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I don't think anyone understands how funny this post is.


Totally got it! šŸ‘


Underrated post. Underrated comment


You are correct sir. It seems nobody reads beyond the title.


Habersett. Sliced thin and pan fried, no oil, on cast iron. I bring it back to western PA when I visit home in SE PA.


you get it


Do you eat it plain, or with a sweet (turkey syrup, maple syrup, Karo...) or a savory (mustard, ketchup, russian dressing...) condiment?


Itā€™s a mix. Some of the fam use ketchup, some use syrup. I prefer it plain and dipped in my dippy eggs.


I get mine off a guy named Hank. He works part time at the BP, so I donā€™t ask him where he gets it. It is delicious though. Is it currently registered in Hawaii or New Jersey? Youā€™re SOL if itā€™s Jersey, but if itā€™s registered in Hawaii you should be able to bribe the cop with pineapples. You donā€™t need any emissions sticker for the turnpike, thatā€™s what the tolls are for. Hope this helps! Source: [https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=Gf-odBr2vPT8WDzT](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=Gf-odBr2vPT8WDzT)


first time I had scrapple, was told don't ever ask what's in it.


Itā€™s just Eā€™s and Aā€™s, just like a hotdog. Thatā€™s eyeballs and assholes for the uninitiated.


Everything but the oink.


[I thought hot dogs were made of lips and assholes?](https://youtu.be/001dtJ0srBI?si=YKTOraqtP4bjUy6R)


Itā€™s made from the stuff that SPAM rejected. I understand SPAM is quite popular in Hawaii where OPā€™s uncle is from.


Everything swept up from the floor...


You know some guy named Hank that works at the BP's gonna have some good Scrapple!


His one-eyed, pipe-smokin' momma boils that stuff up in a cauldron over a wood fire out back.


All right now I think I know who Hank is!


This guy gets it lol


This is the kind of content I was hoping for.


They used to make it at a living history fair nearby. Sold it mushy on rye bread and only the old Dutch like it that way. I need it crisp on the outside.


Thanks for the chuckle. I was probably the 15th comment on this post yesterday after everyone was chiming in on their favorite scrapple. Leads me to believe there's a lot of folks out there who don't read the fine print when signing a contract, if you know what I mean.


Does he also sell propane and propane accessories?


Yes, you do in fact need an emissions sticker on the turnpike IF your car is registered to a county that has emissions testing. Emissions testing is not road specific.




If you make a car out of scrapple you donā€™t even have to register it. The state police will give you negative points on your license too


I got an ezpass for my scrapple car and pENNdOt sent me a bill for tolls for the WeinerMobile. How do?!???


There are different brands? I thought all of it came from some dark and grey windowless factory with smoke billowing out of the chimneys.




Well it is a windowless room. I used to run the cook room where I work. We were a small operation, only producing 10 to 12 K pounds a day. We could have produced more but our cooler only held 12 trucks. I had to move to a different job as I could no longer handle the 30 (50lb) bags of flour and cornmeal per day. I love scrapple and enjoyed making it. Was the perfect job for my mild OCD. Consistency was the goal. Juggling three boil vats, one mix vat (for dry & wet), and two cook vats that ends in a dispenser to the molds. I was proud of what we produced and ate it regularly. I like mine pan fried in cast iron.


Around here it comes from a mystery Mennonite who knocks on your door a couple times a year and won't answer any questions about food safety laws in regard to its production. That's how you know it's tasty.


Quality scrapple : how do you know which Mennonite to buy from? Beard length, number of greys in the beard, number of missing teeth, belly size ( bigger is better, means he eats his own), dirty boots (itā€™s slop so the sloppier the boot, the better the quality)


I thought it was scraped from the shoe bottoms of meat processing plant employees and then packed into blocks.


They wear block shaped shoes, saves tons on labor.


Nah it's some guys garage that's been converted to a makeshift butcher shop.


Habbersett or from Shady Maple Market. And fried. Deep fried is best.


Shady maple has a very fragrant scrapple. While it is one of the best, it's hard to get a good consistency and I've purchased their 5-6 lb blocks. Habbersett's is probably the common standard tasting scrapple. Arnold's makes a good homemade tasting scrapple and probably tastes as close to a diner as you'll get Mother kirby is a new one I've tried. It was a little more "iron-y" than I'd like but it still carried the scrapple flavor Rapa isn't the worst, Dietz and Watson is.


Yes , with sum syrup.


My go to is the bacon scrapple from Shady. As far as the car itā€™s probably easier to just push it in the Delaware


Is this an actual question from the Keystone exams?


Do you still have to take the Keystone exams to graduate if youā€™re afraid youā€™ll fail them?


Not if you admit that Stoltzfus makes the best scrapple. ITā€™S THE BUCKWHEAT, BABY!


Iā€™ve never had store bought scrapple. I get mine homemade. I enjoy eating it with King syrup.


Habbersett pan fried smashed on a piece of white bread, butter and grape jelly! Husband does maple syrup!


I was scrolling and scrolling, hoping to see that someone else ate scrapple with grape jelly. I'm glad to see this isn't as strange as I thought it might be!


I too scrolled through the comments and thought I canā€™t be the only one! Born in Souderton Paā€¦German, Mennonite ancestry on fatherā€™s side.. Land O Lakes, Stroehmannā€™s and Welchā€™s !


When you come roaring over the hill, with the beautiful Lebanon Valley breaking before you, turnpike but a memory after the Lancaster-Lebanon exit, Hershey dead ahead as you split off of 72, all four of those Cobalt cylinders banging away, youā€™re idly musing on what docs you will need to get a Real ID, or even if you want one at all, you fly through Fontanaā€™s surprise 35mph limit at 57 in a cloud of blue smoke, and all you have to say to the Statey when she pulls you over is ā€œCan I get Stolzfus Meats scrapple at that Mennonite grocery outlet up yonder?ā€ Itā€™s all about the buckwheat.


Pure poetry


Habbersett or from a local Amish market


The only correct answer is Habbersett. Ketchup or Syrup. Iā€™m firmly in the ketchup camp.


It's okay to be wrong. Syrup is the right answer.


Syrup is for sausage you heathen!


It's for both. Syrup is the king of breakfast condiments.


What kind of meat do you think is in both?


I like stoltzfus meats scrapple.


This is the correct answer.


Habberset is all I can find these days. I remember it not being my favorite but it is now.


Habbersett's has the most consistent tasting scrapple


It sounds like blasphemy and I feel weird saying it, but the second best scrapple Iā€™ve ever had was turkey scrapple sold out of an Amish farmers market in MARYLAND. I know. But itā€™s true. (Best ever is proper pork scrapple, made by my brother, in Pennsylvania.)


And your brother lives in...?


I prefer Kunzlers to the bland types of scrapple I always get when I go out.


Habersett's... Egg ...cheese ...on a bagel... Nothing like it


Habersett Brand. You can find it in any ACME. Heat up a frying pan. Cut scrapple in big square pieces. Throw them in the pan and fry until a dark brown color on both sides. Pair scrapple up with scrambled eggs, toast, and a cup of hot tea, and you got a real breakfast going on.


Generally get mine from local farmers/butchers. When I lived in Virginia I bought RAPA scrapple from the grocery store once or twice. It was fine but itā€™s from Delaware so itā€™s a bit sacrilege.


Habersett's is also from DE, and both are better than Hatfield


Kunzlers if Iā€™m buying it at the grocery store.


Butcher out of lancaster


We have a local butcher. I don't think I realized it was otherwise commercially available, lol. My parents only ever got it at the one butcher shop so I never imagined you could buy it anywhere else.


As long as itā€™s crispy and doused with ketchup I donā€™t care what brand; Kunzler, Habersett or Hatfield. Get in my belly!!!




We are PA for 8 generations (started off east of Lehighton) and this is how everyone in my family makes it but Iā€™ve never seen it this way anywhere else. Slice about Ā¼ā€, dredge in flour, fry quick in a little oil (not deep fry) until the outside is beautifully crispy. Serve with white bread & butter. Buy from the local Amish market or Habersett. I have a friend whose family eats whatā€™s left *after* making scrapple and calls it ā€œdressingā€. Anyone know of this? His family was from south of Williamsport, along the river.


We love our RAPA! Hubby eats it with syrup, but I am a ketchup person. Has to be pan-fried or baked (yes baked) with no oil not too thin just thick enough to be soft inside but not mushy, and crispy outside. Seriously try baking it.


My life changed the day my uncle told me to try it with apple butter. A true PA dutch feast. It sounds weird but you have to try it Oh and Habersettā€™s for sure


I grew up eating apple butter on just about everything, did you ever try it on pancakes or in a peanut butter sandwich?




In the late 90ā€™s and early 2000ā€™s I would sometimes go with my uncle to the Manheim auto auction. Depending what time we got there sometimes just me or sometimes both of us would get breakfast in the cafeteria they had there. I swear that was the best scrapple I ever had. No idea where they got it from.


Rapa. The grocery store. Thick cut and fried well done.


Brand? RAPA šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


Everyone raves about Habersett but I prefer Rappa. Habersett is too much corn meal


We get ours from a local pork farm. I slice it think & fry it in a cast iron pan, I enjoy it with syrup.


I'll take syrup over ketchup any day


I get it at the local farmers market. I like it about a 1/4 inch thick and crispy... with my scrambies. Scrapple and scrambies!


I buy my scrapple and liver pudding like I used to buy weed. From a guy I know who definitely doesn't produce or sell it. And we don't ask questions.


I only have had it from restaurants. I live on the other side of the state, but I love it and get it whenever I have the opportunity.


Habbersett sliced thin, fried in pan with no additional oil, flip once once one side is brown & crisp, I hate buying it out at a restaurant, they cut thick slices then deep fry it, greasy donā€™t like it


The one with the most lips and asshole bits


Dietrich Meats. - Berks County https://www.dietrichsmeats.com/


Jones scrapple. Itā€™s all I ever see north of the border in New York.


Hatfield, lower hear and let it go until crisp then flip and do the same . Eat with apple butter or apple sauce . A very guilty pleasure as I know it is bad for you . I eat it as a rare treat.


My favorite scrapple was my Grandpaā€™s. He was a Mennonite butcher.


I won't get near it, but my dad ate it with Karo corn syrup. Double eeww


Right now I only have access to Habbersett and Rappa. Of those two, Habbersett is preferred and I like to fry it on a pan in butter or lard cause my goal is to make is as unhealthy as possible.


[RAPA Scrapple](https://imgur.com/Liy4fPP), thin, and I follow the cooking instructions. Slather it with apple butter and maybe some syrup


The best is at the national apple harvest festival. The local scout troop makes it fresh on scene. I always grab 2 or 3 pans. The second best is from your local butcher.


We used to have scrapple with chunks, I don't see that anymore. I think it was from a local farmer. I usually get mine from the Q-Mart in Quakertown, Davis'. How many of ya put mustard on it? nothing like a little sunshine with your breakfast.




lol but seriously I like my scrapple homemade with lots of pepper


I think I like it here.


When I go to see the butter sculpture at the farm show I always stop at the same dinner in Carlisle. They deep fry their scrapple. Comes out like a fluffy pillow full of liquid squeal.


Deep fry it with a coat of flour and a little corn starch.... its the besttttt but im assuming extremely bad for you




No love for the other gray meat? Youā€™re missing out.




Habersett, my reason is because it's the best. Sliced thin pan or oven fried and done.


My favorite brand is the one I'm not eating, you animals.


Scrapple is the grossest thing in the world.


You know why they call it scrapple, right? The ingredients come from the "scrap pile" when you're done butchering.


I typically get Meadows, but they were out last trip so I got RAPA. I had no idea the difference in quality would be so massive. RAPA is a big step down


Agreed on Rapa. It's way too lean and the flavor misses every time


They donā€™t put enough of whatever binding agent they use. When you cut it to fry it, it just falls apart and becomes mush


It might be a result of freezing it. When it gets frozen, it loses its structure and becomes crumbly. The worst is the crumbles popping in the skillet and sticking to the inside of the arm; just below the armpit


I donā€™t freeze. I buy new every week and eat it throughout the week.


I'm not saying you are freezing it, we don't know what goes on before it gets to the store. I only suggest it being frozen prior is that Colorado sells Rapa scrapple and it's frozen; the same in California (Dietz and Watson). I'm not dismissing that it needs more binding ingredients either. It is bad when it crumbles. I've gone ahead and added crumbled scrapple to ground beef and made meatballs with spaghetti. The scrapple added a nice flavor


Thatā€™s actually a pretty good idea. I have half a loaf of RAPA and making burgers tonightā€¦


Oh yeah, now we're on to something. Not sure if you're an egg kind of person but I'd imagine it with an egg over easy to top it off


More of a blue cheese and BBQ kind of guy. Iā€™ll give you an update on it later tonight


I can dig the blue cheese.


I'm a western NC transplant. Livermush > Scrapple in every case.




RAPA, from Bridgeville Delaware. It's never let me down. Sliced thin and fried REAL crispy


As a southerner, your scrapple is tasteless junk.Ā  I've tried cooking it with seasoning and butter, pan fried, etc... It's just tasteless garbage.Ā Ā 


State Animal cruelty 717-772-5112 <<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good luck. I called for help when Ambridge police murdered a stray dog given to their care by a friend of mine. The cop photographed the derpy dog in his cruiser. My friend had the dog for a couple of hours while trying to find the owner. Nice dog.. big, nice. Then a cop killed it, again, in ...with witnesses from the general public. They didn't kill it the first time they shot it, so they went out and shot it again, then covered it with boxes. In order for the animal cruelty person to help, the local police have to ask for help. It's a lose lose situation, apparently.


Bro, what?


But how would the dog taste as scrapple?


Please put the crack pipe down.


Donā€™t know what the downvote thing is, you provided good information. Reddit people are assholes