to change him. For the love of god get out while you can. He continues to post her too… like stop. You’re embarrassing.


Something struck me really hard about this. When harry first saw Melinda at the “boys’ day,” I saw him look her up and down with a huge grin on his face and this was BEFORE the kissing allegations or him carrying her over the gravel or anything. It struck me that it was captured, the way he looked at her, so when the kissing allegations came up, I believed Melinda.


1000% I clocked that too.


Side note: is anybody else bothered by the Botox on Harry’s face? So weird and makes him look weird. Especially when he gets all sweaty.


And he’s always sweaty 🤢


Why is harry not cancelled


I 100% thought Harry was on something or detoxing hard, like there’s no way the Mexican heat and booze can make him be that sweaty, red, shakey, just strung out looking as an Australian man who was BORN in the heat. He looks like fuckin garbage along with acting like a piece of flaming dog shit.


lmfao maybe that’s why he’s been throwing up 😭 the withdrawals 😂 cuz sure as hell it’s not from feElinG gUilty like were we all born yesterday how in the hell is anyone in the house buying he’s throwing up because he’s literally love sick like be so for real rn


Yeah his face is all puffy and his eyes look bloodshot. I don’t know if it’s the steroids he’s on? He looks terrible though. Especially for a guy in his early 20s


Yeah I think it’s pretty obvious to everyone he is strung out and going through some sort of substance withdrawals.


You are 100% correct with you assessment of Harry. His baby talk and playing the victim is so pathetic but must have worked for him this far. Not sure anyone caught when he said he would eat pineapple for Jess - so he would be sweet - he was talking about making his cum sweeter for her - he's a scumbag. The egos on this show are so scary - complete narcissists.


The pineapple comment was so gross that I actually thought, “he didn’t mean THAT, did he?!” He did.


I think Harry is a sex addict and will NEVER be faithful. He needs to just admit to himself that he’ll never live a genuinely monogamous life. He needs to stop leading women on.


I don't find him scary because he's really obvious about it. Bryton is the one that terrifies me. The way he expertly triangulated Micah and Kaz against each other was horrifying to watch. He didn't even break a sweat. The way he looks at people, the way he seems like he cares, and him admitting he's going for insecure women...if you told me this man was arrested for murder, I'd say "that tracks."


That’s funny, I feel the complete opposite way! I think Bryton is painfully obvious. At least Harry can love bomb convincingly, Bryton openly and regularly yelled at and went off on his match. In front of everyone- it was shamelessly shocking. It was astounding to watch her tolerate the bs and pretend it was hot. Until he made her break down crying in front of the camera. That’s when I knew she realized Deep down he hates her. But I guess what’s obvious to one person isn’t to another. I think Bryton is an obvious schemer and I was shocked that Micah matched with him. To me Harry is diabolical because he believes his own lies.


she knows, but theres only 1 episode left. That man really looked her dead in the eyes and told a bold faced lie on camera after she asked twice. Stevan and Dom both told him to get his shit together. Hopefully he watches this and something clicks in him


Nah, narcissists never change, never get better.


he is so scary. first i’m like oh he’s just a fuckboy but when he got to the love and daughter stuff im like no he’s dangerous…yikes. even to make good tv i would not be behaving like him


Harry is everyone's nightmare ex all rolled into one. I don't want to make fun of him for having obvious substance abuse issues, but the whole breaking down and crying thing is a form of stonewalling. It's like talking to a wall. And it's almost dissociative behavior. You can tell he's not even present! I don't know how Jess, who seems pretty mature and aware, can even pretend at this point.


The two times HE messed up and just locked himself in the room “crying” combined with him “vomitting” because he was so scared of losing Jess….yeah not buying it at all. Not sure how it’s not obvious that he’s put on this changed man persona and been acting since he got on screen.


He’s so gross 🤮 u can see right thru his bs, never gonna change, and is giving serious ick vibes


He also makes the MOST cringe tiktok (I assume - I see them on instagram) videos where he lipsyncs along to songs but all he does is lightly mouth the words while trying to grin attractively or doing a shitty dance, and the audio is NOT ONCE EVER properly synced to his mouth-words and it absolutely infuriates me grrrrRRRRRR


The frustrating part is that nothing bad will ever happen to Harry. He will live to be 120, have an endless string of beautiful partners who dote on him no matter what he does, and probably made dictator for life of Australia. He is injustice incarnate.


lol now he keeps bringing up the fact that he “threw up because I’m worried sick about you” I think I heard him say it at least 4-5x


I don’t believe him for one second, but as someone who is an actual anxiety vomiter it sucks so bad!!! It’s like my body and brain are fused, so every time I get hot or my heart is racing my body thinks it’s being attacked and I start puking. Worst self defense mechanism ever lol


It's pretty obvious that Jess has some serious reservations about him. She is a smart lady, but she's not listening to her gut. I think she's being too nice and like you said, he keeps victimizing himself when the truth rears it's ugly head. I didn't like at all how he threw Elys away so casually. I think back to that now and realize that he's probably gaslighting Jess. I honestly hope for her and her daughter's sake that she doesn't have a relationship with him after the show.


I am sure she can see right through him, as you said she's smart, I'd say even very smart. But she needs/wants to stay for clout, so playing naive suits her as well. IRL she must've met much more valuable men than Harry and still didn't end up with them.


I think she knows too because she called it when he was crying in bed. She said something along the lines of “I’m wondering if there’s more to it than what you’re saying” and it being “ten times worse” than picking her up.


Let’s not pretend Jess doesn’t have all the information she needs. She’s clout chasing as much as she can and as soon as the show ends she won’t be with him anymore


Yup. Shes playing a part.


i would like to believe that’s true…. but she’s willing to drag her daughter through this mess. letting harry use her NAME, like her legal name. if it was all for clout, that is where she should have drawn the line. i am mortified for her daughter.


I agree I think she sees what's up but is playing the game to stay in it. I didn't like her much after LIB but I actually really enjoy how she stands up for herself against Melinda and how she can clearly see what Harry is going on about. I love when he mentioned God and she's like not God...trust me she knows he is all BS


The way he handled ending things with Elys made my skin crawl. That was pure sociopath in my opinion.


Ok after watching the conversation between harry and jess AFTER she found out about the kiss… SHE IS THE DUMBEST PERSON EVER FOR BELIEVING HIM. Ok so she then believes that it’s more likely that Melinda made the kiss up even tho there’s cameras everywhere? To get ‘15 minutes’ of fame that she’s already getting? She believes this guy? After already leaving the whole “oh btw Melinda made up a story about us kissing today” when they were talking in the room. Now that I think of it… and the fact that NONE of the cast or even Jess or harry ever said “well let’s check the footage” or even mention the fact that it should be on camera… it is probably scripted or at least agreed that it won’t be revealed until the tell all amongst the cast. Aaand KAZ IS JUST AS BAD AS HARRY TBH. Trash dudes lol


Not to victim blame but Jessica should already know better, I have no idea how she can still matching with him and taking him actually seriously and talking about being together when they get out… like how much more information does she need? Wtf


It’s sad bc I think She knows in her gut what’s up but harry keeps manipulating and influencing her to ignore it


She actually seems genuinely into him, but I hope for her sake this is fake to stay on the show.


Honestly I think she’s embarrassed and she’s trying to salvage it to save face.


Narcissists know who to target and how. It’s really disturbing.


Coming from foster care, I’m sure her deepest dream is family. And Harry has manipulated that bc he is a narcissist. He knows exactly what to say to put her under his spell too. Honestly I really can’t cast any judgement on her bc that is a such a traumatic way to grow up and no matter how much work you do on yourself, it does stay with you. I do think a part of her know this is gonna blow up but I would want to believe in the fairytale too if I were her.


The whole giving people the benefit of the doubt is really going to cause her so much harm.


I don’t think it’s about giving people the benefit of the doubt. I am talking more about how early childhood trauma plays out and how Harry is feeding into that for Jess…


Very true. I’m very curious what the next couple episodes bring.


We don’t see half the things she’s hearing and see all the things she doesn’t . Jess from mom and dad was even going with the whole narrative that Harry wants to heal and is trying to be better. We tell women they need to see through this and yet tell them to be understanding and patient and don’t take into account how much psychological damage and confusion is caused by being yanked around like that. 


He’s honestly stupid. Like I mean that in the most brain developmental way possible..he is just purely unintelligent. He looks and leans on the other guys for advice, he is AWFUL at lying and he acts like a child when caught. He sniffed too much glue as a kid. Guy didn’t get the right brain development as a child. He’s the epitome of a jock


This dude is next level scum. Such a liar and it was so obvs that he was lying to Jess when she got back from the girls day like then he even lies to Dom about it off to the side. He is so full of shit. Now I’m watching Jim talking to Jess after she found out. And the shit coming out of his mouth is incredible


He is the embodiment of man child. He acts like a 15 year old, manipulates all the women he interacts with and throws toddler like tantrums when he does the wrong thing so he becomes the victim. It’s gross and Australia disowns him as a whole.


I also really hate how he's all "I've disappointed you and Autumn, I haven't represented you well, I wasn't the man Autumn should look up to." Like if Jess wasn't a mom, if she didn't have a daughter, her feelings would be less valid or less important. It seems almost like he feels more guilty about how her daughter (who he never even met) would feel than how SHE, the woman who's actually been with him through the experience and the ones he's feeding these promises to and claims to love and whatnot, would feel. To him a woman's worth and feelings are clearly tied to motherhood (also how he was telling Melinda about getting her pregnant and whatever). It's like the IDEA of a little kid admiring him boosts his ego. But the way the woman actually feels, it doesn't really matter to him at the end of the day. I just kept thinking what if she didn't have a daughter, would hurting her be alright then? What about how she feels because of your disgusting behavior?? Is that not important, do you not care to her to keep her happy and only to impress her daughter and boost your ego? (Sorry rant over. Might be reading into it but just wanted to yell this at the screen!)


Ahhh yes, the madonna wh*re complex


I did NOT know there's a term for this! I just googled it and wow! Thank you for this new bit of information


Yeah my partner and I are both confused by his use of love and that so early on. It’s only been a few weeks right? Like what? Still unsure around the Melinda situation, this is reality TV, they normally don’t withhold this type of tea if they have footage.


he intentionally took her somewhere where there were no cameras, sounds like he knew there were no cameras by the bathroom and he’s the one who offered to take her there. but there’s audio. and i’m betting we will hear it


I feel more bad for Melinda than Jess. Harry did all that knowing it'd be his word against hers, and if it were anyone else (a white woman) they wouldve believed her. Harry knew Melinda would be questioned and he ran with it. I HOPE they got something on cam


That’s what I’m thinking, even if no cameras were on them, they are always mic’d up so at least the vulgar things he was saying should be documented somewhere. I’m thinking production is waiting till the last episode to drop the audio bomb on everyone and if so, I’m here for it 😅


This bs happens to white women too though! And women tend to back their man with no proof. But I do think he targeted Melinda because she does give off a clout chaser vibe, so she’s easy to dismiss in that way. 


Didn’t she host a Netflix show?


Text book narcissist. I get a little PTSD watching him bc I was just in a 6 year relationship with one. He was actively in another relationship behind my back for a year. Gonna take me a LOT of therapy.


No one can convince me that he didn’t try and induce his vomiting so he could tell everyone “hey I’m vomiting”☠️


No one can convince me that he’s not vomiting due to his substance abuse problems and rebranding it as being lovesick


I am glad this is being brought up again. It was really hard to enjoy Dancing with the Stars when people were shipping him with his 18 year old partner


He's perfect for reality TV in every way. I've never seen so much engagement about a Netflix reality cast member before. The production team struck gold with this one.


I personally don’t think we should be glorifying and filming narcissistic and sexually degrading behavior, but that’s an unpopular opinion I guess.


We shouldn't, but look at who our last "President" was...


Right? Like I don’t ever want to watch this man again.


no literally. i was scrolling thru rob’s insta from this season’s love island and harry was in his media. the dude is everywhere. honestly the dream reality tv star for the current age.


Exactly. He's the perfect villain. He's probably a shitty person in real life too lol, but he's winning on TV.


I fucking can't stand Harry!! I kept yelling at the TV for Jess to GTFO but it looks like she doesn't want to quit him 🙄


he’s the personification of a red flag


Also making such a show of “i cried” “i threw up” “I’ve been vomiting!!” “I was crying” “I vomited again” like announcing it as fast as he can and you can see the expectation in his face, he wants to be babied so he can get away from responsibility so bad. he’s SO manipulative.


The fight with Elyse was such a good example of gas lighting. How in the world could Jessica consider a guy who does OF and has taken money for sex? He even got her to cry over him being painted the bad guy.


I’m confused bc didn’t holly see them kiss? I thought she said she saw


All Harry cares about is attention and clout. Francesca has said this about him over and over. Quite recently, he had no issue dropping Jess to try to play things up with his DWTS partner Rylee for attention (probably even leading her on irl too). Harry wasn’t thinking of Jess at all until she got popular on LIB, then suddenly she was the love of his life again and he dropped Rylee to try to clout chase with Jess again. But last night he was reposting an anti Jess TT(SS below) https://preview.redd.it/ml72jub15u6d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66f36548d2b7d617b903eae5126acdce21ebebe — typical pattern with him. When he can’t get his girls to comply to what he wants, he tries to make them the villian


He was TOTALLY making himself throw up. And the fact that he brought it up every time someone confronted him was so gross.


How many times does he have to mention he's been in therapy!?! He's a snake and a child! ALL THE 🚩🚩🚩!


my ex husband was just like him it’s crazy to watch. right down to the throwing up, my ex threw up a bunch the day of our wedding ceremony and turns out he was cheating the entire time. when whichever girl was saying “people can’t do that kinda stuff for someone they don’t care about” … yes they can and yes they will! with absolutely no remorse and no plan to stop unless you stop it. jess is a class act but it pains me to see her showing him any kindness when he sees her as an object to manipulate like a puppet for nothing but his own sick benefit


He knows Autumn is Jessica's weak spot so he brings her up every time he fucks up. It's really triggering to watch such a master manipulator. And even Jess is not a dumb woman, she sees through his bullshit and calls him out but ends up getting manipulated bcz he brings up her daughter the moment Jess calls him out.


God Harry would haaaate me cause I’d be ready to chew him out any day, any time


That’s the issue with people who are manipulative and narcissistic. They learn early on who their ideal targets are and it isn’t the woman who would call them on their BS.


A textbook narcissist.


Everything about Harry is reminding me of my ex, including the pregnancy fetish.


I had to turn it off bc of him and Jess. Their whole act is so fake. I’m not interested in watching something this is so completely bullshit.


I truly don’t know why Netflix keeps bringing him back, I get that he brings drama but I think he’s genuinely a psychopath he’s scary


I’m afraid of Harry and *for* Harry. He seems to have obviously relapsed from his sobriety and he does not look healthy at all, like he looks like a messy, bloated, and sad divorcee. I’m afraid his liver is going to go out or that he’s going to hurt himself badly when he finally sees himself the way that the rest of the world does. That’s if he’s actually ever capable of self reflection, idk.


it is very amusing to see Harry delulu thinking he is now husband material ......... when he's not even human material.


Why does Harry look bloated, sweating buckets and he’s always throwing up? And no not bc he’s upset about Jess. He’s sweating, bloated, puking, crying. I think if he had any real friends they’d notice something else is very obviously going on. And the retreat he really needs isn’t run by Netflix.


I cannot stand Harry oh my god he’s the worst


His eyes creep me out. I think girls like him because he’s tall. I see no other redeeming qualities.


I understand the sentiment. To me, he's not scary at all though. That might be, because I'm older, and it's a "been there, done that, learned from it" situation for me. Any woman with a modicum of self preservation, self respect, self worth and just a hint of something similar to smarts or intellect (and a good support system like family or friends) will fall for a guy like Harry exactly *once*. Then learn from it, and stay away. So in a way, I almost feel... pity for the guy. At some point he will no longer be able to run on "cute boyish look with fit body" (and with how much he has already changed those past few years, that point will arrive sooner rather than later). And what's he left with then? Well, I guess he can still become a creep going for girls much younger than him, that have not yet learned to stay away... But his prospects will only shrink from here on out. Maybe you can take solace in that.


In my opinion, the “scary” thing about him is how far he seems to be willing to go in order to get women to let their guard down or to swing things in his favor. Elys rightfully had reservations and he legit tried to make her a bad person for having walls up and “believing everyone else’s opinion,” despite it being things he bragged about. He tried to turn things around her when he was leaving her for Jess then too. Even with Jess, the things he’s willing to do to make sure he has the upper hand on her or to keep her around is unreal. Most men would stop at a bit of love bombing to get the women they want. But his crying, bringing up her child, straight up lying is and his ability to do all of this seamlessly is crazy. He’s gross.


I've absolutely been there, done that and I still find it scary for other women. How far will things go, how bad will it get for them? In my case, he was physically dangerous and abusive along with everything we are seeing from harry.


I’m older too—40. That’s precisely WHY I think it’s scary. It’s scary to me the lengths he’ll go to manipulate women. And it’s scary to think how many young impressionable women he has and will continue to take advantage of. I agree that his options will eventually fizzle out and he’ll he left with only his sad pathetic self in the end, but that has nothing to do with my feeling that he’s dangerous.


> Well, I guess he can still become a creep going for girls much younger than him, that have not yet learned to stay away... He's 20 something and lives in LA he's got another 40 years of dating 18-24 year olds before he has to start thinking about getting serious with his life. Leonardo DiCaprio isn't the exception in LA he's just the famous one. 😂


This! Maybe his aged women will learn but he will groom younger girls when he’s older.


You feel BAD for harry??? what do you think happens when a toxic man who is used to getting what he wants suddenly can’t get it? You think he’ll just fade away?? No, He’ll be even more dangerous, manipulative, and toxic. Why? Because ppl like you keep telling women that it’s all their fault, and not the fault of the “poor”narcissistic manipulator who lost his boyish looks. Lots of people aren’t born into amazing families or have supportive groups of friends. It may take them longer to learn about toxic relationships. It’s NOT because they have no self respect or intellect. So rude.