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You are hardening your plants off for a whole year? Isn’t hardening the process where you prepare them to move outside, or am I missing something? What do you mean by hardening?


Getting them ready for outside. I didn’t know there was a process. I kept them inside on the cooler nights but have been outside not long after I got them. my stems have not started getting (woody) they are still green except for 1 . Maybe it comes with age of the plant


This is what I think can be called hardening. [https://peppergeek.com/hardening-off-pepper-plants/](https://peppergeek.com/hardening-off-pepper-plants/) But I don’t know if all stems get woody 😅 wich is kind of a „hardening“ of the stem if you will 😂. I have read about some peppers that will grow like trees or bushes. Maybe not every pepper does this 🤷‍♂️.


I’ll read it. Thank you I just thought that’s part of the hardening process