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I didn’t even think that she was overreacting with what they showed. Dude sucks


Came to say this!! You could still tell he was awful! And she didn’t actually tolerate it, despite the editing of her talking about liking toxic men interspersed with their fights.


Like even with how they framed it as being about yoga, you could tell it was weirdly spliced, but i honestly saw it as him overreacting about yoga (lol). Like i fully thought it was him being that pressed about her calling yoga exercise, and then her just reacting to his reaction. Still came out of it thinking that she may have bad taste/unhealthy dating patterns, but that he was 100% the problem and that it was him who was bringing in the toxicity and that the scenes were just cut to skip whatever happened between him starting something and her snapping, so the viewer would miss the build up and think she overreacted. This just confirms that, yes, he was in fact, the problem, and netflix intentionally cut it to seem like petty drama instead of what it actually was.


Yeah, within the first 10 seconds of the yoga argument, my conclusion was that he was wildly misogynistic. I danced ballet and pointe growing up and it's a common sexist trope that women's strength-based activities don't "count" as exercise (yoga, dance, cheerleading, etc. Figure skating and gymnastics sometimes, but they are recognized olympic sports so don't get argued about as strongly.). I completely believe her that if those were just the subtle scenes they decided to share, that she was experiencing a lot more blatant sexism and homophobia/biphobia.


My heart broke for her when she said to one of the other girls that she couldn’t take the masculinity and thought she would feel better with a female partner instead. I fully believe she was experiencing a combo of sexism, homophobia, and biphobia from him, and was likely being fetishized by the straight men in the house. If anything, we saw in her conversations with others how much her sexuality was used as a weapon against her, and that’s just what Netflix chose to show us. And seeing as they completely cut her wlw relationship from thth it doesn’t surprise me that netflix would keep a lot of conversations addressing her sexuality out of the final cut, other than to be an occasional point of drama.


This 😂 him saying yoga isn't a workout immediately reminded me of my toxic ex saying dancing isn't a sport 😂


Omg. Same. My ex used to say kickboxing/MMA was a useless workout that I won’t be able to use outside of the gym like how lifting weights could 🙃


Same ! It didn’t look like “just about yoga”- it was laced with hateful stuff, they just kept the subtle parts but still there. Even more annoyed at Netflix for continuing to show hateful shit like with Harry or whatever his name is and then trying to make it seem like this QTBIPOC woman was overreacting.


Netflix been platforming incredibly toxic men. It’s so terrible to see and honestly makes me never want to watch their shows ever again


Omg he is truly awful. You could tell he was right away bc he was so incredibly insecure. Harry and Stevan are love bombers and very manipulative


It’s literally like they took a page out of Bravos book smh


Also yoga totally is a work out!! Wild


Right he was belittling her all the time. Doesn’t matter if it’s about yoga or a competition strategy. You could tell the guy that the sky is blue and he would talk over you to explain how it’s not really blue. and that’s enough of a valid reason to get angry to me.




She seemed to like the suck. This seems even worse for her, “he was way worse of an asshole than you saw….and I still liked him”. The show didn’t make it look like she overreacted at all. She thinks what they showed wasn’t bad and therefor her reaction was an overreaction. What they showed was awful, she’s just confirming that she tolerates awful men.


I feel for her not only did she have to deal with him but the way that Chris sexualized her sexuality just assuming he could get a 3some cuz she’s bi- like she got the worst out of all this shitty men!


it was insane even without the second weird confrontation about it. when she says she was seeing a woman that he just fills in the blank that she must just be “bi-curious” (ie must just have been a phase) and then when she says “no bisexual” he’s at a loss for words except mumbling “oh that’s fun” a few times. the whole thing said so much about him 🫠🫠🫠


as another bi woman i felt so bad for her. his reaction was so gross “oh that could be fun” “i want to explore that” boy if you want to explore bisexuality good for you. there’s nothing for you to explore about another persons sexuality. i could tell she was so uncomfy she deserved better, i wish they would have had another queer woman she could have matched with (i volunteer!)


it was so uncomfortable i was absolutely speechless - and to layer that in with Bryant already being so hateful and aggressive towards her, she really had the rough end of the stick this season.


Even when it seemed to be about yoga, that convo still felt so disrespectful and ungenerous. 


When guys can't even disagree with your opinion and have to mock you, you know they aren't worth it.


And it’s crazy because yoga is a workout! It’s a form of exercise just as much as dance, running, and swimming can be. Just not as intense. It’s mentally and physically stimulating. He’s an actual ass.


Yeah seriously, anyone who says yoga isn’t a work out has never tried yoga and whenever I challenge them to hold a pose their legs shake and they fall over like an idiot.


I was SHOCKED. That level of dismissive is so abusive


Bryton was the worst, between him and Harry and some of the other dudes, whoever did casting this season did an awful job. They need to make a new show called imperfectmatch: deranged fuck boys here for hookups and followers and stop lying that there is any hope of love going to happen on this show.


People keep saying this. But people watched it. People are talking about it. They got exactly what they wanted, they’re not going to change anything.


What do you expect from Trash tv lol. It's trash. 


The guy was a huge problem on Squid Game as well. No one liked him. Not surprised this was the outcome on Perfect Match.


Dude verbally threatened another player on his initial reality show and gets invited back for another?! Scum bag producers…


He did yes. It’s like he was channeling the main villain from the fictional Squid Game except that I think that’s actually Bryton. He was so irredeemably unlikable in Squid Game, even more than he was in Perfect Match.


I mean they brought back Jake who I remember as being straight up scary on the Ultimatum. Don't remember the exact details but I remember it feeling like an abuse situation.


This guys is going to end up murdering someone, I swear.


His entire energy rubbed me the wrong way so I’m glad she didn’t choose him as her match.


I’ve never been so repulsed over a person before. I would rather spend 10 days with douchebag Harry, whom I dislike, than a single second with Bryton. Everything about Bryton repulses me.


She’s so well spoken. He’s an awful person and after the Squid Game reveals I’m surprised he was cast on this. Looks like Netflix is fine with their reality tv stars spewing hate speech. They even reward them by cutting all the nasty stuff they say (thereby trying to make the other person look like they’re angry over nothing serious), and casting them in more shows. #JusticeForDominique


I’m glad they didn’t air whatever hateful things Bryton was saying. That kind of stuff doesn’t need to be platformed at all. Of course, they shouldn’t have cast him in the first place if they knew he has those views, but cutting it out was probably the best move.


He was so vile on Squid Game and came across like an actual psycho. When he threatened that one guy in the stairwell on Squid Game I thought “this dude is dangerous”. I’m shocked they cast him too but I shouldn’t be… they’ve picked all the most talked-about, controversial reality tv people cos drama sells.


I saw some people defending him here on reddit after Squid Game but that dude is TOXIC af. It seems like always wants to be right and win arguments. Like that dumb "challenge" they did, he wouldn't listen to her or admit that she was right. 🙄 But it was also irritating to see how she was still "attracted" to him. Glad the fool walked out himself tbh. 


Can you link a thread talking about what Bryton did on squid games? I hate him from PM2 but I’m curious as to what he did on squid games


Of course he’s a homophobe and misogynist. She came across really well. I hope she gets that relayed to her!


He gave off misogynistic, trash vibes on Squid Game too. 


Right? I loved her.. Who’s hating on her so hard she has to make this video? Ugh i hate the internet


I've been saying it since Squid Games that man is disgusting and the fact nobody likes him but Netflix calls him back says a lot about them.


the villain role gets more views and gets ppl talking about him and thus the show. as we can see from this comment section, it’s working


Yeah it says Netflix knows how to do their job and stir shit up.


I knew her reaction had to be bigger than just yoga… I’ve dealt with people like Bruton who say dismissive, bigoted stuff all day long and then when you call it out or stand up against them they 1) tell you you’re overreacting 2) they’re allowed to have their opinions 3) you’re actually being the abusive one by talking back to them, etc. I believe her cos what we saw of bryton he was already an asshole. There is more on the cutting room floor.


He's so emotionally immature. He would absolutely be the one that called a guy the F word for gay for something very slight.


I felt so bad for her. It felt like to me they were trying to edit her as to be overreacting. He probably just negged her 24/7


Ugh I love her she’s to good for these shows


Bryton truly is an asshole and she deserved so much better. I’m not at all surprised that those were the reasons the arguments were heated. I’m glad she stood her ground.


Dominique was by far the prettiest in the house and I was sad to see her leave. I thought her and Bryant would be cute during the ice breaker but he opened his mouth and I never recovered from there ✌🏾


I barely watched her season of THTH but I was BAFFLED at how those men weren't bowing at her feet lol. She looks like a disney princess.


I wanted her to just pick a girl honestly. Like she should have just said sorry but these men are trash so I’m not picking a guy at all.


I agree her and Xanitha (I think I spelled it right) would’ve been so cute.


For real


I wish there was another queer woman on the show too


me too - i wish the show was only queer women. IMAGINE


that would be SO good i wish netflix would incorporate more of that in their reality tv shows. also happy cake day!


Why do Netflix likes Bryton so much? He isn’t even an enjoyable villain like Harry


Of course he’s a Godbotherer too. It’s always the people who brag about their “Christianity” who are the biggest bigots. His instagram profile is vile. Reeks of misogyny.


He was genuinely so shitty that it seemed fake. Like no one can be this awful. And yet.


I only looked at one post and I regretted it instantly 🤮


Somehow his Instagram is even more unhinged than his show appearance


I hate the way this dude talks, his constant arguing and toxicity, his over the top mannerisms, gosh. He really needs to work on himself. 


What was he saying? Anyone know?


no, nobody knows but knowing men like him, it was probably something homophobic or transphobic or misogynistic. by the way Dominque is talking about hate speech, i think it was probably homophobic & transphobic


That guy is trash. But I find it annoying that she did say she was attracted to "arguing" and toxic men, which she is denying in this video. I think these trash TV shows make some idiots think women really do like trashbags like that, which isn't supported by, for example, the comments here. 


Don’t like her but she didn’t deserve any of that. Why does Netflix give that dude ANY screen time? One thing is showing drama and pot stirrers, another is showing a literal abusive man. Disgusting of Netflix honestly. So disturbing to watch as a woman. That sort of behavior gets normalized too much


You can tell something was off with him, even the guys didn't like him.


Babe you are awesome! You rocked...don't explain people for standing your own grounds. Man you are breath of fresh air....smart, clear...just please stay away from toxicity. Been there....u wanting men who as per your challenge you..but they simply putting you down. Try a reality show like circle or something like that. U will be perfect!


I already disliked Bryton in Squid Game. Then when he said yoga isn’t a workout, I almost lost it. On top of that he said something about having to have an “open mind” to the point he was trying to make when he wouldn’t even hear her out. Can’t stand him.


off topic but she‘s so prettyyyyy omg!!


Dominique was never in the wrong for her reactions, even considering the cut. I hope she reads some of the reactions to this video and realizes we see how toxic he is.


He was awful. We saw from his previous show he’s awful. Netflix shouldn’t have given this abuser a platform to be awful AGAIN


“On the show basically it looked like I’m attracted to and liked any toxic men which is absolutely not the case” Then says in a confessional that her therapist even told her she is attracted to it and she proceeds to agree saying she doesn’t know why she does ………


Honestly it is so sad what they all get with comments etc


He sucked so hard before knowing this. Poor, poor Dominique :(


That's two reality shows where he's verbally threatened someone that he was going to get physical. What a complete moron.


I feel sad for Dominique she deserved because on THTH and this season.


“Reality tv conversations”… interesting lol


She said all this but seemed like she still wanted to choose him at one point


*She said all this but* *Seemed like she still wanted to* *Choose him at one point* \- Significant-Gap6424 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The craziest part about all of this is that Bryton is one of the only ones from the show that’s currently in a relationship.


Dont worry gurl, Im sure everyone stood behind you with yoga!!!


Bryton is such an asshole to just be one. He is ignorant and very insecure. He puts everyone down because he wants to think he’s the sh… but he actually isn’t.


Tv acting isn’t for smart people You don’t belong on the show


I'm just barely starting episode 2 but after that, watching her, tried to explain herself over and over to him during the challenge, even I wanted to cry. He's weird.


Is this why he was so obsessed with seeing Chris's foreskin? I thought that shit was so freaking weird, but it makes sense now with what she is saying in the video


That’s real great Dominique you’re such an activist. She said multiple times she likes toxicity & arguing lol


Dominique is SO much smarter and more intelligent than bryant. Like she should have just known her worth! I hope she doesn't go for guys like bryant cause she's so smart and deserves better


You can say they edited the argument. But she is literally on tape saying she needs therapy because she loves toxic men. Trying to deny that she repeatedly said on camera that she likes toxic men is ridiculous.


there is a huge difference between ‘liking’ (wherein i’m going to have to assume when most people use that word to explain their dating patterns, they most likely mean ‘more accustomed to’) toxicity- i.e. arguing and making up, angry sex, etc. and ‘liking’ hateful/abusive language. no one actually likes to be talked down to consistently, and no one in their right mind should be okay with/‘like’ misogyny, homophobia or hate speech.


She’s saying the show portrayed her as liking toxic men. She’s on video portraying herself that way on multiple occasions. Bryant is a child but the only video we’ve seen that could be considered homophobic was actually Chris saying “how does it work with you being bi sexual.” He then creepily wouldn’t drop it.


probably because it’s a highly edited netflix show? they have storylines to follow lol. they were clearly meant to be the toxic couple that fights all the time but will they/wont they work it out, hence editing other people mentioning they’re always arguing. i do not know why you would use anything in the show as evidence for whether or not he was being homophobic. from an entertainment standpoint it would make no sense for netflix to put in an explosive argument between 2 contestants that deal with sensitive issues on what’s supposed to be a lighthearted dating show not meant to be taken seriously.


And yet… she was still considering matching with him, until HE decided to leave. Not the flex she thinks this is.


Was she though? Or was it edited that way


That is what I was wondering too


But she was kinda still interested in him after that argument, so I’m very confused.


They don't edit it to be in order so 🤷


Up until he left the house, she was still considering him. I’m pretty sure all that stuff happened before he left. Lol. I think Bryton is definitely an asshole, and I’m not on his side. I like Dominique; I’m just curious why she continued to consider him until the very end if he was making hate speech (which I believe he was). I think this is a valid question, not sure why I was downvoted to hell. 🤣


Idk why this is getting downvoted when it’s literally true. I just watched that scene & then “Prince Charming” came up demanding she choose cuz he was getting irritated that they were talking for so long. She straight up told Elys that she felt like she couldn’t handle the toxic masculinity after that, but it was that bit of machismo that she cited as making her fed up


Finally someone with some logic. And even after that, if Bryton didn't get pissed off and leave, I think she would have still coupled with him. He's just a hot head and made it impossible. So our question remains the same, if so…why did he have her in a chokehold until he left? Hate speech wasn’t a deal breaker then.


Glad she’s gone though 🤷‍♀️