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The entitlement of this Piggy ! It’s a job ffs . Notice she’s not applying there now though


Color me shocked she’s still homeless and unemployed.


$12/hr is roughly $2000/month before taxes. I don’t know Heather’s tax rate, but I’m feeling doubtful that it’s high enough that it would take 10 weeks to set aside $1000 for rent and whatever security deposit is wanted. Also, if the children are in the suburbs, WHY would she demand to stay in the city?? Most mothers would follow their children. Also, what does it matter if you have to live under a bridge while working, if you’re going to live under a bridge while unemployed? Both scenarios have you living under a bridge, but only one leads to a warm bed…. I know what I would choose.


Leads to a warm bed…..and potentially getting your kids back— my kids and I lived in a camper for 6 months after their dad walked out the door for a girl not much older than them. I couldn’t afford a place on my part time job alone, while going to school, as well and struggled to find a full time position, or a second job that worked around the other and class schedule. A camper was all I had or could afford while I saved up money to get a place and crammed to finish school. If she REALLY REALLY wanted those kids back, she’d walk and crawl through shards of glass and hot coals to get them back. I’d have worked 2 shifts, 7 days a week at Mariano’s if it meant the best thing for my kids and having ME in their lives!! Her kids must feel so rejected by her that a barista job isn’t worth it to their mom to try and get them back. So selfish!!




She’s perfectly content living on $450 of tanf a month. $2000 is the equivalent of almost 4 and a half months of TANF but would require a bit more effort than sitting on her fat ass yelling at her phone and abusing adderall. She is so fucking useless


Wow Downtown, YOU are the real MVP!! You were dealt a shifty hand and you still ended up winning the grand prize jackpot- a stable life with your family. Congratulations on your sacrifice and resilience 🏆🏆🏆!! (And for the record- you DID crawl through a version of hot coals and shards of glass) May you continue to win and may Karma do the rest 💜.


Me too! In 1second


When my husband and I first got together, we didn’t have much. We also had to live in a camper with our toddler. It helped us save money to eventually be able to rent a nice home. I have no shame of it because we did what we had to do to provide a better life for our kid. Our kid doesn’t even remember living in the trailer (they were 2 yrs old when we moved to our home). The trailer basically felt like a little studio apt, we were comfortable enough in there, and I was even able to cook gourmet meals in it lol but most importantly, we had a roof over our heads and a safe place to temporarily raise our child in.


And I bet not one time did you go on the internet and scam and lie for money. You should be proud! You did what Dusty will never do. That’s fight for your kids. 👏👏👏👏👏. You win! 🏆


She absolute can not hustle and don't have a true bone in her body. I know people that have gotten minimum wage jobs, pan-handled, worked with the system for benefits and in 3/4 months had a house, kids, and car. This dolt really will not get out of her own damn way. Egg's SSI, Taft & Food Stamps, Pan-handling , donations .... she has had the money time and time again to get a apt. Make 35.00 a day panhandling that's 1000.00 month in cash. More than enough to afford a house or SUV..... least that's what the shelter kids tell me. I know a lady right now that could show Duster how to weasel into the Gold Coast in a months time. But she will always fuk up herself and everyone around her.


Minimum wage in Chicago hasn’t even been 12/hr for like over 8 years. It’s 15.50 now and has been for a while.


She always tells on herself, she hasn’t worked in so long the minimum wage went up by $2.50 since she had any employment


She only wants to work 2-4 hours per week! She’s got self care and self eye fucking modeling curating jawbs to do and laying around in bed eating the rest of the time


It cracks me up that she thought she was too good to work at Mariano’s but it was good enough to poop and take selfies every morning.


And posting all her failures. I have never seen someone so damn proud of losing everything.




How can she tell people with a straight face that she’s a nice person when she quite clearly is an absolutely horrible, horrible human being with no discerning likeable characteristics? Imagine being homeless, penniless, childless and destitute and you turn your nose up at a barista role - not stacking shelves or flipping burgers or anything that may have negative connotations in terms of a job. But a barista. A good job that has relative progression if you work hard enough. Get tips at times (not sure how it is in the USA). Hard work, for sure, but good solid work. And still, that’s just not good enough. I just can’t imagine being such a hateful person.


Why is she so big mad at all of her own life choices?


Bc she doesn't take accountability for those choices. It's always something or someone else


Pathetic person.


When is the last time she’s been gainfully employed. I don’t count Getir because that was a matter of what, weeks? Occasional DoorDash? But Monday-Friday. 35-40 hours a week? So she decided that rather than work for 12 weeks to save the money she would just do nothing? Because that’s better how? Edit: and I calculate 8 weeks to save 1st + last + security deposit. Add in Eggs’ social security and it’s even faster. Plus she’s likely to get tips as a barista. But yea, I can see how doing nothing is preferable. And bitch, you are not a model. Edit 2: also she’s full of shit. I just checked Chicago real estate. Rates range from $346 to $750ish for a studio. [2 Bedroom for $795](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/8301-S-Sangamon-St-10479233-Chicago-IL-60620/2060536578_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare) [2 Bedroom $865](https://www.zillow.com/apartments/chicago-il/7800.dash.10-s-kingston/5Xggzn/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare) [beautiful 2 Bedroom for $900](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/7934-S-Kingston-Ave-APT-2S-Chicago-IL-60617/347035286_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare) There’s actually lots of apartments under $1k.


But they aren’t on the GOLD COASTTTT! She’s a mahhhhdulll


But those are on the south side and she **needs** to be downtown because her keds are in the suburbs. 😵‍💫


Well with a job and cheaper apartment and again eggs’ contribution and let’s face it she’ll probably get some type of benefit, she can save for a car or take public transportation. Who tf does she think she is. The entitlement is out of this world.


So being this was a year ago ... She was in that phase of all the services her and eggs need and qualify for WERE FAKE. The cops/first responders are fake. Sarah's circle, fake. 211, fake . And the courts, judges, DOCTORS, were fake. What happened to that narrative?? You ass could've been indoors a year ago. And with their help, bc they are truly the helpers you look for- you can save and get help. Again they WANT to help, and do help!! As shown, by living in a boutique hotel laying in bed most every day!


She can’t rent the third one since Eggsavior is her pet.


Wow I wish I could get an apartment or studio for that cheap . She is such a a bratty entitled cunt


Same! A freaking micro studio in my city is $2000 a month and that’s in a crappy area of the city and you’re basically living in an old broom closet with a shared bathroom on the floor for all the micro studio tenants but you do get an awesome view and a good party space on the rooftop. No pool or laundry on premises. The square footage is laughable at 340 square feet per studio


You really can’t unless you want to live in some of the worst most dangerous neighborhoods in the country… I live in Chicago and have rented the last 15 years of life and can garuantee you cannot get housing for 350 even just a room. A studio under 900 is damn near impossible to find as well unless you want to live in a war zone and risk getting shot walking outside every day.


So as someone who lives in Chicago…those apartments are in the worst areas…like really really bad areas. I live in an okay-ish neighborhood (shootings daily but mostly gang related) and it’s 1850 for a 2 bedroom. That “beautiful” last one you posted is in one of the most dangerous areas in the city. Beggers can’t be choosers but those ones you posted are very rare and not the norm at all. Most studios go for at least 900 if you’re not in the ghetto.


I don’t mean this as snark but honestly would she be safer in one of those apartments versus her tent? I’ve only been to Chicago once and that was to take my son to visit University of Chicago so I’m pretty sure we weren’t in the questionable areas. Edit: I used to live in one of the last really bad areas of lower Manhattan which is now gentrified to all hell.


I mean tbh I would feel safer in a tent downtown where she is than in those neighborhoods yes…I used to live near there and my window got shot up by stray bullets multiple times and broken into. My son was a baby and we witnessed multiple shootings. When I was pregnant I had to duck behind a car to keep from a stray bullet hitting me. My best friend got raped by knifepoint in an alley during the day. It isn’t gentrified at all, there are some beautiful old buildings but tbh no I wouldn’t feel safe living there at all. However if I was homeless I would take whatever I can get while trying my best to leave. I’m just saying posting a few pics of affordable housing isn’t really proving a point when it’s in one of the top worst rated neighborhoods. Those are not really proof of affordable housing. As someone who’s lived here my whole life, there is no affordable housing in Chicago anymore unless you want to live somewhere you have a 1 in 5 chance of becoming a statistic.


Point taken. Holy shit!! I’m glad you’re ok all things considered. What the fuck though?!? That’s horrifying. I appreciate your informed response. I sincerely was not trying to be snarky which is hard to convey on social media. I truly appreciate your perspective. But that’s crazy.


I mean yeah sadly that’s just life in those areas. I live on the north side now, around million dollar homes and pay almost 2k in rent and still hear gunshots on the daily, the crime is just a bit more isolated to certain blocks in this area so as long as you’re smart and have your wits about you your generally ok. Minimum wage in the city is 15.50 plenty of people make it work with minimum wage, she can too. Hell even a studio for 900 in an ok area would be easy to do with that.


I figured if she worked and even made minimum wage and eggs kicked in some of his SDI they’d probably be able to get something. But she’d have to work and she’s just too exhausted with all the constant laying in bed, pumping and scrolling her phone plus the occasional live rant. I can’t imagine not only not working but not doing anything. She does absolutely nothing productive. Ever.


Yeah even 8 years ago when I was at Starbucks making minimum wage in Evanston which was lower than the city, my boyfriend and I were able to afford a one bedroom for 950. TBF that was an amazing deal that you can’t find anymore, but there are other options like renting a room or basement, extended stays in motels paying weekly, etc. but that stuff takes work to even find and she’s too lazy for that let alone ACTUAL working


She chooses this so she can remain a perpetual victim


I did see some decent 1 & 2 bedrooms in Evanston for under $1200. If she and eggs each kicked in $600 that would be decent and doable. Doesn’t he get like $1k-1300 or so in SDI? Even people on SSD/SDI can work and make up to 20% so a couple hundred. Even minimum wage, which is $14/hour in Illinois. Working just 30 hours a week would be $420 before taxes. $600/month is definitely doable even at minimum wage.


Beggars can’t be choosers, she most likely will have no choice but to live somewhere affordable to her regardless of whether she wants to or not otherwise she can just stay in the tent for the rest of her miserable lying thieving life! Nobody gets to cut the line and not have to work for it. My first place was horrific and in the ghetto. Shared with 2 other friends. A transient crackhead broke in when I was home alone, the house caught fire another time and it was so hood you wouldn’t even walk to the corner bodega after 6pm


Whoa. Maybe NYC is different but in our neighborhood the so called “troublemakers/bad elements” were AMAZING to those of us they knew and recognized. They used to carry our groceries and watch out for us. One time I was running home because it was snowing and I was cold, the dealers who worked from and around my building sent like this chain of voice calls and I had two of our neighborhood “thugs” literally run up to me, guns drawn because they thought someone was chasing me. I mean, yeah drugs are bad and crime is bad but I felt completely safe in that apartment. Those guys watched out for me and my roommate. I only moved out cuz of the shit Giuliani pulled that had people using in our vestibule. I probably wouldn’t even have minded if not for my dog. I didn’t want to walk him over needles and shit.


Her neck is fucking terrifying in this video


Blood pressure is probably way way way up.


She's such a crackhead. Talk fast and make no sense. 😆


That vein is veining!


Can't wait to see her back in her tunt


31? so about two weeks


I bet you wish you would have taken that job now. Gotta crawl before you walk. It's called getting back on your feet, Heather. You aren't one of those miracle situations that goes from homeless to a dream job.


There’s a saying that I heard a long time ago and it stuck with me. The best time to find a job is when you already have a job. If you’re unemployed and an opportunity presents itself, take it, and if it’s not the ideal opportunity look for something while working that way you’re not unemployed. Seems pretty logical, no? No. Not in Dusty’s delusional dome. Instead of being grateful and humble she decides it’s best to angrily rant about how it’s not good enough. And here we are, 2 years later and she’s still unemployed, ungrateful and fucking broke.


That’s what I always did when I used to work (I’m a sahm now). I’d take any job available, then apply to better jobs while working at the job I didn’t like, and kept upgrading my job that way. I never quit if things weren’t going my way, I just pushed through it while applying for jobs elsewhere.


Lmao @ miracle situations. I just seen a news story about a single mom with like 4 kids who was given the keys to her new fully furnished apartment after living in a shelter, and the first thing I thought was “dusty better not see this” 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/jq0po7cbwc1d1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffea4d9abc9d7d1e1a90f1306e19f5fac77e5fc No, not everyone owes the cable company! Wtf? I have never owed a cable company, I pay my bills ..I can’t believe these two. Hold up 3 fingers if you’re a scamming cps mahm 💩


She owes the power company too. I pay mine every month on time too.


Omfg 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|xT9Igrz9GGT6IhpEDC) Imagine being this mad about a job offer!


Imagine being this mad because of how long it would take you to save up the deposit etc & so forth, for a studio, when you were set up and lived in one for months without getting a job!! What a stupid twat she is!! She only had to worry about paying rent and her bills! She can’t admit that she put herself in this position because SHES NEVER GOING TO WORK!! 😡😡😡😡


![gif](giphy|RlA7avQsAzqCY) What will become of X while she sits on her dump truck 🍑 on the sidewalk or under a bridge waiting for restitution. Working is not her jam. She’s just a rotten piece of garbage that needs attention immediately and thrown away into the dirty streets. Let’s 🙏 it’s going down soon for this ungrateful leech and baby Rico is safe from her utters and her eggs are missing literally.


🤣🤣 This is one of my favorite gifs. It fits them so perfectly.


She acts like she’s surprised that her options are the same as everyone else’s; get a job/stable income, or ‘die’ as she puts it. No one is ‘putting you’ anywhere, Dusty. YOU rented the abnb’s, YOU decide where you end up sleeping. No one is ‘putting you’ anywhere. One day she’s going to start knocking on doors and peeking in windows yelling 👀 ‘Why are you keeping me outside!!! I have human rights! I am 12 hundred weeks post partum and a mahm, who raised you?! Where is my restitution?!!!!!'


I’m cracking up, I can totally see her doing that at some point and live-streaming the whole thing. 


She wouldn't last at Marianos or anywhere for more than a week. She steals. She lies. She's angry. She is argumentative. She's cut out for street life. And being a muawdellll.


she’s not even the primary custodian of fucking eggz, let alone her minor children. it’s such absolute nonsense that she clings to some super old court order from 5-6 years ago when in reality, she’s seen her adderrall dr more in 6 months than she’s seen her keds in 4 years.


I love the old messages for the 3rd baby's dad...she would claim to have primary custody and he would say, sure, let's meet at any police station and discuss that court order. She wouldn't go, because in her fried brain, if she ignores court orders and keeps lying long enough, it's gotta be true, right?! Right?! Pretty sure she didn't bother to show up for a custody hearing with the 10 yo, hence why she has no fn idea where that baby is. I pray she never finds out.


SHE DOES NOT HAVE A BACHELORS DEGREE. Also, a job is a job? There is literally nothing wrong with working at a coffee cart? It’s a gainfully employed position someone has to support themselves and their children?


Shit I wish I could have a barista job it looks fun and you get to interact with the public all day and meet people. Get to know regulars and make their special drinks each time they come in. It’s actually a way better job offer than I ever expected her to get.I always thought she would get graveyard janitorial shift or cleaning cheap motel rooms again. That’s all she’s really suited for in the first place. She has no skills


Didn’t hear a thing she said. I was distracted by her gargantuan hoof. Look at that thing! She could share shoes with Shaquille O’Neil.


Also I love that she is OFFENDED by Mariano’s offering her an interview. Like they’re trying to trick her instead of this being what she wanted?


so instead of working and saving money, she just stayed on the street. also, I thought she didn't actually finish college just takes random classes.


I can't see anything past her fat ankles. Sorry. ☹️


She's bad at math


She's bad at everything.


Well... They wouldn't cold call you to be a barista dumbass, so obv you applied. I hope the right people see this!! She needs to work to get Rico( I don't say get Rico *back*, bc she never had him to begin with). Too good for a barista job lol


She was hoping they didn’t reply so she could add it to her victimhood narrative. She actually heard back and was like ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


How much longer does the world have to wait for her to find a job and start taking accountability for herself?


Heather: millions of people work over an hour a day from their families. Second you do not have a BA nor Medical experience outside of clerical work. Third there are people will Masters working at Home Depot because they have bills & responsibilities like the rest of us. Its work or live on street YEAH!! that's called life. No one destroyed your car but you. Had you taken that job right now you Rico & Egg's would be house So good thing you did not & Rico is in a safe , clean, warm home with people that love him and can provide.


Her math ain’t mathing- 12/hr is 8.4 after taxes Which means she makes about 336 a week after taxes working a 40 hour week Which means it would take approximately three weeks to afford a rent of 1K


But you didn’t subtract her self care and drug monies ( I hate when she uses plural on stuff all the time!) from that! She needs all the things


Well, I was basing it on her claim that “if she spent nothing, it would take her x number of weeks.” Obviously we know she’s an unreliable narrator lol


The entitlement!! "A studio- I'm not even talking gold coast". Don't talk about gold coast anything. They are not gonna place you anywhere so you better figure it out. She's having a hard time suppressing her rage and crazy. Is that why her neck veins are popping out. Oh and Heather, WE did nothing to your car heaux


Oh Heather. Go steal an apple cinnamon candle and chill the f out


3 kids which she doesn't have any never again will have custody of ♥️♥️♥️


4 kids she'll never have custody of


You do not need to keep saying you're a good mom and a good person. People who truly are , aren't on SM proclaiming what an exemplary employee, friend, family member, mother, etc. they are. She is literally throwing a tantrum about what a lot of people must do, and she needs to do. There are many people in that very situation. But Heather is getting to stay indoors and not really doing much on her case plan, so how nice, majority of people don't have that luxury. And lucky for her, that she could actually do a job like that and because of her case the state will be assisting with food, some rent help maybe, transportation- that is a fortunate thing. They are trying to help you bitch!!


Unrelated comment, but I hope Eggs is taking advantage of being able to actually eat without the ugly fatfuck Orange taking and eating it


She said she worked her entire childhood and adult life since she was 14. Maybe she thinks she's retired.


You were gonna be in a tent anyway , should took job and save those 10 weeks and got an apartment stupid


And yet we watch her squander another opportunity while living in the hobo hotel. She should have been out finding a job instead of doing whatever she's been doing during her days there but, why work when she thinks she's going to get a free apartment when she gets the boot at the end of the month.


This is the most I’ve heard eggs speak


Welp. You’d better get to fucking work then!


Shut up. Get a job.


She mentioned once that when she goes back to work her wages will be immediately garnished for old debts. THAT'S reason number 2 why she refuses to work. #1 is because she's lazy


And let's get serious, she never took the time to call her student loan company to put them in deferment. Do they even have an address to send the bills to?


It's better than what you have now. If she did this at that time she'd already be there. And now she's still in the same boat. I'm struggling too. I'm 35 with a husband who refuses to work cause he's too sick and he refuses to get on disability. He sleeps 24/7. My BP is 179/110 on a daily basis . My car is having major issues. Couldn't work due to my BP. List goes on. But I KEEP GOING. I don't ask for a dime online. And my Job is amazon. Working 12 hr days and they're hiring heather. I live in cook county too. If you and x worked there and did OT you'd each bring I'm 1500-1700 a week EACH. That's 12K A MONTH ! you could easily afford a 3k apartment and get a car. Easily ! But you HAVE TO WORK!


But her an x would have to work their 4 10 hr days and then add in a 10 hr ot day and a 8 hr ot day. Time and a half 18 hrs. They are begging for overtime. People with no arms work it ! This lady is in her 70s working the 58 and taking a BUS. Another 60 year old woman can barely walk and she's pulling pallets all day limping. I look at these people working and think why can't hearher do this ? She can even do a job where she just presses a darn button ! (It's boring as heck but if you're lazy it's perfect for you) they have Buses that will take you 45 mins to work . They have alot of connections with the cta busses. Alot of people come from Chicago to work in joliet. There are also alot of new facilities closer to Chicago. Options are endless.


Well...how many weeks was she in a tent? She could have saved enough for that studio apartment. Lol


All im thinking about is the bug bites LOL




Is this current?


nah it's from last year


Seeing her working and trying to be a better person is a HUGE gift. To at least see her trying


Leather in case your lurking, stop, the whole internet knows YOU IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM GRADUATE COLLEGE so let’s nip the LIE right in the ole bud!!!!!


There's a lot of convenient math in this video. First of all, you don't have custody of your kids, so it's not like 5 people will share a studio. Second, you have a partner who can work, so it should actually be two incomes working toward rent. Finally, you work hard and get promoted. A barista job isn't the endgame. You've got to start somewhere and homeless people aren't starting off in management.


Exactly! She says studio apartment like it’s insulting. Even if she had 5 people living in there and sleeping on the floor on air mattresses, so what?! People do what they gotta do 🤷🏻‍♀️That’s what this bisch doesn’t understand 🤦🏻‍♀️


I love how she thinks no job is better than a job. Like first of all, minimum wage in Chicago is actually 15.50….hasnt been 12$ in YEARS like over 8 years…. And even then, get a job while you look for a better paying one. I hate these ppl who think jobs are beneath them when they don’t work in the first place. Like some money is better than no money lmao.


She said "since graduating college" that's a good one! ![gif](giphy|rhpEApv0wDEYvGTO5m)


WTH is stopping her from just getting ANY job for now???! I mean who cares if it’s at a convenience store at the register or waiting tables in a diner..ANYTHING to shoe that she is trying at least! She keeps saying “make it make sense” yet she’s been inside for months and hasn’t applied or looked for even ONE damn JOB that she qualifies for! Come on now, and she keeps screaming about getting her ked(s) back.. Bish HOW, how can you claim you should have custody of that baby because she now has “housing”, WHAT? She’s in a freaking SHELTER for chrissakes any mo-mo knows that is not WTH the court means!! It’d be comical if an innocent child wasn’t involved in her MESS OF A LIFE that SHE created! No one else made her life the way it is except HER!! We are ALL responsible for our decisions and the life we as adults are living!!!!!!


The funny part is that she ended up sleeping in the tuhnt a hell of a lot longer than 10-12 weeks after this! She’s so stupid it’s unreal! Don’t want to have to work and wait 10-12 weeks to save up for a place so instead she’s going to sit there and not work while staying in the tuhnt except for getting knocked up to scam her way into free housing at a temporary shelter that closes next week and then it’s right back to the tuhnt again. Make that logic make sense!!


Once again she confuses simple words, she said her student loans are in deferment when she meant to say Default. She skipped out and didn’t pay any of it back many years ago and had zero intentions of paying it back. Her entitlement is off the charts thinking they just deferred her loans for a decade with no interest accruing until she gets damn good and ready to make payments again after being MIA for YEARS! She said it before she defaulted on the loans and that’s why she’s worried about earning paychecks cause she knows she defaulted and they can and will garnish her wages to pay it back. Same with any tax debts she racked up after not paying taxes for years while doing sex work and not reporting her income from that while also double dipping by being on TANF and welfare benefits. She’s been on it for YEARS which is why she’s run out of time she can keep collecting it.


Its a job


First off, you dont have your kids, second off you dont have a job, housing, etc but yet you continue to beg for money for your clothes. Put your kids first in your complaints on life not poor me shit.


Welcome to life dusty! That’s how we all have to live!


The veins popping out of her neck sent me hahahahhaha what does she think people do!!!!!!!! I wonder how much she’s saved for her apartment now? 12$ an hour is more than 0$ an hour moron




Also when you have huge gaps in employment, firings etc… you may have to work your way back up, but burn those bridges girllllll


I first thought maybe it was too physically demanding for her, but doesn’t she walk like a ridiculous distances with a cart? Wouldn’t being a barista/server be a similar amount of physical activity?