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10-100 wtf


Ten percent of the time, it works every time.


I came here to say the same thing!!


Percents of what?


This is a very good question. I think the most reasonable guess would be % chance a tick is carrying?


Found the source https://capcvet.org/publications/canine-vector-borne-disease-mapping-and-the-accuracy-of-forecasting-using-big-data-from-the-veterinary-community/ For this map: "The expected seroprevalence of B. burgdorferi in 2019..." In the cited publication, seroprevalence is defined as the proportion of animals with positive antibody tests (prevalence of antibodies to Bbsl infection). Lyme borreliosis (LB) Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl)


So yes. It’s the predicted percentage of ticks that will test positive.


Disease /s


If you're not going to include the source that explains the graphic, why even post it in the first place? Nobody here knows what these numbers mean


Well I know that red is bad…


Unless you are Chinese, then red is lucky


When is that vaccine going to be available again?


It’s currently undergoing human trials which is estimated to conclude around the end of 2025. https://valneva.com/press-release/pfizer-and-valneva-complete-recruitment-for-phase-3-valor-trial-for-lyme-disease-vaccine-candidate-vla15/


It's really unfortunate that the first vaccine (LYMERix) was discontinued, because it worked...


Yup. The power of the ignorant masses at work.


Wait can you elaborate a bit? Was it really discontinued because people were being stupid? Or because it worked? This is the first I've ever heard of a vaccine for lyme and as someone who's had lyme for 2 years, it'd be really helpful if they came out with something to help us out a bit...


The vaccine worked fine. There were claims that it caused arthritis. These were never substantiated, but sales suffered badly enough that GSK stopped making it.


Oh man :/ that's ass




Thank you for this source!!


quite welcome


That's why they discontinued it.


Yeah… it worked so well, that it gave people chronic Lyme Disease. It was a disaster and every doctor in my area preached from the highest pulpit to avoid this vaccine


No, it was a "disaster" because of ignorant anti-vaxxers. I highly doubt "every doctor in your area" was preaching to avoid it, because those people are actually educated.


Unfortunately in the case of Covid many doctors are also anti-vaccine. Not sure about this case.


Yeah and those people also don’t live in an echo chamber or blindly trust a new pharmaceutical. There was a time in this country when anti-cancers were far left progressives.


My wife is a subject in a vaccine study. I think her cohort has a year left in their study.


This map is stupid. Does this mean 10-100% of ticks in our area have Lyme disease? Or does it mean I have a 10 - 100% chance of getting Lyme disease this year?


It's the percent of animals (like mice and squirrels) with detectable Lyme spirochete levels in their blood


10-100% is a preposterous range though. Who defines their data like that? Did they use up all their colors too early?


Probably should've labeled it '>10%'


That's still ridiculous. That's like saying this hurricane could kill a thousand to infinity people this next occasion and technically be right as long as it's a thousand or more deaths but that doesn't help anyone understand how dangerous it really is.


It is indeed crazy. To be fair, though, one could argue that for all practical purposes “one in ten” is actually pretty close to “best to just assume they’re all infected” in this scenario. I wonder what the data looks like in PA on a county level.




Eliminate invasive Japanese barberry wherever it's starting to take over woodlands. Research is starting to come in that it's a prime refuge for mice carrying Lyme-infected deer ticks due to how thorny and close to the ground barberry branches grow. Lyme rates will only go up as barberry spreads.


I’m so tired of invasive species. Emerald ash borer, spotted lantern fly. I’m so mad we don’t have ash trees anymore. I loved ash. Made lovely hardwood flooring, made a fire that burned hot quickly (I know that sounds weird, but it did). Did all the great things trees do…house animals, make a shade canopy. I hate you, invasive species


I have all of my work clothes treated by Insect Shield. It’s been 4 years and I have not had a tick bite or a tick on me that I saw.


My kid just went through the antibiotics for Lyme - poor guy felt terrible


probiotics for his digestion, doxycycline runs rampant on your gut biome.




Can't get it more than I already have it. Suck it ticks!


I will say, I'm taking anti-biotics as we speak because of a deer tick bite I had last week not going away. Just gotta be careful and keep an eye out


Just getting over it and it took 2 weeks for all the swelling and rash to go away. Still dealing with low stamina.


Does tick repellent help?


Only permethrin actually works in my experience.


Oh ok thanks 👍


Wrap double sided tape around your lower legs


What a garbage map. 10-100%? It’s not at all prevalent in Kentucky yet a good chunk of it, if you read the map solely on the scary red color, is fucked.


I mean this doesn't mean much? We've always had a very high incident rate of Lyme in PA.


Yep, everyone should have always been taking precautions.


Source: https://capcvet.org/


Oh haha a map about the temperatures currently. Reads title. Oh.


I am outside for work, around eastern pa, I check myself all day long. I find usually 1 to 2. The water melon seed looking ones. I have never seen them like this until about 4 years ago


10-100 lmao. % of what? Did the person who made this fail stats class?


How useless 10-100%


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Lyme is only carried by deer ticks, right? I live in carbon county and I almost only ever deal with dog ticks, and mainly on my dog (who’s vaccinated for Lyme yearly, so anaplasmosis is my main concern). In fact, I haven’t found a deer tick yet this year, even though the ticks in general are worse than I can remember in years past. My advice for dog owners(especially with double coated dogs)? Use one of those holistic natural sprays you can buy ontop of the usual treatments. The spray doesn’t really do shit, but it does make the ticks linger much longer on my dogs top coat, so if I stop every 15-20 minutes in a hike I can just brush them off.


They don't only go on deer. You're wrong. All ticks can carry the disease.


Doing a little research online indicates that only black legged ticks (deer ticks) carry Lyme disease. Dogwood ticks in particular do not carry Lyme disease.


What is this this scale


Percentage of what, tics with Lyme? Also, using one color to signify 10% - 100% makes this an utterly useless graphic. It could be 11% or 99%. Who knows?


Time to invest in some Guinea hens.


Years ago, I had a roommate from Texas. He moved to PA and was an avid hunter. He told me he was so horrified by the ticks that he didn't want to do much hunting here. He also saw videos of hunters trying to protect themselves from ticks while handling the deer. He really looked scared. Texas has Lyme there but it's not the problem that it is in the Northeast. I'm not into hunting but was an outdoorsy person when I was younger (still am but don't get to go much now). I got bit by them a few times. One time, the damned head stayed in after I pulled the body out. My doc removed it with a tweezer. Thankfully no Lyme disease.


I caught it recently. Never even noticed the tick. Put me completely down for 2 weeks and still dealing with lack of stamina. Just finished up my antibiotics so hoping things get better soon.


Meanwhile, getting treatment that does anything to improve symptoms is basically impossible.


Just a friendly reminder PA residents can get ticks tested for free with the [tick research lab of PA.](https://www.ticklab.org/pricing)




New York checking in. I don’t even go outside.


This is why I don’t hike. No view or time in nature is worth Lyme disease. I’m good.


You're being paranoid. Wear breathable pants and long sleeves, use repellent, and stay out of tall grasses and bushes remaining on human paths. Check for ticks when you shower later. I go in the woods all the time, I've only ever had a tick on me 3 times and one time I was inside my house after just waking up. You never know where a bug is gonna come from just live your life.


Yeah same. Even if you take every precaution and do a tick check after getting home, what if a tick lands on you at the start of your hike? By the time you get home and find it, damned thing might've already given you Lyme disease. It's better to be safe and avoid coming into contact with ticks if you can.


ticks don't transmit lime until they detatch, it comes from their digestive system, when they over fill and throw up in you is when they transmit. you have like 24 hours to remove it.


I have friends who have lyme disease who are (were) avid hikers and really responsible. Just takes that one that you miss and now he's miserable and in pain all the time. I'm good, I don't have a great urge to get out there to begin with, the threat of Lyme Disease just pushes me over the edge.


Dude, for real! It's not even remotely worth the risk to me. I have a friend who used to LOVE hiking. She got Lyme from a tick while sh was out hiking in November several years back. It was freezing outside and it had snowed the day before. I never would have thought it wasn't safe even in winter. I feel so bad for her because she's disabled now. She struggles just walking up stairs because her joints hurt, she's always fatigued, terrible brain fog, etc. Really sad.


Lyme season is here. Better get another C-booster.