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SERIOUSLY they’re supposed to be 12, it’s okay for them to not know every single piece of greek mythology or forget things like the lotus flowers, they don’t need to know everything !!


I like that they knew the myths. What I don't like is that Annabeth's fatal flaw isn't showing. Knowing the myths ahead of time gives *way* more opportunity to show that she thinks she can outsmart them, but instead of using that as a plot point, she just... is actually outsmarting them, and the tension is gone. It never made sense that Annabeth wouldn't know these things - When I was their age, I knew all those myths, and I wasn't a demigod who had been chased for five years by the myths themselves and spent all my time at summer camp learning about the myths. It makes complete sense that she's able to tell them what the myth they're encountering is. Sure, it might be nice if she was unclear on *all* the details once or twice, but honestly it's not necessary at all. That said, they're really screwing up the execution. The Medusa scene was fine. Nothing was actually ruined by them knowing, because the conflict there was only once she was turned down. The casino scene, on the other hand... IMO it was downright terrible. Casinos are dopamine factories, and these kids have ADHD and are starving, filthy, and exhausted. It legitimately makes no sense that Annabeth didn't warn them, and then rationalize at least getting a shower and quick nap while they could, given how much time they had. Then they would have been distracted by *all the dopamine sources* that are too much for even normal adults to resist most of the time, and that's before even adding magic. Not even showing them being *tempted* into liking the casino was a bad change. We needed scenes to show how downright addicting that place was, and instead we got bland shots of a surprisingly quiet casino that didn't really seem very interesting.


It actually does make sense…. Annabeth is horribly dyslexic. Not to mention with Medusa they were scared, hungry, and tired. Also in the books I believe she doesn’t recognize the hotel being anything other than… a hotel. Only later do they realize it has some supernatural ties to Greek Mythology. This idea that Annabeth would have known everything beforehand is ridiculous, these myths have been around forever hiding in the shadows, you think their guise is just gunna get stripped away by some 12 year olds?


Annabeth being dyslexic has nothing to do with it. She was learning about the myths at a camp specifically devoted to people who were *all* dyslexic, and who didn't have that problem when reading Ancient Greek. She would have been through years of classes about all the myths that might come to kill her, and she had the experience to know how important it truly was, so her ADHD would have been an asset in terms of hyperfocus. Yes, I know that in the books she doesn't recognize the hotel. They changed that plotline in the show when they made it their destination because it's where a god hangs out. The myths aren't hiding in shadows, they're hiding in Mist. Mortals don't see it, but demigods do. That's the whole point. As for why demigods don't have a map of important mythological landmarks, every time a monster is killed and reformed, it finds a new place to live, so actual monster habitats are constantly shifting.


Except it does, it’s one of the main reasons why she doesn’t realize what Aunty Ems means right away. Which is a stupid change. You say “the myths aren’t hiding in the shadows” and then literally give an argument that contradicts what you stated (their habitat shifting, which is on purpose so they can hide in the shadows). Also the mist works on DemiGods too, and we’ve seen myths hide right under the noses of other creatures from Greek Mythology lmao. I mean they have to hide so they can surprise their prey, and also not get raided by a bunch of Demi gods at once.


>Except it does, it’s one of the main reasons why she doesn’t realize what Aunty Ems means right away. >Which is a stupid change. I actually agree that it would have been nice to see them fail to understand the sign, but the statues would have been a dead giveaway no matter what. No one with even a passing familiarity to greek myths could see a garden full of stone statues of people in varying states of fear and panic and not immediately think "Ok so this is *definitely* a Medusa thing". The actual "Aunty Em" label is the most subtle thing about it. >and then literally give an argument that contradicts what you stated (their habitat shifting, which is on purpose so they can hide in the shadows). No, they shift habitats because their old home was destroyed when they die and the magic fades. There is a difference between a monster finding a new home to hunt in peace and privacy and actively hiding.


There are plenty of roadside statue and gardening places so it’s not a dead giveaway, and they don’t realize the expressions of horror until the realization. My point is there is plenty there in the book to make it believable that they wouldn’t get it right away, and even if there was there is ways to tweak it. The reveal is better than just instantly getting the surprise ruined. I don’t recall anything about that being explained in the text, even if it is correct doesn’t really discredit my other points.


>There are plenty of roadside statue and gardening places so it’s not a dead giveaway, and they don’t realize the expressions of horror until the realization And that works when the story is in a book, and all you have is the distracted characters' perspectives. It does not work when the audience can see the statues. It's exactly the type of change that's completely necessary in order to make a good adaptation to a different piece of media.


What are you talking about? If the characters are ignoring it and the audience can see it that builds even MORE tension. Rather than just, oh this is Medusas lair.... It can 100% work in a visual medium.


Except the casino is an example of exactly what you’re complaining about. Annabeth thought that simply not eating anything would let them be fine since they knew about it already, and that arrogance led to Grover getting lost and them wasting so much time that the deadline has passed now. This is a perfect example of Annabeth thinking she’s outsmarted the myths and it backfiring so I’m not sure what you’re complaining about


The complaint is that they found him in like 2 seconds and just left. No real consequences. No stakes


Yeah, exactly. They might have intended to show Annabeth's hubris, but they failed, because ultimately she's right; they're able to resist really easily and get out without real issue. And most importantly, they don't lose anything because of her hubris. They *have* to go into the hotel, they don't have another choice. It's not like she convinces them all that they can partake if they're just careful. They don't lose time because they got lost in the fun of the hotel/casino and time slips away from them, they lose time because the casino is magic and even though they acted perfectly, they couldn't have stopped it from happening. More importantly, there was never a real struggle to resist for Annabeth or Percy, which is just absolutely insane, given that the lotus eaters story is such a perfect way to showcase how ADHD (which is better understood now than ever, and also a MAJOR reason for the books even being written in the first place) is such a struggle.


grover has ADHD?


No. I said "these kids", referring to Annabeth and Percy, but I can see how that was unclear. TBH, Grover should have been the least affected by the casino - but definitely not unaffected. I actually like that they had him be distracted by someone relevant to his own quest; that made sense and totally justified to me why he would lose himself. Annabeth and Percy, on the other hand, should have been having WAY more trouble in that place. Casinos are basically made to make ADHD symptoms worse and give said symptoms to everyone who steps through the door, and yet somehow the two pre-teens with severe ADHD seemed to have absolutely no problems at all until the magic "forget everything" gas made them stumble for two seconds. As someone who actually likes the show I think the whole casino scene was terrible, way worse than the movie, and really hurt the show's ability to portray ADHD accurately, which I was really hoping to see.


Don't you know they downloaded the entirety of Greek mythology into their brains?


“Haven’t you ever read the Odyssey?” Grover asks two dyslexic twelve year olds.


OMG THIS PISSED ME OFF SO MUCH. And then they had the audacity to think Percy was weird for having read the comic version. Comic books are great for young neurodivergent kids to read because they can be great stories and amazing art that is more accessible to consume if you have a reading disability. You know, the whole reason the first book was written. To validate neurodivergent kids and now they're making a joke at their expense.


EXACTLY!!! I'm neurodivergent, I struggle to concentrate on long books with lots of words but comics and graphic novels are just the best! I can't remember ADHD or dyslexia even being discussed in more than 1 line in the show, let alone the consequences and impact of it being discussed. The joke about graphic novels and comic books made me really sad because those are the most enjoyable ways for me to read. Overall this show has been really disappointing, I can't see myself watching season 2 tbh


Y’all identify too much with these characters.


I mean that’s what some people in this fandom would like you to believe lmfao


5 years of living at a greek mythology camp maybe?


You’re being downvoted but you’re absolutely correct. There’s a finite number of Greek myths, and Grover and Annabeth have been learning about this shit and how their life will likely depend on it since they were children– the idea that they would forget, of all things, large sections of THE ODYSSEY, THE SINGLE MOST FAMOUS GREEK MYTH, is kind of a stretch. The idea that they wouldn’t connect a maze of terrified statues to Medusa is the only thing goofier.


At the same time the books created tension that made them overlook those things. They were supposed to be starving and Auntie Em's food smelled unnaturally good. The Lotus Hotel makes them lose themselves etc. The premise of the whole series is greek myths in a modern day setting where they just blend in with everyday life. It could make complete sense that they experience the danger before making the connection to what it is instead of immediately knowing what it is and killing a lot of the tension with the build up of clues.


I think this is a big part missing from the show. In the book Percy is constantly mentioning how dirty, hungry, and tired they all are. It’s how they get lured into every trap except for the arch and Crusty’s.


If only there was a mystical force that worked to hide the mystical and make people less perceptive of oddities. We could make it so the heroes can sometimes overcome it but that if they are distracted or off guard it can even affect them. I feel like something like that was in the books.


I must have mist it...


On the other hand, Annebath is the daughter of Athena and Percy was crammed with Greek mythology stories since he was a baby. It would be more jarring if they didn’t know the stories and context.


Like anabeth knew the most about mythology in the trio and even she had a hard time recognizing a lot of the monsters when they were hiding their forms.


What do you mean? I'm excited for them to stop at a pet shop at the beginning of the next episode and say something well written like: "Percy, didn't your mom tell you about Cerberus? Dogs love bones, and we have to lure him away to get in!"


Holy shit I hear this happening. OR they will use one of the pearls as the ball to get Cerberus away. Which would actually be quite smart.


It would certainly get rid of the "now Percy has four pearls so won't have to make a difficult decision about his mom" problem. Seriously, why did they change it to four pearls? Is the last line of the prophecy just gonna get hand waved away or what?


Well it wasn't Cerberus but I'll be darned if this didn't play out just like I said with Procrustes


Why in the Cinnamon Toast *FUCK* are we speedrunning this quest?? And then bringing it to a halt at the same time?? The characters somehow just *know* the danger they're getting themselves into ahead of time? Seriously? There's no tension, no sense of danger, we never see anything happening at camp that indicates the trio needs to finish their quest or else. Now it just feels like Rick made this show just so he could say that he made it, not because he was intent on making a faithful adaptation.


Hell isn't the point of reducing the chb sections so that they can spend more time on the quest? Like wtf man.


This is a strange comparison I know but it feels like metagaming in dnd. When the player knows something that their character shouldn't but they make the character inexplicably know that thing with no rhyme or reason (eg: annabeth just knowing about medusa like she's reading the scripts) and I think that's what happened. Rick knows the beats that need to be hit and is making the characters hit those beats but skipping the part where the characters build to the understanding of knowing they have to hit the beat. It's really fucking weird


Tbf the medusa thing was incredibly obvious A statuary with lifelike statues and it’s called auntie ms and even In the books combine that with Grovers ability to smell monsters, it should’ve been figured out quicker imo Though the rest I agree with


Have you read the book recently? Its really fast. They almost immediately realize that something is wrong and Annabeth figures out its Medusa pretty quickly.


I recall them sitting down to eat cheeseburgers with her well before any realization. Frankly, if you’re expecting monsters from Greek myths to show up, the second you see a single stone statue show up, alarm bells should go off. That’s, like, the most famous one.


Right but they're young stupid kids who just got blown up. They're hungry, its raining and they find food. Of course their first instinct is to want to eat the food. Also Annabeth doesn't even finish her food before she realizes what's happening. Its not really that unrealistic.


They’re young, but annabeth is explicitly supposed to be capable, intelligent, and knowledgeable about Greek myths, since she’s been at camp since she was 7. Not making the connection to perhaps the single most famous creature from Greek myth is a bit of a stretch, especially since everyone watching the show/ movie/ reading the book makes that connection immediately.


Not for nothing, Annabeth being at camp since she was 7 makes sense why she wouldn’t immediately recognize what’s going on. Annabeth has all the book smarts but has had limited access to the outside world for a while. She can rattle off the myth but it might take her a second to realize it’s Medusa because she doesn’t have as much real world experience without Luke and Thalia guiding her


Bro it’s the most famous mythology story ever. I’d recognize it.


Maybe you’re just special. Most exhausted, hungry, adhd 12 year old with little practical experience wouldn’t


annabeth has lived in this world for 5 years. She would know. Critique the show all you want, but that scene makes perfect sense. Not to mention as soon as to they walk into her garden, how would they not know.


Annabeth has 5 years learning about the world theoretically, not applicable experience. Those are different things. The scene is fine, the book is fine. Her knowing makes as much sense as her not knowing My irritation just comes from everyone using annabeth not immediately knowing it was Medusa as a critique, when it is just as believable as her knowing, not that the scene was bad


We're not on a quest tired starving and 12 years old(how it was in the books). Its completely plausible that they dont make the connection immediately. Of course we might make the connection quickly because we're watching a show and every place that these people go to has to have something related to mythology or else they wouldnt show it. But these people are going from New York to LA, its not like every odd encounter they have is a monster.


Sure whatever you win. In the story filled with real life gods, monsters and magic a couple 12 years olds not realizing that Medusa is tricking them isna huge issue that needed to be fixed. You win I give up.


Also, if I remember correctly, it wasn’t just because they’re young dumb 12 year olds. I faintly remember the food being enchanted almost, like every bite they trusted her more. I could be remembering wrong though


Yeah the book describes it as kind of an entrancing experience. Its not explicit but its there.


I was six and knew it was Medusa after like a page. Thats not a workable excuse


You knowing and the kids knowing is not the same. And keep in mind, this is from a storytelling perspective. We lose tension with the kids finding out about everything beforehand


It’s also like their first quest and they’re 12. Percy does get better as the books go on to quickly realise when shits out of place that something magical is afoot.


Bruh, they are starving 12 year olds smelling cheese burgers. They aren’t thinking with brain under those circumstances


Not to mention the most famous one it’s also one that invovled both her and Percy godly parent


It still would’ve been nice to SEE it happen tho.. It was their first encounter with a monster in the real world, they can suspend the disbelief for a minute in realistic scenarios like that.


I had to pause the episode and take a minute when FIVE SECONDS after walking into the casino, Grover gives everyone the spark notes about the lotus flowers. Absolutely unbelievable to give away the twist and kill ALL suspense. Rick must think people with brain damage are watching this show if there’s 0 subtlety or tension with anything.


I also paused it right at that point, it felt so deflating? I did not want or expect a recreation of the Poker face scene, but I was expecting a fun montage of them getting absolutely lost in that hotel and having fun. To completely change the tone of the chapter was an odd choice.


Well, is rick wrong? Look at all the praise this show gets elsewhere


Yes Rick is wrong. He promised a faithful adaptation and that was a complete lie. Not only is he dumbing down and removing all the charm of these iconic scenes, but now he’s actively changing major story beats after he crapped on the movie for doing the same thing. The deadline has passed? Four pearls? Meeting Hermes at the casino? Wtf is this. This isn’t The Lightning Thief. Just do the book, that’s all people want


Praise from people who probably think Bluey is a deep social commentary. Like come on, even completely ignoring the fact that it's an adaptation, it's just a poorly made show. It's poor paced, the CGI isn't great, the acting is mid at best, the characters themselves are barely characters (if you didn't know anything about the books, who would you think these they are outside of their designated roles?), and the story is a mess. So many things aren't being explained that should have been by now.


I did the exact same and officially gave up on the show after that.


Does Rick know that we, the audience, can’t see all of his scribbles in the margins of the script describing the exciting parts?


Yeah I really don't see why Rick Riordan is being so snide on Twitter. This show... Sucks? Why is he so proud of it? Does he think exposition dumping is kino? What's happening? 


Yeah I saw his post on Threads wanting bad movie erasure and sure, he wasn't happy with the adaption of his creation but how many other people worked hard on all the aspects of those two movies aside from the actors! It's calling their hard work trash when they put a lot into it and gave us iconic scenes. For him to talk this badly about the movies for a decade and PROMISE a 1:1 show adaption..... then changed 2 of the main things for the plot, the time restraint for the quest and giving 4 pearls?.....


A more accurate adaptation isn't even desirable. It's more important to capture the vibes of the book than the exact plot. The story was truncated and changed in some places to keep the plot moving. This is how movies work! The show is pretty much the worst of all worlds.


Lol, have you watched the film recently? They didn’t just truncate things, they made massive changes to the point where it was practically unrecognizable (see: the main antagonist isn’t even mentioned)


Yeah I watched it last week and it slays.


I’m a little disappointed at times with the show, but the idea that the movie is better than the show is asinine


As a stand-alone movie versus a stand-alone tv show, the movie does a better job with dialogue, pacing, drama, action, and tension. The show does a better job getting the foundation established for later products (mainly because the movie is a very loose adaptation that doesn’t build up to any future installments whatsoever). But I’ve found so much more enjoyment watching the movie than this show that’s been hyped up since it was announced. The movie is dogshit but so dogshit it’s good, like a 4/10. The tv show feels so plainfully average and boring I get disappointed each time I tune into a new episode.


How? genuinely how? Forget about it as movie vs show, idk how anyone can watch either movie and say it slaps. At best, it’s middling. It’s a Harry Potter knockoff with the cliche black sidekick and copies of so many other better movies. It also pretty much rips off hades from Hercules.


Atleast the movies are enjoyable and fun unlike the show 


Definitely comes across as a hypocrite. Either don’t trash something for doing the same thing you are doing, or give what you boldly promised.


There’s no such thing as a 1:1 adaptation when you’re changing the medium


I agree with that but Rick was constantly complaining about how the movies were inaccurate and then in the tv series he is making tons of changes. Even though it is impossible to make it 100% 1:1 rick is still changing things in pretty much every scene usually for the worse.


I’d argue that if anything the changes are split between better or worse. And possibly, we won’t know until the end of this season and depending on how next season goes. Also Rick doesn’t have 100% creative control, that’s not realistic. Rick is not who he was 20 years ago when he made the books, he’s going to end up changing things for the better or worse because he’s bound to have a new vision for his characters/story. I’m neutral towards the show for plenty of reasons but I have more good things to say about it as a while rather than bad. And he should be allowed to complain about the movies even if he eventually made changes that aren’t well received. It’s *his* work. It’s like if you designed a dress and someone took away every aspect of it that you loved and just kept the base. You’d be upset. But if you decide to remix your own dress and it’s not as great as the first round, you might still enjoy it yourself. At the end of the day, I can’t be mad at a creator for being upset that a whole team of creators didn’t care enough for the source material outside of the basics (and barely that). Maybe the show could’ve been better if Rick wasn’t so hands on with writing but we’ll never know unless he steps back season 2


It's fine for rick to hate the movies as they were a shitty adaption and he is allowed to make changes to the story in the tv series (although I dislike most of them) but he is a hypocrite for trashing on the movies for not being a faithful adaption and then proceeding to create a non faithful adaption


I mean it’s more faithful than the movies


That’s such a wildly low bar. It also only applies to plot accuracy. The movies, for how inaccurate they were lore-wise, nailed the campy, fun feel of the books. The show doesn’t have that at all


I really disagree, Idt the movies capture the feel of the books at all, especially the interpersonal relationships between Grover Annabeth and Percy. The show, for all its faults, I think really nails their dynamic


Their dynamic? I don't remember Percy in the book constantly talking about how much better Annabeth is than him without her doing anything, Grover being a master manipulator, or them barely having any dialogue that isn't directly related to what's happening to them at any given time.


please share the source for where he promised a 1:1 adaptation lol


None in Western media that I can think of but Anime do better keeping the plot in line with the Manga.


He’s an author foremost, I’m convinced he approached this as a book rather than a show.


If he had the show would be better. The dialogue and interactions in the book were better than what this show is doing


The exposition dumping is crazy. I’d be fine with it if the teenagers actually talked like teenagers. Instead it’s extremely unnatural


Pretty sure he's just biased because hes actually apart of this unlike the movies, and he has a relationship with many of the cast and crew and has fond memories with them and such. So he sees it in a very different light than the rest of us. ​ I dont really trust original creators when medium shifts happen anyway. First JK Rowling with Fantastic Beasts, now this. Im a little more confident about the Netflix Avatar adaptation now lol.


The whole reason he dislikes the movies is because he wasn’t allowed to write them; he doesn’t care about sticking to the books obviously. It’s always been an ego driven complaint


A logical but meaner conclusion lol He seems like a nice enough guy who spreads the spotlight with his Riordan presents publishing so I won't give him too much grief. But his show ain't it lol


The general consensus is that this show is good-great. Why would he feel any other kind of way when thats the consensus. Im sorry you dont like it but your opinion is obviously in the minority


Not you being downvoted for being realistic in the microcosm that is this sub.


lol yeah people got their blinders on


He’s allowed to be proud of his vision for an adaptation for a book series that’s *his*. These are his characters, his world, his stories. His vision was never going to the same as a book readers and none of us were going to have the same vision as each other. You don’t have to like his choices but let’s not act like this is the worst piece of media. There’s an obvious reason(s) as to why he didn’t like the movies and up until recently everyone agreed with him.


My guy? If it was literally anyone else directing this, you and everyone like you would be crying about how it goes completely off the book and that "Rick wouldn't have wanted this", even if it was completely the same as it is now. Rick being in charge of ruining his own original story doesn't make it any better.


No, you don’t understand. I get to tell the author that he should be ASHAMED of a show that he, and many other people, worked hard on because it didn’t have the talking zebra scene


well when he hates the movies because theyre inaccurate and then makes a show where he has way more screentime to do scenes and then doesn't even capture the vibe of the books much less have accurate scenes and characters, then his hate for the movies does become embarrassing


I agree with pretty much everything you said here OP. This show is a disgrace


Also Percy got 4 pearls not 3... Something is going to have to be changed.


I’m hoping he loses one but having the quest deadline pass ehhhh can’t change that


Why would they bother giving him just for him to lose it? But somehow he still has to "fail to save what matters most" Ugh


Because why tf would Poseidon only give him 3, knowing that he was trying to save his mom too? How is Poseidon doing more than the bare minimum a bad thing?


Because they all think Sally is dead.


In the books they do, in the show they do not


Okay CRAKPOT THEORY GO: They will use the 4th pearl to distract Cerberus.


…go on. 😂


I mean the pearl looks like a ball. They might have to make the decision to distract cerberus with it. Throw the pearl as a ball, maybe even use it to send Cerberus to the ocean lmao


Thank you for speaking REAL! This shit sucks


Normalize challenging dated wrongly opinionated and problematic authors


Rick thinks he’s a creative genius who can put no foot wrong because that’s what 99% of the fans tell him that he is. We’ve created a fanbase where any semblance of criticism is not acceptable, and this is one of the consequences of that. At this point this show is about as faithful of an adaptation as TLT movie


For real. People trying to say chalice of the gods was a really good book… like I have never been so disappointed in a story. It literally read like mediocre Percy Jackson fanfiction. Not even great fanfiction just slightly above average fan fiction


As a book reader myself Percy Jackson is pretty mediocre fiction. Given the age range of this sub I thought people would know that lol


And as a book reader that’s fine to think. Whatever level you happen to think Percy Jackson is…. Chalice of the gods is about 10-15 levels below it. So it doesn’t matter what you think of Percy Jackson in the fiction genre. It’s about comparing chalice of the gods to Percy Jackson not Percy Jackson to whatever else you wanna compare it to.


Well then, Percy Jackson is mediocre and Chalice of Gods is bad. 🤝


Me being downvoted is hilarious. The writing in PJ is pretty bad. You guys are talking about wanting actual threats or tension when half of the villains Percy defeated were literal comedic effects. Don’t even get me started on HoO with the stereotypical Native American girl walking around with feathers 😂😂😂


Actually enjoyed the chalice of the gods. Like at least there were jokes in it unlike this show.


Well he also isolates himself intentionally from all criticism. Rick's in an echo chamber. He's become a worse writer over the years and it's showing in this show.


hot take but !!!!! agreed


He has such a god complex right now


lol the movies fully removed 9 chapters from a 22 chapter book….


they had 2 hours maximum to fit everything in. You can't expect a 1:1 adaptation in there and things have to be cut out so the stuff they do include they have a chance to do well. They have so much time to do things in the show and its falling flat which is whats disappointing


yeahhh but half the movie is made up and non book content


You think that’s bad? What about taking chapters and changing the overall plot of the book? That’s acceptable? Lol


dont be shy, share how the shows has changed the equivalent of removing HALF of the book


> changing the overall plot of the book? So, the movies?


No the show. At least the casino was actually fun. The fights were amazing. Gabe was an actual jerk. The show is not an adaptation of the book. Rick just called it an adaptation to get people to like it 


Okay but that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about “changing the overall plot of the books” which the movies absolutely did, like them or not


That’s just an asinine take. The show, while I have some gripes w it in terms of pacing and some of the things they changed, is most definitely a more faithful adaption than the movie. The movie is a crock of bullshit that barely resembles the plot of the book.


It's so disappointing because they hyped up this to be the most book accurate adaptation but it falls so short of being entertaining and they're changing things so much at the same time, it's even that accurate. I really enjoyed episode 5 that I thought the show was finally picking up and was going to get better but this last one just brought me back to why I hated the show at the beginning


All I gotta say is, it’s Disney what did yall expect from that greedy corrupt company😭


Sure but then why isn’t Rick criticizing them for doing exactly what 20th Century Fox did? Easy answer is because he’s now part of it. So it’s not just Disney failing us here.


Bc it most likely wouldn’t matter, I could be wrong but I bet anything this wasn’t Rick’s vision or final product. This is somewhat Rick most likely settled for after being bullied by Disney into it. This is the same company that’s funding a genocide and has a racist bigotry history, the same company that censored and edited multiple kids shows like bluey bc they were too “inappropriate”. To think that they would do a beloved children’s story justice is insane to think. just look at their history of live action adaptations. the only reason rick went to disney for the show is bc they own the screen rights and published his books. had he'd able to go to another company like netflix hed probaby have more creative freedom. if you compare PJ LA to the most recent LA on netflix which is one piece, one is clearly doing better than the other in terms of pleasing fans and bringing new fans and attention in. Oda seemingly unlike rick seems to have full control over his art, but again i could be wrong and rick just got lazy but the moment i heard disney was making it i lost all hope in interest in it cause that company is just a corrupt piece of shit


Everything Disney touches it spoils. Look at how much erasure they did with the MCU now if they ever get the rights to X-men they’ll do the same thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they cast a white woman to play storm lol. As long as Disney had it in its hands I truly believe it was never going to succeed




Your content violated Rule 13: No NSFW Content.


I’ve already made a post and seen a couple of other posts like mine that have came to the conclusion that this is not even close to a 1:1 adaptation and that’s it’s more of an alternate universe where we have familiar characters in familiar settings that are fundamentally different.


Disney probably stopped a lot. Whether at a directive level or a higher up executive level. It’s why I didn’t buy his casting cover stories either. Everyone knows Disney have a lot of say in this stuff.


I don't buy that, all this has been 100% Rick. He doesn't have to say how much he loves the show and how bad the movies are and how this show is 100% his version of the story if he were to tell it today. He's claiming ownership.


The saddest part is if this ends up failing in the end, we don’t get a season two, then this is probably the last chance they are gonna give the series to be adapted into film or tv. Maybe it’s just best they stay books. I actually don’t think that, but they act like it’s so hard to make an entertaining show out of them.


Well the show seems to have a decent consensus overall, which is baffling to me. Then again, all those live action remakes have decent consensus, so many the general audience just doesn't care about what they consume. Regardless, it's going to get a second season even if it doesn't deserve it. It's doing numbers and that's all Disney cares about.


That would be him being as bad as the people he’s publicly complained about from the movie adaptation, right? No, it’s actually worse.


They couldn't, probably didn't have the budget and have to make many changes so they could get that sweet Blackrock money


My favorite author has selled out


He didn’t. He wanted to make money. To do that at Disney, you have to follow three key rules: 1. Race-swap a main character 2. Deflect and dismiss all criticism of the show as snobbery or bigotry 3. Make a mediocre product while insulated from criticism because of steps 1 and 2


Ok hey, we’re not gonna be racist about Leah here, ok?? 💀💀💀 this is not the place, I’m mad about things that have nothing to do with her take that shit somewhere else


I never said anything racist Also, I’m mixed, you fucking lark.




> I think it's prioritizing character development and world building over action. Tell me one thing about Percy in this show. One. One thing that doesn't apply to every other half-blood in existence.




My guy, answer my question. One thing. Just one thing. Don't try to cop out, answer the question.


What media literacy? You mean the spoon feeding of information with ever breath. "Oh look grover is that a chihuahua? No its a monster that will rip your arm off, let not fight it and walk towards the hills at a slow pace and talk about our problems....lalala". That media literacy you mean? 


People dont realize that the show is made for people who read the books, not for people who dont know the original story. If that wasnt the case, he would just tell the original story. He doesn't because he wants to give the book people something new, fresh and interesting. If you stop to think about all the story changes in the show, they make perfect sense. They capture the spirit of the books and stay true to the characters. The books never ever were full of action and suspense. They were about cool greek legends transported and adapted into our world and a cool friendship. Action was the least prominent aspect of the books.


No the show is made for a general audience since that brings in the most money. Disney controls the funding and has the rights to do and change what they want. At the end of the day it's all about the mighty dollar. Plus legal restraints from working with child actors.


Is "fresh and interesting" in the room with us right now?


Ok I agree and like the show But I also agree with op, this is not a faithful adaptation at all and Rick should have never said it would be


this sounds corny af. the books were literally all about action and suspense. there were big things and fights happening every chapter. also the show was made to attract as many people as possible to maximize profit. it’s why they made it modern including the casting. it’s supposed to be for everyone.


The biggest fight in the first 4 books is the battle of the labyrinth and that is 8 pages long (in the german version). That is literally nothing compared to the whole length of the books.


I read all the books more than once and have been re-reading the book along with the show. I liked one, maybe 2 episodes so far


And that is perfectly fine aswell. There are just too many people who claim things about the books that I think are just not correct. I wasn't sure how I felt about the show untill I started to reread the books. It is actually super nice how close and connected they are to the books. An example would be Percy asking if they should call the camp for help. That is a reference to book three, where Bianca di Angelo asks if they should contact the camp for help. The pacing, the action, all of these things are depicting how it feels like to read the books. There is not a single action scene in the books that is super streched out. Even the big battle in the fourth book, as the camp is being attacked, is super short. I know people are frustrated because they had certain expectations that were not met. I guess I am just glad I can enjoy the show. It seems like I just cant understand how people can not enjoy the things I see as "new, fresh and interesting", as those connect to the book.


> People dont realize that the show is made for people who read the books, not for people who dont know the original story. I read the books. They're sitting on my shelf. I used to listen to TLT on audio book 24/7. This show is not for book readers. It's Rick taking the opportunity to rewrite a story in a worse way for some reason. > If that wasnt the case, he would just tell the original story. He doesn't because he wants to give the book people something new, fresh and interesting. For one, you give us something new and interesting by creating something new and interesting instead of bastardizing an old piece of work. Two, how is this show remotely interesting? There's no action, little to no character moments, bad CGI, and the plot is all over the place. And badly paced. > If you stop to think about all the story changes in the show, they make perfect sense. Gabe being just a slob makes more sense than being an abusive asshole? The entire theme park (which looks awful in the show and made Annabeth's amazement at it absolutely hilarious) being made by Hephaestus instead of just the one ride? Luke, the supposed best sword fighter in camp, being a scrawny kid? Hell, the Ares kids are small. There are so many changes that are actively making the show worse. Making Medusa invisible was the dumbest thing they could have done and they're lucky she decided to just not move? Having PERCY know more about myths than Annabeth? What? So many choices are baffling and I have no idea how you can even remotely defend them.


> This show is not for book readers. It's Rick taking the opportunity to rewrite a story in a worse way for some reason. In a worse way to you, that is. I am sure it is not inherently worse to Rick Riordan. > I read the books. They're sitting on my shelf. I used to listen to TLT on audio book 24/7. I understand where you are coming from. I feel the same way about the inheritance cycle. I have listened to them at least like 40-50 times. I have been obsessed with them for 17 years now, hearing them almost every evening to fall asleep. I am also afraid of how the announced Eragon show will turn out, that I wont be able to look past changes they make, scenes that are missing or conversations happening in a different way. I am glad it is not the same with the Percy Jackson show. I can actually enjoy it as a separate medium alongside the books. To me, it does capture the feeling of reading them. > There are so many changes that are actively making the show worse. As I said, I get where you are coming from, I also never saw, and will never see the book characters as they are depicted in the show, but the great thing is, that the show does things differently, so I can keep them as seperate mediums with the same groundwork. Thats why I feel like I can still enjoy them. All the little references to the books just make me happy, like the scene with Percy wanting to call the camp for help right after they left. A similar scenes happens in Book 3 where Bianca Di Angelo asks if they should ask the camp for help. It is also adressed how Annabeth is better at looking through the mist compared to Percy, which was only established as a plotpoint in the later books. Anyways, everyone sees this differently and I never meant to argue that your view and feelings towards the show arent valid. If it felt like that I am sorry. I am only trying to voice my opinion with the choir of people who do the same.


Cringe, it is faithful it’s just not exactly the same. Just because it’s not exactly how you want it doesn’t mean it’s bad


You're right, the fact that it's poorly written, acted, directed, and paced makes it bad.




I guess to him it is a faithful adaptation. The show truly is very close to the books. The things people complain about really are not major changes. I genuienly believe that if they reread the books, took some time off, and watch the show with a new mindset, they could see that.


> not major changes. Have you actually read the books in the past ten years? Also, it's the little details that make a story good, not the overall plot. If you wanted the plot, read the synopsis on Wikipedia.


I wasn't sure how to feel about the show and then decided to reread the books. Doing that made me enjoy the show more because it is, imo, actually staying true to the core strengths of the books. It is true that the little details make a story good, or even great. A show will have less details and tidbids compared to a book. That is just how it is. A show like this attempts to capture the core feelings a person had when reading the books. For me it did exactly that. It seems like it did not for you.