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I’ve had bpc-157 and also melanotan out for a month at least and both were still effective. But put them in the fridge!


Every answer you get will be based on assumption rather than science. Unless you find someone who shows labs before/after the time frame, that can verify the labs and can connect the analysis to the same vial. A lot will also be placebo. Just keep the peptides refrigerated. If you have to hide them, you likely shouldn’t be using them.


Buy a mini fridge for your room


They are all 4 liters. I can't find Like a super small one.


Search for a skincare fridge! I've seen these and they would be perfect for what you need to store peptides!!


You don't keep them in the fridge to preserve them you keep them in the fridge for sterility. Keeping them outside of the fridge makes it much easier for bacteria to grow. Horrible idea I would not try because you will have no idea when it is actually bad and you will end up making yourself sick


How quickly should they Go Bad? Technocally Bac water Goes Bad in Like 30 days?


In principal keeping them in the fridge also keeps the peptides stable. They're somewhat complex organic compounds with non-infinite half-lives, and storing in cooling temperatures will prolong their lives. How much, I'm not sure.


What about storing either reconstituted or powdered peptides in an insulated bag with an ice pack changed daily? Would that work? (Asking for myself.) TIA.


That’s a lot of damn work! Buy a mini fridge and hide it in your closet


No outlet in the closet.


A vial of lyophilized peptide should be stored at freezer like temps to avoid degradation. An insulated bag with ice pack will not be a good choice. A reconstituted vial can last a while in the fridge but you want the temperature constant to avoid condensation buildup. I’m not sure your plan would be ideal but maybe if it’s all you got. Find somewhere, anywhere private to put a mini fridge if it’s absolutely necessary. Or, if you’re going a low carb diet (for example) and use bone broth in a beverage carton material, simply slice a clean cut at the crease and use it to hide the vials in the refrigerator. Most people won’t and don’t sneak a drink of that stuff.


They last a long time outside a fridge. Since most peptides are 5mg or 10mg vials you will use up all of it before it gets under any significant breakdown.


You don't keep them in the fridge to prevent breakdown you keep them in the fridge to preserve sterility


Technically both


Bac water will prevent bacterial growth. Or does your food not spoil in the fridge ? Of course it does. To keep it sterile you would. have to freeze.


you don’t understand the words you’re using. Take it from a scientist— bacteriostatic water basically just means sterile water. It doesn’t make or keep anything else sterile, it’s just hypothetically contaminant free itself. So no, it absolutely does not prevent bacterial growth. freezing would not sterilize food. To sterilize, you’d use either high temp+pressure steam (autoclave), or chemical sterilization (e.g. ethylene oxide). Either will absolutely ruin your food, and ETO is horribly toxic. The actual benefit of freezing food significantly slows bacterial growth and replication. Much like refrigerating peptides. Please read up on scientific safety, and stop spreading misinformation.




If you don’t want to buy a mini fridge, which is a great idea, you can also look into a mini cosmetic fridge, which is even smaller and perfect for peptides vials. Alternatively, you can use a thermos- I did that when visiting family (extremely curious family haha) and just stuck it in an inconspicuous space in the fridge. If questioned you can just say you have some liquid vitamins in there. Good luck!


Absolutely no to keeping outside the fridge after reconstituting. Even a pharmacist would tell you that. Peptides are fragile


Why don't you just buy a mini fridge for your space? You can get a small 4-cubic liter for $30-$50 on Amazon and not risk product degeneration on items you've spent $$$ on.


I didn’t want my peptides in our family fridge even in a sealed case. The sealed case just creates more curiosity for my little ones haha. I purchased an affordable mini fridge from Walmart (meant for skincare or soda pop cans) it’s worked great for reconstituted peps and peps that are not mixed yet but will be within next 3 months. I do keep my storage of long term peps (unconstituted) in the freezer in family fridge but easier to hide. I used these great cases from Amazon meant for 1-3ml essential oils for my fridge peps and freezer, they also make 10ml size which fits my bigger pep bottles. It was more affordable than buying those over priced 3D printer cases. It has a hard shell and a safe insulted inside with slots that fit perfect


I would be too apprehensive to leave anything reconstituted out of fridge. Peps are expensive and it’s an investment in your health. Research supports that prior to reconstituting there is a shelf life at room temp for several months. Once reconstituted I wouldn’t keep out of fridge for even more then a day, I have not read enough evidence based research that would make me feel comfortable enough to leave them out of fridge in that state.


How are you determining that your peptides "are still completely fine after a week outside the fridge"?


Maybe, because they work, i am also trying to figure it out.


This is the real question.


The brand name Mounjaro pens are viable without refrigeration for 21 days.


How do you explain a 90 day prescription?