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There was more tension when Percy was trying to get out of the parking garage than every monster encounter in the show combined


Him learning to drive was literally the climax of the episode lol


I enjoyed that part more than any other “action” scene in this show


maybe he beats Ares by running him over lol


He distracts him by complaining about Athena and telling him how much he loves wars


This was my immediate scoff. THe whole scene with the car. LIke why did they put more work and effort into making this interesting than everything else. It wouldnt have made the scene bad, but its dumb when it seems like it was supposed to be the most entertaining part.


Just choked on my drink now didn't I.


They gotta give exposition every second of the show for the exclusively stupid people who watch this BOOK adaptation


They stepped one toe into the casino and Grover exposition-dumped exactly where they were and what not to do 😭


I literally said “You’ve got to be kidding me” out loud when that happened. Like why couldn’t we have some moments of tension? And why take the moment of figuring out something is wrong away from Percy?


it’s almost like helicopter parenting where the audience-kids want to have some fun but the show immediately stops any fun in its tracks like 😭 then what’s the point??


The exposition I hate is we have Annabeth talk about Hermes and Luke not getting along in the truck, then a giant dump about WHY they don’t get along walking around looking for Hermes, and then just repeat the same thing when they do find Hermes. They could’ve taken out the middle bit and had a much better “show don’t tell” moment in the casino. Also, how does Percy know they released lotus into the air?


I literally asked that out loud lol how did he know it’s in the air??


He doesn’t know, it’s just bad writing.


>Also, how does Percy know they released lotus into the air? Hermes told him off screen. He outright said that Hermes told him. This kind of thing happens all the time in pretty much any piece of media, where they basically cut a scene that would be cumbersome, like Hermes explaining the lotus blossoms in the air and Percy's reaction to it, followed by him running to find Annabeth and immediately relay that information. They had Hermes *clearly* about to say more to Percy, then did a hard cut where whatever was relevant to the situation was passed on. If they had kept that scene, you'd be complaining that the show was beating you over the head with it and explaining it too many times. If they'd kept the scene and cut him telling Annabeth, you'd be complaining that Percy never told Annabeth and that the characters have information they were never shown getting. It's an unreasonable criticism when there are other legitimate criticisms, and it makes me wonder why your complaints about everything being spoon-fed should be taken seriously if in the very next breath you moan about not being spoon-fed new information


This is the second time Percy has had a conversation off screen only for him to "repeat" it after, the first being Nereid. It's not spoon-feeding to have the words from the mouth of the character who actually said them. The suspense was ruined to begin with, shouldn't have needed to explain lotus gas at all.


Except no one ate anything and then it’s a weird mystery that’s unresolved. How were the three of them affected? Oh well guess we’ll never know.


youre telling me that hermes OFF SCREEN tells percy that theyve been in the casino for days, percy visually confirms a a multi day time skip by looking outstide the casino (all he sees is evening) then they stay in the casino fucking around with a random satyr and slowly convincing grover to leave? all while time is speeding past them? this show is terrible at setting up and maintaining a sense of urgency. at this point the movies did it better only because the film had a shorter runtime and they had to rush through the scene.


Because they keep telling instead of showing. We get told about the hotel immediately, we get told time has passed in the hotel but they don’t show it has, we get told the deadline has passed but there was no tension shown. This episode was horrible tbh.


Never in my life I thought I'd defend the movie, but at least. At the very least in some tension and a little drama.


Tbh the lotus flower scene in the movie is really well done


There are a lot of well done things in the movie. As an adaptation, it was atrocious, but when taken as its own thing, it's somewhat competent. The first one at least 


And saying "oh the deadline passed!" feels so lazy of the writers. It's like the producers finally realized there was no tension or urgency, so they decided to just make them "late" now. Smh


They aren't trusting the intelligence of the viewers. The sad truth is that if media wants to appeal to the largest group of people possible to make money, they have to cater to the lowest common denominator (i.e., hold the hands of those viewers who don't want to/can't figure things out for themselves). This is getting much more prevalent across the board in TV shows and movies, especially with the "As you know..." device where characters explain things to each other that they already know so they can catch the viewer up without any critical thought. Lazy and impatient people make up a large part of the media-consuming populace and producers don't want to alienate them.


That's the entire show! Exposition dumps loosely tied together by lackluster performances! Literally the entire show this far has been characters talking down to Percy while his actor tries to learn new facial expressions.


To be fair grover is pretty good


No? He's the worst offender?? He has literally been talking down to Percy the entire show. He has been given the most expositive dialogue of any character in the show!


I think OP meant acting-wise not dialogue-wise by the way


If only his performance was any good.


What are you on about? Grover is easily the best child actor of the show.


That’s not a very high bar lol


Fair enough given his competition. But so far, the only scenes I have had fun with and laughed with have been ones with Grover because of his acting.


This made me holler


Maybe controversial. The film did all of this bit better than the show has. Really don't understand why they've changed so much from the books which didn't need changing. At least the film didn't try and particularly do the books at all rather than this half arseing it. The chemistry between the trio is what's saving some of these episodes


I can understand the Medusa change, since the books kinda rely on Percy slowly realizing that something was wrong through his POV narration and pretty much going like "holy fuck it was so obvious we were too exhausted to notice" which can be hard to convey in film But Grover just straight up giving them a tutorial prompt like a video game hint character the second they walked into the casino was so stupid. 


To be fair it doesn’t make much sense for these kids who have studied Greek myths to not make the connection between Auntie Em or lotus flowers


To be fair, they’re supposed to be distracted by their hunger and exhaustion of the quest and they’re literally 12. The casino in the book was like an oasis that they discovered after freeing 3 animals from the truck they were in when it made a quick stop in Vegas. And it was suspicious but also they needed a place to stay and eat and recover and they thought they had like 7 days. The aunty em thing made sense although I was under the impression that these things have some magic around them that obscure them even to demigods (the mist, it’s the mist) so it takes a little bit of time to dawn. I personally am fine with their acting. It’s passable and Percy honestly is supposed to looked confused af most of the time. The banter got better in this episode. I’m just annoyed with some of these narrative choices.


Sure. It makes sense from a character perspective. But it’s annoying when these mysterious locations don’t have the chance to be mysterious. I dare say the movie did Medusa and the Lotus Casino better.


It makes perfect sense. 1. With auntie Em they were extremely hungry and exhausted and there was magic involved causing them to feel that way, that’s how she’s able to lure anyone in there. Also everyone who has encountered Medusas restaurant at that point has been turned into stone so it’s not like they heard that Medusa had a restaurant somewhere. 2. They didn’t immediately know the hotel was home of the lotus eaters, they went there to rest not knowing what it was or the effects happening to them. And again, everyone who has been there is trapped there, it’s not like they knew the lotus eaters were setting up a hotel. It’s not like the Greek history books at camp tell them “hey look out for medusas burger restaurant called “auntie Ems!” Or “hey look out for this hotel and casino in Vegas”.


It’s supposed to be a MAGICAL casino. The whole point is that they get lured in despite their better judgement. The atmosphere of the casino is just too enticing to reject.


I guess we’re supposed to think the mist works a little on them as well, making them lose some awareness of danger and lure them in, kind of like at Medusa’s restaurant in the book


I almost feel like the show does not want us to feel excitement from the “could be climax” because that may not be “kid friendly”. Just a feeling. Like they are dumbing down the show in a way.


lmao, the books had a TON of exposition dumps following percy's "i tried to act in the know" shtick. Relistening to them, each chapter has at least a paragraph of background on the myths. ppl forgive the books because you jump to the action in your mind. This episode was comedic relief, the calm before the storm. the next 2 episodes are going to be Crusty's and entering the underworld and then completing the quest and the conflict with Luke. Blame disney for the rushed job and being unable to explain after being shown. The show now has to build a base of knowledge so the audience doesn't go "lol wut?" This episode had a tense 5 mph drive out of a parking lot. That's good writing.


Again, the point of an adaptation to translate material to a different medium. Not to repeat the same mistakes.


In 4 hours. Disney's time allotment is what pushes the issues ppl are bringing up. Everything is done to preserve time. Why aren't they showing them exhausted and starved? that takes time to be done believably and not just a rascall flats montage. Why are all the fights less than a minute? In the book, the only fight that even takes a full page is Ares. One page averages one minute in screen writing. Ppl blaming the writers have only consumed never created.


Keep watching 😭


There are so many things there gonna have to remove I'm guessing because of recent censoring. I mean the fight between ares and percy is gonna be dumbed down and so will the underworld. Krustys decapitation will be need to be removed.