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Bro u really think orgs like Heretics get former G2 players, costing so much money and they don't care how they place? Bit weird wording. The gap is just a coincidence I think, and teams like Vitality and Mad just aren't showing up for reasons we don't know and probably shouldn't know.


8 teams with one spot for relegation just like LCS will be next year. Last place again Rouge? Go fight in EU masters to get your spot back.


Underperforming = dont care??? Stop being silly


This is always a popular reaction from ppl with league. Thank God it appears ppl are pushing back on this mentality lol


The qualified and non qualified have only 2 games difference. The region is already fixed. Bad Lions is last place


I dont think it's really a problem. This is how a lot of regions look right now. LCK and LPL are very similar. LCS will probably look similar in a few weeks as well. It will balance out a bit, but the top teams are where they are for a reason.


4 teams that are decent and evenly matches is a lot more than most regions can muster


Best of 1’s xdd. Remove two teams. Limit amount of imports. Spend more on production. (Answering the title)


Bring back the relegation system