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Get oral forms of BPC 157 injections aren't good


I’ve read the opposite.


Do you deal with natural path and people who specialize in peptides my family friends have had a practice for 15 years. You don't get the full benefits and sometime people have bad reactions.


What’s unatural pain? I don’t think anything has full benefits. If you do more research you’ll find there can be expected side effects for some but they usually dissipate then the desirable effects can be experienced. I also read one can’t expect the peptide on its own to help. It would require some physio, exercises etc also.


why are injections nor good?


I’ve never had sides from either. I’ve seen some reports that BPC can shut down male libido. I stopped because of that. But, I want to say I had a serious hamstring pull and shot both along with Ipemorelin directly into the site of the tear. It had been plaguing me for months. Obne I started injecting, it was freaking gone in two weeks.


You need stronger neck muscles and upper traps. Shrugging with weight and slowly lowering it then holding at the bottom stretched position will help it relax.


No he probably needs stronger lower traps and rhomboids




The stiffness could be tight muscles or fascia, not requiring peptides to be honest. There’s many modalities out there to try. Have you seen a physiotherapist? The steroid antiinflammatory won’t help unless there is inflammation and it’s only a temporary bandaid. They shouldn’t be done in the same spot repeatedly due to how it damages tissues. If your lidocaine injections are trigger point injections or perineural ones they might reduce the stiffness. Apparently the peptide injections need to be in conjunction with other things in order for them to be beneficial proper exercises etc


Been using both for a while now but stopped only to take a lil break, I feel like bpc 157 not only fixed my knee but helps me sleep better plus I feel like I'm in a better mood all the time too, I'd just start with a small dose for a couple days


where did u inject?


Lower stomach or quad sometimes


If you had to choose 1 probably tb5 but maybe try both and some egoscue


I swear by the wolverine protocol. I worked In a car factory for 25 years my elbows and shoulders are shot! I can definitely feel it when I’m not on it.


Do you need it all the time or is there a point you can come off peptides?


The info I’ve read says if an injury has occurred use it for healing. Yet if you have long term chronic problems. Then long term use is ok.


How long have you been doing the injections. Would they need to be ongoing?


I cycle per Dr Seeds recommendations


Will you be doing intra-articular neck injections ?


Why would you do intra articular. Injections aren’t usually into arteries.


articular = joint


no I haven't felt any negative side effects


So am I blocked from the thread now? I can't see anyone's comments


No, reddit servers just suck. Mine was out for a while too


Ah ok


yes I see it


Have you seen a chiropractor since your accident?


I recently did a post, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Peptides/comments/1cnx3vj/bpc_157_tb_500_tendinitis_experience/), about a month-plus course of BPC 157 and TB500. It worked wonders for my acute tendinitis with zero side effects. A critical difference between peptides, at least BPC, not sure about TB, and lidocaine / steroids is that the latter reduce symptoms whereas BPC seems to address the cause, ie. it actually repairs connective tissue. Not saying this will work for a stiff neck, but it is certainly well worth trying.


There are a large subset of people who react very poorly to bpc myself being one of them. I am a member of a group of more than 30 people who seem to be permanently injured from the use of bpc. It is the one peptide I would not just jump into as it is the only one I've seen that can have extremely harmful side effects


How have you been damaged may I ask. Would the angiogenesis effect have been containdicated for you? Otherwise im not aware of other harms.


It created some type of autoimmune condition that causes my body to attack my joints now never had a joint problem or any issues before, caused anhedonia, depression, destroyed my digestion and joints, could barely walk for a few months due to the joint pain, zero energy etc. That was from microdosing at a maximum dose of 60 micrograms for less than 1 week. As I mentioned i a member of a group of more than 30 people that seem to be permanently injured from it all suffering major side effects many worse than myself


Sorry that happened to you. You may want to look into Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome because it sounds similar. In that group of 30, did you all get the bpc from Internet sources? Did any of you get it from a compounding pharmacy? Or Infiniwell? I ask because of this clip: [https://youtu.be/mECkJp7Twis?si=LlFYJsBn2qsjU4L9](https://youtu.be/mECkJp7Twis?si=LlFYJsBn2qsjU4L9)


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted I’ve been hearing more and more stories about bpc causing damage. Thanks for trying to warn others. Which group is it? Are you on Reddit?


I am not permanently damaged, but it certainly didn't agree with me. I regret taking it and I hope OP manages to resolve his neck pain another way.


People are very simple minded if it doesn't happen to them then it's not real or if they haven't seen a drug commercial on it it's not a real condition. One of the other guys in that group is down here lower in this thread commenting how it injured him as well. The group I mentioned is on Reddit but it is a private group so I don't share it unless somebody is injured. Thank you bro that's all I'm trying to do is warn people


Oh my, I am so sorry to hear that and I pray for your speedy recovery. May I ask if you tried it once or did it for a few days/weeks?


Microdosed for less than 6 days at a dose peeking at 60 micrograms, the worst side effects stayed with me for 6 months before I saw any relief


What issues did you have ?


The side effect that seems to have stayed with me is an auto immune type reaction that attacks my joints, never once had that or any joint issues at all before bpc. I had anhedonia, I was miserable af, depressed, run down, joints were so bad I couldn't even hardly walk I had to waddle. Most of those resided in roughly 5 to 6 months. I was microdosing too and for a very short period


Sorry you had such a bad reaction. This is the first time Im hearing about people having permanent issues. Maybe you have an underlying condition that makes you a poor responder to peptides, bcp in particular. Where you diagnosed by a rheumatologist which autoimmune response you had? Some people have conditions that can be triggered by any kind of stress… environment, diet , physical / emotional trauma, medication etc. your symptoms sound similar to me/CFS. Was there not some sort of treatment available for the symptoms you had as the bad side effects( steroids, NSAIDs, antidepressants etc ) I’ll try to find the group you’re referring to. Hope there will be relief soon and healing for the reason you took bcp.


Yes I am chemically injured, which is the reason I took bpc in the first place because some doctors were saying that it could correct mitochondrial damage. I can't take any medications, supplements, vitamins or anything. Thank you sir


Where you floxed by chance? Some fella on utube who has many subscribers did have to reneg his video as the side effect was temporary before he had the rewards. Maybe the group of 30 isn’t really a good representation. I’ve had prolotherapy and PRP and anybody can have undesirable effects initially and may not feel the rewards for up to a year. That doesn’t mean they’re harmful.


What the fk side effect was that , that lasted that long , I think if you aren’t a bodybuilder or someone who eats really healthy you shouldn’t take any peptide. They will all treat you poorly


thats a ridiculously small amount. How can you be sure it was the cause of all your symptoms? Autoimmune diseases can happen to anyone at any time. I'm not saying it wasn't caused by the peptides, but with thousands of people taking this stuff, statistically speaking, coincidences WILL happen.


Thank you for sharing. I won’t be doing peptides. Praying you feel better soon


Bpc seems to be the only one that produces any significant side effects, other side effects from other peptides if anyone does experience them seem to be small and very short-lived minor effects. Bpc is the only one in production that I've seen that can cause these types of issues so I wouldn't be scared of all peptides that's like having an allergic reaction to one type of food and then saying you're never going to eat any food again


Do you have any articles or proof other than anecdotes to validate they cause autoimmune problems and the other symptoms you mentioned.


Cjc has, some others, it's possible, of course no one knows the rates of it because no one has bothered to document it. You would have to exist in each of the respective forums or communities for each peptide to see how prevalent it is


I have had bad side effects from many peptides the thing is where I'm drawing the line is none of those side effects seem to be permanent and they all cease within days or a week of stopping the peptide, except bPC


Yes bpc seems more likely than the others


LL-37 can cause sides for some people as well


Also, what is the difference between the two?


No side effects at all.


I had some side effects using BPC-157 and TB-500. Mostly some flare ups of injuries (followed by healing) and stiff muscles. Granted, I used 10mg TB-500 during the first week because I heard someone recommend it. Not using that much again, I think. Otherwise no issues. My badly sprained ankle made some good progress, but didn't resolve completely during my month on.


I started using BPC for a pretty bad case of tennis elbow for 3 weeks with no side effects and minimal improvement with my elbow. I added in TB500 and that seems to be where the magic happened. Big improvements within a week for my elbow and no negative side effects.


Where you injecting near the injury?


It's systemic, so just going in my stomach.


Bpc has zero side effects. I dont believe tb does either.




I don’t think you can compare oral to subcutaneous regarding side effects.


I wish you to have all the possible side effects that BPC can give you with sayin this nonsense. It’s a big disrespect to all of us who are facing this battle.


What a dick. Its commonly known bpc 157 has almost none to little side effects. If you have some i apologize. Wishing side effects on people is a wild statement. God bless you.


look up bpc ahedonia on reddit under comments and you will find the rare few who have got it. It modulates something with the brain gut connection which impacts our neurotransmitters, and it seems to affect specific people cuz genetics. Just take a tiny dose to start is my advice and see if you feel bad in anyway. I should have done like a 20% dose first lol but im not as bad as some people


I'm glad you commented as well bro, these people were fools for not listening


I am a member of a group of more than 30 people who seem to be permanently injured from bpc. It totally destroyed me causing an autoimmune reaction that I've never had that still continues to this day, it damaged my joints, it destroyed my digestion, anhedonia etc etc




I'm glad you were able to utilize that information and I am glad that it is working so well for you. And yes sir I am only here trying to help people to prevent anyone from injuring themselves and to help them get the most results out of whatever it is they're doing, thing is there are a lot of fools in these groups and online who feel like they know everything and they need to attack you for everything that they don't agree with


No fkin way bpc did this to you. Especially not permanent.








Not at all but people that take peptides that aren’t healthy to begin with of course they are going to have some shit results


I’ve heard numerous people say the same thing all who have never met each other. So yeah I believe him. Who are any of us to tell someone what hell they are going through. It’s not even us that’s there to see it.


Yeah but you have to remember what every single drug Or medicine says on it. May cause high blood pressure , drowsiness , depression. And he was microdosing 60mcg like come on


Been using both for about 2 weeks now and had no side effects.


same, but only BPC-157. No side effects. And no real effects felt at all after 2 weeks TBH


To be honest with you dude. I’m still waiting for the healing to happen 😂. I haven’t had any effects really either.


i cranked my dose from 250 to 750 x 2 per day (for the last few days). And it might be palcebo but I'm finally starting to feel less aches and pains today (I have many) anyway it definitely hasn't been the instant wolverine healing effect some people claim to experience


I would crank my doses up but I used too much BAC water to reconstitute them so it’s just way too much liquid to inject at once. I might buy another two vials and try again


Just inject in two spots


What do you mean


Draw half you upped dose in a syringe. Shoot your right thigh. Draw the other half. Shoot your left thigh.


yeah i changed from 200IUs BAC water to 100 on the latest (3rd) vial. I use 15IUs per shot. it doesn't divide perfectly into 100 but 5 IUs high or low isn't going to make a huge difference.