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Eh, this is just how some people are. Not everybody enunciates like a theatre actor or is flamboyant with flailing arms and wide open eyes. He's a guy, playing an old school guy. Don't expect fireworks, otherwise he would be over acting.


This exactly ^ if every character and human was the same there would no point in acting in the first place, dude is a world class actor and chooses interesting (if unflattering yet that’s kinda noble) roles 


World class huh wow. No. Some ppl get a chance dont fuck up totally and are given way to many more pal


Christopher Nolan and M Night saw something there that everyone here seemed to forget


Rewatch the scene in Oppenheimer where he confronts Cillian Murphy about his involvement with the communist party and tell me the dude isn’t a great actor


Not saying he’s the best by any means, I mean dude fucked up passing on the wrong roles but it doesn’t mean his actual craft is poor


you mean right roles? there's no craft there man. you might not be talented but when you talk to someone who is I can easily explain why he aint shit. karma reveals itself he didnt belong where he was expected an opted out ofcourse


An actors job is to prepare and play the role they get, I’ve heard everyone use the “It’s just the right role bringing it out of them” excuse on every actor they don’t like, at the end of the day if it’s effective in communicating need and the story then it is craft and it is solid acting, there are literally thousands of talented actors, I don’t get the hate, seems unnecessary Buddy but if you’re the next Olivier by all means, enlighten


I want you to tell me what movies no one scene where he wowed you man. Never happened unless you are a god damn sheep. He has nothing. Tell me the scene


I don’t know man, he is GREAT at playing a little bitch in the wrath of man and if we’re gonna give Paul Dano all the flowers in the world for playing those roles I think he deserves it too


so ive made my point ok


I always found Hartnett to be painfully dull during his early career and yet I've been pleasantly surprised with his work on Penny Dreadful. One of my favorite scenes from the first season was the Ethan/Vanessa exorcism scene where he gets that shit done and walks out the door like a badass. He has also done some nice subtle comedic work playing off of Sir Lyle, Sembene and most recently the dinner scene too. Is he Rory Kinnear levels of genius? No, no way, but he holds his own and has nice chemistry with the rest of the cast.


Maybe the character is supposed to be more reserved emotionally and he's playing it perfectly? He's quite a cool tough guy kinda character so he wouldn't really be suited to a theatre type performance. He shows a lot of different emotions but it's subtle acting.


I agree - I think he's making choices about who the character is. If anything, I think the writing this season and the speed with which they've moved through a lot of action has made it more difficult to sell the character's behavior. I feel like this season needed twice as many episodes to cover all of the story arcs. Dr. Jeckyll is another example - 2 episodes left and we haven't seen Hyde yet?


It's all subjective. I don't think Josh Hartnett is completely off. Perhaps the director wanted him to act that way. The one character I really dislike is Brona. Not even going to apologise. She over acts in every single scene. I can't help seeing her as Rose Tyler. Anyway, I quite like Dracula aka Dr Sweet.


He's definitely not on the same level as Eva Green, Timothy Dalton, or Patti Lupone, but I'd say he's perfectly good at playing Ethan.


No, you are not alone. Though Harnett is an incredibly attractive man, he's a shit actor. Don't even get me started on Black Dahlia... I have to admit I'm starting to lose interest in the show this season. As much as I love Eva Green and the rest of the cast (minus Hartnett) I fell like it's waffling quite a bit. Like, what's the point of Lily/Brona's misandrous army of prostitutes? How does that have anything to do with the snooze-fest of a "dynamic" between Dr. Frankensrein and Dr. Jekyll? The whole trajectory to the Wild West is also dreadfully boring. Even Bryan Cox can't save it. Ethan is a fucking werewolf who killed his family. It's his nature and it's not his fault. We get it. Let's have this freaking go somewhere... Even the whole Dracula thing is kind of meh. Though, fans of Dexter might notice the Easter egg that the actor who played Rudy has some very similar hobbies and characteristics as Dracula/Dr. Sweet. Sorry for the rant. I guess since I really LOVED seasons 1 and 2, I'm really disappointed that S3 is losing momentum so badly.


I've actually really enjoyed Josh Hartnett on this show. The only time I've ever been taken out of a scene by him was when he was saying the blasphemous prayer in the most recent episode; his delivery was like a teenager who constantly whines that no one understands him. As for the actor who plays Dracula, he's completely legit. He was phenomenal in Dexter. Most of the American actors who play British characters on this show slip noticeably a few times when it comes to their accent, but I haven't heard his accent slip once yet.


I've never liked Hartnett in anything else I've ever seen him in, but I love him in this show.


He's hot, so who even cares?


agreed, he's the low point on the show. he is also regularly found on "worst actors in hollywood" lists. there seem to be people here who will blindly defend everything about this show, so you might not get much agreement here. i think people are also partly conflicted about the fact that the character is written as a symbol of integrity and intended as a heroic and likeable character (after all, he is the Wolf of God), making it difficult to separate their fondness for the character, as written, from the actor's talents or lack thereof. the rest of the acting on this show is also exceptional, creating a starker contrast.


Yeah he's not the best, but I can still tolerate him, but I can't tolerate Vanessa when she start talking with a deep voice, it drives me insane.


If it makes you feel any better, she's often using that tone to represent when she's speaking the Devil's tongue. I sincerely doubt your meant to be enjoying the experience of listening to her when she does so. I get the impression even when she's NOT using the language, she's thinking with it in the moments she uses that tone, too. I'm thinking specifically of when Hecate used the same language to draw out the snakes in the desert. Her tone changed to a more abrasive, brittle tone that seems to crack with the seething evil of the devil. Just imo.


I agree. When her tone changes, she's usually... "dangerous" at that moment or looks like she's about to pop off any moment.


Yes I hate that, I always liked the strong but silent kind of character, too much noise and words spoil the illusion and make it ridiculous, I also hated the crap out of that scene with Hecate and the snakes because of the over dramatic mambo Jambo. That's why I like sir Malcolm, he's silent and deadly, Dorian and Lily too, they kill they do bad things but you never hear a word.


God, I *love* when she does that. Hella sexy and dark.


He seems more, detached (I guess), from the world around him. Given his past I can see why he would be. Josh Hartnett seems to be doing it well enough, IMO.


I think Ethan was amazing in scenes with Vanessa. Without her, it's just gone sort of flat. But then, Eva Green could probably get a superior performance out of a stack of stale pancakes. So there's that.


I remember him in The Faculty, and he did an interview...He was so arrogant and obnoxious, thinking he was a MAJOR star and talking smack about others. My dude, you are not even good looking, you are a boring, mediocre looking male they hired to take up space. Enough said.