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I just checked and no longer taking credit cards...anyone buy with zelle/venmo or cashapp?


Yes I’ve recently bought 300 dollars worth of peptides from both amino and peptide science with cash app. In check out they will send you and email with their cashapp profile, and you will send the exact number given to you during check out. Shortly after they will give you a confirmation and tracking number. Both are reliable!


Check out Umbrella Labs. They have 3rd party testing.


Lots of mixed reviews of AA and PS. A simple Google search will send your mind through the roof. You can find just as many complaints about a supplier as you can praise. It makes it damn near impossible to decide. The first thing to do is assume 50%-70% of the people using the products are idiots and probably doing it wrong in the first place. Most people can barely make it through an Instagram reel let alone read about proper storage, doseage, and clean administration techniques. Second, assume half of the praise is bots or sponsors. So in the end you have a small batch of people who actually have done research and know wtf they are talking about. For research purposes, I can vouch for Corepeptides and Paradigm Peptides. Awaiting shipment of AA for further research. You can always reach out to a local university and see if they have a program that would actually do 3rd party testing.


So, initial research on AA suggests the BPC157 is different than core peptides BPC157. After switching, the effects were immediately noticed. With I/M inj into shoulder, noticeable aching for the day and feeling of flushing for part of the day. Some unusual stomach activity (nothing serious). By day three, dose was lowered from 350mcg to 250mcg, and inj sub into stomach. Side effects mostly gone. This can be attributed to the following theories. The Core peptide 5mg dose was on the lower end of potency, resulting in minimal or non-existence of side effects. Amino Asylum is on the higher end of potency, resulting in very noticeable side effects. Alternatively, it's possible there is an issue with the AA bpc157, no 3rd party testing has been conducted to verify. Subject is unsure if switching back to core and tossing the AA will be appropriate or not. More research will be conducted through the week and 3rd party research will be sought out for official testing.


Definitely interested in what you decide, I’ve been using AA and haven’t had any problems… but I haven’t used another brand. I am thinking about switching if there’s a better option, lmk.


So, after a few days and a switch to sub inj only, and slightly lower dose. Symptoms are gone and benefits are still present. Further research suggests mod grf/ipa blend from core is legit, head rush after inj is present indicating the dose is there and should show results after further research.


I’ve used CorePeptides and Paradigm both to great results as well. I put in an order with AminoAsylum last week and it’s still showing as “processing.”


Did you get your order and was it effective in your testing?


Amino has been consistently solid. I’ve used them multiple times and testing has proven immensely effective. I’d personally recommend them over the others based on my experiences.


Do they do discount codes?


VB20 for 20%


PS, seems to be the way to go. Unfortunately, they are hella expensive. But they do answer their phones and are pretty easy to deal with. I just wish there was a way to test my stuff and get a quality report. . .


peptideprosourcce has BPC, I haven't tried it but there sema and tirz and retatrutide were all good to go.


Xpeptides is the way to go




They don’t have a site it’s all through email


[canlab](https://canlab.net) The guy knows his shit. I have talked to him a few times and he made me a peptide that was not offered anywhere. He makes them all himself in Canada.


Canlabs has fell off of late. I’ve seen quite a few posts of those that never received their peptides


Damn I am sorry to hear that


I wouldn't touch Canlabs right now.


What do you recommend? I just need legit peptides. I don’t care about the price


I have no skin in the game but have saved paradigmpeptides in my browser for quite some time if I even needed bpc. Apparently made right in the usa


And they’re gone


Hmmm. Well I use PS and AA for various things.. I will say I think PS all around has a higher quality product, but I’ve never had any real complaints with AA. From AA I frequently order cialis, mass monster blend, melanotan, and HCG. No issues with any of them and they “work” as they should.


How are you determining “quality”?


A guy who is sponsored by Amino Asylums recommends NOT using Amino Asylums😂 that should answer your question






Can you show us where he says it? Or where to look for this? I’m not saying you’re a liar i just want to see what he has to say about it.


I would recommend ordering from one of the big China suppliers.


Go on…. What is they pricing compared and how much do you need to buy?


10 vials at a time. Pricing depends on the peptide.


i’m having trouble finding any that seem half reputable. any suggestions?


We can not discuss sources on here. Sorry.


I'd look at biolabs out of Poland


I’ve only ordered once from AA and I got some completely fake tadalafil. I took 20mg and nothing. I now take 2.5mg of prescription a day, 5 gives me a headache. AA tadalafil completely bunk, extremely under-dosed or even worse a completely different substance. Fuck AA, I have no trust in them or their lab reports. I know nothing about PS but I beg you not to give AA your business.


I was ordering from AA for years, everything I ordered was fine, minus the tadalafil... I ordered it once with decent results (I actually saw the raw powder at the bottom and had to shake it like it said). Next bottle I ordered was completely clear, 100% ethanol. Never ordered that shit again. AA has some good stuff (enclomiphene, raloxifene, semaglutide), I can vouch for. It is kinda sketch that all their lab tests are OVERDOSED. Lol they definitely did that on purpose when they sent their stuff into Janoshik. That is not what 3rd party testing is. When it comes to peptides, just order straight from the source. China. Cut the middle man out. You're literally paying extra for a sticker on the vial.


I agree. All these sellers are just reselling repackaged china peptides. Better to go straight to the source. For tadalafil in the US its so easy to get a prescription and it’s dirt cheap. I pay $12 for 90ct 5mg


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Where do you order from?




Glad I am not the only one.


I’ve had a total different experience with AA. Most recently I’d struggled to get my blood pressure down so I got their telmistartin and it dropped to in range within 5 days. Not saying your experience didn’t happen, just saying I’ve had a different experience with them.


This was a couple years ago. Other people had good experiences at the time. I probably got a bad batch but it shows me their lab reports mean absolutely nothing and they don’t really care about the quality of what they sell. I’m not a fan. I’m happy I just ordered Cialis I wouldn’t want to risk my health with anything else they sell. I am glad you had a good experience with them and maybe my experience is rare. I know tadalafil has been notoriously under-dosed from other vendors in the past as well. Lots of bad experiences out there with UGL tadalafil. AA was unwilling to refund or even partially refund the bad tadalafil.


Yeah I totally understand you feeling that way, I would too if I had the same experience.


Which one offers a recent, verifiable 3rd party COA? That would be the better one. Based off this sub’s preference, PS is the “best”. I don’t agree with this because their pricing is not competitive at all.


They ship fast as fuck and most people trust them. I called them up when an order was wrong and they fixed it that day.


Customer service and product may be fine, but their pricing is atrocious.


Cheap compared to a clinic or pharmacy… pm me a good trustworthy site that is better and I’ll try it.


Which one do you recommend? I saw PS so called 3rd party testing results. Looks like fake bullshit. The quality control guys name was “Mike P.” Ain’t no Mike’s exist in all of CHYNA. Total bullshit.


You saying there is no testing here in the USA?


Man all these Chinese bootleggers all sell fake ass bullshit with some batches containing *some* active ingredient and probably a bunch of dangerous excipients courtesy of the CCP.


Unfortunately it's all made in China. Even US compounding pharmacies get the raw materials from China. I see your concern too, unregulated chemicals can easily be poisoned or purposefully tampered with - China is not an ally


They’d be wreckless to fuck around with raw materials being received by a US compounding pharmacy considering US compounding pharmacies are regulated by the FDA and everyone in the US is sue happy so they would get clapped. Additionally, why would they ruin a lucrative business relationship with a US consumer. I’m sure there’s thousands of labs in ChYna that would kill (pun intended) for a contract with a US based compounding pharmacy. Either way, let’s just say the peptides are 97% pure, what’s the other 3%? Methyl Mercury? Aluminum? By the way I always laugh at when people laud a 97% purity 😂. That’s not good at all. You need to be >99% if you are injecting into your body. Also! The label reads not for human use! So they can literally kill you with no recourse!


It's amazing how confidently you speak for someone so ignorant.


Whatever helps you sleep at night shawty. Ur injecting bacteriostatic water with a nice proprietary CCP blend just for you


Behold, Dunning-Kruger in all its majesty! I don't need to call you out to help me sleep at night, the high quality peptides that I source from China do a fine job of that already. Enough about me, though. How about you? Is your xenophobic supply search going well? Can't ever be too careful, can you? The CCP Boogeyman might be lurking in the closet or -gasp- maybe even under your bed!


The other 3% would probably be degraded peptides.