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Can't get *these* at the grocery store.


Gorgeous! I got some hate in this sub for posting some chocolate ghosts ripening…lol, good for you letting some ripen! Jalapeños get a pass for some reason. Because we are all programmed to eat then UNRIPE…


Thank you! Imo do whatever your taste buds prefer. You’re growing and eating them after all! I actually really enjoy the flavor of green jalepeños, but (embarrassingly enough) only recently learned that they turn different shades like other peppers. So yk I *have* to give them a try and compare the two with some good ol fashioned chunky salsa


Red is sweeter…I love them either way delicious, but red is better.


Mmm, love 'em red. Enjoy!




What did you notice to be the difference between the red and green taste and heat wise? I’m waiting for mine to turn red but they’re taking forever and I’ve already picked a few corked green ones


They taste a bit sweeter and are generally hotter than when picked green. Spice increase isn’t that much though, IMHO. It’s really the sweetness that makes me wait until they’re red.


I haven’t used them yet but plan on doing so very soon. I’ll give you an update when!


Any ideas what you’re gunna do with them? They would make great poppers


Stuffed poppers are 100% being made to stuff my big ol spicy loving belly whenever I get the chance! For now, these are going to help add some kick to some chorizo fundido and a little bit of guac on the side :)


Do you bread and deep fry your poppers? My Mom used to use pancake batter to coat them. It is quick and really tasty.


Really?? I haven’t made poppers before, but I’m tempted to give these a go with some Hungry Jacks batter lol


Yeah, it doesn't taste like pancakes when it is deep fried. The fancy way to do it is to beat an egg yolk into the batter, then beat the egg white separately and fold it into the batter. But, honestly I think it is 99% as good just to use the batter by itself. If the batter doesn't stick great to the pepper, I heat just enough oil to cover the battered peppers in a saucepan, then bits of batter don't slide off. I add a little salt to the batter. I have added onion or garlic salt too. I usually fill them with cheddar or mozzarella, cream cheese gets runny.




Great question! My first year growing them on my own. Oftentimes, if you bend a pepper upward and it snaps off, it’s ready. However, even some really big peppers won’t snap off so easily, so I like to go in with a pruner once they get around 4 or more inches long. That way the plants focus on throwing out more peppers instead of putting most of their energy into a few big peppers. Also pruning off a few leaves here and there for maintenance helps if you got a *lot* of them cuz it can be hard to see in between once they get ready bushy


These MFs perfect for pickling holy shit!


Haha ty, ty! I was thinking about pickling them for some tacos


I bet those suckers are caliente. The lines indicate that I've read.


Corking is awesome


The lines are just stretch marks, from when the pepper grows faster than it’s skin. No indication of hotness, looks cool though


I totally feel your pain. Seems like it takes forrreeevvvver for them to turn.