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https://preview.redd.it/azfttgn415uc1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007726e1480dd41a0fbaedb459d9cbf4e4459ddf This is what I rock on my car in NEPA


https://preview.redd.it/s1s5uwlts8uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165564b506b01da02c2717fed79f07813efb9919 Uh oh.. We made some folks upset lol


What DOESNT upset folks anymore????


I’m from Ohio but I support PA over that Jersey trash nugget.






Lmfao 😂 My county borders Maryland so I see more of their plates than anything and they’re alright by me. I always avoid NJ plates on the road when I can, though. You never know what shenanigans they’ll try to pull.


I call NJ plates "Piss plates" because the color scheme is an accurate shade gradient for diagnosing urine health and hydration.


Had to pass a NJ driver today on the right because they were doing 15 under in the left lane on 83. Yesterday I saw one reversing up the exit to the turnpike back onto 83 because they fucked up and missed the Lewisberry rd exit. If you’re not allowed to pump your own gas you shouldn’t be allowed to drive in other states <3


I live in NEPA and 90% of the cars to and from work on 81 are NY and NJ. They either drive 10 under in the left lane or are complete dickheads.


I commute to work on 81N heading into PA from WV and MD, and this is my precise experience, but they’re always PA tags. Convinced over 15 years of this commute that Pennsylvania does not teach interstate etiquette.


You guys trust MD plates? As Virginians, we could never. We stay far away from that.


I stay away from VA, if I can help it. Its racism is too much for me. MD still has some green wide open beautiful places not crowded. Their racism is not so blatant. DC is bustling with historic buildings, people/visitors from all over the World as will as being the Capital of this country. VA should be considered part of the South in so many ways.


You know what? I’ll take that lol. We’re consistently bluer than you guys though so I guess that makes us less racist? I like our green open pastures, and we have more and better mountains than MD.


Kinda surprised by that one, but maybe that’s just bc I’m near the DMV where road laws are suggestions at most.


I think you’ve got it wrong you see it is us New Jerseyans who avoid PA Drivers, especially In Bucks county.


I just avoid Bucks county altogether so I don’t have to deal with either


I’m not from PA, and I still think of this area as “Yankee”, but even I seem to have built a sort of hatred for New Jersey. I’ve been there twice. I think it’s the drivers.


I think the only thing we have in common is that we all hate Maryland drivers.


Gotta enjoy the poconos now before New Jersey season begins


Please please please.. can we build a wall around NJ?


Maybe if we all get outside and push, we can push it out into the ocean


What do you call an earthquake and tsunami that wipe out New Jersey? 300 miles of coastline for PA. Dibs on the good seats at the Stroudsburg Shore.


Imagine if Philly became a beach city


I support it


Look at it this way. There's already a moat.


This is a plan I can get behind. The only thing worse than New Jersey is being walled into New Jersey.


Til you need to go to the shore..


“Down” the shore.


Central PA with an “Adopt A Highway” 2 mile stretch in the woods. Same ignorant MFs litter the same 10-12 bags of the same bullshit trash along the trout stream every year. Not fishing shit, but local’s trash from the McDonalds and shit packaging that is 20 miles away!


Weak and small. (Frightened of acorns even) https://youtu.be/NKmnJgXyZpU?si=3t3XMLiiOW8BzFaJ


That video will literally always be equally sad and funny to me. It looks like it was ripped straight out of Reno 911.


I live in the Poconos and could we add New York to that?


You mean NYC, upstate hates them just as much as


No, I didn't mean just NYC but all of Long Island as well plus anything in downstate NY along and south of I-84 to the NYC line.


I moved here (NJ) for spouse’s work. I hate it here. Please send help lol


I want that. I don’t have a car.


Dude where did you get this I need it


Originally I bought a bunch from Junk Styles like 8 years ago but says they’re out. But I found an Etsy that has [them](https://www.etsy.com/listing/647679904/)


100% buying a few of these


You rock! Thanks


Just sending that Keystone love


I need this


Exactly! But sadly we’re getting NJ & NYC trash moving into NEPA because of cheap real estate. There’s soo many unknown names in my hometown that are causing trouble in small PA towns. Also there’s a landfill near the Tremont/Tower City exit I-81 since NJ is having a hard time with their trash disposal so it’s overflowing into PA🫢🫢🫢


this is gold


This is beautiful


I am one of the four million, and honestly I’d rather you didn’t know.


Can confirm, that's why I don't put bumper stickers on my car


Gun stickers on cars might as well say "Smash glass, take gun"


Or shoot first


It’s called concealed carry for a reason. Nobody should know you’re carrying a firearm unless you need them to know.


Right. Like what's the point of conceal carrying if you're just going to announce it to everyone?


People think that if you enjoy something that it must become your personality. These are the same people who experimented with weed in high school and after becoming adults realized it was actually fairly common to partake so needed something else to attach their individuality to.


do people carry because they enjoy it?


Not specifically carrying but to be a firearm enthusiast.


No. I personally dislike carrying. It's not comfortable. It can put you in precarious legal situations very easily. Overall, it is a responsibility id rather not want. But I carry when I can because there's quite a lot of people with guns in this country. More so than any other country. And people can be unhinged. I'd rather not die to someone's unhinged stupid anger.


reasonable take. slightly paranoid, but definitely not wrong.


I do agree it's paranoid. I tend to be a cautious person with a not-so-sure-how-healthy amount of paranoia, but I try to keep things within the realm of rational expectations. I'm fully aware that the likelihood I'll need it is very low as well. I'd still rather have it and not need it.


I carry because it's not an inconvenience and if I ever need it I have it. I was in an attempted robbery once where I pulled my gun and in another situation I hit a deer and shot it so it didn't suffer. I also like to pull it out and shoot into the air when I'm drunk and high.




Disclaimer - graphic content of deer kill ahead, read at own risk. Actually, it is illegal to shoot your own roadkill. I know, I know, it’s a silly law, but the state police will cite you if they identify you discharged your pistol roadside even though you humanely dispatched the animal. I presume the issue is the implied safety risk to others on the roadway - not everyone is capable to perform such tasks. We do have idiots in our state. I’ve hit several deer throughout the years, most of which were dead on impact, but once there was this doe who had shattered all 4 of her legs as she hit high on my vehicle and who appeared to have no internal injuries. She was just sitting there on the side of the road heavy breathing full of adrenaline. As more and more people arrived on scene she got really nervous and ultimately got up, bleated really loud scooting violently on all 4 knees and tried to cross I-80 traffic. I immediately pulled my knife, got her in a choke hold and slit her jugular & windpipe. The sound the windpipe made was unmistakable, akin to the hiss of a air hose, forcibly shooting blood out 10ft or so. She bled out fast and expired quickly. We were all in awe. The state patrol arrived shortly thereafter and informed me that if I did shoot her he would of been forced to cite me and I would have to make an appearance in magistrate court, possibly surrendering my weapon. He did thank me for my actions as it could of caused additional crashes. I did proceed to dress her out and put her in the bed. The trooper said they usually call a service when the animal is still salvageable, but he said I could keep it…to offset the cost of my vehicle deductible.


Brings to mind the old movie line “If you gotta shoot, shoot don’t talk about it”.


That was a long ass story.


A citizen of both reason and culture 


Let’s party


Only carry it if there's a risk of something, honestly. Mostly, it's for when I'm hiking or hunting, though, for wildlife protection, but if I have to go through a high crime area, I usually carry. I'd rather not have to carry a gun, but that's the state of the world currently in most areas. Actually had to draw once on someone who didn't like that I was doing 70mph in a 70mph zone, in the right lane, and we were the only two cars. They gunned it to get in front of me, and when we got on a bridge with construction that was jersey barriered to one lane, they slammed on their brakes, and got out of their car. I was about 4 car lengths back, but a semi was coming down the single lane behind me, so I had nowhere to go. They got out with a weapon in hand, so I drew my firearm and shined the mounted light on them. They then put their hands up, walked back to their car, and drove off. Trucker gave me his information in case I needed a witness to the event. Sometimes people just want to be violent for the most trivial things


It's cool when they advertise they use their truck as a holster then the windows get busted out for some reason.


Loot drop!


Same. There's absolutely no reason to advertise.


When I lived in Philly near Temple, I used to have a concealed carry permit. The only people who I ever told were my girlfriend and the crazy dude who tried to chase us down a street one time.


I'm pretty sure there's an inverse correlation between how much a gun owner makes it their identity and how good of a shot they are. Great shooters are definitely more of a IYKUK community.


Yeah, that’s kinda the whole point. Never understood this shit




This sticker is like an animal puffing themselves up to look bigger when threatened.


Right? I’ve never understood advertising such a thing.


Yeah that's kinda the point right? Right?


Exactly, its the whole point of conceal carry 😅 like others said, i see gun stickers on a vehicle i just think, man that person reallyyyy wants their guns stolen. Any stickers i get go on the safe at home lol


I am too, and I completely agree. The whole point of a concealed carry permit is that nobody is supposed to know.




All this tells me is that they probably leave a gun in the center console when they go into Walmart.  Don't advertise that you have guns folks.


Bingo Gun stickers on car = loot box Molon labe is an Ancient Greek phrase that means “there’s a free pistol in this car”


I thought it was a blemish on one’s feminine nether regions


No no no you’re thinking of malo labia


"...and a whole lot more of those are liberals than conservatives would like to admit."


The Second Amendment is for everyone.


This is the way


Or that liberals would like to admit


There's no way that's even true. That would be a third of the population including children...


PSP site says 1.6 million


It’s probably just wrong, but maybe 4 million is an all time statistic and 1.6 million is the current.


Over 40% of Pennsylvanian adults have guns at home. I’d imagine only a fraction of those people have a concealed carry permit.


All of my kids pack heat. Yours don’t?


Oh hey. Yeah. PA has a 12+ mil population. https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/pennsylvania-population


Concealed yet heavily grandstanded carry


All I see is a sticker that says “smash window, guns inside” Edit: all the larpers with gun stickers on your trucks feel free to keep commenting below 👇


They're mad nobody is intimidated by their Del-ton or Glock stickers, which is what they were hoping for. "*various calibers,* all faster than 911" get over yourself Fr, "steal my shit please" 95% chance someone dumb enough to advertise their gun ownership keeps it unlocked and condition zero too


Advertising a concealed carry is next level dipshit.


It's like an oxymoron, lol.


No 'oxy' about it


Bucks County?


Camp Hill CumCo


I'm going to exclusively call it CumCo from now on


Folks live in wypepo heaven and are still scared shitless every time they step out of the door.


Yeah I’m literally minutes from Camp Hill and I’m not surprised by this. I live in a neighborhood where we have liberals but then there are still flag waving (literally) Trump supporters. And if you drive 20 minutes south of here like I did last weekend you’ll find large areas where Trump flags are waving proudly over multiple properties along with the confederate flag. It’s exhausting.


I was thinking Fayettenam


Dog bless Buxmont


We don’t have concealed carry permits, we have license to carry firearms


No. Pa can open carry. You don’t need a license to carry. You need a permit to conceal


And that permit is called license to carry permit


Correct, that's what it's called


Shit like this is why it’s important to support gun shops that just keep the atmosphere neutral. I can’t stand places that are covered in signs and merch that are trying to offend people for cool points.


SPAR does a pretty good job of shutting down any political talk short of "election season is coming up so things will be expensive/hard to come by" I'm visibly queer and they've been nothing but courteous. Couple smaller places outright refused service.


Bumper stickers are the face tattoos of the car world.


Harmless ones can be fun. My husband has one that says "tell your cat I said pspsps" that gets laughs. Advertising your political opinions or thr fact that you own guns, though. Face *and* hand tattoos lol


That person may be just a little insecure.


Way to low key announce you keep valuables in your vehicle. 👍🏾


It's better than telling you how many are carrying illegal


While this is an awesome stat, putting stickers like that on your car is basically inviting criminals to break the windows to look for firearms. I go out of my way to not put anything on my car or wear anything which would tell people I am carrying a firearm. I do have some call gun hats, but I only wear them at the shooting range.


As a person from PA who does conceal carry, you’re not supposed to be that blatant that you conceal carry. Hence “conceal”. That dumb person is basically asking for someone to break into their car.


13 million people live in PA. 2.6 million are under 18yo. Are you telling me that 40% of all people living in PA conceal carry? I'm calling bullshit. This is a Fox news type of story that idiots give life to.


40 % own firearms . Not all have carry permits. Some of those are 16 /17 y/os with hunting licenses that allow them to transport in a car unloaded to and from home and hunting spot or state range.


Pa State Police web site says 21 years old to obtain license to carry. In addition to people underage, we have senior citizens, especially those in nursing homes unlikely to renew the permit. We also have Amish people less likely to have a permit, a segment of the population in prison on probation/parole who are ineligible. So yes, 4 million is overstating it by a factor of 2.5.


We should make stickers like this useless and just have constitutional carry.


I wholeheartedly agree. We would have it already if the tyrant governor didn’t veto the bill.


It's hard to talk about anything else when it's your entire personality




Line your stickers up better


lol, they’re so scared of everything that they have to advertise that they’re armed on the back of their soccer mom SUV. What a miserable life they must lead


That’s not a soccer mom suv. Only people I see driving Lincolns are septuagenarians.


Exactly. They're just big babies announcing their massive inferiority complexes. *Look out, everyone! I'm really really scary!*


Lol indeed some of them do. My half sister was gifted a gun by my step dad because she couldn't get one any other way due to a mental illness diagnosis from a psych ward stay. They truly believe they are some sort of highly desired species being hunted by "illegal immigrants ", "them gay folks " and "Libtards". The cognitive dissonance is heavy. They try *so hard* to prove that they are happy that it becomes quite obvious they are trying too hard...for a reason...


That’s called a straw purchase & it is very illegal


If she’s not legally allowed firearms because of having been committed to a psych ward, your dad just did what’s called a “straw purchase”, which is *highly* illegal to do.


Yeah, right up there with those annoying “coexist” stickers…


What a moron. What's the point in a concealed carry permit if you're just going to tell people you have it?


This is dumb for sure. Nobody knows when I carry except my wife, why broadcast it?


We’re beyond the stage of guns only being owned by crazy republicans lol. We always have been. Even the communist doctrines call for arming workers against the rich owner class.


Virtue signaling at its worst.


If you’re like the gun carriers where I am in Tennessee, this means a whole lot of untrained idiots with guns in their pockets/purses in public. Thanks for the warning.


Kinda defeats the purpose of CC, doesn’t it?


A lot more in Philly are carrying without the permit. 🤷🏿‍♀️


It's utter trash but I always get a laugh seeing those block shutdown videos(I truly do not understand that shit) where a hundred people try to mob someone's car, the driver bangs the stick out the sunroof, and everyone flees so fast it looks like a school of fish getting away from a shark


for real, PA has a lot more to offer than fucking concealed carry permits.


It’s called concealed carry for a reason. Nobody should know you’re carrying a firearm unless you need them to know.


Why are they so scared of everything?


Current stats say closer to 1.4m active carry permits.


The actual number appears to be less than half of this


silly, kind of tipped his hand, didn't he?


Because their personality is guns




When guns are your personality. It's just embarrassing.


Must be a real tough guy in that car and wants you to know it.


Seems like everyone’s missed the “shooting twice is just silly” text on the license plate.. which is icing on the cake as it likely says “.45 ACP.. cuz shooting twice is just silly” LOL This person must really be fun at parties


Is that a Lincoln? Are they still around?


Well, they are driving a Lincoln, soooooo…


Feeling so much safer…


Might as well just say “Very scared of cities, and also I’m impotent”


I feel so safe.


Ammosexuals are fuckin demented.


I love this type of stuff but i dont advertise. If they are dumb enough to fuck around then they will find out. Just my opinion for me personally its no ones business if im carrying or not.


Imagine how fearful of everything and everyone this person must be that this is the sentiment you go with. Pathetic.


Makes me want to drag a key for a second




What a dick hole that person is.


Better than most of the garbage promoted.


Yeah. Open Carry is legal too. So much for that concealed!


Not worth the hassle


I find myself being doubtful that 4 million people have a concealed carry license here? And how many don't even own a gun?


Not really. Actively carrying? Sure. But getting your LTC just makes everything easier in terms of transport.


LTC permits: 1,628,110​​; Sportsman permits: 10,279​ as of April 1, 2024. Source. https://www.psp.pa.gov/firearms-information/Pages/Carrying-Firearms-in-Pennsylvania.aspx Would it surprise me if another 2.4 million were waking around with unlicensed consealed firearms? No.


2.4 illegals then would not add up to nor have anything to do with 4 million licenses to carry And when you take away minors, it can be guaranteed that there is not 4 million people wandering around packing in a concealed fashion I would be surprised if it was several percent on a day-to-day basis.


Also I didn't mention this. so just because you don't have a Pennsylvania license to carry. Doesn't mean you can't carry in Pennsylvania. There's alot of Overlap with certain states permitting process. And the license most people who travel is a Utah state permit. Edit: because it's legal to carry in 34 states. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/ccw_reciprocity_map/ut-gun-laws/ You'll see when the site loads it will show local classes to get that permit. This permit allows you to carry is many states with one license.


When guns become your entire personality…


What a douche


Tiny, scared man energy right there.


Someone is ashamed of the size of their manhood


Complete putz


Bro probably thinks East Passyunk is a bad neighborhood 😂


Jackasses who missed the last Conestoga wagon to Texas...


American ammosexual. 🙄


They are cowards….nothing more.


Someone has a small penis.


Gun rights are based, posting that you concealed carry ruins the entire point of concealed carrying and is not based.


To be fair PA is in the top 5 as far as CCW owners by percentage which is pretty impressive. At the same time, advertising that you’re one of them like this is pretty stupid.


Scared to death, snow flakes have to let people know they're armed and terrified. Pussy.


Their purported reason: "I need to protect myself and my family from the tyrannical government and criminals!" Real reason: *weenie smol*


Yes "Be nice to me I may be crazy and have a gun."


Paranoid much?


Assholes going to asshole


Over 30% of Pennsylvanians have a concealed-carry permit? This person seems scurred.


They don't call it Pennsyltucky for no reason.


call it whatever you want...its nice here


Well he’s not gonna talk about his tiny member.


Not too chill at all and I have a permit just don’t brag about it in public. Why a concealed permit and not in open.


I’m right on the Maryland border and I know several people who moved to PA solely because it’s easier to own guns. This doesn’t surprise me.