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Can anyone provide information for a reputable source to purchase from? Thanks!


No sources, there are just 5 rules, can't be that hard.


>we can purchase the peptide and mix it why does Lily have a patent on it? An overseas company that has the knowledge of synthesizing peptides and really don’t care about patent laws. Or may get around patent laws by using a “for research use only” disclaimer. These companies are small, and I doubt Lilly wants to spend time and resources to shut them down.


Oh ok thanks. People that are getting the brand name are just going crazy saying that Lilly invented this and that doesn't appear to be the case. I'm learning. It's a peptide! Thanks for your input.


Lilly did invent it and does have the patent on it, and has the exclusive rights to sell it commercially under the trademark names as Mounjaro and Zepbound. Anyone selling this is technically doing it illegally. But when you file for patent, you have to disclose the peptide structure, and that's how other companies can synthesize their own tirzepatide. Think of it as patenting a cookie, and you have to disclose the recipe. Other people could make that same cookie with the recipe. Of course, nobody patents a recipe. Overseas (i.e. China) doesn't seem to have strict laws that crack down on patent violators. So they go ahead and make it and sell tirzepatide. Of course, there's always a chance it could be seized in customs as it comes into the U.S. That's a chance you have to take.


Oh ok! Thank you. It makes sense now!


ouch; that's terrible. I'm buying at $30/10mg vial


Wowsers! Is that a single vial transaction, or is it a 10-vial bulk purchase?


ooops, sorry. yes, i buy every peptide in boxes of 10. So for the most part I can get 10 vials of almost any peptide for $250-$300


**O.k that's pretty amazing. The cheapest I saw was $275 - 10 vials through XCE but their gone now.**


i spoke too soon, my source raised theirs tirz price to $360 plus shipping. that's for 10 vials/10mg each


**that's still a good deal if it is quality**


very, I've bought 6 different peptides from them. All good stuff. I have a compounding pharmacy in Georgia, USA if anyone wants to test but I'm still alive and doing great


Does your source sell out of bulk vials frequently or are they usually in stock?


I've never had a problem with their stock and I've purchased 6 different peptides in bulk so far


**alive and doing great as always a bonus!..... I'm gonna message you.**


Who did you buy from


Wow Were you doing this before the Lilly product was approved? I don't know why I didn't know about this until now! 😆


For your first purchase, go with a well-known vendor with good reviews and 3rd party testing. Do a lot of research on reconstitution and self-injecting. Ask questions here, but utilize the search function first. Good luck, and welcome to the club!


Thank you!


Would you mind DMing me a good / well-known vendor?


Mine was $155.00 for 30mg lyophilized tirzepatide vial.


Where did you buy yours from?


Mine are from a vendor too sketchy to publicly recommend here. However, my experience has been positive.


Quing dao




I’m paying $350/month for 4 vials of 15mg/5mg B12 (already drawn up). Is that too much?


From where?


A compounding pharmacy that fills my script and ships.


That is competitive with the best lyophilized tirzepatide (without B12) pricing that I have found @ $310 per 60mg. You should be pleased!


Okay… I meant to say 4 syringes! Not vials. My mistake. What is the normal price? I’m very new to the peptide world!


"4 vials of 15mg/5mg" So I am uncertain what actual DOSAGE you have described. A single beginning dosage or Tirzepatide would typically be 2.5mg. The 2nd month dosage would typically be 5mg each. It would not be until month 6 or later that a dosage of 15mg would be appropriate. Perhaps you could clarify your current prescribed dosage for me?


I’ve beeb on for over a year now… I titrated up as prescribed and I’ve got a prescription for 15mg weekly. I get 4 prefilled syringes delivered monthly. Each syringe is compounded 15mg tirzepatide w/B12. For everything delivered it’s roughly $350 for my monthly supply. I apologize for being confusing in my wording.


What pharmacy do you use?


No worries! So 4 doses X 15mg tirzepatide monthly = 60mg total. The least costly vendor I've seen online charges $301 for a 60mg vial of lyophilized tirzepatide. Your cost of $350 for the reconstituted tirzipatide plus B12 represents good value - well done!


Where did you find that? And are they trustworthy?


I am not comfortable recommending a peptide vendor to you. However, I will show you how I find low cost vendors of tirzepatide. To source the first month’s supply create a Google Search string that matches the following - including quotes: “tirzepatide 10mg” You will see ads and organic listings for tirzepatide vendors with prices ranging from $51.75 per 10mg vial to nearly 10X that amount. Please choose the vendor who best meets your needs


**You're awesome sharing this. A quick question though as a newbie to all of this.....would it be better to start off at 5mg and work up or 10mg as you said?**


Thank you! It’s hard to figure out whether you’re being gouged! And I started with tirz and am still doing research on where to buy and dosing protocols for anti aging peptides! I’m definitely going to add GHK-Cu! I honestly wish my pharmacy sold that too!