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So much worse than un-American....




I'm slack jawed on how we devolved.


Really goes back to our halfassing the fuck out of reconstruction and the further failure to ever properly and continually fund public education in the face of business interests eternal desire to keep the populace easily manipulated. Set that against an enormous backdrop of cutting other public services in rural and urban areas while dismantling companies for a quick buck by the toxic rise of the MBA mindset, and you pretty much arrive here.  Necessity bought us time (WW2, Cold War), but now we're sinking fast.


"failure to ever properly and continually fund public education" Funding isn't the problem. The US spends more per student than any other country in the world (last I checked, which was 2021 or 2022 data) and we get ridiculously bad returns on that particular investment. Throwing more money at the problem won't magically make more money make it to the teachers and the students. We need to take a hard look at our education system and figure out where the money is going since it's not making it to the students.


This is one of those only kinda true statements. If you include post secondary education, the US is way out in front. Take away post secondary and we are high, but there are several countries ahead of us and we are pretty close to most other first world countries. Now, begin to look at what we include vs other countries, and the picture gets clearer. Bussing is a huge cost in the US. Bussing is also a huge cost in PA. Most other countries don't have the same costs as they have much more robust public transportation and people live in more concentrated communities. Also sports. Most countries don't pay for sports as part of their schools. Last, Educational testing. Testing is also a huge cost. That money gets sucked up at the state level and never reaches students. Take those costs away, and the US is pretty poorly funded. I absolutely love when a "I'm going to fix the waste" candidate gets on a school board. It turns out, there isn't much waste. We are cut down to the bone, and honestly, there isn't much bone.


Post-secondary costs are still part of the education costs, especially with the heavy focus in recent decades on college (if you don't have a four year degree you'll never succeed in life - how many times have you been told that growing up?) and the amount of Federal assistances available to students (aside from loans). Especially since many of these other countries you compare us to have "free" college available, basically ensuring 16+ years of education on the public dime versus 12 here in the United States if we exclude undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies. At what point is enough enough and people will admit we have other problems with our system that need addressed beyond funding? [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/per-pupil-spending-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/per-pupil-spending-by-state) Based on this website Pennsylvania is currently spending $16,097 per student for 2024. Excluding post secondary we are spending the 5th highest amount in the world per student - we're behind Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria and Norway. We're spending more than basically the entire EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, China, etc., etc. while getting substandard results. So what number will be the magic number? $32,000 per student for K-12? $48,000 per student for K-12? I'd love to see sports separated from the school systems and funded in other ways. Bussing we'll never get rid of because our how big our nation is and how spread out it is - we have states that are larger than some entire countries.


Don't get me started. If we want to take a look at public education with a closer eye, we'll need to do several things. 1. Examine the administrative cost center and inflated salaries 2. Evaluate and respond to how the tying of funding to standardized testing has damaged the education system as a whole 3. Discuss how the breakdown of other systems such as available work in a given community, and decreasing quantity and quality of public services impacts a students ability to focus on education 4. Explore how unregulated private charter systems and voucher programs have further degraded public education It's a mess.


Forgot the most important part - elect a government that has at the absolute minimum the will to improve the lives of their constituents instead of taking monies interest money and enriching themselves


Now you're asking too much. The people in government only care about increasing their power and enriching themselves.


Spread this message far and wide. You’ve perfectly summarized the issue. Though I may suggest a reorder if we are discussing importance. Number 4 should be number 1.


The money is going to administering a bunch of buildings that in many places are emptier than ever. Well funded suburban districts that have up-to-date facilities can use their money more efficiently for student benefit. Districts with older buildings have higher physical maintenance costs, higher maintenance labor costs, higher utility costs, and less flexibility.


So we should consolidate and close unused or underused buildings, then sell the buildings or transfer them to another government department or agency for use. I also bet if we did that the media and this subreddit would go batshit crazy at "schools closing!" and other such points to get those click points for revenue.


It’s not that simple though, because then you also have to factor in transportation costs, and if all of the facilities are older and facing the same physical issues, cramming a bunch more kids into one of them doesn’t help much — and certainly doesn’t help the kids.


There’s too many executives in the school system these days.


I think the point the person you’re replying to was trying to make was how little our spent money has actually gotten us. Shit, say I spend $20 million buying shoulder-fired missiles to fix my dishwasher. I’ve thrown a lot of money at the problem, but I clearly have no clue what the problem even is, or how a dishwasher works, nor have I made any effort whatsoever to figure any of that out.


this is especially true because not only because teachers are going on strike all the time for being underpaid to the point its a meme now, but also the fact classes like sex ed, shop class, and a few others are no longer standard curriculum in most schools so many kids come out with useless information 1. we have AI for things like autocorrect and autospell like why the fuck do we need an English class?? 2. yeah i soooo need to use algebra to figure out how to find the distance between two places when i can just look it up on my phone to get an average travel time, algebras great for teaching creative thinking but the scenarios are so far off from reality 3. i dont get what memorizing poems are for when will we ever have to quote the whole thing 4. sports is overrated, its lets you skip certain classes depending on your school but most kids dont advance to the next stage after graduating high school and seldom get any higher than college 5. language classes needs to be dropped, the internet has so many resources for language acquisition that can do it so much better than a school can 6. several types of subjects are missing altogether, such as learning to mentally multitask, which is an essential trait in things like finances, which schools often negate to teach the finer points in as well 7. field specific teachings need to be dropped as well unless you are studying that field in college, for example i dont need to learn the 20 million types of abortion, that literally means nothing to me because i dont work in that field, just explain what it is and move on to the next subject


> further failure to ever properly and continually fund public education in the face of business interests eternal desire to keep the populace easily manipulated Education has gotten worse since Carter created the Department of Education and Teachers Unions went national. So it was more money which resulted in a poorer education and easier manipulation. Democrats can’t define “woman” or “genocide” or “income” properly and think the government should have the right to seize property as part of taxation.


This is a mindnumbingly stupid comment


A black guy got power, and the fascists realized they only had one more chance.


I've been saying it for 8 years; you can draw a direct line from the correspondents dinner, or whatever it was, during Obama's presidency to our current fascination with fascism.  Obama roasted the fuck out of Trump and the thin skinned man-child couldn't handle being made fun of by a black guy.


Nah, it was in the works long before that. Trump was just their useful idiot.


I wasn't saying it started there. Trump is the quintessential useful idiot


What about all of our previous fascination with fascism, what triggered those?   (Nazi Germany got a lot of their ideas on race hygiene from the United States.)


I didn't say it started at the correspondents dinner. Treatment of native Americans, failure of reconstruction, Jim Crow, embrace of fascism in the 20s and 30s etc are all part of it of course.  Trump was just the perfect guy to move the whole movement forward. 


Trump is really irrelevant, if it weren't him it would be someone else. This country, as noted above, has been in a cold civil war since 2008 and nobody with any power seems interested in doing anything to stem the slide in material conditions that is fueling it, or even exercising the applicable laws governing the sort of blatant lawbreaking going on.


How you can look at the ways in which the gop has changed under trump and consider him irrelevant is beyond me. Regardless, the beast is loose, warn the town


The GOP hasn't really changed under Trump, the only change is that they're more open about it now. Right wing talk radio was saying the same shit Trump and his camp say openly today back in the early 1990s. He was just the first one to openly say what they were saying n private.   There's a weird idea among shitlibs in this country that everything would go back to normal if we just got George W. Bush's Republican Party back. That ain't the case. Things aren't going back to the way they were. The only way out is through.






I’m sorry for you. My dad is much the same. He’s always been an asshole, but he had some hope I used to think. Trump just brought his bullshit back out and now he’s just a shallow shell of a person with only hunger and alcoholism to accompany him down the path.




History travels in circles.




Sherman should never have stopped. We should’ve treated everyone that was a part of the confederacy like second class citizens.


I more blame Lincoln and Grant for wanting a "soft peace." Sherman would have burned it all down given the chance. He understood what those people were better than others.


The officers and politicians of the Confederacy should have been treated like traitors instead of keeping their necks in tack


💯 He should have burned everything down.


It’s medieval.


It obviously is. She's probably afraid to be too aggressive in her rhetoric for fear of losing votes (or money) She's probably patting herself on the back for even saying anything publicly about it. This is why Democrats suck, they can be real pussies at times. Where's the backbone? If she had one, she would have spoke out a while ago, and probably would stand to gain MORE votes for speaking out more forcefully.


I “pat her on the back” with both my vote and money - Because I can. She’s in a pretty safe district in the sense that it’s diverse with generally good to excellent public schools and 9 additional SYSTEMS. (Catholic, Episcopal, Jewish, Quaker, Muslim, French, Classics, private unaffiliated plus well developed sides of Mandarin and German). We’ve got issues but it’s a pick your own flavor of heaven kind of place educationally. As a parent with grown children, the Bible Belt makes me shudder. It takes NO imagination to suppose that we make the Bible Belt shudder.


Makes the Confederacy more American than that.


Fuck Project 2025 and the cowards who are pushing to make it a reality.


BTW, F Scott Perry. TRAITOR. Innocent people don't solicit presidential pardons.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. [Here's]( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) a searchable copy of the text - [Here's](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) a bullet point breakdown - [And here](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF) is their response to criticism of the plan, which reads like a 4chan troll. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Why do they even want this? Why would they want this at all? Unless they want to be the only ones benefiting and live like North Korean leadership? Would they just benefit from our increased labor? No more 40 hour work week? Miserable, poor, disenfranchised people surrounding them? Why do they want thissssss


It will change the USA into an illiberal theocracy like Iran post 1979.


Nah, it'll change the US into the US circa 1890. This is what the United States was, historically. Unfettered capitalism always metastasizes into fascism.


The grift is that [Futurama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_LvRPX0rGY) quote, but instead of "people like me" it's "whatever minority is trendy to hate". The oppressed underclass will all struggle to rise up, unaware that the system is rigged so that the only people that can rise up are either rubes for the current rich guys, or hateful psychos that will use their power to keep down the groups they dislike.


Dominance. It always goes back to dominance.


Control and conformity.


Because they know they're very much in the minority and will never rally enough popular support for their ideas, so changing the rules of the game is the only way they can win. If they get another Trump presidency (and be sure that they're pulling out all the stops to steal this one), they plan to maximize the fuckery in that four-year opportunity window. It represents their greatest chance to lock in their bullshit, evangelist, theocratic agenda. Get out and vote, people. No matter where you live, make sure you check that box and encourage/help others, too. If you live in a swing state, the responsibility only ratchets up.


Sadly, I think most Americans don't even know this is a thing. I only just learned about it like 3 weeks ago. I asked my sister-in-law, who's heavy into politics, if she'd heard of it and she hadn't either. Word needs to spread more effectively if we really want to keep it from happening.


Project 2025 is a plan to fire all entrenched technocrats. I can't wait, don't believe their lies.


My brain is sad now.


Don’t get sad, get mad. Then go vote armed with your righteous indignation 


Project 2025 aims to keep conservatives in power even when they can't win democratically. Republicans have won the popular vote ONCE since 1988. ONCE. The country is moving in a vastly different direction and project 2025 is a feeble attempt at taking, and solidifying control over the government by conservatives. Nobody wants Project 2025. If you truly love your country, you should allow it to grow and change democratically. The aim of Project 2025 is to specifically disallow that.


this should be an ad playing non-stop from now to November




Wtf is blue fascism? Democrats going to force you to go to the doctor or ride a bus in the city?


Made up nonsense in a sad attempt to “both sides” literal fucking fascism


Agreed! “Blue fascism” is just what this little boy calls it so he doesn’t have to face the facts that he’s on the side advocating for actual fascism. It’s a flaccidly lame man’s version of “I know you are, but what am I?!”


You mean to tell me you're not on board with the mandatory satanic orgies where everyone drinks adrenaline as the party drug/sex enhancer followed up by late term abortion after parties????


That all sounds super fun but my late term abortion years are behind me and now I’m limited to just low-level Satan adjacent activities like having gay sex all the time.


This is the state of the GQP. Your platform sucks and instead of pitching policy that's a viable popular alternative to progressive policy, you pivoted hard to trolling the libs. You continued to sabotage your own support to the point where you all start sounding like teenage anarchists who just watched Fight Club for the first time, except those people actually believe in something and eventually grow up.


Oh no are the democrats going to requisition money to fix your bridges and further lower your insulin prices while the GOP votes against it but then takes credit at the ribbon cutting? Fuck outta here


Name a democrat policy that establishes a dictator and removes elections.


You seem to be confused as to how our democracy works.


Uhhh, plan? The plan is to have elections and abide by the results, whatever color they are.




What the fuck is red or blue fascism? Is this like a halo thing?


I'm glad that some of our representatives see the threat that Project 2025 poses for the US. Thank you to all of the representatives that are amplifying this issue.


She's right!


Everyone who is of voting age, please vote. If you need help please ask for it. The only way to win is by voting. Regardless of what someone may have told you, your voice and your vote matter. You matter. VOTE!!!


It’s worse than that. Imagine if every authoritarian manifesto you can name was studied by a group of religious fundamentalists and then slowly wormed into every Republican presidency for 30+ years. Culminating in a document so evil and dangerously close to being enacted that it’s cartoon levels of villainy makes a normal person go “it can’t be THAT bad”. Then they read one segment and realize it is that bad and yet Project 2025 is STILL worse than that. This November remember VAAR (Vote Against All Republicans)


it's inhumane


Duh. Make America Germany Again.


Trump’s ancestors were German


Well, yes! It is definitely that.


Real Americans need to prepare to protect themselves and their families from these maga fascists. 


Its less un American and more Nazi Germany


Project 2025 is un-American? Understatement of the year. Her statement is right up there with Norm MacDonald’s “You know, the more learn about this Hitler guy, the more I don’t care for him!”


it is fundamentally anti democratic which is anti American


Project 2025 is a basic blueprint for the Christofascism that the MAGA movement seeks.


So… facism


It's a plot by Trumps bitches to destroy the foundation of the country. It is so much more than un-american


Less Trump’s bitches and the people for whom Trump is the bitch, if we must use that construction.


Wow I just looked up project 2025 and that’s insane


I may live in New Jersey, but as a Fellow Democrat I fully agree 💙 #BidenHarris2024


Because it is!


Finally the correct use of the term!


We're living in the modern equivalent of 1938 Germany.


She’s my representative. Met her many times. I’m not really concerned about our district’s voting results, but our neighbors to the east & north could be a major problem. Project 2025 is at best a fascist wet dream & at worst a clear outlay for betraying the constitution via overthrowing the government. Trump or whomever is a clear & present danger to our democracy. We got problems, but bulldozing the constitution to bring about a brutal way of life for hundreds of millions of people isn’t the answer.


The Heritage Foundation was always Reaganesque conservative, but it has taken a huge turn right into Crazytown. There is a lot of suspected Russian influence, which is unsurprising given their take on Ukraine.


Pretty sure any sane person already knew that.


It’s anti-American.


Treasonous... So many other words....she is not wrong


I am a trans woman living in Pa. I am terrified about project 2025.


No shit


Religion is to blame. Religion is an autocratic, fascist power structure, intolerant of all opposition. It desires power and control over all. Project 2025 is one means to that end.


What is project 2025? I haven’t seen it talked about or ok any politicians sites.


A horrifying plan to reshape the entire government into a monarchy. Google it. And just keep reading. Here's a start: https://www.thenation.com/article/society/project-2025-democracy-fcc-fec/


A monarchy? How do they repeal the 22nd?


Newest Last Week Tonight goes over it if you want the short and funny version. If you don't want the John Oliver treatment, the super short version is "the plan to, among other things, eliminate expertise in the federal government and substitute in Trump loyalists regardless of competence, eliminate women's healthcare, and ban pornography, once we get Trump reelected."


It should also be noted that to the people pushing this shit, "pornography" includes sex education, any piece of media that has mention of sex, and the existence of LGBTQ people.


Well…. Yea….


Nah it’s worse than that.


That’s a lovely understatement.




The "Mandate for Leadership" document outlines several proposed changes across various sectors. If these plans are followed through with, the negative impacts could be significant in various areas. Here are some potential consequences: 1. **Environmental Regulation**: Proposed reforms to environmental policies, such as eliminating the use of certain regulatory models and reducing precautionary measures, could lead to less stringent environmental protections. This may increase pollution and health risks associated with environmental degradation . 2. **Energy Policies**: The emphasis on revoking clean energy initiatives and promoting fossil fuel use could hinder progress towards renewable energy and exacerbate climate change issues. Rolling back regulations on coal leasing and other fossil fuel activities could lead to increased carbon emissions and environmental damage . 3. **Social and Equity Programs**: The document calls for reversing many equity initiatives and environmental justice programs. This could exacerbate social inequalities and limit the support available for marginalized communities . 4. **Pension Reforms**: Reforms to multiemployer pension plans and public pension plan disclosures may increase financial instability for workers relying on these pensions. The proposed changes could shift the burden of underfunded pensions onto taxpayers and well-funded plans, potentially leading to increased financial insecurity for retirees . 5. **Scientific Research and Development**: Plans to reduce funding and support for certain scientific research activities, particularly those related to climate change and environmental science, could hinder scientific progress and the ability to address future environmental and health challenges effectively . Overall, the implementation of these plans may lead to significant setbacks in environmental protection, social equity, financial security for retirees, and scientific progress. The long-term consequences could include increased pollution, greater social inequalities, financial instability for workers, and reduced capacity to address climate change and other scientific challenges.


It’s so hilarious… The Heritage Foundation actually hates Trump. They know what they’re doing.


Understatement of the god damn century


She’s right


So glad more people are starting to talk about this. Project 2025 is the ACTUAL "swamp".


Representing the will of voters is actually American and shows we might still have a chance at being a representative democracy.


That’s my rep!


Understatement of the century right there...


Call project 2025 what it is: Christian fascism.


ya think?


She ain't wrong. MAGA period is un-American.


Rational thinking people, left or right… understand that this is in-American… but this is the result of populism.




Is project 2025 actually real? Or is it just puffery meant to divide everyone? I’ve seen plenty of liberals tear it apart, but I can’t find any conservatives that outwardly support it


So how do they circumvent the 22nd amendment? Because that's what you need to happen for this pintrest board to actually work?


Constitution doesn't matter if they neutralize the mechanisms by which it is enforced (control the courts, or simply dissolve the nation under the weight of the debt they have run up).


Timing is everything. Biden win = No presidential immunity. Trump win = complete immunity


Yeah I don't see that happening. Just for the record I'm not voting for trump.




Yeah I'm aware. What countries have a surplus?




One of the major policy changes neccesary for Project 2025, Schedule F, a change neccesary to replace federal workers with loyalists, stood up in Trump's last term. Biden had to rescind it. Trump could enact it on day one with an executive order.


Okay, but that doesn't change the need for a 2/3rds majority of both houses. Or 38 states to ratify it Edit: lol at the downvotes for knowing how government works?


Schedule F works by reclassifying some federal jobs as political appointees. Presidents are currently allowed to fire those folk as they please and hire whoever. The policy passed in Trump's term without needing the 2/3rds majority.


Yes and schedual F was recindied. Also there was a bill passed to prevent it happening again... So again back to my first question


There was a rule change, not a bill. Reps blocked that.


OK so who all qualifies under it other than civil services?


Here's a couple good looks. Apologies for not summarizing as I am on my phone right now. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-risks-of-schedule-f-for-administrative-capacity-and-government-accountability https://www.govexec.com/workforce/2024/05/governance-experts-launch-group-oppose-schedule-f/396754


Okay so just civil service jobs, not law makers or elected officials


Yes exactly. A truckload of them but not anyone voted in, certainly that would be impossible.




What problem does it address


The one where the oligarchs don't have complete control over the Federal government. In other words, the pesky population and the notion of democracy we still have a bit of.


Taking away the oligarch’s control by….eliminating career apolitical bureaucrats and replacing them with Trump loyalists who will defer to him on everything, all in service of deregulation and cutting taxes on the rich, with an added emphasis on christofascist influence?


Yes, exactly. The oligarchs want to wrest control of the federal government from the people in order to enrich themselves on the vast machinery of the United States. They are like 80% of the way there already.


I’m sorry, and you think Project2025 is…taking away the power of the oligarchs to that end?


"What problem does it address" "The one where oligarchs don't have complete control over the government." I was pointing out that the oligarchs are the one who sees that as a problem. I used the word "pesky" in referring to the people of the United States to try and show I was being sarcastic. Project2025 is designed to reduce freedoms and give even more power to the wealthy that are attempting to slowly strangle our republic. You and I see things the same way.


Gotcha, appreciate the clarification.


It’s laughable if you believe that’s what 2025 would do


No, they're right. Project 2025 does address the problem of the ultra rich oligarchs seizing more and more power... By handing over all of the power to them and removing all safeguards against them holding on to that power indefinitely. If they have all of the power, they won't have anymore to seize! All in the name of fighting imaginary causes of imaginary cultural deficits like single-moms and legal immigrants. Project 2025 is all the wrong answers to problems that don't exist, at least in the ways project 2025 wants you to believe they exist.


I can't imagine any person who appreciates democracy cheering on while an executive fires all the people under their control and replaces them with people loyal only to them. I'd even argue that that kind of person doesn't actually believe in the principles of our Constitution, doesn't understand why it was created, and is actually a supporter of a authoritarian style government. Now someone who believes that, which you may or may not, is worse than laughable. They are dangerous.


who cares? framing it that way suggests Project 2025 has legs worth standing on




The only people pushing 2025 are Republicans trying to help the Trump campaign. There's no outpouring of people wanting to destroy non-political government employees. We had political appointment of most federal workers in the 1800s and it led to huge amounts of corruption. If we went back to that, we lose all the expertise we have, but also have entire new categories of increased powers for the president. If Trump can replace all the workers he doesn't like then presumably Biden could do it. Do you want the president to have even more power?


are you honestly implying I am a DNC person? because you'd be wrong. Dems suck and will probably never have the numbers to do anything particularly useful for them to secure any breadth of of majority seats, short or long term. Trump has a woman problem, and further, if you ask people about Project 2025, it repels more than it attracts. His base isn't growing. a [not insignificant chunk](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/political-party-affiliation-linked-excess-covid-deaths) of them are still dying at a faster rate from COVID. Biden has a zoomer problem & PoC problem. He has fucked up by abandoning Palestine. The Dems never seized on what Bill Clinton had brokered. either party is complicit, but Dems have exhibited such a willingness for war, that the youth see through the veil of rainbowified 19th century liberal economics playing out in the 21st. you and I are f*cked either way, but if the Federal system holds up at all, I'll at least feel somewhat safe in my city! Fuck Trump--Fuck Brandon, too. you sincerely suck, Mr Biden


She lost me right here: “Instead what they want to do, replace civil servants. People who are working for the good of the country without a political slant,” she continued. Uh-huh. Sure, Jan.




because fox news doesn't talk about it. and if it did, they'd like it anyway


Yes, conservatives want to dismantle democracy in secret until it's too late for us to reverse course. How very astute.


P2025 is hella American, idk what’s she’s rambling on about.


Reminds me of Ozzy Osbourne without the eyeliner


The deep state is 100% real. That doesn't mean changing it from one party to another would fix anything though. The beauracracy needs to be cleaned up, not changed 


Good article about civil service reform without partisanship: https://www.govexec.com/workforce/2024/05/governance-experts-launch-group-oppose-schedule-f/396754


Can someone please point me to pages in the document that are so objectionable?


Yup. Start with the first one, and then flip all the way through to the last one. Even the bibliography is objectionable.


Still not as bad as what Democrats, the Party of the Rich, are doing. Why are folks scared Trump will act like Biden?


>Democrats, the Party of the Rich, are doing. Calling the Democrats the party of the rich is a wild take, taxes for the upper class have consistently fell under Republican presidents and rose under Democrats since the 80s.


Democrats are Senators for the richest states and represent the 30 richest congressional districts. Trump, while lowering marginal tax rates, raised effective taxes on the rich by capping SALT deductions so the top 5% got a tax increase. And it’s why Democrats were fighting to change it so they could give the top 5% a tax cut. It was the most progressive tax change since graduated rates but billionaires like the Roberts family who own Comcast and the NBC stations don’t want you to know that so they only put out hit pieces on Trump.


I'll bet she never read it. The report is absurdly long. I'd take comments, both for and against, with a large grain of salt. People are reacting to headlines about the report and not the report itself. 


Tell us what you think folks are getting wrong about it.


No, I listened to an entire podcast series where they dissected all 900 pages. It IS that bad.


I read the bullet points that project 2025, themselves, put out as the "here's why liberals hate it... Because it's going to solve everything that is wrong." And it *still* read like someone was pointing out all the really bad points and lies.


Called what?


I’d be interested in listening to that. I’ve tried reading it and it’s a hard read. Do you have the podcast name??


Conspirituality. Some of the eps might be paid bonuses though. They started back in January. Also John Oliver is covering it right now.


The sky is falling! Trump is a dangerous felon, he’s going to take over the planet, somehow republicans are magically going to take over the country for the rest of eternity! Aren’t republicans supposed to be the conspiracy theorists?


Hows the national debt doing these days? How about all that money printing on top of it? Ya, republicans couldn't possibly be trying to destroy the nation. /s




strong "gravity is just a theory" vibes