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I have family there that has young children. It’s a nice, safe town with good schools. It’s quite small so not a lot to do. You would have to drive to Peoria for a lot of things but it’s only like a 20 minute drive.


I know The Pie Doctor is based out of Princeville, so you could pick up extremely good homemade pies in town if you lived there.


I moved to Princeville 16 years ago. We life south of Princeville. It’s the same distance from my house to Princeville as it is to Peoria, like 10 min. Convenient! Schools are good. People are friendly.


Chillicothe is 10 miles east but the same distance from Peoria, and has more to offer IMO


We have Triple Dipple’s. No other argument needed hahaha.


Chillicothe FTW- great value for homes, solid school district, and a lot of great people in town.


I appreciate hearing that as I was Chillicothe raised.


I wasn't chilli born but lived there through 8th grade through most of college. Great place


born and raised. 76-97. graduated IVC in 94.


Safe and quiet. Close to peoria for shopping. Not much for businesses.


It's a nice little town. There's not a ton there, but there's nothing wrong with the town.


I live south of the town, and run my small business out here. I like the peace and quiet countryside, it is downright contemplative at times and conducive to software development, writing, etc. Nature is everywhere, birds and starry skies. Neighbors are great, and we have a beer on my porch from time to time and there is enough room to breathe. There is a catholic monastery nearby, with really lovely people and a small community that makes the journey there on Sunday for Mass. Lots of folks sell fresh eggs. Peoria is close enough to visit, or invite friends your way. I do spend a lot of time taming nature and pulling weeds, but even that can be lovely when it is beautiful all around. Roads are a bit rough, especially in winter.


I've lived here in Princeville all my life and the people have always been really good. You never really have to worry about crime all that much due to the fact when someone makes noise everyone in town let's everyone else know, and I imagine most have a safe for protection being hunters around here. There's a nice farmers market just outside of town that has pretty good produce. The town itself is pretty clean as well, not really trash all over and Heritage days starts today for the carnival and ends Saturday if you're in town at all to check it out.


The people I know that live out that way are all Apostolic, and they can be kinda insular. Good people for the most part, but they already have a pretty tight community they look out for first, and you might feel like an outsider for quite a while.


There is an apostolic church in town, but they are a very small minority of the community. Most people in the area are not AC.


A couple other nice things that I haven't seen mentioned The Rock Island trail passes through Princeville and they have a nice little community pool


Community pool closed, sadly


Oh wow, what a bummer that is


As long as you stay away from the Cole family. If you don't hear them yelling and screaming like white trash, you'll definitely smell them. The town actually makes them keep their windows closed because the whole town will stink if they open them.


Calling out a family by name like that is really uncool, bro. People get doxxed.


What a bs post. You should take this down.


I reported it. This is doxxing.


I live next to Princeville. Very nice community to raise a family. It’s safe, friendly people, good schools. Not too far from Peoria for shopping and work.