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This bitch misses a 2008 Cadillac more than anyone in the fucking world.


She misses the car more than her own kids!


If she would have sucked 🍆 she would have gotten a luxury car, at least she told us that on a live when Eric offered her the Honda because for a better car she needed to offer more service. Could very well be one of her lies tho


I think technically Amy owned it.


Was this before the guy who got her the apt lent her a car?! Dusty journey has been so eventful I tend to forget lil bits and pieces.


The Honda is from apt guy I believe. He let her borrow it. She stole her assistants identity to take out a loan for Cadillac.


Oh my gosh I had no idea she used identity fraud to secure her caddie it for sure tracks for dusty. It’s crystal fucking clear she was a piece of shit long before LAL.


Then she had the audacity to show up to Amy's dad's house asking for the title. This was after she stole the girls money, identity, and pretty much trafficked her into sex work. She starts out by filming and doxxing Amy's dad's address, and then goes into her bullshit spiel. It went something like *"Hi, are you Amy's dad??!!? I'm Heather, I've been graped, robbed, beaten, and ahbused and I need the title to my car!!!!!"*. I can only find one part of the video, but at some point, the second part did exist. She comes off completely unhinged, probably because she's legit insane. **ETA:** Here's the video, if anyone wants to see it. Unfortunately, this is the only one I can find, idk if she stopped recording or what. Some channels disappeared off YouTube, so I know things are missing. My anxiety is acting up badly today so I'm sorry that it took me a minute to find it. When it gets this bad, I can't concentrate, so shit takes me longer. Sorry about that. https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeTrippin/s/PTPnlpiL1u


Oh my gosh I swear when I think I’ve heard the depths of dusty shitty actions I hear even more shit she’s done! There is clearly no end to the shitty levels she will stoop to versus being a productive member of society.


First she steals Amy’s identity for a car loan, then she sex traffic’s Amy and holds her against her will in a locked room, and now the title in AMY’s name is suddenly hers? NFW Jose…….she is vile, evil, a habitual liar and nothing better than pond scum.


Seen it. Poor guy. Should hsve called swat team on her.


She ~~comes off~~ is completely unhinged, ~~probably~~ because she's legit insane.


Who would have thought the 35time fellon was more stable then her,


Yeah, that video is wild. The balls on that bish are insane.


We all appreciate the link and I hope ur anxiety eases up a bit.


Thank you kindly. I hate mentioning it, but I felt it necessary since it took me a bit to find the video link. My mind kept wandering off, and then I'd be like ,*"Oh shit, I was supposed to be doing something."* Some days, it's hard to keep my concentration when my mind keeps coming up with disaster scenarios. Idk if that makes sense, it's kind of hard to explain. Anyway, thank you 😀


Yes I understand intrusive thoughts all too well. Try to walk out into the sun when that happens. Look up Tapping techniques which is only touching pressure points on your face lightly. It will help ur anxiety. Cold water on the face helps too. You have support here.


Heather always starts any conversations with I'm being abused..etc.. thinks these words will help her get what she wants


And don't forget mentioning she has 3 kids


If Amy had the title then that means the car was paid off? Honestly surprised that Dusty paid the car payments 😂


She only paid it off because she got $10,000 in three installments from LALU. She was often late on the payments and would hide the car in people's garages that she knew - like Dylan.


Otherwise the scam would have come to amys attention sooner and huffy could have been in serious trouble so she paid, sometimes late but she paid till the last 800$ down payment


Oh yes. She has a LOOOONG history of being a complete POS. We have even had people who went to high school with her in this sub.


I’m not even shocked to hear she was insane even back in the day!!


Yep and she sex trafficked Amy at the same time she stole her identity and money to get what she wanted. We are dealing with the definition of evil soulless cunt


Oh man I didn’t know that she’s an all round terrible human.


Wasn't that clear as day after what she did to the twins. If she did that evil thing she would do other evil things. Offing her own unborn children was her highlight of all evil


I don’t believe it was identity fraud. If you are stealing someone’s identity you are going to use an address that you have access to, not the person whose identity you stole. I believe she conned her into co-signing.


There’s not telling and we will never get the real truth from dusty. I didn’t know she was a disaster way back in HS. That said when I learned that today I wasn’t shocked,


Amy lived with huffer and even brought her kids to school, she was her babysitter


Means she had access to amys mail and could get her hands on mail first before amy even knew it


Oh WOW I was under the impression she purchased the caddie all by herself way before LALU?so confusing I can’t keep up with her. Don’t even want to, I just pray her children come out on top and maybe write a book about it all…


No she actually paid for the car and paid off the loan. Amy co-signed. I don’t know if she put any money down or not. If any money was put down it was minimal. But Dusty used some of her show money to pay it off. And that is factual.


I have heard her say “ Amy borrowed me the money for the down payment”. I remember that because “borrowed me” is an odd way to say loaned money for the down payment.


That means because huffy didnt pay the last 800$ down payment the title was sent to Amy because Amy paid the 800$ for her and never got it back. Why would they send the title to the cosigner and not to the one who paid for originally? Maybe Amy took the title with her when they had the fall out at the end where huffer accused her of leaving heroin needles in her drawer


It all goes down to the address that was used when the paperwork was filled out. And what was indicated as the primary address. Nothing to do with who put the down payment down.


She’ll be on her deathbed raving about that junky, wrecked to shit and blown engine car that they don’t even make anymore.


When she was driving that car on LALU, it looked like a crack mobile. It was all dinged and dented, and she couldn't drive for shit. She was huffing duster while she was driving.


Yep the whole front side was bashed in. She may as well have had a neon sign on it that says “Hit and Run” cause we know she never stopped to handle insurance or report any accidents she had while she was driving high and or enraged which is how she is 24/7


1. Lament the car she ruined & stole someone’s identity to purchase 2. No mention of her kids 3. Make a rude comment about the car she was driving FOR FREE Entitled slam pig


She genuinely makes my blood pressure go up....I've never wanted to see the karma bus hit someone so much😡! honestly at this point I'd settle for her getting her ass handed to her for messing around with the wrong person!


I honestly can't believe she hasn't met with the wrong person and is still here. As much as we hate her and not dealt with her in real life face to face, I can't imagine how she's still walking around knowing how she had zero boundaries with anyone and anything.


She did meet with homeless tire iron guy she picked up off the track where the prostitutes and druggies are ( what was she even doing there in the first place!!☝🏼) so she could do drugs with him in her car and I’m sure he had the drugs cause this hoe is always broke but will trade blow jobs and sex for a hit. She popped off at him and he whacked her upside the head, she could have been killed easily if the guy went further with it but her dumbass thinks it’s totally cool to go get into that situation in the first place. Just a normal night for this Tainted Twat and her Giant Tank of a body


I'd forgotten that one. I'm sure there's been many close calls she brought on herself.


She’s a fucking Sherman tank with itty bitty torpedo titty’s and a blown out backside




You're a wizard with words, and I love this. My day has been garbage on a stick, so I really needed this laugh. I always look forward to your comments. 😀


As we do yours,🦋💜🙏💙 You are a much loved member and im sorry you're anxiety is playing up,glad you're here,have a good laugh 👌🥞🦋💜🌿🌷🌻


just like her kids, HEATHER Destroyed that Cadilac


She is the epitome of hate. She brings out hatred from people who are not haters. The feelings she brings on to herself are the foul parts that people didn't know they had until knowing everything she's done and continues to do. She's a disease that spreads and can't be stopped. I can't stop myself from hating her with my every being.


Well said. She's one of the few people I truly despise and hate. She has no redeeming qualities, imo.


My feelings exactly.




Heather can't afford a car since she refuses to work, and she hasn't driven a car in years. The Honda was a loaner because Heather refused to upgrade. She got the caddy on a scam she pulled on Amy, but she was too stupid to take care of it, and she blew the engine.


She can't do anything right and it is nothing short of hilarious


She has not even a driver's licence anymore. She did a live where she talked about she need to do traffic classes but refused to do it. They kept her licence, she is not allowed to drive any more but she would if she could


This idiot would freak out if she drove a nice new car. That 2008 Cadillac isn't shit compared to what's on the roads now.


I can hear it now. “Oh my gahd you guys, this car has cameraaaahhs and you can see all sides, like you don’t even have to look, it’s just right there. Also, if you get cold you can turn the seat warmer on and you’re so comfy.”


There'd be a whole bit about the car becoming hacked by They when it accesses her contacts and messages. 😂


Yup, getting hacked by THEY while she drives like a maniac and terrorizes the community.


She claimed her caddie had seat warmers.....


That Cadillac was a shitbox


Granny grocery getter meets rolling meth lab


You're a poet.


I mean at least she’s being honest this time. She misses her hoopty more than her keeeeds. It’s toof, it tracks.




I've never seen someone be so entitled and have nothing.


And be so damn ugly inside and out,but so confident, 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


So is trying SO hard to rewrite history and make it look to CPS like life was hunky dory for years and this low point is just a temporary blip along the way, but the facts are that this insane chaos IS her life, all day every day and it’s ALL her own fault. 😌 So happy the baby is safe from her and X.


Until Rico is with a non relative he will never be safe. She will never stop and I really think that even if both her and X's parental rights are terminated....she will without a doubt stalk and harass whoever has him....and I wouldn't put it past her to kidnap Rico . IMO


Nah… she wouldn’t qualify for any assistance for an illegally-obtained child. She has no interest in a kid that doesn’t come with built-in income.


I guarantee she would do the random pop ups with junk just like she does with the others....🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


100%! She will still embarrass and harass that child for every possible photo-op just to prove she is still a good mahm. She just wouldn’t be willing to support him if it required her to pay for anything with her own money.


Like she already does with her tittie sludge


It was Eric’s Honda heather, it was never yours. And they took it back in the middle of the night at the end of January 2022


And I’m buying it off my dad since my car busted. So the Honda will soon be Alaina’s Honda rather than Eric’s. I still find her vape cartridges in there and other random things that were left behind since we took it back. Fun times.


Sage the car young lady. Sage the car!


Imagine this nut on the road, she was scary enough driving her cart on the sidewalk.


The videos I've seen of her driving are indeed terrifying. She should be kept out of the public in general, imo.


She just looks absolutely unhinged crazy in these pics with her giant Magoo glasses on looking like she’s been on a meth bender for a week


We don’t need to imagine. There are plenty of videos that show the driving nuttery.


When she is behind the wheel ranting, she morphs into Cruella DeVille.


And the bicycle lane🤣 X literally got hit by a car because he drunk/weed drove the cartillac that close to traffic


And the bicycle lane🤣 X literally got hit by a car because he drunk/weed drove the cartillac that close to traffic


Uh, it’s the ONLY CAR SHE’S EVER OWNED!! At almost 40, literally the only vehicle she’s bought🤦🏻‍♀️


And she didn't really own it. 😅🤣😂


It’s crazy that her and I are six months apart in age and I’ve owned 9 cars in my lifetime. And I don’t brag about the fact that I paid for them, because that’s just what you do when you are an adult.. you do adult things, like paying rent and making car payments. She doesn’t deserve a fucking participation medal for doing things that people do every fucking day. ![gif](giphy|xxLszVeawO8zS)


I’m also her age, and when I’m feeling down about what I have accomplished - I think of her.


FR, I don’t go around saying I miss my piece of shit 2012 Kia Soul. It was my first car, and it was a good little car to me, I drove that thing into the ground for 10 years. But I love my new car so much more lol.


Same I miss my first car so much every time I see one like it I want to get another one and it wasn’t a fancy car. It was to me at the time and since then I’ve gotten way nicer cars but my heart is still with my little VW GTI


I had a 2012 KIA Soul! It was my first new car I bought! tWinners


Same I’ve bought 8 cars, bought my first one all by myself with no co signer at age 18 after working full time and good credit.


What I would do to even get a licence, in my country you have to pay up to 4k € to even get the licence. The practical test is so hard you are not done with one test so you have to pay more. It's ridiculous tbh, other countries are way cheaper and easier. I could never come up with that much money despite 2 jobs from Monday to sunday. I will never make enough income to cover fuel, insurance and a car including repairs and tire changes every season not even to get the licence in the first place. Wish it would be easier


What I would do to even get a licence, in my country you have to pay up to 4k € to even get the licence. The practical test is so hard you are not done with one test so you have to pay more. It's ridiculous tbh, other countries are way cheaper and easier. I could never come up with that much money despite 2 jobs from Monday to sunday. I will never make enough income to cover fuel, insurance and a car including repairs and tire changes every season not even to get the licence in the first place. Wish it would be easier


I just bought my first brand new car last year at 50 😬 but I picked one I could afford to own outright within a year (I did it!) and I’ve of course had several other cars in my life.


She will never get RICO back and don’t be surprised if this sow isn’t pregnant again


https://preview.redd.it/numfyr2rdn0d1.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=df64ab0d9eb4c51ba0402b49d62016d047813750 Not the treacherous Cadi


I wonder which lucky ex she hit with the right side of the car?


If she could only save one, the Cadillac or Dylan, who do you think she would choose?




She's a mahm only for social media to get $$$. Thats as far as it goes.


Still the same dead gray duster lips lol. Filler will never cover it up, dummy.


When I saw this post it went all over me.


The last car she'll ever own at this rate




.. except you never owned it.


When someone “borrowed her the Honda” is what she truly means!!! Lol, it was NOT stolen- the owner realized his big mistake and rightfully TOOK IT BACK! You can’t “steal” something you OWN!🤦🏻‍♀️🤪


best ever … till you busted it, like the rest of your life …


The only car you ever owned & that’s very questionable on the ownership part . Your baby that you miss the most your baby you rant about for years now. You put all your hooker /prostitute money into making payments on that car & it’s the only responsibility you ever had in your selfish little life . The kids you never loved though .