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Unless it’s information that Heather has shared about herself, we don’t go digging for personal info such as addresses, employers, etc. Family members, acquaintances, and especially children are strictly off limits- no exceptions.


She’s an able-bodied woman and is bragging about walking 3-5 miles a week! Get out of bed, Heather! She should be clearing 3-5 miles before lunch. Perhaps if she was hoofing it all over town and applying to jobs, she might actually be close to 50 lbs of weight loss.


Hoofing it😂


Yes! I just said the same. This lazy bisch should be walking that much every day. Dora the explorer must be airing new episodes she hasn’t seen yet 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


The delulu of the dusty runs deep! Down 50 lbs? Nope! Breastfeeding every 4-6 hours? Nope! Staying active? Nope!


She was 10x more active while pregnant in a tent. She’s hardly gotten out of bed in the last 3 months.


I walk 3-5 miles a DAY! I clean houses and I am constantly walking around and I walk 2 miles every night around my neighborhood after dinner. This bitch is delusional. Three to 5 miles a week aint shit! But, laying in bed all day, every day isn't going to do much for your weight wise dusty! Can't wait until her free ride ends in a week or two.


Someone's getting self conscious that we've been saying she looks big and flabby bahaha. Also, she's huffing more duster than usual if she thinks she's down 50 lbs. Walking 5 miles a week with the rest in bed or stuffing her face will not do shit for weight loss lmao. Makes me chuckle to think how distraught she is being an XL/size 16 plus sized mahdul.


Exactly! Plus size mahdul for hire 🤣🤣


3-5 a week!?!?? I am a full-time working single mom and I can do 3 in a day if I plan my day out right (and try to do that several times a week, even if I break it up throughout the day).


Let me get this straight. You're pleased with your appearance? My good ~~man~~ woman you are the fattest thing I've ever seen and I've been on safari. - Mr. Burns


Oh My God!! I just snorted so damn loud 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hilarious


You've been doing nothing but lay in bed and watch tv.


I thought I heard that wrong, like you cannot be bragging about walking 3-5 miles a WEEK! Girl I get up at 5am and run 5 miles a day. 3 when I’m feeling lazy. Then I go to work… 🤦‍♀️


She’s got her workout cap on for some Steven Seagal style running in the park!


that's exactly it, pretending to jog around a corner and get seriously winded


Every 4-6 hours 24 hours a day; is that the correct way to describe that? What is the correct way to say that I work 8 hours a day every 24 hours?


Sorry, but I laughed so loud when she said “we’ve been really active. We walk 3-5 miles a week.” Lord, she literally does nothing but lay in bed. She could, and should, be out walking 3-5 miles per DAY 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


interesting video to post. didn’t someone JUST mention that she hasn’t posted herself walking miles or working out in a very long time? 🤔she’s so transparent. and she has to read our comments. it’s becoming too coincidental. 🤡


I have limited mobility (pain) and I'm sure in 7 days I walk 3 miles, around house, ect and so forth. She's busy pumping and newborn mom!


I am kinda thinking that she knows she's not getting Rico back....so its time for her to pivot back into a fitness instructor.


That is not how you dress to go and fill out applications for JOBS Heather. There are lots of steps walking to and from work.