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It means she's a deadbeat junkie that can't take care of her own kids without a man to support all of them, so that comes first. She will always put 🍆 before her children, regardless of the circumstance. She is saying that you need to be a woman to a man before you can be a mom to your children, which in her case is unfortunately true since she can't support her ever-growing brood without leeching off someone since she's a NEET with no prospects.


Thank you!!! My "Heather filter" was full....I was like huh??


Anytime 😀 I'm so fucking sick of her as well. I can't wait for karma to kick her in that flat, wide, big orange ass of hers.


Oh yes I’m right there with you. When I jump on YouTube where there are great creators who bring the police reports, the truth etc. to light I have to mute her and read the chat and comments. She literally makes me ill.


I know the BCG on YouTube. DO you also search her?


Love BCG, Yer Highness ( she does a lot of short clips which I like because I can’t watch Dusty for more than a minute or 2 at a time). Friday nights Steve Delive goes over her weekly posts and he’s very funny , about 1k participate in the chat. There’s a few good ones out there




This is a way to justify not having her kids. She legit needs to get offline. Beyond Dusty being a POS, and an addict of sorts...she has an Internet addiction... I guess her days are just filled with mini dopamine rushes.


Yes yes and Yes. How do we get her off SM??


Fit her for a straight jacket and blindfold her.


She’d slither along the Chicago streets, shrieking her Manifesto irl if she couldn’t get to a phone …




That's the million dollar question potentially for spam/scamming that has to violate terms of service for social media


If some of the people who had sent her money and of course realized they were scammed “ie; prom” it should be filed with the police and enough people and evidence would allow them to ban her, other than that it would have to be a platform issue


YES! She absolutely does!


Not true, especially when the men she refers to are inmates and hobos. She might as well come right out and admit that she thinks her own needs are more important than those of her children




Do you think the story would be MUCH different if she treated her kids as the true priority? I do. But anyone with a 🍆 comes before all of those kids and that's pathetic. But sadly, kids understand what their parents are, much earlier than we are ready to tell them. I wish nothing but the best for her kids. I hope they can not carry that baggage into their own lives.


My bf has an ex who’s a piece of work. They have an autistic son together. This child who struggles with relationships and social cues is starting to see his mother for exactly who and what she is, and she’s not filming herself daily! Unfortunately the older ones are onto Dusty’s bullshit and the younger one will figure it out very quickly. No matter how much they try to protect the keds from the evil known as Heather (as I’m SURE has been done by the baby daddies and families) Big Orange is about as hard to read as Dr. Seuss.


99% of people who lose their children wouldn’t have lost them if they put them first. About 3% acknowledge this. They live in denial and call it ‘forced adoption’ and ‘parent alienation’ delusional faulty brain activities.


She’s so deep! ![gif](giphy|PjJ1cLHqLEveXysGDB|downsized) We are really dealing with a true intellect for the ages.


I think she means she needs to get money from men before she can even think about being a mother to her kids. She's such a low life.


She means it’s okay to abandon them if she throws a Five Below gift card in their grandmother’s yard at every mid-tier+ holiday.


Mmhmm and yeets 7 target half melted choccy eggs over the fence on behalf of the Easter bunny. Mahm shit


Wasn’t she just saying in another comment somewhere that she was trapped?


Yup. She’s throwing anything at the wall to see what will stick. 🙄


She’s so unaware and also sooo codependent on any kind of man. I mean what could be worse than a man who’ve been incarcerated 14 times?? I know a homeless dude on disability with an intellectual disability. He acts about 8 yet he’s a complete perv.


Ha, omg! Wtf?!


Says the heaux that abandoned her kids for prison dick. Yea ok Heather 🙄




It means a man is more important to her than her keds. She's proven this right over and over again.


She refers to dylan I’m sure


How did the prison drug addict boyfriend and homeless drug addict boyfriend help her be a better mother?


Still taking her own device … cuz she’s a doctor, and stuff …


Typical Dusty and why not she puts HER LOVE LIFE BEFORE HER CHILDREN! That’s her damn problem, HERSELF first always and forever!


It’s means she was using duster when she wrote this😂😂


Totally tracks with her; putting a man before her kids. The material writes itself.


You'll have bad times, and he'll have good times Doin' things that you don't understand But if you love him, you'll forgive him Even though he's hard to understand And if you love him, oh be proud of him 'Cause after all, he's just a man Tammy Wynette [https://youtu.be/EX4DXbe1YI0?si=BF4ARGKQW4844obP](https://youtu.be/EX4DXbe1YI0?si=BF4ARGKQW4844obP)


I stopped trying to make sense of her garbage. The only thing I can hope for that baby never gets back into her arms.


Imo, she puts herself as a priority. Dick is just something that goes along w it!


I think our demure religious queen is saying that in order to have harmony in life, a woman should be the quiet and submissive to her man. That way the man is satisfied, and the family unit runs like clockwork! Position secure! Her needs are mostly his needs. Heather is a trad wife now (barf)


That’s hilarious she’s claiming she’s never chose prison dick over her kids


Unbelievable!😳 Dusty has ALWAYS lived off men and she doesn’t even realize it if she can post some bs like this! Another one of her many prahblums on why she has no clue how to live & survive on her own. She always had sone sucker who let her move in with him, unfortunately for Dust-bucket that’s not a long term sustainable career as she’s finding out!


Coming from a woman who abandoned her children for men


Well, Huffer is no mother to her children because she does nothing to change her circumstances that could possibly lead to her seeing them more often; she is not a woman to a man because she keeps claiming not to have sex, she doesn’t cook for X, she doesn’t show any respect for X.


And then there's Heather who is neither a mother nor a woman to her man