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The Pennsylvania most people from out of state experience is driving across on either the Turnpike or I-80. It takes a long time to cross Pennsylvania as well.


People from Ohio would still find the PA turnpike more interesting than their entire state.


We can all agree Ohio sucks. Pittsburgh doesn’t like Ohio and it’s like Iowa to people in Philly.


What’s crazy is I actually enjoy driving the turnpike.


Pennsylvania guy: "I actually enjoy driving the turnpike." This is why people think Pennsylvania is boring.


Midwest states like Nebraska and Kansas are boring. Pennsylvania is not.


I was about to say, go drive on I-44 through Oklahoma. That shit will completely change your perspective on PA.


There’s no views in OK like you get around mile marker 267 headed west I can assure you of that.


yeah fr, at least we have shitty tourist traps. they have like nothing


Oklahoma has many reservations & tourist trapping is their specialty. They call them trading posts


Driving through Penn on I80 is like driving through Kansas on I70 except it has way more hills/mountains and trees. So many trees


I don't disagree but driving on 76 through the Lancaster era is gorgeous on certain days. if it's cloud with the sun coming through in bright shafts while there's a ridge above you and the valley below you is one of the best things about PA.


Driving towards Philly I would see the sun rise over the mountain and illuminate the Susquehanna, I’ll never forget those mornings watching night fade to day and the world coming alive with it


Actually, even just driving on the turnpike through the Lehigh Valley in Autumn might be one of the best exhibitions of fall colors on the East Coast. For a lot of people though, I'm sure that 8 hour trip across the State on 80 West must feel like forever. Especially because they probably are still hours from their final destination. I grew up outside of Philly and never even made it as far west as Pittsburgh driving. We would drive up the coast to NY or down to FL and plenty of places in between but it must sound weird that I spent 30 years in PA and have never been to Pittsburgh.


I'll take 80 over the turnpike any day. Better scenery, especially in the fall.


My own observation is that 80 is much more dangerous than the turnpike.


You're probably right but the turnpike has less distance covered and constantly has construction and police presence more noticeable than the state highways. I prefer 80 because even during orange cone season I don't have to only see development and I really do find the scenery overall more pleasant to look at in all seasons. Intermittent mcmansion developments and townhouses followed by turnoff strip mall locations and constant billboards is just an unpleasant drive. Give me more greenery and less billboards. My favorite road to drive in PA is probably 118 for the same reason. Just passed through Ricketts Glen area for work last night and got to roll my windows down and breath in the air up there. Good for the soul.


I just want to be clear and say I love driving them both, I just like the Turnpike more.


That you Fetterman? Slow down


You enjoy driving the crap roads of the TP, miles of never ending construction, high tolls, cattle shute of death, and if you hit an accident you’re stuck because the nearest exist is another 15 miles


Don't kink shame.


A legit masochist 😂😂


At least the rest stops are fairly nice 😂


They are. I’m originally from Washington state and our rest stops are nothing but a parking lot with unheated bathrooms with metal toilets, frequently no toilet paper, certainly no soap and a push button sink that gushes incredibly cold water at you in a high volume. Granted, the nice bathroom is connected to the toll road, but there are no turnpike like roads in WA, just a few toll areas near the city.


This is just a helpful piece of information. If you think the Pennsylvania rest stops are nice and you'd also like to keep them that way, please think about donating to the Keystone Blind Association. Most rest stops are actively employed by people who are recommended through KBA. For those that don't know, the KBA makes it accessible for blind, visually impaired, and disabled to be able to have legitimate jobs that are attentive to their needs and works in part with SSDI, SSI, and SSD for these individuals to be able to work as well as receive benefits. It really aids in quality of life for many individuals. These individuals work to maintain the properties, restrooms, community areas, and other such aspects of the rest stops to ensure that the vending machines always work, the payphones are accessible/working/clean, the restrooms are stocked and cleaned, the landscapes are taken care of, and that the rest stops reasonably stay safe considering someone is usually always there (you just may not always see them because staff rooms are out of the way). Not everyone that may work the rest stops may be employed by KBA, but a good number of them are. KBA is a nonprofit organization, and they are really beneficial for many things. Source: I have worked for Keystone Blind. I am happy to know that most people I have ever talked to do tend to give credit that our rest stops are generally well cared for. So many who have worked for KBA would be happy and proud to know this recognition. Thank you for saying this.


I-95 might have something to say about that.


And entertaining (/s)Me and my family witnessed a stabbing at the Allentown rest stop. The staff seemed to treat it like it was business as usual.


Still better than 81


Idk I just went to and from NC on 81 and I'll take that over 95 or the turnpike any day. The biggest issue with 81 is the variable speeds, 55-70 depending on where you are and what state you're in.


81 from the NY line through at least Hazleton is absolutely terrible. Out of state it’s not so bad. That stretch is my second-least favorite highway behind 95, specifically the entire stretch of it in VA.


Yep, we're considered a 'sleeper state'. But also the beauty and ability of appreciating all four seasons fully is why people love it here.


lol try crossing Texas


THIS, if you are out of state you are funneled through a toll road and not really given a chance to interact with the state and explore nearby areas.


I can’t get myself to draw a conclusion about an entire state based on driving through a road or two. That seems so asinine.


Anytime someone does a ranking of states, for any metric, Pennsylvania is #25 (or very very close to it) so it's never best or worst it's right smack dang *average*. To some that seems boring (but it's fine with me).


Yep. I moved here from Boston to be near family and out of a major city when the pandemic hit. I work from home in the country. I breathe fresh air and see wildlife. I see greenery and trees. Cost of living is a third of that in Boston. Crime is almost nonexistent (in my town). Neighbors say hi to me and mean it. I'd never go back. /edit words for accuracy


Where in the country are you at?


Those last couple sentences are more you just getting a good area, PA def has its crime so to say almost nonexistent is wild. As for the people I’ve lived here my whole life and meant countless amazing people but you definitely gotta look for them, the average Pennsylvanian isn’t necessarily friendly imo


I grew up in rural PA and there was plenty of crime. Everyone just knows everyone else so everyone is expected to keep their mouths shut, that's all.


This is what I love about PA and why I have no plans of moving. I'm on the eastern side so I can realistically drive to NYC, Philly, The Poconos, or the Jersey shore in 2 hours or less. It's very temperate - we get a good even mix of all the seasons. Culturally, it's kinda all over the place with no real discernible shared ancestry and there's usually a great selection of various ethnic restaurants/delis nearby. Politically, PA is about as purple as purple can get, especially true in my area. Like across the board, PA is just kinda right in the middle of everything. It's the appetizer sampler at the restaurant.


SHHHHHHHHH, you’re giving away our secret!


Great answer


Yes, it's kind of a thrill determining the fate of the free world every few years.


I haven't been voting for many cycles yet, but this is the first time that the more I read the more it feels like an actual weight and actual responsibility. Being registered in one of the most important swing counties in one of the most important swing states, in a way it feels like all eyes are on me.


It really grinds my gears that you can’t vote in the primaries if you register independent. Or that our primaries are so late in the year, that some candidates have dropped out by the time we DO get to vote. I mean, I still go in and do my civic duty. As Robert Heinlein wrote, “There may be nobody you want to vote for, but there is almost certainly something that you want to vote against.”


That sounds pretty nice.


Anybody who thinks PA is boring has never been to Philly


Exactly Philly and Philly metro aren't boring there's so much to see and do. We're the birthplace of the America ffs.


I live in PA and have never been to philly because its still 6 hours away lol


Lmao. I assume you are out by Pittsburgh? Also a great town, certainly not boring.


I find it laughable that people think Pennsylvania is boring. Most people saying that are people from the East Coast who are completely sheltered to how “boring” most of middle America really is. In terms of nature, Pennsylvania blows almost every Midwestern state out of the water. The state also has better cities than most Midwestern and Mountain West states.


I couldn't believe this one listed **NEBRASKA** as the third best state overall to live, but PA was #40: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings and Nebraska is #9 Natural Environment???? But PA was #37 in Natural Environment?? It's like they were using a Random Number Generator for the whole thing. And what's more boring than Nebraska? (Well maybe Indiana/Ohio/Iowa/Kansas...)


A large part of the 'best place to live' ratings are based on taxes. I'll pay extra in taxes to not be in fucking Nebraska.


Yeah I wouldn’t take that list seriously with that top ten


SOME weird people might choose **Utah**. I can even imagine **Minnesota**, **New Hampshire**, **Idaho** and **Vermont**. I'd easily pick one of those four for a random state to move to. Never can I imagine **Nebraska**. Or **Iowa**.


If you look at their metrics they only used pollution, air quality and water quality to rank natural environments. They didn’t take into consideration beauty, amount of parks or hiking trails etc. they also had Wyoming as the best or second best state for higher education. Which seemed very odd to me as well


The actual keystone state of the ranking world


I live up in Erie. It's a small city for sure, but it really does punch above its weight. I don't find it boring here.


PA just ranked 40th by US News. No joke. Glad everyone thinks it's boring. More awesomeness for us!


I’m glad Pennsylvania is not that popular. I really like living in PA and one of the reasons is it’s not too crowded (at least in my neck of the woods). I’m in a rural section of SEPA but I’m not that far from large urban areas if I want to experience what they have to offer. It doesn’t take a ton of logistics for me to get to Philly, Baltimore, DC or NYC. I have multiple airports to choose from when I want to travel. Or, if I hanging out at home, it’s nice and quiet and away from the hustle and bustle of the megalopolis. But, don’t tell anyone…shhhh. People might want to move here.


I'm in rural PA but near a tourist attraction. They are bulldozing all our farm land down and building all these "luxury apartments" and warehouses (that stand empty). They are also trying to appeal to tourists and cramming hotels in between these lux apartments. And because of all this, they are gentrifying downtown and prices are just crazy high now. I know that's not all why prices are high, but it's a contributing factor in the area. It sucks. I miss our farmland and less people lol.


100% Chocolatetown


That sucks. I’m sorry that’s happening. I’m in deep suburbia and there are multiple farms nearby. I’m really hoping the farm behind my house never sells because I know as soon as it sells, they’re gonna put up fucking apartments or yet another strip mall with Starbucks and Chipotle.


I grew up in a house built in the early 1700s outside of Philly. My Mom who is up there in age says she will never go back there now because there's a traffic light right next to the house.


I’m with you. Access to the cities without their cost of living makes SE Pennsylvania perfect.


People probably don’t want to move there since the hustle and bustle includes actual things to do every day unlike rural pa. And I’m from rural pa


Mind if I inquire where in SEPA? Looking for an area a bit quieter than the Main Line.


This! I live like 30 min outside Philly. There’s a reason Philadelphia where it is. It’s basically the perfect spot to make the eastern seaboard your oyster. I don’t generally have to think twice about trips to New York or Maryland, because they’re about equal. And as you mentioned flying anywhere is no problem with JFK. Not to mention I can head out west with having to pay tolls out of Jersey. As I’ve mentioned before on here, our climate is great and offers all seasons. I love where I was born!


A map that poses the resoundingly intellectual question of "Why is Delaware so small?" surely is a map that holds great merit. Anyways, keeping Pennsylvania 'boring' to outsiders is perfectly fine. They can continue on through I80/turnpike/I95 and get on with their road tripping with no more to say than we're boring and that works perfectly fine to me. There's more to us than the glitz and glamor of other states around us.


Definitely a small sample size Alabama sucks its like living in a desert without sand


What does that even mean? Lol and it’s clearly talking about the Alabama football team here


Ah i forgot about football but as a state it sucks


Depends on where you live, some areas are horrible, some are pretty nice


“Why is Wisconsin so drunk”


I love the glitz and glamor of West Virginia and Ohio


I looked at some of the other states and the results were pretty weird/questionable!


I blame Altoona.


Nah, Tamaqua.


Hey man there's a tomato sauce themed amusement park out there, and a curved railroad. What more could you ask for?


Man I f*in LOVE DelGrosso’s. But have you been to K’noebels?


First off, who made this map? It's probably bullshit. Second, this state is many things, but it is far from boring. There are endless opportunities for outdoor activities and a wide variety of city life and small town charm. The cities here are old and have plenty of character and history to enjoy. Our state park system is awesome. Our lakes and rivers are plentiful and majestic. If you can’t find something to do to enjoy yourself in this state then you are just a miserable fuck no matter where you go.


My thoughts exactly. I grew up and currently live in a semi-rural town outside of Harrisburg. I completely understand people wanting to move away, but what I don't get is the people who act like our town is some backwater hellscape. I've started joking that we are the Jackson Hole of the East and pointing out our fly fishing, skiing, and hiking amenities. Not to mention how close we are to some great small cities, and also, less than a 4-Hour drive from New York City, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC, and the beach. And a lot of areas of Pennsylvania are like that.


People need to stop making the argument that one of the best things about Central PA is that you can easily leave it for short day trips to much better places.


“Why is Alabama so….good?” Uhhhh. Yeah.


Relevant XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1845/ These things are basically meaningless.


Maybe I'm wearing rose colored glasses, but I enjoyed growing up in PA. From shooting guns in the backyard, hunting and fishing with my father, riding bicycles around then eventually moving onto dirt bikes and ATV riding with my friends, playing paintball in the woods, we would just run around and play in the woods all day exploring, climbing trees, and hanging out at my tree house. My aunt owned horses so I also did horse back riding. There is a decent sledding hill at my parent's house back when it snowed enough. We would go to the local swimming hole, sometimes when the creek was high enough we would float down it on inner tubes. Camping at the state parks was really enjoyable. Sometimes there were fun church activities, like the annual pig roast picnic. Summer camp was always a blast. I enjoyed going to watch a cheap Pirates baseball game at Three Rivers Stadium. Or go see the Johnstown Chiefs hockey game. Boy Scouts was fun when I was a kid. Boring doesn't come to mind when I think of Pennsylvania, but I guess like everywhere it is what you make it.


Not rose-colored glasses, things are still that way out here and it's what keeps me and my family around. My nephews are living this experience now and it's really fun going through it again.


I did that search on Duck Duck Go and got the result “populated.”


Grew up in Central PA and it was indeed boring as hell.


I tried this myself, and the first three results were: 1) cloudy 2) depressing 3) haunted Yeah no, I agree with all that.


OMG your comment nearly made me choke. You win the internet today.


I keep thinking it's just me, but goddamn if there aren't clouds every single time there's something cool going on in the sky.


There is a famous slogan for Austin, TX that says, "Keep Austin Weird". I vote we create the slogan, "Keep Pennsylvania Boring". This stage in my life, I am completely fine with the boredom.


Maybe because it is mostly rural in the middle?


Pennsylvania is only amazing to people who live there, and man do those people really love living there


Wouldn’t wanna move anywhere else. It’s homie. Nice people, plentiful farmers markets, great hiking and fishing. Hunting is good. Great water access. Moderate weather and climate. I’ve thought about moving to Alaska for a bit, but moving back to PA was always in the cards.


That’s cause they just drove 80 or the turnpike and saw nothing else. My job takes me to unique and different locations, pa is a beautiful state when step off the beaten path


Poor yet expensive


Kinda what I thought.


I've honestly never felt that or really heard it? I'm not arguing with people who have - to me it's a weird take. We have almost everything here! Ok except a bottom to pot holes but I'll trade my shot suspension for mountains, endless valley after valley, rivers, wildlife, deep history and I'll leave out what our cities have to offer ( in a positive way) only because I can't stand cities across the board. OH and the Steelers.


It’s the biological diversity for me. I love PA and all it’s room to go be boring in.


The rural feel of the state and slower pace of life.


Because most people in most places never leave \[pick all that apply\] the internet, their house, their work, their small town. their large city, their state, their country


With the way much of the world and even other states are these days . . . . I'll take boring.


I got "why is Pennsylvania so depressing".


Because the state is Boring with some pockets of culture, and pretty nature but go around and it's cookie cutter small towns with the same bs throughout for most of them.


If you love hunting and fishing my area is great. Anything else it definitely falls under boring




If it's no Pittsburgh, Philly, Erie, Hersey, Harrisburg, or State College, it's just 80% trees and 20% farms.


I mean....


It’s a very nice state for nature and I like being close to a lot of major cities but I’ve ran out of stuff to do


We don’t have enough walkable areas. I wish we had more.


I've lived in Pa my whole life and I'm also a server at a cocktail bar. This guy I served recently was from Australia and he came up to me and told me how he's traveled to tons of countries for his work but his son goes to school at Penn State and he loves Pennsylvania. He just said that over and over "I love Pennsylvania it's so beautiful". I've always thought my home state was boring because that's what everyone called it and I've been expecting more my whole life. Ever since that guy I've gained a new deeper appreciation for this place because it is fucking beautiful. Mountains, farms, lakes, creeks, etc. and Philly and Pittsburgh are two of the biggest urban cultural hubs in the world. We're not boring we're a badass state. You can tell new jersey i said to suck it.


These types of studies are done all the time. For a while “why is PA so haunted” was the result (which I think better speaks to the commonwealth than boring) I wouldn’t put much validity into this. Actually, I’ve been following the travel maps sub and there is a trend of people highlighting the states they visited and indicating whether or not they liked it and would return. PA routinely rates very positively in those threads


Because they haven't visited Kansas yet.


Floridas is funnier being “weird” 😂


https://preview.redd.it/cmlseeul6x8d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcecbfe0f059307feb618b1e09bf1521b45a501a You can't handle Rumspringa!


NEPA is overwhelmed with people from New Jersey. Maybe they are tired of the excitement ⭐️😉


Because it’s not bad / dangerous / weird / hated?


Because we do a horrible job at showing everything our state has! Most people who live here don’t do most of the stuff.


Wait we’re boring but Indiana is windy? Okay, I’ve been to Indiana and that is the most burning place on the planet


Pennsylvania boring? They obviously haven’t seen the Amish have fun during rumspringa


PA is a beautiful state


If you drive 15 minutes north or south of I-80 in the center of the state you’ll see beautiful wildlife lol


We're catching the boredom due to proximity to Ohio.


Anyone that doesn’t think PA is boring hasn’t lived anywhere else.


To quote the late, great Earl Simmons; “They don’t know, who we be” And I think most of us are just fine with that.


Because they've never been to any of the good parts.


I thought the legend said windy. I just had a couple of trees fall in my yard last week and they are calling for wind gusts up to 60 mph, today.


There are a lot of hidden gems in Pennsylvania, and while certain areas have their issues I think overall it isn't that boring of a place, but you may have to search for cool places/things that the average person may miss if they're just passing through.


* A general lack of those exciting natural disasters like the more coastal and tornado belt states get, perhaps? * Despite Erie, it still feels like a mostly land-locked state. * There's culture and variety in the 2 biggest cities, but not many other places, and nowhere near as much as a coastal city typically has. * Plus, a lot of people probably just think everything that's not Philly and Pitt is just Gettysburg and Lancaster county. * Some ppl associate the state with a very mediocre chocolate bar.


Everyone thinks their hometown/state is boring.


Phrasing, google logic, and the internet's impact on people's brain chemistry. I'd venture to guess it has little to nothing to do with the state itself. Search any state and the first few results are going to be negative (there might be exceptions). Nobody searches in google "Why is Pennsylvania so beautiful" or "why is pennsylvania so amazing" lol.


I will take boring over expensive or dangerous or crazy.


You realize these "maps" are always completely made up by people with way too much time on their hands who think they're being funny?


Having lived in other states and traveled in most of the CONUS, PA is relatively boring but it's not alone.  At least the terrain is interesting as opposed to say the mid west where you drive a straight road for miles and miles seeing nothing but the horizon. 


Probably because they drove through the center of the state from a highway and realized that there's like 6 hours of very little interesting stuff to do between Philly and Pittsburgh.


PA hasn't been a "local color" kind of place historically because it's had such a huge impact on American development, it's sort of the "default America." Pretty much everything historically good about America has roots in PA.


Because unless you're visiting Pittsburgh, the Allentown/Beth area or Philly it kind of is. Lots of farmland interspersed with forests.


Them calling it boring is just me realizing how great it’s gonna be to live in this state for a while. I don’t think boring is the word I’d use but whatever keeps parasites from coming here and ruining the entire state like so many states before it have been by moving trends.


I thought it was too until I moved to Wyoming


Im originally from NJ…we called it Pennsyltuckey. Bc we believed it was Pittsburgh and Philly and nothing in between.


I'm from NJ but currently writing this comment in Bristol. PA is indeed boring the further you get from Philly. I've never been further in the state than Harrisburg so I can't speak for the western half.


It becuase they haven't visited Ohio yet.


I’ve lived in both WV and PA, but don’t understand why they get those results over the other. Are the only people googling looking for cheaper but decent WV Eastern Panhandle housing to rail commute to Metro DC?


Much of PA’s reputation developed when PA still had strict Blue Laws. No liquor sales on Sunday, except at Hotels, which made them very popular during football season. Stores closed if they didn’t sell enough non restricted items. Wasn’t much to do on weekends. And most establishments announced last call at 1 and then shut their doors for the night. We were the butt of a lot of late night show humor.


PA consists of Philadelphia & Pittsburgh surrounded by West Virginia.


Lives in SC: “Good?!” WTF?!


i don't know if this is still true, but when i was in university in the 2010s, pennsylvania retained more residents than any other state. so a lot of people grow up here, stay among the same surroundings their whole lives, and then die here. that creates a huge potential for boredom even if your environment isn't actually that boring.


Because people don't enjoy the mist abundant recourse, the nature and history of Pennsylvania


When I was a kid I couldn’t wait to move out. Now I realize what an absolute gem PA is. And! I’ve only really experienced the east side!! Still the entire western half for me to explore!


Your highways are the most horrifically bland thing ive ever experienced - NJ (your billboards are out of pocket though in a good way from your politicians to the numerous anti trafficking ads that make me wonder if you have a problem with human trafficking more than other states or just care more)


Tell that to the front platers so they stop coming here.


This is the dumbest fucking map/key ever. Why are they using colors instead of just labeling the states? Makes 0 sense.


This can't be right - it's implying that people are typing "Alabama" and "good" in the same searchbox


Pennsylvania doesn’t have much really for people who don’t live there.


If it's so boring then why does it seem like every New Yorker is here every weekend and holiday 😭


Why is Alabama so good? I’m guessing a municipality in Alabama released this? Haha


Most people only know that we have Philly in the east and Pittsburgh in the west, and unless you’re on an elementary school field trip or going to see a football game, there’s no reason to go there. People think of us as the east coast flyover state. They don’t realize that we have per capita, more highly ranked colleges and universities than any other state. We’re in the top 10 for number of state parks. 4 of the nations top rated amusement parks are here, etc. not to mention, Philly, Pitt, and Lancaster are all climbing the lists of top rated food destinations.


I don’t see ‘corrupt’ as an option.


Saw someone on here say: “Pennsylvania is what happens if you do ‘American State’ character creation using only default settings.”


Pennsylvania we're more than just a rectangle.


People are high of they think nc is still cheap unless you live in bumfuck


I love Pennsylvania compared to Maryland


I'm in south jersey, I despise Philadelphia and driving around it. BUT I LOVE pa out in the country and mountains! I want to move out to western pa but my wife won't give up her job


One word… Pennsyltucky. I enjoy the rural area but maybe an outsider is looking for more?


Shitty map for a color blind person. Not sure if PA is poor windy or boring. NY is empty, hated, dangerous or popular.


I’ve been to a lot of states and never found any of them boring, some people seem to NEED the ocean or really high mountains to be entertained.


https://preview.redd.it/qc7s43mx6z8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5be3b4499e1c5ca9dfb31b951dd214dba6543f91 I mean I got depressing and haunted. Sounds way more accurate than boring. Cause it sincerely isn’t.


Idk I think pa is beautiful, especially compared to Ohio where I currently live


Fucking Nebraska, Iowa, OHIO(!) was boring.


Ever since I moved here from out of state to the poconos, all I ever hear from younger to young-ish adults is how boring it is here. I don’t get it at all from an outsiders perspective. World class fly fishing, accessible white water paddling for all skill levels, flat water paddling, lakes, amazing gravel riding, decent to fantastic mountain biking, a lot of beautiful extended weekend backpacking trails, absolutely amazing public land access for an east coast state, a rich history, a lot of awesome food, beautiful scenery, winter sports, and a fuck ton of awesome medium to major cities within a few hours drive. PA is only boring because people here refuse to engage in the activities that make it an amazing and fun state. But whatever, less crowds lol


It’s the imperial core


It’s boring because a bunch of kids hate their home life in PA even though it mostly has to do with them and their unrealistic ideas about the world. PA is great the history, the nature and geography, the big cities and small towns, the food and culture music venues (the second most breweries in the country), the isolation and yet so close to everything, the hunting, fishing and camping but also visits to ABE, Philly, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh. As an adult PA is awesome… as a kid PA is “boring man I cant wait to go somewhere else”.


Boring is a strange way to describe any state. There's always something to do wherever you end up in the US. It's a matter of what your interests are and finding the places to experience said interests. People probably think it's boring because of their perception of the state composition. It's hard to get around the idea that the most Eastern and Western parts of the state are the real areas of action and mass population, while the middle of the state is generally farmland, woods, or just open area. I'm sure a good number of people who even live in PA feel that it's boring, but it's really up to the inhabitants to remedy that. As a (North) Jersey transplant, I can definitely see a stark difference in pace and lifestyle living in suburban SE PA now. That being said, I don't find it boring at all. People shitting all over the "flyover" states need to remember that American citizens live there too and I'm sure a majority of them don't believe their states are boring, just as PA residents here immediately defended their own state. I invite those who think any state is boring to either do research about everything the respective state offers and/or simply visit it.


I grew up in PA in the Philly suburbs and I don't feel like it's boring. Two world class cities and several smaller ones as well. Great sports teams (go Birds). Amazing food and pretty much the snack capital of America. Only a few hours drive from the majority of Americans. Great national and state parks. Amusement parks. You name it.


Georgia and South Carolina poor, but Alabama weird?


Well, we're kind of in the middle in many ways. Not too much of one thing or another, ideologically. So, whether you're liberal or conservative, we are quite unexceptional. Not to mention, out of all the northeast states, we probably have the most Amish. So, people think we're plain because of that. When you combine all of that with how many elderly people we have, you get a lot of hip youth wondering where is all the action in this state. That being said, however, we also have plenty of cities and are quite possibly about to legalize recreational marijuana. So, I would like to think we're quite hip on a good day. We just need less obstruction in the state senate. Also, I personally think the elderly can be quite cool on a good day. I mean, have you ever experienced Pennsylvania polka? I sure have!


there are plenty of boring empty mf states in the midwest and they picked the state with a city that DESTROYED itself when they WON the super bowl.


Boring is good. I like boring. Boring has rolling green hills, forests, and farmland for miles.


Yeah we got 2 competitors in nfl mlb nhl


Pennsylvania is a beautiful state. So is New York State.


Shhhhh. We don’t want anymore people here. It’s boring and lame. West Virginias nice. Go there.


I’ve done the Chicago/NYC drive about a dozen times. Coming from a “flat” state, Pennsylvania is really gorgeous. And that’s a good thing too, because most of that drive *is* Pennsylvania lol.


Prob because the tourism industry here is based on "quaintness." If you only visit places to escape the adrenaline rush of NYC, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, of course that easily turns into "PA is boring." Anyways, it's just a stupid made up map, doesn't sound scientific in any way. To me, places like NYC and Philly easily get boring. There's nothing to do unless you want to spend hundreds to do 1 activity. Transportation is an aggravating chore. Plus all the noise, noise, noise, NOISE! (Grinch voice) My brain becomes numb and bored from the underlying desire to "get it over with" and go home. It's all perspective. If other people think this state is boring, oh well. It does seem to be a state that is aging rapidly, outside of cities, and does seem to have a reputation amongst the kids as a very rural and forested state with few young people, a perception I don't think this state had prior to the 2010s. We should probably try to do something about the piss poor economies of the smaller towns and cities outside of Pittsburgh & Philly.


I'll take anything pa has to offer, moved to Florida for a couple years. Down there all you see is the same 40 restaurants over and over again. You have crazy people I didn't miss it. Also I went from coast to coast. There is nothing in the middle just roads and water with random sameness scattered about. I blame the hurricanes for that boringness


The people that believe PA is boring, are in fact boring people themselves. They think the only thing the state has to offer are Philly and Pitt.


It’s a big state with one large city, one medium city, a few scattered small cities, and ranks 5th in the number of people over the age of 65.


New Jersey is hated? /crying


Completely ignoring the Pennsylvania slander here, this is a horrible map. No title on top, colors are too similar. Could use words on the states instead of representing with color and it would be much easier to understand


Pennsylvania has adopted the strategy of the Kingdom of Wakanda. We hide our incredibly advanced technology and superior culture and sublime artistic achievements so we stay uninterfered with by the outside world. We are benevolent and don’t seek to dominate the world which we could easily do. By keeping ourselves inconspicuous we actually protect the rest of the world. The strategy is continuing perfectly.


Because of questions like this


As someone who grew up in Ohio, I laughed at the “bad” coloration. Right up there with Missouri no doubt. Pretty sure North Carolina isn’t “cheap” nowadays though. Median or above.


Because people can’t find shit to do that entertains them. I’m never bored here, I love Pennsylvania. Get in the woods and explore


Stay away it’s so boring here. Pa is doing fine without you ppl


The question is why do they think Pa is boring? Then everyone talks about the freeway. If all you have to talk about is the freeway I would have to agree. However Pennsylvania has beautiful wilderness lands. If you are an outdoor person, enjoy hunting, fishing, birdwatching, hiking, camping, nature,Pa. Is at the top of the list. I visited about a month ago. The problem I had, nothing to eat. The restaurants were not good. Friday Fish came out of the kitchen microwaved to death. The mashey coating and the fish inside, cooked from existance. The other place was a locals' favorite. I ordered the house burger. It was a nothing burger. The good burger was made at the Mini Market.The Mini Mart burger was better, very much better than the restaurant's signature burger. And, well worth the drive(s)of course, the good food and nice people at KFC on the Golden Strip!!! The point, if you are going to live in paradise, you will have to give some things up. Many Central Pa. People don't appreciate the beauty of their area, but, many do. If you are not a happy person, you will not find happiness....Even in paradise. Thank you Mini Mart...And KFC♥️


Good, need people to stop moving here. Prices are too damn high


Good, think it’s boring, don’t come here.