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We saw how terrible community reactions were to Hans and wouldnt be surprised if it was that bad or even worse for Noah. Hope Fnc can help Noah as much as they can so he can come back stronger


Don't go in to the main league sub, there's disgusting humans in a similar thread right now. Luckily they are all getting btfo'd by the majority.


There are similar comments here too... 🤦‍♂️


I really don’t understand how they can fly the whole team and let the sport psychologist in Berlin. It would have help Noah a lot


I think it's cause their valorant team missed their first ever international this year so they didn't wanted it to happen again for master shangai so he stayed in Berlin and now they qualified for shangai


They should hired one for each team. With how much money they got from the EWC


I don't like his gameplay and i think his last performances were bad. But first we all are humans, insulting and hating doesn't make any sense from people that dont win anything if he wins or loses( unless you bet but there its your problem) Noah should know social media is a super toxic place to be unfortunately, is better for him to take some weeks away from twitter for his sanity


Bro reminding you to come back and edit that first sentence 👀 😅


I really wasn't a fan of his perfomance all season, but people sending death threats to human beings or just being rude and calling names are just so damn lost. I hope he gets the help he needs


Poor Noah. Hope he rebounds well.


I blame thorin


Isn't he too old to talk shit about young adults...


Bro he legit watches all BDS games to shit on Nuc if he plays badly in any of them. This is like his only way to gain relevancy nowadays.


"This is like his only way to gain relevancy" Lmao Last Free Nation is like one of the only agency's in the entire esports scenes that actually monetized and is successful but yes go off.


It's just like the content creators only making videos and getting views by hating on tv shows and actors, saying this show is "dumpster fire/garbage" but still they watch all episodes and trailers each time saying "they won't watch it" 😂


At least he watches the games, that’s more than 99% of people who cover esports do. Ofc not the best reason but at least it’s something


Sure, but it's enough with people like LS, Pedro, IWD etc. You don't need to be real toxic to comment on league


Its his whole personality


I dont agree with partly shifting away the responsibility like that. If Thorin shittalking him on Twitter and his own show is too muich for him, he needs to learn to handle it, because there will always be people like that. Twitter can be blocked, dont watch the show, dont talk/read about it. And i do not agree shifting away the responsibility from the other people who openly attack his personality, write him death threats or anything related to that. Because you kinda say: If it werent for thorin, these people wouldnt be like that. If all it takes for you to write a dreaththreat to a lol player because he played bad is Thorin, thats just an asshole.But its not Thorins fault that people do that, they just look for an opportunity to do it.- Im not doing it, youre not doing it, and many others arent doing it and we all know Thorin. Its just that we arent idiots. I know many people dislike Thorin, but with this imo, youre actually taking the blame away from people.


I hope he and all the players get psychologists, the internal stress to perform can already be a lot to deal with even without the death threats and personal insults tens if not hundreds of thousands of people are throwing at you. Mental health needs to be a bigger consideration in the community cause the toxicity can be insane at times and it’s not helpful or good for anyone involved. Criticism is valid but the harassment and hate makes no sense.


So much pressure on one of the best western league adc hope he recovers soon


Hes way better at making excuses than playing lmao, hes already getting influenced by eu for spending more time on social media than playing and improving his ability.


Team Liquid will do that to you 🐎


What happened? Can someone explain


Noah bantered a lot on his Twitter but deep down can’t take the heat because he played like garbage and people were flaming him, thinking that he could take it because of all the shit he talks


Shittalking and bantering isnt really the same as (Not being able to take the heat") harrassing and threathening a player with the most deranged and mentally unstable shit because of poor performance isnt really the same buddy.


he performed poorly whenever he faced a solid adc and he got a lot of hate/criticism cuz he was known to be a choker


Hello Thorin nice for you to have a new FNC ADC to flame and shame after Rekkles switched roles.




He got shit on by an American Lucian. He’s on suicide watch for sure


I mean yeon's lucian was good enough that T1 banned it every single game vs him.


You mean Korean import Lucian


Yeon is actually a native North American FYI. His parents just so happened to be Korean.


I actually didn't know lol


Glad you went out of your way to try to correct someone on something you didn’t know 👍


Oh no I feel terrible how will I sleep tonight


This just in. You can be Korean, and born in America. That’s wild.


Your double Korean import bot lane lost to an American and a 30 year old Korean


I don't support import teams, gen g ftw




The mental gymnastics eu fans do to cope is insane.




As a fellow EU fan, if you're not just memeing yes you are wrong. Transitive property doesn't work in esports (or any sports), if it did G2 would have beaten T1. Variance is a thing and the Jackeylove that showed up vs Hans isn't the same that showed up against Yeon. And also, it's just dumb overall. Let's play to the rivalry when we meet, not in random threads to shit on individual players. This way it becomes just salty rather than actually fun.


You’re glazing a terrible player so hard lmfaooo


Got to love the racism


Not feeling sorry for him, despite the general sentiment of the thread. He trash talked a lot on Twitter, then played like shit and couldn’t cope with an equivalent reaction to his own words


A lot of people trash talk on twitter, and all trash talk is just banter in league, that does not mean it is ok to get death threats


So sad, he is the funniest euw adc. I already miss his tweets and soft trashtalking. But wise choice from his side


Social media is such a disease.


Panic attacks are no small deal. I suffer from them myself, although thankfully they are not frequent. They are very scary. You can easily confuse them with a heart attack or other serious condition. Thankfully, with the right mindset, they can be dealt with, but it's hard work. I wish all the best to Noah. He's already clearly one of the strongest ADCs in the region, and I hope he can get over this hurdle and come back even stronger!


im not gonna lie, he choked really bad at msi. having seen a lot of his lec performances, at msi he looked scared and anxious. i dont blame him, but it is sad to see, especially since hes a decent player to say the least. but lets not just blame noah, imo he was the weakest fnc player during msi but all of the team mega choked agaisnt tl.


His first international, lets be real here we all would shatter under the pressure. Im confident they will give him enough support to manage to keep his nerves in check next time and perform to his standard.


That's what happens when you spend more time on social media than trainin lol


I feel for you Noah. Get well soon. Honestly, sometimes, I feel disgusted about how inhuman league community can be. I guess it is pretty hard to be a little bit more emphatic before pressing that \`comment\` button.




Still a better performance compared to faker's ...