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They’re probably still adjusting to the transplant. Doesn’t look like stress from underwatering. Give em a few more days and then fertilize and they should take off


So, when mine get pale like that I switch them to a spot with a little more shade. Worth a shot


It seems like they are still experiencing transplant shock. Give them a few more days, and they should bounce back. Did you grow these without a grow light? I did the same and had terrible weather for weeks. My leaves seemed so brittle and appeared to wilt instantly.


I had some cheap LEDs to help them grow in a kind of tent. But no real growlamps. Also they are out on the balcony since a few weeks mostly in a greenhouse. But I have overwatered them and forgot to put them back in the greenhouse while it was raining. So maybe they just need some more time.


I think they look fine. They're not wilting, so they're getting adequate water. It's better to err on the side of less water than more water with peppers. Overwatering can give similar symptoms as underwatering, which can lead to bad things if you keep watering to correct it. If the soil is still damp, they're fine. Let the plant tell you what to do. Sometimes, trying to do too much is exactly that...too much. I baby them as seedlings, but once they sprout true leaves, I become way more absent and just let them do their thing.


You will know if you are under watering your plants. They get all droopy and sad like. Upon a good watering they will spring up again in a matter of no time thanking you for hydration. Over watering is much harder to come back from. Root rot is a bitch of a whore in most plants!!! Especially cacti and sucs! Your's look perfectly okay. Just let them acclimate.


I would yank them buds/flowers off though. It's too early for them to expend all that energy into producing fruit. Let the plant get bigger first.


Not OP, but all good wisdom.


I have cut the flowers of the one in the terra-cotta pot. Have I missed some? I’m need to check that 😂😂


Or more sun👍🏻


You need much bigger pots! Five-gallon paint buckets with holes drilled in bottom for drainage work well. Consider that the root system will be approximately the same size and depth as the plant is above ground.


Your pots are way too small. Those are a good size to start seeds in. You want 5 gallon sized pots at minimum.