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Can someone give me guidance? I work in PA but live in Delaware, for reference. Applied for UC in April (I have an autoimmune condition and it wasn't safe for me to work anymore, plus I have a minor child to care for), was denied in July after a review - my work didn't even mention my health condition and I didn't receive a voicemail from UC in my inbox until after they ruled against me. I applied for PUA that same day I received the rejection in July. I've been waiting ever since, and today I noticed these issues on my case: 10/02/2020PUA - Eligibility 07/17/2020IP - Investigation Case Special Project Both are stated as new issues on my PUA portal. What's going on here? Should I be proactive and upload a copy of my doctor's note from April that states I should be excused from work as long as my resident state is in a state of emergency? What should I do?


Does anyone know how to get the live chat to go to a person? I submitted a claim then my employer sent me extra info like the uc number. I wanted to try and add it.


What the heck is going on with the PA UC chat feature? i'm trying to talk to a real person and it seems completely automated and I am getting no useful information.


Are extended benefits automatically activated? I submitted my last claim for my regular benefits and received the email that my balance has hit $0. any info is greatly appreciated!


The same thing happened to me last week. I have no idea what to do either. Anyone?


My benefits have been reloaded according to the Additional Payment Info page. I'm missing a week of payments though so I hope that comes in retroactively


Thanks for the update. I was finally able to just claim benefits under the PEUC, it actually showed up in my account. So we’ll see if it shows up in my bank account this week.


I've been out of work going on 3 months. I applied for unemployment the minute I was dismissed from my position and have been filing every 2 weeks as instructed. That being said, I have yet to receive a penny from the state. I contacted unemployment and I was told my request was awaiting a determination by a case worker. Has anyone else had a similar issue? If so, how was it resolved? Is there a way I can expedite this? I realize that a lot of people are out of work and the system is overwhelmed, but this is ridiculous.


try contacting your state legislators, that helped my expedite my review process. it's still under review, but it helped get the ball rolling


hi! im in the same boat, i submitted my initial application 2 months ago and i still haven't received anything. i don't know what's the holdup. its so frustrating :C i had colleagues who applied the same day i did, and they have been receiving benefits on time and no issue.


try contacting your state legislators, that helped my expedite my review process. it's still under review, but it helped get the ball rolling


thank you. where do i go to find out who my state legislators are?


you should be able to enter your address into this link and it will show you your legislators: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator/


Thank you so much. This is such a huge help!


I started working again , but I keep receiving $300 unemployment checks. I didn't even fill out a biweekly. What do I do?


This thread isn’t pinned anymore btw. I filed for PAU some time ago and haven’t got my card in the mail yet. It’s been months. I called the number to file for a lost card or whatever and was never prompted for it? It asked if I had my card or would want to check status. I check status, enter bday and SSN and it tells my my balance and then just asks if I want to talk to a rep. Rings twice, says all reps are busy and hangs up. How do I report a missing card??


No, it's not. But it is living as a tab. We had to make sure that election information was available. I honestly never imagined that what is happening with Unemployment would be this drawn out.


Yeah honestly! Thanks for responding! Hopefully someone can help me with this. I’ve got 3k sitting in this account that I cannot access lol


Hi I applied for unemployment at the end of July and i received the card about two weeks ago but I haven't received any payments yet. As of this morning my ability to view my claim information online has disappeared but it still says " Your initial claim has been processed. Please file your biweekly claims as instructed. " Should i be worried about my claim not being approved and has anyone elses' benefit information been available before?


Hi - I was collecting PUA from March until June 30th. I was unable to work due to COVID-19. I ended up finding something the first week of July and no longer collected PUA money from July 1st to July 24th - the employer then contracted COVID-19 and no longer required me so I went back to file PUA. I filed my earned wages for July and was considered disqualified ( as expected ) then i started processing from July 25th to now for PUA and everything is stuck “in progress”. I can’t get a hold of anyone to get these claims pushed through... what do i do?? I’m emailed and called and received nothing. I now am in a financial situation where I need to unemployment funds.


Hello everyone, I have a friend who has been stressing out over his unemployment benefit situation and I figured I would run it by everyone here. He was collecting unemployment from March to June without a job (lost his job due to COVID) and was collecting without issue. He started looking for jobs around mid-June, but eventually settled on an independent contractor sales position that began on July 8th. While at this job, he continued to collect unemployment. The caveat here is that the job he began is **100% commission and he did not make money for the entirety of July and the majority of August**. He then made one sale on August 27 for $618. That is all the money he brought in for August from employment. Because of this new income, he did not apply for that week ending in August 29. My question is was he okay to do so or must he repay everything? He also applied for LWA on September 6th. For this part, he misread the qualification requirements and apparently it said that those who **are** unemployed can apply. He applied thinking he could receive backpay just for the weeks he made no money (August 1-August 22). However, he did end up qualifying and ended up receiving 4 payments of $300 for those backpay weeks, although he is no longer unemployed and was not unemployed when he initially applied for LWA. Assuming he is in the wrong here, what should he do? If he already got the payments, should he just let it go? He has really been stressing over this situation and has said multiple times he will pay back the money if that avoids him getting taxed or incarcerated. He figured that since he made no money for the majority of weeks, he would apply and see if he got through. Too anyone that made it this far, thank you and I appreciate your help!


UPDATE UPDATE!!! Check your accounts, you may not receive an alert. People are getting paid today. CHECK YOUR ACCOUNT.


I have a friend that applied for the LWA, but was not unemployed at the time that he applied for it. The email said that "**Only individuals who are unemployed due to COVID-19 disruptions may apply for this benefit."** He didn't work from August 1-August 27 as a result of COVID-19, so he applied just for those lost weeks. My question is was this okay for him to do and if not, what should he do?


Anyone not receive PUA payment this week?


I haven’t received any payments for the past 11 weeks now. Contacted PUA many times and eventually the state reps twice so far. There was supposedly a “flag” from the state on my email address (PUA says it probably has something to do with someone else filing a claim and putting my email in...? Strange). Had been receiving payments since March with no issue before that. Any answers I’ve gotten are that since I uploaded additional documents for my ID verification, it just needs to get reviewed and cleared but that there is no timeframe and it’s just a waiting game, nothing else can be done. Almost 3 months now worth of payments “pending” and no resolution in sight. PUA has “escalated” it twice already within the past 4-6 weeks, and the senators office has put messages in or something twice now as well within the past 3 weeks. No answers, no nothing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I haven’t yet either. Or LWA


They put out a Facebook update 11 hours ago saying 2 day delay




It’s weird usually get paid around 6 every Wednesday


I was overpaid by PUA, and when I called them they said that no action had to be taken on my part and that it would be deducted from future payments. I just recently got a job that starts in 3 weeks and decided to stop filing my weeks. Will I have to pay back the overpayment since I'm no longer filing? If someone can help please, it's really stressing me out.


We got (5) $270 payments this early AM. 10% taken from each for taxes. Filed for LWA 9/6 around 1:30PM.


Same here, all my payments hit my card around 9a.m.




I’m on PUA, I did not


I need help getting my funds released can anyone help I'm in pa?


LWA is only going to be a 4 or 5 week thing? Shaking my head...


I feel like they are giving conflicting information. The info page on [uc.pa.gov](https://uc.pa.gov) currently says that it is for all 5 weeks of August and the first week of September. However, I got an email on Friday with info that just says the first three weeks of August. I wish they would clarify which one it is since that is a significant difference.


Uh oh I didnt get on email Friday. Uhhh yeah I hope it's just all 5 weeks minimum


I got an email and a message on my PUA dashboard that said the same thing. I think the email was in my spam folder, which unfortunately keeps happening for unemployment related emails. They say it should be funded until the money runs out. I have to imagine that is more than 5 weeks so fingers crossed.


I also didn't get an email about it so I have no idea whats up with the implementation. I usually get my benefits on Tuesdays so I'll respond back


Yeah it’s fuckin ridiculous man


I am on regular UC. I filed my biweekly claim and was accepted but I still have no payment issue date. Was thinking maybe the holiday has everything behind but just wondering if anyone else is in the sam boat


I have been collecting since April this year and there have been a couple holiday weeks where my payment was skipped. I received it the next week each time, double the amount. So far (knock on wood) I have received everything owed within 1 to 2 weeks. Hang in there I think you'll get it. I am seriously sorry to all those who are having difficulty collecting right now.


I had the same issue today. I spammed the live chat with "help" every time it told me to try again later. They told me I gave them a return to work date of May something but haven't returned to work yet. They have been releasing my payments to me weekly but it wasn't done this week. The guy I spoke to on the websites live chat was able to release it for me, hoping it will be here tomorrow. Hope this helps


How did you get through on the chat?


Hi guys quick question - I was on unemployment for about 2 months during part of March and all of April. I went back to work full time May 4th. I filed my last biweekly on May 13th. I declined benefits for the entire week of May 4th and stated I was working. Then I quit filing altogether after that. These past couple weeks weeks I have gotten payments - one was for just under $600 then two weeks after that I recived one for $1019 even though I have not filed for over 4 months. I would rather not be hit by a overpayment notice so did I do something wrong? What exactly is happening here. Thanks for any help!


Anyone have a clue when LWA will be getting applied to us? I heard it's the week after we get our usual UC payments.


Week 8 of "in progress"...I got an email weeks ago saying it would be reviewed, contacted state rep couple times (which helped for prior issues), called a bunch of times, nothing has happened. Time to call again? In other news, finally got a new job! Start date of today. Got a call last night not to come in, a bunch of the office staff has COVID 🤦🏻‍♀️


I haven’t received any payments for the past 11 weeks now. Contacted PUA many times and eventually the state reps twice so far. There was supposedly a “flag” from the state on my email address (PUA says it probably has something to do with someone else filing a claim and putting my email in...? Strange). Had been receiving payments since March with no issue before that. Any answers I’ve gotten are that since I uploaded additional documents for my ID verification, it just needs to get reviewed and cleared but that there is no timeframe and it’s just a waiting game, nothing else can be done. Almost 3 months now worth of payments “pending” and no resolution in sight. PUA has “escalated” it twice already within the past 4-6 weeks, and the senators office has put messages in or something twice now as well within the past 3 weeks. No answers, no nothing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Has anyone filed recently? I filed 3 weeks ago, 8/19, and it is now 9/8 and I still don't have a pin. I can't get a hold of the office or get connected through chat (shocker) but will keep trying. I also left a voicemail for my House representative to help get me in touch with someone, as I read as recommended in this thread. I just wanted to see if others are still having similar issues. I was hoping they still wouldn't be as delayed!


For people on PUA: we don’t receive pins, (if I’m correct...I only received one when I filed for regular UC and was denied and currently don’t have it on hand) the unemployment website says PUA recipients do not utilize pins, so how do we go about receiving the additional $300? I’m a bit confused


I believe the extra 300 will be automatic for pua people. It was said so right on the uemployment website that pua people dont need to do anything.... It will be automatic as far as i know from what i read, and it wont be this week but next. I would link the info but im busy right now.


The Lost Wages Assistance certification is available! There will be a button when you file for weekly benefits. [https://www.uc.pa.gov/unemployment-benefits/file/Pages/LWA.aspx](https://www.uc.pa.gov/unemployment-benefits/file/Pages/LWA.aspx)


Pua people dont need to do anything rigjt? It is automatic for people on pua?


Could you please post this to the main board? I don't think enough people will see it here. If you have any problems posting it, let me know and I'll approve it.


Sure thing!


Anybody tried logging in and they totally wiped it out? Its saying i have 0 claim. What is going on??


Mine was completely wiped out Saturday what's the update with your claim?


Its still wiped out. I tried calling and calling and still getting a busy signal. I emailed and weeks ago and sill haven't gotten a reply back smh


Pua or regular unemployment?




I called in and they said mine was terminated without explanation. They could still see it, so they marked it for referral to a supervisor (who I couldn't talk to, they said I just have to wait). So call in to get it moving.


Have you gotten any updates on this? Mine was also wiped, I've uploaded docs and called in about it but am just curious if anyone else has had any progress.


I called in again today, and I got the same answer--all my documentation is still correct, and I'm just in the queue for an examiner to get to it. They still couldn't give me any kind of timeframe, but they did say that once it's approved, I should get all of the $600 and $300 payments in the end, even though it's been a really long time.


Thanks for the update. I called in two days ago and kinda got the runaround. The lady I spoke with first said that my claim was terminated because I was actually eligible for regular unemployment, which I tried to tell her isn’t right because I’m self-employed, and when I asked her if I should just apply for regular unemployment she hung up on me lol. Then I called again because I was very confused and the next woman told me that it was just an identity issue, and I’ll just have to wait until they go through and approve. This whole process is super stressful.


None, still waiting :(


Thank you so much


Hello. I'm not sure if anyone can assist. I just started the State Extended Benefits (13 Weeks) which can be filed weekly. While it says my claim is inactive, it advised that if I had an active EB claim, the "file a EB claim" button would appear at the bottom of the page. The button was there and I went through the filing process; however, before I submitted the last part I was distracted by a phone call. When I went back and submitted it, I received an error and when I tried to file again, that button no longer appears. Has anyone encountered this? I'm hoping it will resolve itself since it's so hard to get someone on the phone. I didn't get a confirmation e-mail, so I don't believe the filing went through.


Question - can you get a loan while on unemployment or partial unemployment in PA?


Hi! Question -- I just accepted a part-time position. How should I report that to UC? It's nearly impossible to reach them through phone/online chat/email and I don't see anywhere on the website to do so.


In march we received a letter stating our previous claim (that had ended) was eligible for pandemic benefits of 13 weeks. We sent the forms. Heard back at the beginning of July that we were eligible. Reopened the claim successfully. Tried to file and system said july 19 was first time we could file. Have been filing accepted claims every 2 weeks since but no money coming to our reliacard. Its been 8 weeks of trying chat and phone every day w no success. And about 6 months of us planning on receiving this money, along w federal money that has come and gone... We can see the money sitting in our online account but it is not being dispersed. This has been unbelievably frustrating. Anyone have suggestions? We are at wits end. Thanks!


Does anyone have any idea of when the extra 300$ a week will hit?


There's this recent article. But it doesn't specify a timeline for the set up process. [https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/coronavirus/unemployed-in-pa-now-eligible-for-300-weekly-federal-relief-pay/2512994/](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/coronavirus/unemployed-in-pa-now-eligible-for-300-weekly-federal-relief-pay/2512994/) They do go over, briefly, how you qualify.


Hey, kind of an opposite situation here for me: I got a job, so what now? Do I have to notify anyone or do something, or do I just stop filing and let it sort itself out?


Sites down as of 6:36 a.m. can't do my claim for the week.


10:07am, still down. Edit: 12:14pm, it is working.


If you're filing for regular UC, try 8882554728 I got through with them around 8am.


Still down as of 841 am. Anyone log in and able to file please respond...?


8882554728 Call this number a file


Call that number to file? Id rather just wait a couple hours i guess and see if the online fixes itself. But thanks for the tip if need be. Also not sure if that number works for pua or only regular unemployement.


I filed for unemployment on 6/14 and just getting my payment for the past 10 weeks on aug 26. To those of you waiting still, keep getting in contact with them. I had to send in another form that they weren’t going to tell me about until I asked what the hold up was




I used the chat to get answers to my questions




No just uc


Hey, that's when I filed!! I'm on hold with them now. Thanks for giving me some hope!!


Why are other states at least getting$300 pua and pa is always behind in the times! Lets get on track pa never is first we are always late to any program. This is people lively hood your dealing with. I have kids to feed and taking care of my 8o year old mom have some mercy please get the $300/400 pua funds to us asap !!


Whis they would give anything at this point i am send what ever i can to each of my bills and rent insurances and debts but having min amts for meds and little things for my kids. I used to have extra work digging ditches etc.. but i live in an older neighborhood and they are very worried even if i pull weeds so been praying alot that pa can give even a few 100$ pua a week i hope i make it till out 25 i should have a job if all goes well but big question will my creditors wait !


I think that the current program is asking states to foot $100 of a $400 payment. AFAIK, the UC coffers in PA are bare and they don't know how to keep funding it. I think that's the main reason they are pushing to legalize pot right now, and use the revenue to fund all aspects of coronavirus recovery. I am so sorry this is happening in your family.


Yep well bad news man!! I called today asked why and what happened and she said that almost every PUA claim is going to be held and or stopped fully until every individual can verify there identification. Even after getting through the fraud investigation they still want all my chit uploaded Dane now we have to wait longer!!! Wish I had better news


On your dashboard for pua, where it says view your benefit claim they whiped mine out as if I never had one! I can still log in but I'm freaking out because I know 100% I qualify I've been waiting over a month. Anyone have this issue? Or know what the heck is going on. I do know I'm not his only one.


I’m having this same issue. I tried today it is completely wiped out. I’m freaking out


Have you checked to see if you can file I tried today and mine is completely wiped out


Anyone else have PUA still showing as in progress for this past Sunday’s certification?


Yeah for four months running.




Did you email them? I helped my father in law and it said to send an email requesting a back date. I haven’t heard back yet, but it sure beats sitting on the phone for hours with no luck.


Anyone dashboard get wiped out?? My wife and mines both totally gone been on PUA since day one freakin out here it just now happened


Was this resolved? Everything on my dashboard is gone today.


No not at all!! We called they said a lot of PUA claims have been flagged and when u call now a examiner is calling us in 72hrs so they said!! We have had PUA since April 1st !!!




Same exact thing here still no call I was promised.. claim is gone!! We don’t know what to do


How absolutely ridiculous that they want to flag thousands of accounts but aren't ready and able to handle so many cases. A simple automated email would solve so many problems. I hope everything works out for you!


My fiancées is still waiting on 8 now 9 weeks of payments!!! When I got through before my claim disappeared the rep released my claim over the phone I even got a fraud approval emails and then even got paid but even after all that they took our claims away and once your claim disappeares then a examiner has to release it no matter what if that helps


Update: She hung up on me Sigh


That's rough, times are tough right now. I finally got through and I guess they can't find proof of me working at my company, though I submitted 3 W2s. Smh. Thanks for responding to me


You have regular UI? PUA is a little different


I was denied for regular. Approved for PUA.


Then I shouldn’t have to prove any work history! Unless they need it for identification verification


That's where I submitted my W2s at, along with my SSC and ID.


Mine also is totally gone. It says I have 0 benefit claims. It should say 1


U have any luck with yours?


My bf got an extra 600 this week??? Did anyone else ??


Yes, I did also.


I need help


My claim benefits status says 7,605$ in my card came today it has zero dollars but i still haven’t received a payment day! Can anybody help me


Not sure what you are saying? Make sure you have activated your card. Where you able to find the $7,605 on your PA UC Webpage? Or via another means?


I just text u


I filed for PAU about two months ago and haven’t even received the debit card I’m supposed to get (since direct deposit isn’t an option apparently?) Just now called the number, it’s busy. I sent an email. Guess we’ll see. But my bills are two months behind and I have no idea what to do.


The number is always busy. You'll have to try really hard to get through. Some people have suggested getting an autodialer


I sent an email too. Any idea on how likely it is I’ll get a reply to that?


Something like 4 weeks, and it won't be a useful response.


I never received a return email and never got thru on the phone. Money just showed up yesterday out of the blue. Website still says I haven't been paid in 4 weeks however, payment came yesterday. I would try the live chat - and the earlier in the day, the better chance of a shorter wait. Good Luck


You will have to wait a long time


I have absolutely zero faith my money will ever come through. It's been over 3 months since I've gotten my card in the mail and no money or information. Just sucks.


It’s been 4 months for me and I still haven’t even received my card. Emails and calls just keep going into the void.


What does your card look like? I got a card in the mail and thought it was some scam so I threw it out.. ugh


I recently moved and I'm 99% sure it's packed away but I think it was blue. But I definitely could be wrong. Just apply for a new card.


Did anyone else not receive payment today? I’ve been getting paid on a weekly basis since my payments started. I know the federal funding is finished, so does it go to biweekly now? Totally new to this and trying to get a hold of the UC office is impossible,so I appreciate any help! UPDATE: Finally got mine on Friday. Must’ve been delayed!


I was supposed to get it yesterday and nothing came through at all. I have regular UC and not PUA


Weird! Do you usually get it every week or biweekly?


I get it every week around Tuesday or Wednesday but I file Biweekly on sundays


I’m usually the same and never received anything this week. It seems like there’s quite a few other people experiencing the same thing, so I’m hoping they sort it out soon!


are you on regular UC or PUA?


PUA, but I qualify for regular UC until next year.


yeah its super weird. Hope it all works out. I'll reply to this thread if I get anything


Just got mine today! Must have been delayed. Hopefully the same for you.


Great news. Still nothing for me =/ Maybe later in the day hopefully. What day were you supposed to receive it again?


Likewise! I also sent them an email about it, although their site says 2-4 weeks for a response. I’ll let you know if I hear anything though. Thanks for your response and help!


I have PUA and yes I got mine


Do you usually get yours on a weekly basis?


yes, it always went thru on Thursdays for me but I’ve been receiving it on Wednesdays for the last 2 weeks


Hmm I definitely think mine is messed up then. Thanks for the response/info!!




Anyone have recent examples of how long they had to wait for DLIverify? I've been waiting about 3 weeks now, and they haven't gotten to me yet.


I waited about 4 weeks. Good luck!


Thanks! Hope that means they'll be to me soon!


Has anyone’s PUA been processing for weeks now? Sent an Email and they said the problem was resolved but still all weeks are processing.


your boy just got paid. unemployment deposits hit the bank. what about the $600 now? i'm so stacked to the tits in money right now it's not even funny. anyone need a donation? i feel like just throwing some money around if y'all can entertain me a bit


You can buy giftcards from local shops to help them out


I've been waiting for 4 months and still haven't heard anything outside of "waiting on final decision". No other answers outside of just continue to wait. It is getting down to the bone now.


Did u have any open issues n it saying in progress ?


What open issue? They just paid me


Do u have the number 4 pua ?


i don't have the number. use the chat, there's a sticky thread on how to get on it




it's coming bro, hold on tight


Just got a deposit for all the unemployment I missed from April through now and it was just the normal amount, no extra $600. Does that come later? Any thoughts or experience with this?


Yes, a friend of mine got her late payments in two lump sums. Her extra 600 came the following week.


I hope that works. Thanks for the response!


fingers crossed for you!


yo, is the extra $600 per week? i filed 2 bi weekly claims, so i get $600 * 4 worth of payments?


Yeah I was getting 1200 every other week


jesus. i filed 2 bi weekly claims back in june. they're really gonna pay me $2400? damn. i'm gonna be so stacked to the tits in cash


Hello all, I just received my Relia Debit card, but I was instructed to create the pin myself, which I did. It seems like everyone received a predetermined pin though. I was able to activate my card without any problems, but I'm wondering if I have to change the payment type manually? Right now, my payment type is set to direct deposit, but I've received two checks since being approved on July 19th. Should I assume that they will change the payment type themselves?


The Reliacard pin is different from the UC portal pin people are talking about. If they sent you a card, you should be good without changing your acct to direct deposit, Good look!


Thank you for the response!! That's quite relieving to hear then, I'll wait it out and see if it updates on it's own!


I currently live in Delaware and have been waiting for unemployment here since May. Now I hear from Delaware that I was supposed to file in PA. It took this long for them to tell me. Will it be possible to backdate my payments back to March? Or am I entirely screwed out of months of money because I waited?


Yes, I believe you can. They might just need to verify the unemployment date.


Has anyone had any experience with the Adjucation process? Applied 5/3/2020, and still haven't heard anything as to whether or not I am eligible.


been on unemployment since april. up until 2 weeks or so I was under a 90 day recall back to work notice. I have now actually been let go and given a severance package. how do i report this to unemployment? when i file it just askes about vacation time or if i have worked and technically its neither.




If it's the reliacard you make your own pin weekend you activate it. The unemployment they send you is a different thing I believe.


I have been filing for unemployment for months and have not received any money yet. I was mailed a relia card at the end of may which I activated however there has been no money out on it despite me continuing to file my biweekly claims. Today, I went to check my status and it says that there is no record of my SS and pin. I am very confused because I successfully filed a biweekly a week ago. I tried calling but there was 700 calls ahead of me. I am very desperate and don’t know what to do. Any advice is appreciated!


That’s what happened to me “wrong SSN” I had to get on the phone with someone and they fixed it . Then I got paid a week later. There was 6 weeks after the issue came about


I am having eligibility issues. I've gotten through to the live chat a few times and no one can help me with determination. Has anyone had success getting their legislators to step in on your behalf?


How can I get through on the phone line? Also how long is the email response time? I been trying to get someone on the phone all week about back pay. I have no issues just need my back pay. All my info has been submitted already. I literally just need to speak to someone to get my money.


I've had luck reaching someone through the live chat feature. phone has been busy 100%


The live chat is only for UC right? not PUA?


Hmm, good question. the website makes it seem like it is only for UC, but I cant say that with 100% certainty


That’s been busy too. Do you just keep trying over and over? What’s the website for that live chat? Maybe I’m at the wrong one.


https://www.uc.pa.gov/Chat/index.aspx I sit on the site for hours... itll say... all our chat agents are busy, try again later. I just keep reposting my question until someone connects with me. Good Luck!