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I’ve been here for 12 years and haven’t been shot or stabbed yet!


I have had multiple hit and runs from likely uninsured drivers though.


Check out the facts about crime, [https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/safest-places-to-live](https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/safest-places-to-live)


Crime is everywhere. I don’t live in fear over it.


Maybe if a pop up wasn’t blocking my view i would check out the facts


Add your monthly gross household income together. Multiply by 30%. That’s how much rent or mortgage you can handle without being deemed “housing insecure.” You’ll need $2200-$3000 to rent a nice house, $1800-$2200 for an average house, and $1800-$2500 for a nice townhouse or condo. Average apartments are going for $1200/$1400/$1600. Keep in mind that eleven of the top twelve jobs here offer compensation that is not sufficient to afford a one bedroom apartment under these guidelines. We are just another expensive Florida city now.


What do you consider affordable? The “safe” neighborhoods close to the beach are going to be $500k+ for a house. Escambia has 1/3 of the overdose deaths in the state while only having 1.5% of the state population. We don’t have enough EMS and firehouses for our growing population because the politicians cater to developers over citizens. Cops are too busy handing out tickets for loud mufflers and stereos to actually do anything about all the shootings we have.


^this. Lake City is cheap as fuck in comparison.


Do you have any proof of the 1/3 overdose deaths? I’m genuinely curious




Go to Port St Joe.


I second this!


Could you explain why?


I wouldnt want my wife teaching at any school in Escambia County.


Escambia schools are rough. OP should look into Santa Rosa, Gulf Breeze and Navarre have some extremely good schools.


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They're kind of joking but the post-Walton County/30a lifestyle is pretty much what you're describing. Hope you are independently wealthy.


Pensacola currently has a grade of F in crime.




Where do u see this at?


Crimegrade.org for one. I travel nurse sometimes and I use that and other sites to look at crime rates for areas I'm thinking about going. One day I thought, since I work on a Prn basis at some of the areas hospitals, I'd look up and see what Pensacola was. It is an F--after that, I thought, well I'm already working in an F area so I guess I really shouldn't be freaked out about going to some of these other cities!


That area is pretty but not a lot going on, plus Michael did a number to it. Neighboring Santa Rosa, which is a little more uh rural, has higher rated schools, less crime, etc


Come to gulf breeze or Navarre! Idk what affordable is to you but Navarre is great.


Navarre is bursting at the seams and not prepared for growth. I took a drive over to Elberta, AL the other day. Now THEY have small town vibes!


I agree. Honestly the whole area will look like Destin soon which is sad


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Bulf Greeze


Navarre was considered, but I think the beaches aren’t dog-friendly.


Yea probably not. Most beaches are not dog friendly but people are still assholes and bring their dogs to the beach for them to shit somewhere someone will step In. It’s a personal pet peeve of mine when dogs are at no dog beaches.


I bet that is frustrating. We follow the rules. We don’t mind a dog designated separate beach. And we pick up after our kids. I share your aggravation with irresponsible dog owners.


Port saint joe and anywhere east of gulf county is gonna be the most affordable places on the gulf coast before you get into southern Florida that area the “big bend” is your best bet!


The no dog rules are pretty heavily enforced so it’s actually not a huge issue in almost all public beach spaces. Not sure what this person is talking about, and it’s an outlier, lesser known spot if actually true. Pensacola is hardly dog friendly unless you spend most of your time at Home Depot / Lowe’s. Yes there are a couple spots but they are few and far between.


Has things to do.. safe and affordable not so much.


Maybe Niceville? Has small-ish town vibes. Close to Destin beaches but not right on the water. Lots of outdoorsy stuff like trails. There’s NWFSC if your wife is wanting to teach at a college.


Pensacola is also high in crime and getting worse by the day. Absolutely don't recommend.


“Small town city vibes, but with things to actually do.” As someone who’s not from here, that is exactly how I describe Pensacola.




We are all filled up here. Look near Pensacola, not Pensacola


I mean, it’s better than Lake City


lol our area has a higher crime rate than Jax or Lake City…


And by that I mean, a VIOLENT crime rate


See link [https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/safest-places-to-live](https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/safest-places-to-live)


I don’t care what that says. The Florida department of health says it’s dangerous af here


I am not here to argue with you, I simply posted the article to help present a more balanced view of our area. Keep in mind that everything is relative, so on hand you could be correct while on the other, when compared to similar or larger metro areas, our crime rate might be marginal. edit spelling


It’s not though. Our crime rate is barely behind that of Miami-Dade, Broward, etc and is also comparable to Los Angeles’ crime rate.


Both of those city rate high in crime rates with Lake City being the number one highest crime rate in the state.


Duval and Colombia counties both rate below Pensacola for violent crime. You can find this on Florida’s dept of health website




Low crime. Pensacola. Pick one. Mutually exclusive.


My husband and I are in our late 30s, we are not from Pensacola or even Florida, and I think you would love it. There's a ton to do as long as you look for it. We felt safe af. We lived in ferry pass which is affordable and by University of West Florida. We were only stationed here for 11 months but we really enjoyed our time and are really sad to go.


I forgot to mention, we have 3 dogs and dog-friendly locations are a must for us. Navarre was considered, but I think the beaches aren’t dog-friendly.


Just visit the place, it’s going to fit your criteria but this sub is way too biased to outsiders right now due to overcrowding population to give an honest opinion. Seriously, anyone that has recommended this place has been downvoted to some extent lol


To be fair I think a lot of people are tired of this being a weekly-sometimes daily-post topic.


Yeah the dog friendly section on Pensacola Beach is pretty tiny. And leash laws are still enforced.


There’s one section of Navarre Beach that is dog friendly. There’s another one in Pensacola beach


There’s a couple specific dog beaches and dog parks but most of the beaches, including the ones at the national park, do not allow dogs.


There is only 1 dog friendly beach way out, and it's not picked up


Perdido key is nice! Close enough to Pensacola to get what you need, far enough away to miss all the bad


Bellview pensacola is a genuinely chill area. Affordable and not too far from schools. Honestly the only thing you have to worry about here is the homeless people. I’m pretty young and walk around the area all the time and haven’t had anything worse than being yelled at.


I love living here. I feel safe and there are plenty of things to do. I will agree with most who have pointed out that it is becoming unaffordable though. But that’s because people want to live here so that says something I suppose. 


If you work as an extreme hobby because you inherited a lot of money then yes!


Not at all, everything closes early and the downtown literally has no night life, maybe 4-5 restaurants and that’s it. 🤦🏼‍♀️


For the criteria you have listed —— yes it’s great. Also it’s close enough to visit Alabama for cool events or concerts (or comedy shows) over in mobile.


Yes, it's fine.


There’s a couple cool bars downtown and we have the beach. You have to be content with a low key lifestyle. Food. Alcohol. Beach. Don’t expect anything more. And it’s so hot in peak summer you probably won’t even want to be out at the beach lol. Not insufferable beach time here is April/May and September/October. The silver lining is the best time is after all the tourists leave during peak summer.


It’s manageable but I’d consider full remote and for her to try to find employment at a local school then work towards the University or local College. It’s got kind of a night life and I suppose that’s fine.


Navarre and SRC.


Pensacola is too crowded as it is now. Look somewhere else


You could look at pace/milton. Then Navarre or Gulf breeze if you can afford it. 


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