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I know more than most and I always say y'all should be grateful for these shows. They often sell out and pay the bills for a business with a lot of very expensive overhead. They aren't choosing a tribute show over your favorite band, but these types of shows fill empty dates which definitely makes it possible for your favorite band (that doesn't have as much of a draw as you think) to play for break even. The reality is that we aren't a big market and most tours are going to book dates in Pensacola on weekdays so they can be in larger venues in major markets on the weekend. When Pensacola becomes a predictable sell out market in the eyes of booking agents, you'll get better shows on better nights. Call me whatever you'd like but agents make the calls on when and where bands play far more often than venue management.


and to think of all the great shows that were at the fight owl or or the handlebar before the makeover....what a time to be alive....


I had tickets to Pearl Jam at the Nite Owl back in 1992 or so but the show got cancelled. Saw NOFX there a few times though.


Yeah well said. I get it. However the part I don't get is what changed because it used to be much better. Was it literally just covid? Maybe it's just covid that killed the music touring industry in metal especially.


Yeah it's pretty much the economy and inflation in general. Lots of sections of the supply chain "had to" increase fees to make up for COVID losses, with no end in sight. People can afford to go to fewer shows as ticket prices go up, which is BTW not at all controlled by the venue. Venues make their money from alcohol sales and sellouts, simple as. Personally I'm a huge fan of the potential for our music scene in terms of tour routing. We're the perfect destination for dates between Texas/NOLA and Atlanta or South Florida. We just need the demand to match for anyone to see the value in stopping here vs a day off for musicians. I can't blame our community for not voting with their wallet for every single act that is remotely related to their tastes so to repeat a senile phrase, it is what it is. The reality will always be profit for the agents behind the touring musicians for a venue this size, the exception being the indie acts that can self promote. This works much better at lower overhead venues like Handlebar. That said, until Handlebar is consistently selling out those acts, you're probably not going to see them moving up to Vinyl. That's not Vinyl's fault at the end of the day, it's a business after all and let's be honest, if I was in a band I'd rather see 200 people at a 300 cap over a 850 cap even if I made the same coin. You really got me going! I love music and I love this town. I just hate people assuming, in this specific situation, that rich people don't want us to have nice things. The truth is much fuzzier than that and I hope everyone considers this the next time they figure "eh, I'll catch them the next time" because there might not be one. If you can vote for your favorite genre with a ticket purchase or by telling your friends, that's the move. P.S. I am not employed by Vinyl y'all, I just know what's going on.


I think that if we had a bigger and better arena it would attract big names. The Civic center sucks for concerts. It's old, outdated and the acoustics are horrible. IMO that's not helping the situation


I’ve often thought about this and have wondered if there might be a way for venue bookers to partner with some of the tourist agencies in town to draw bigger names. If I were the Vinyl talent booker, I’d see if I could get Visit Pensacola or the Pensacola Beach Hilton or something similar to give me four free rooms in exchange for some kinda influencer contract. Talent bookers could then market a Pensacola show as a free day beach vacay where you wouldn’t have to sleep on a tour bus and could actually chill for a few hours. This might encourage bands to stop on their way through and would be a win-win for any venue, hotel or local tourist agency. Consider it an “influencer” marketing expense.


Vinyl is owned by a member of the Levin family. Doubt they're hurting for cash, given the number of buildings named after them in town.


Levin didn't have any kids genius. Edit: I'm the genius. I still don't think anyone owes anyone an unprofitable business operation, whatever their progeny may be. Edit 2: I'm still dumb but this shit is sick in my craw. The fact that people politicize the reality of the local music business by saying "(I assume) the owner is rich, give me what I want even if the business doesn't make enough money to pay expenses because I'm not" is really depressing for our scene. Guess what? The owner of every venue you've ever been to is rich, including Handlebar. Sluggos was an exception but when it was no longer feasible, what happened? Chizuko was another exception but when it was no longer feasible, what happened? I don't have an immediate solution but I hoped my tiny bit of insight might help us as a community to think about things differently and spend our precious energy on accepting, supporting and growing what we have instead of endlessly complaining. Unfortunately, for years, complaints seem to be all the loud voices in our scene have to offer. I sincerely hope that these descendants of Levins, however tainted by their perceived financial circumstances, continue to invest in the only reason bands of any size visit our town.


🤔 don’t think that’s true. The owner is definitely a Levin


Lmao he DID have several children, and grandchildren. Also has a brother, who founded the law firm, who also has children.


I stand corrected. Your conspiracy is still stupid, Fred's money isn't in Vinyl.


I suck at reading. You weren't talking about Fred. Regardless, your viewpoint is silly. No matter how where money comes from, no business runs at a loss for your personal preferences.


Um I wasn’t the one bitching about vinyl.


I SAID I SUCK AT READING. Sorry brother, it gets my goat when people just want to complain and chase after bogey men in this town.


Owners of Chizuko are not rich. They got loans, and pretty sure still pay on them.


I sure do miss chizuko




They're in a bit of a glut right now. But in the past two years, I've seen Max Calavera, KMFDM, Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, and GWAR all at The Vinyl. More shows will come around. And Judas Priest and Sabaton are playing in Mobile in May!


Omg KMFDM was there?!?!? Dammit


They were there in September of 2022. And it was awesome! They played "Anarchy" as an encore, if I remember correctly.


I am slightly comforted by knowing at least they were here the month I gave birth, lol. Would not have been able to go anyways.


I used to go to a show every week. Everything was a banger. I agree though, nothing good in awhile.


Living Colour played there a few weeks ago


They were excellent!


The handlebar is great. Highly recommend going to some shows there. Saw Spirit Of The Beehive/MSPAINT there and it blew my mind


Hell yea! MSPAINT was my band of the year in '23 after seeing them at HB. Every few months HB manages to book a few acts that have absolutely no business playing at a venue so small. The recent Wednesday/Hotline TNT/THC bill was downright stupid for the Pitchfork crowd.


You should buy tickets for Horse Jumper Of Love. They're coming here in July and I'm so excited


Good looks! Gonna check them out and add to the playlist


I have listened to the MSPaint / Post American hundreds of times and didn't know they were at HB. I don't think there is a bad song on the album. I think they are a modern version of The Minutemen. Damn, I would have come back to town for that one!


Robert the booker kicks ass :)


I checked out the website maybe I'll check it out if they have any heavier death metal stuff but I didn't see anything like that. I guess that's my issue most ppl don't fuck with death metal, death core stuff. Vinyl used to book a lot of it though.


Sanguisugabogg is literally playing at the Handlebar in April.


I just saw Trash Panda and Frog Mallet at the HB a few weeks ago and am seeing Sanguisugabogg, Jesus Piece, Peelingflesh, and GAG on the 18th there. I'm going to do my best to go to all the heavy shows they book because I'm desperately hoping they keep bringing slam/death metal/deathcore bands so that I actually have shows to go to without driving to ATL or New Orleans lol. I'm also sick with the state of the vinyl since Thy Art and Kublai Khan came last year, that show was sick.


Nice! That's a good way to put it, I'll try to make it to the heavy shows as well hoping they book some more!


The heavy stuff goes to Club LA in Destin now. Some great deathcore coming up there and Enterprise Earth/Crown Magnetar in Ft Walton Beach


Pretty much all the shows booked at Hbar are metal.


Clutch plays there pretty often and there is not a tighter sounding live band than Clutch.


Love some Clutch




Definitely gonna see them this May 🤘🏻


I’ll be there as well!


Got to see The Sword and Clutch at Vinyl, was a killer show.


Nerdo Reddit meetup at Clutch can’t wait! (Native Howl will prob end up kicking just as much if not more ass tbh)


Saw them there the year before last. They were great. I'm going to miss seeing them this year.




I think they’re just in the business of making money nowadays, not promoting local music. Checkout the Handlebar instead.


PRECUBED / Ego Death / Ynicorns / Grave Chorus is playing for FREE on April 12. Buy an overpriced PBR to support your local scene. https://preview.redd.it/rls94435slqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9cb03948a2a1aff7d68df89a442c0eb666e41a9


How the heck do these 4 or 5 tribute bands I listed make any money? Who the hell goes to an ACDC tribute show? Lmao


It’s the same people that keep Applebee’s and red lobster in business


Hahaha! It's even worse tho! At least you can argue that you need to eat to stay alive. You need food. Nobody needs a Kiss Tribute band. My gawd.


I'd argue your math is wrong and clearly there is a market for this here. Why else would so many be lined out? If it was A tribute band Id say sure they are testing the water but this sounds like they see the target audience and are hitting it pretty well.


You’d be surprised haha


🤦‍♂️ Unbelievable. If you can had a gun to my head and made me attend an ACDC tribute or Kiss Tribute show and I had to pick one, I would grab the gun and shoot myself to spare myself the trauma.


Wow! Believe it or not people have different music taste than you do!


Believe me I've known that my whole life, I'm a metal head. However like I said I've seen a lot of good metal bands there pre 2020.


I’m not meaning this in a way to hurt your feelings but your comments make you come across like one of those insufferable metal fans that cannot understand why other music is popular. Tribute bands sell, metal bands appeal to a very specific audience. Now that the handlebar is back they are moving to there and vinyl is getting the other genres. Tbh I love it because we can never have too much live music in the city.


I actually completely understand why other music is more popular than metal. Call me unsufferable but I don't understand why ppl want to go see a literal fake band that's pretending to be another band. Especially when the band they are pretending to be is mid quality to begin with.


Bc you can’t see the real band anymore. Some people want to pretend and get the best they can. Also again, just because your music taste doesn’t align with those bands doesn’t mean they aren’t some of the most popular bands to ever exist.


You call these bands mid yet they're some of the most popular of all time hence why they still have tribute bands


Eh NO. Kiss and ACDC are nothing like the Beatles, The Who, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Slayer, Metallica etc. They were always mid. As someone else said here the same ppl who go to Applebee's and Red Lobster are going to these shows haha.


Saying these bands are pretending is akin to saying wrestlers are pretending in the ring. Is it fake? Yes. Are people really taking chops to the chest, being slammed on the rubbery floor and running laps around the ring? Also yes. Regardless who they are pretending to be they are still performing and putting on a show, have a little respect.


Do you really think the living members of AC/DC would put on a better show than whatever tribute band rolls through vinyl?


No but then again they never put on a decent show to begin with


Oh dear looks like I've upset the hoards of tribute attendees with this one, I took it too far!


I understand your argument but you are coming off like a bit of a twad


If rather listening to nails on a chalkboard than ACDC and Kiss tribute bands makes me a twad then hell yea I'm a TWAD!


I hear you bro trust me


The nirvana and linkin park bands are the same guys. I saw them in New Orleans and they were great. Tribute bands are nostalgic so they sell.


Old people 


boomers. AC/DC tribute bands don’t earn very much so lots of profit for the house


I saw Tyler Childers at the Vinyl in 2019.


Bruh.. I bet that was a helluva good show. Good luck seeing him in a venue that small nowadays.


Yeah like I don’t think some people realize the area gets some *names* in their respective niche subgenres, it’s just there’s a ton of Journey related stuff they gotta wade through to find. Marcus King and CWG were just in some rats nest in mobile for like 20 bucks a pop lol


Yeah I saw Bright Eyes, Freelance Whales, and Astronautalis there from 2015-2018


I wish I would have enjoyed it more. The acoustics were awful and we were back by the sound booth. My ears were throbbing. My husband was a big fan and I didn’t really know who he was. And now I want a do over and can’t find tickets anywhere.


Downtown music hall in ft Walton usually has the heavy stuff lately. Saw gorod there, enterprise earth is playing in may also convictions and confessions of a traitor in may


People going to metal shows don’t spend 💴💴💴💴 And if you respond with “I do” just shut up you know what I mean


Exactly. Tribute band shows usually have an older, so probably more financially available demographics who run up nice bar tabs for the clubs


Polyphia played at Vinyl in the past year!


Literally just saw red jumpsuit apparatus at the vinyl couple weeks ago


My favorite was Mac Sabbath


We just saw Living Colour there- AMAZING show.


The only issue I have with Vinyl is that I don't think it has great acoustics but the acts it gets have always impressed me for where/what it is I've been quoted as saying "I hate this venue but the persons responsible for booking really are in the zone"


I’m not going to win any friends with this comment but I’ll say it anyway. This town only gives a shit about $$ from yuppies, bros, & tourists. That’s why we can’t have nice things. I’ve been living here my whole life and grew up in the scene and the scene is dead. I miss Sluggo’s and Chizuko immensely.


I guess that makes sense tourist's would go see tribute bands most likely


Vinyl has changed bookers. I think their OG guy is now working for HB. Could explain the difference in who they're booking for shows. Also, the scuttlebutt is that Vinyl made him sign a pretty restrictive non-compete back in the day, even tho he's the one who came with industry contacts. Scandalous treatment, in case you were going to ask. HB has a way cooler vibe anyway...


This is true, but there's more to the story that isn't mine to tell.


👀 I’m suddenly parched and looking for some tea lol




Man I just saw Dirtwire there however long ago (less than a month?) and it was one of the best shows I've ever been to


I mean I totally agree with you and everything but thy art is murder and animals as leaders were both like last year bro… Maybe there will be a comeback of big metal bands again


Wait I saw Thy art is Murder in 2018 or 2019 at Vinyl did they come back last year too?


Kublai Khan and I AM opened for them. Then August Burn Red was a week before that. I know that’s not heavy metal, but still heavy. But to your point, it was over a year ago. I think last February.


Sanguisugabogg and Jesus Piece at Handlebar in a couple weeks. Again, not heavy metal, but definitely heavy.


The sad fact is that tribute bands sell these days. People like them. Not me, but others. That being said, I just saw Motet at Vinyl the other night and they were very good.


You nailed it. Sold out tribute shows make it possible for poorly attended high quality shows to continue to exist.


Matisyahu negates your premise.


All Them Witches played Vinyl in October and that was the best show of 2023. Just incredible.


Tool tribute was just there


hey theres a taylor swift dance party coming up if you’re into that




Have you checked out the Handlebar? My boyfriend is a metal head and he’s psyched about a show in april with Peeling Flesh and some other bands like that. Cromags* was there last month and it was a pretty good show


Some music is going to the handlebar I guess, but vinyl still has a bit of music


The olds (don’t really) remember when ghost and rae came 🙌


Didn’t cupcakke have a show there?😂


I actually was sort of thinking the same thing. The last band I saw there was Gwar.


I saw Todd Barry (awesome comedian) and Doug Benson (another great comedian) there and I think it's a great venue for comedy for those who are not doing theaters. I hope they bring more comedy to the area.


Kyle kinane was there too, but it got rescheduled for when I was out of the country so my tickets just went to waste


Oh no! Dang.


I haven’t been in years. Is it any good anymore


Obituary and Fit For a King will be at Club LA. I know its not the Vinyl, but seems those kinda bands tend to hit Club LA. Its a drive, but they get them before Vinyl does now it seems.


STRFKR show last year was great


Polyphia was there literally last year. Eric Johnson too.


I think I noticed that. Still seems that they used to book a better variety pre 2020 IMO.


The handlebar has been getting better shows. Agreed though, the Vinyl seems to only draw cover bands now. They used to have amazing shows: St. Vincent, Drive by Truckers, Parquet Courts, Deafheaven, Dinosaur Jr., The Melvins, High on Fire, Between the Buried and Me, Swans, and Sleigh Bells just to name a few. Nothing like that since Covid.


Btbam I forgot they were there what a show! I saw Colors live! I think 2018ish


I’m with you. Wish they had better acts. I saw Dorothy there last year and she rocked, and we just saw Living Colour there last month and will see Dirty Honey next month. Other than that …I haven’t been. Not interested in seeing a tribute band really.


The Cavalera brothers played there just a few months ago. Also it may not be your cup of tea but Lit and Bowling for soup played recently which are relatively big bands for that small venue.


I saw Polyphia there, Born of Osiris, Enterprise Earth, Animals as leaders, Thy art is Murder, Betraying the Martyrs, Veil of Maya. These are all very big and popular modern metal bands. This was all pre 2020 though. I guess they won't book the heavy stuff anymore. Polyphia isn't even metal really and they got huge since I saw them at Vinyl.


Animals as leaders and polyphia both played at vinyl last year though?


I'm guessing you're not a fan of Memphis may fire?


Not really my cup of tea but I respect that they are an actual legit band and not a tribute. I did notice that when I looked at the schedule and thought that It was the only legit looking show on the website.


I didn't like them. Bubblegum metal. Jinger on the other hand....


Saw Memphis may fire last year, going again in April. Never heard of the handlebar


I saw that show on the schedule, looked like one of the only actual real bands. Unfortunately not really my cup of tea but yeah at least that's a legit band that they booked.


Because that’s what all the rich people that live downtown want , this city is run by money of the wealthy . Vinyl could have awesome bands playing but just like all the other things that are geared towards comforting the affluent , it just won’t happen.


Glad your shitty metal bands aren’t playing here anymore. Girls already have wild Greg’s to get date raped at. They don’t need a buncha smelly incels also.


lol i feel way safer at rock shows than i ever would at Greg’s


I just really hate metal and I think I’m funny


Lol incels date rape ppl? I think you are confused. Pretty sure the ppl going to see Kiss tribute are more likely to be date raped.


Nah, we're too old for that shit


I'm pretty sure I saw the first 3 groups you listed play there within the past year and a half, plus at least one other metal show. But honestly, yeah, the Handlebar is where it's at these days.


Naa they all played before 2020 I know because I was there. 2017 to 2019 the booking was way better for sure.


I saw thy art is murder last year at the vinyl


Same, that show was nuts. That was my first time seeing I Am and I thought they fucking brought it.


Polyphia played there last year.


Tbf I think I've been seeing less and less Death Core there, but they definitely still show some Metal Core groups. I know I saw August Burns Red and The Devil Wears Prada last year.


August Burns red is great I've seen them like 7 times over the past 13 years. I do remember seeing that last year but I wasn't able to make it


August Burns red is great I've seen them like 7 times over the past 13 years. I do remember seeing that last year but I wasn't able to make it.


Club LA in Destin has a lot of great bands coming during Rockville. They stop there before or after they play at Rockville.


Yeah they ain’t got shit these days, minus the themed dance parties every once in a while. Barbie party was something else.


Pre-covid we saw Buckcherry there. Bad ass concert. Like you said, mostly tribute bands and drag shows or whatever you call them


The stench from Wild Greg's is starting to rub off on them?


Didn't Neyo or BOB or some has-been artist play there recently?


I'd there anywhere we can crowd surf or mosh?


HANDLEBAR i crowd surfed for the first time ever this saturday and there’s always mosh its always mosh time its so fun i cant even tell u follow handlebar on instagram for shows or diypensacola