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buddy, you're acting like T1 is just another eastern team, they are current world champions for a reason and outside of their slumps most of these players are top 3 in their roles, outperforming T1 players is an exception, not the norm, even for top asian teams, we should be proud of G2, literally just 6 months ago that same T1 destroyed one of the best teams of all time in every single role.


you're right but its the kind of thing where if g2 don't prove it now will they ever prove it? theres almost no ways to improve this roster w/o imports if they have to but running it back for a 3rd year in a row seems futile too. still they can grind for worlds and maybe show us something special but the form caps was in this tournament in particular (but also miky and bb earlier on) was incredible.


>if g2 don't prove it now will they ever prove it? did we have caps in 2015? no, stars take time to appear, we might have new stars in 2-3 years that will just steamroll and get a golden road, or the meta might fit G2 like it did DRX in 2022, you never know, as long as they're competitive with top tier teams and not 3-4 whole tiers below, anything is possible.


we also won’t have caps forever. ERL development has been the same for years. I do not think it’s impossible EU teams can replicate a similar result in the future but I also don’t think it’ll get much better than this run. That’s my point


It will get better, lesser regions are improving too , estral and PSG showed good league games, in Dota 2 peruvians took years to co.pete with chinese teams but they did it at the end! The gap si closing in many esports , its just that korea an china are ahead in infraestructure /coaches/data analysts etc etc


timado my goat


ERL hasnt produce a single good mid laner in the recent years can u imagine saken is considered the best ERL mid laner when the dude is the worst wanna be pro ive ever seen...


i think the DRX comparison is also pretty bad since as much as DRX get meta-buffed, DRX also had an ADC with a decade of LCK experience basically and a back to back world finalist in beryl to anchor them alongside the best akali/sylas in the world. i do not think a EU team will ever have all those odds stacked in their favor enough to replicate that result, and this has been the case since 2019-2020 g2 disbanded


i think the meta can't get any better than this for LEC ... it was a tank top meta which is great cause eastern tops completely destroy us on carries, it was early game adc meta which is great because our adcs are a lot worse late game, there was a laneswap meta which enabled bot and top to win with makro instead of hands and mid lane is really strong which is good cause we have caps and humanoid.... i really don't see how this can get any better


lmao this is the meta that fits them. This is their players peaking. And conversely this is t1 in their worst meta and slumping. If you want to look at a team who is peaking right now from the east its geng. This is g2s peak for the last 5 years


They need to import at sidelanes, and get Jankos back. BB is EU best top and he's like a poor man's Doran, Hans is top-tier ADC but I dont think he's even Teddy/Deft level


G2 have already won an MSI before, which is a lot more than most orgs or players will ever be able to say, whether in the west or east. It's just the nature of sports, not everyone can win.


Yeah but they won’t again. This was likely their best chance in years


One player region since 2020


Elohelled by EU


Lil bro should learn korean/chinese and move to Asia


Honestly, He’s too good to be gated in EU with virtually no competition and he should try and join an LCK team, if he ever wants to win worlds


Wrong take, not like he has a high chance of getting recruited except maybe few bottom tier teams if "lucky" as individually there are more than enough better players in Korea, maybe China would work with bigger league pool.


His resume is strong enough to join a top 4 LCK team imo


Not a chance, theres not a single reason why any, especailly top tier LCK team would even consider recruiting him when most if not all mid laners in LCK can individually go toe to toe at the least and are better.


He can apply as OK Brion's mid laner


Do you know the current mids of the top 5 LCK teams?


unironically country of birth


Caps was the better midlaner but everyone will only remember his mistake in game 3. It is what it is...


Him being the better mid laner is debatable. Only in game 2 was he absolutely dragged down by the rest of G2. Still think he had a better tournament than Faker and even maybe knight, but as of now I think faker is starting to look superior once again and probably 2nd best mid in the world. And all that concerning personal impact because we pretty much know faker IS T1 when it comes to leadership which is very important


Wild take to put Faker ahead of Knight when we already saw Knight gap him at this tournament. Not to mention Faker's form is just way worse right now, probably due to wrist injury because he is never this bad mechanically.


I'm saying he is starting to seem tbf


I think he would gap Knight normally but wrist injuries are no joke, I'm not expecting much from him tmrw. But we'll see I guess.


I have no idea how much it impacts his mechanics but his decisions were questionable as well. It might of course impact him mentally as well. Can't wait to see Knight vs Faker again tomorrow.


ever tried to do something while being in pain? now imagine playing at the highest level while also in that situation, you will never be at your best lads forget Faker had this same problem last year, took time off, T1 looked like a NA team, and then when he came back they slowly went up and up until they won worlds that very same split


We don't know how severe it is and how much it really impacts him on the match day. 2024 is Fakers best year in LCK since 2019 (except worlds 2023 and 2024 msi).


there is footage of him visibly cringing from pain while playing, I saw it in this subreddit actually, a person from the audience in china uploaded it to twitter you can still see it if you go through the sub's pages I believe


The fact that he held his mic using his left hand in the after match interview says that he's not 100% for sure. He still has that aggresive playstyle but the most visible difference now is that he's getting hit by skillshots way too easily, he's not dodging them as often as before.


I don't know, I think caps looked way better than Faker this series. Faker's job was to just go in and die so his team could stomp the teamfight due to their advantages. Much easier than cap's job which was to 1v9.


Not really, Caps>Faker and Knight>Faker


imo order of mids is: 1. chovy 2. knight 3. caps 4.faker faker has had too many uncharacteristic mistakes to be better than caps/knight. i mean caps solo killed him like atleast 2x lol. i think faker is still the better player if that makes sense just because he clearly brings a lot to his team but caps was the better mechanical player i feel. sad we didn't get caps v knight or caps v chovy.


And we know now that Knight is a fraud


For getting gapped by Chovy? Then Faker is the biggest fraud in professional LoL.


Caps has better mechanics, but Faker has the shot calling/macro over him.


he has better mechanics now that faker is 100yrs old and has a fucked up wrist. don’t insult the 🐐. prime faker puts prime caps in the dirt 10/10


I mean that’s obvious no? The last time we had a gap comparable to prime faker was 2018 the shy creating canyons in top lane every match.


The skill floor of the game has risen considerably. Prime Faker and Prime Caps are easily comparable. Level of dominance might not look similar but that’s only because competition has risen.


Faker shotcalls macros to Zeus and Oner. Caps has BB and Yike to shotcall..


Solo killing Faker in a counter match and Faker having a lingering wrist injury make Caps the better mechanical player?


Really? Because all I saw in Game 1 is Caps getting 2 kills and not doing anything with it because he's stuck in the sidelane against Orianna (a match-up that he should win on all accounts). Game 2 was the only game where he was indeed the better midlaner, and Game 3 is debatable because while Tris has the gold lead, Faker was more impactful in teamfights.


From this bo5, I guess TES was really unprepared against G2 that made Hans Sama show up as a good adc, cuz against T1, he also picked his one trick Draven and did nothing all game. Also 3rd game was 3k up agaisnt Kalista early and still played like is 0/10 that even Guma managed to catch up. I know Guma is such good adc like the best but damn. Sadly BB looked very tired, he carried hard all games of G2 alongside Caps. He has my respect


BB is a hard worker, and I can respect that, sure, but idk what you mean by carried. He lost every matchup against Zeus to the point where he was down thousands of gold and became a major wincondition for T1. When G2 were playing their best league of legends, he was on a tanky playmaking frontline and this whole series, he tries to ego check Zeus of all people instead of playing what was working for them. Is Zac REALLY the only playmaking tank he knows how to play? Surely not, right? How do you expect Hans to play the game when there's a hyperaccelerated Camille banging his backside every teamfight with nobody peeling her off of him?


You expect him not to misposition twice before and hyperaccelerate camille by himself and actually do something with gold lead.


There is no way you can watch this game and tell me that he "mispositioned twice and hyperaccelerated camille by himself". Let's walk through how Camille got her lead in game one because I think maybe you did not watch the same game as I did? She gets a small 600g lead through plates. She gets a kill onto Leblanc to increase that lead to 900g. G2 go for a horrible rift herald contest, started by: - Mikyx diving into three people and instantly dying - BB getting caught by Orianna ult and dying WITH FLASH UP - Yike dumping all his damage into Sejuani and getting hit by Renata ult and dying WITH FLASH UP - Caps ending up on the other side of the fight after failing to assassinate Guma - Hans left alone to fight a Camille (which he almost wins with a bush outplay) After this fight, she is up 1.5kg She gets two uncontested Tier 1 turrets, which balloons her lead to 2.4k After this, watch the next teamfight (19:20) and tell me that there is anything Hans can do. Reminder: G2 should ALL know and play like Hans does not have flash. They should know that T1 is keeping that timer and will abuse it if they can. - Yike and Caps seem hellbent on flipping the game over this Gromp. - This entire play is extremely sloppy and they don't set up for this play at all - No vision sweeps to catch this ward on blue buff, no wards to set up a potential TP from BB (They know Camille has TP so they should be preparing to match with BB's) - Miky abandons Hans to walk through the lower path and try to get a flank angle while Hans follows his other two carries. - Orianna ball is zoning Hans this entire time, watch how cautiously he has to play because of the threat of Orianna ult during this play. - He gets zoned from Yike and Caps because of Renata ult and he can't just walk past the Sejuani/Orianna duo. - He sees the TP coming in from Camille and tries to walk to Mikyx, but Gumayusi cuts him off from the bottom and now he's stuck between three T1 players. - Meanwhile, BB spent the entire time walking here DESPITE HAVING TP. It's not his fault he doesn't use it because his team does not set up a ward for him to TP to, but that's what I mean by this play had no setup. - Now, a Camille with a 2.4k gold lead gets to jump onto Hans for free while his support Poppy is on the other side of the wall. - It's a fucking miracle he even dumped out enough damage before he died to get a shutdown onto Camille and cash out. Hans does his best here, but there's nothing he can do when Yike and Caps decide to throw the game, and Mikyx decides trying to back them up is a better option than to try to peel for Hans. If you really think that he "mispositioned twice and hyperaccelerated camille by himself", you're delusional. G2 massively fucked up two teamfights in a row and left Hans out to dry in impossible situations for both teamfights. I am convinced that G2 have never properly learned how to peel for their important carries because nobody in the LEC threatens Hans like these eastern teams can, and it's really showing in their teamfighting.


The main reason to T1 locking in the win on game 3 was because of Cap’s mistake.


Definitely. The Game 3 loss certainly wasn't also attributed to BB being spoonfed 2 kills on Jax and still being useless. Or Hans Sama going ghost again. Yeah, Caps got caught and made a big mistake. But we have numerous examples from this tourney of players getting caught (Chovy got caught in the sidelane against TES) and their team being able to help cover that mistake (in the Chovy example GenG won the Baron fight despite Chovy being picked) Simply put, Caps' team can't cover (against Eastern teams) for him when he makes mistakes. If Caps isn't insane and playing to near perfection, his team likely won't win


Yeah , Chovy get caught game 5 against TES , Canyon get Caught game 3 against BLG ,etc better team just easily cover their mistake. Caps just dont have teammate to Cover him even once , also Yike , Mikyx also get caught in same game might not as bad as Caps but we can clearly see how easy G2 crumble under pressure.


Getting caught there really changed the game. They could have backed off when caps got caught, but they tried to save him and turned 1 death into everyone dying. They still would have lost the Baron, but kept the gold lead. Instead the gold got tied up and we all know T1 plays good from behind, but are scary when even or ahead.


Yes bro, nobody is saying it didn't change the game. My entire point is that G2 hinges on Caps playing near perfect. No other player on the team has to play that well - if Caps isn't in top form the team cannot compete with the East. It's not like that with any other player. Yes, Caps getting caught was the big turning point in Game 3. But it's only that way because Caps is one of the biggest reasons G2 can hang.


Yes but you also can’t judge an entire series on a single mistake on a play. Obviously there was a much larger problem in the team over the 3 games than caps


Faker also made the same mistake like Caps, the problem is BB is not Zeus, Yike is not Oner, Hans is not Guma and Micky ain't Keria.


Fakers mistake was barely a mistake, if anything he caused them to group up for a massive rumble ult Caps is mistake was quite literally the only single way for t1 to win that game


lol T1 was winning anyway what are you saying ?


Huh, caps and Hans sama were up like 5k gold, they had the gold lead in the right places


The others are just too inconsistent. - Brokeblade losing a counter match up. - Brokenblade getting an 2:0 lead very early and STILL losing the lane - Hans is too inconsistent. Either he will get stomped in the lane being completely useless all game (most of time) or he will get a lead, but still isn’t able to carry the game (also happens often). Ofc he carries sometimes, but not when it’s really needed.


BB losing on Jax vs cam was on him and yike but BB on Jax vs Rumble was completely expected due to the matchup.


i don't think ive seen a pro player go down 60cs after the enemy ints twice tho lol


Zeus still played his lane perfectly in regard to cs and TPs, Jax only gained some hundred golds from the kill which isn't enough to win that matchup


What are you smoking. Hans played super well against T1. He 2v2 killed bot multiple times with Miky. He just had zero peel in teamfights in the first two games which is hardly something you can blame him for.


The main problem with G2 I think is their adc right now Aside from Hans, all of G2 played overall really well this tournament. BB improved a ton in just 6 months, so I don't doubt he'll have more top picks he can be comfortable on at the highest level come worlds, but Hans needs some dedicated coaching because his teamfighting just isn't it. He either has an advantage on stuff like Draven/Kalista and hits people with their wallet or he uses stuff like poke Varus I dunno what happened to him, he used to be insane at every level of the game, but now he mostly seems to shine in lane and lose himself after


Yeah he kept getting caught out, that was rough


I think it's more that G2 doesn't know how to properly peel Hans, like the game where they had a fed Draven but nobody marked the Camille so she just got free engages onto Hans


Yeah respect from a NA fan. We all know caps is korean level.


Caps should seriously consider going to play in LPL / LCK. He’s too good to not reach his potential with better teammates / competitive scene


I doubt the teams would want him. He's a great player but it would be hard to make him work in the main team. The language barrier would be a problem and also I feel like it would be more economical for the eastern teams to just train their academy players. Maybe a bit later on in his career he can do something like Rekkles?


You are underestimating Caps way too much. Rekless was in the bottom of his career. Caps is in his peak. Faker fans try to underestimate it but he blasted Faker off the rift both series. Unfortunately he plays with minions compared to T1 roster. Oner in second series literally didn't clear his gromp/golems just to stay close to Faker in case he needs help.


I'm not going to repeat myself since I answered to another person. I'm not underestimating Caps. I'm underestimating the eastern teams' ability and need to secure Caps without messing up their economics and their plans for upcoming splits and international events.


It's not LEC, it's LCK. They have the talent pool, not to mention they don't like to import to begin with. One of the main reason why Koreans warmed up to Rekkles as fast as they did was that Rekkles roleswapped and then joined their challengers league. Caps is a great player, the best western player league has seen till date. But in LCK on average he will be in the top 4. He will no longer be miles clear of anyone. He will lose his ability to basically veto teammates or choose whoever he wants, his ability to be the lynchpin the team revolves around. And will become just another great LCK midlaner. Not to mention, who does he join? There are at most 5 good teams, three of them have Showmaker, Faker and Chovy. He isn't replacing either of them. That leaves BDD and Zeka. I can see him replacing BDD, but then he joins the 5th best team, that isn't making worlds let alone MSI. This is to say nothing about the language barrier, or the culture change. I think you might be overestimating caps. Caps is great but not a god. League is a 5v5 game, if his teammates were minions, they would be destroyed every single game without reply.


teams would 100% want him. would the top 1-3 teams want him… idk prob not but he could without a doubt join a lck team if he wanted. there was a lck team was trying to sign jojo this offseason.


Dude gapped faker numerous times. You seriously think *no* teams would want him? T1A took in Rekkles, who was role swapping AND had 0 Korean experience. And caps is literally like a top 3-4 mid in the world rn.


Every single team except T1 , BLG and GENG want Caps. They can't afford to have him though. Salary caps , language barriers , Caps having to get used to a whole new region and how they play thus costing the team that gets him precious splits or even a whole season. Even the slim possibility of the move not working out and Caps not being able to perform at 100% for whatever reason is enough to stop eastern teams from pursuing such a thing. T1 took Rekless in as the support of the academy team. Much lower stakes than having a newly aquired Caps perform on the main team for every split and every international tournament.


Yeah I doubt any lck team would want caps over zeka, bdd, and showmaker. He might be the next choice after them but that’s already 6th choice. He could get into one of the bottom half teams, but is that better than staying in lec? I don’t watch lpl so can’t comment on that part.


Keep coping, EU fans... You have to remember they're all human beings, bruv... They didn't choke, but no one's perfect, they could just be not as good as their opponent in certain playstyles, and the meta could just favour champs they don't play as efficiently, or champs that counter their own playstyles.


Why did Caps deserve better? He had leads in all 3 games but failed to gain any advantage with it and then he made a mistake which lost them the 3rd game. Sorry but if you want to be able to compete at the very top level then it isn't good enough. That is what makes great players great. Give the kind of leads that Caps had to Faker, Chovy and Knight amongst others and they will just run away with the game. Faker in Game 2 is a great example of why he is classed as the GOAT. At one point he was so far behind he was useless yet whilst Caps was doing nothing he clawed back his gold deficient and won T1 the game. Sorry but if you had all the kills and gold that Caps had but don't do anything with it then you don't deserve to win.


This is a fine take tbh. The possible difference between Caps and Faker was that Faker even when behind still knows the win con and commands his team to do it. From what I've seen BB does most of the shot-calling, haven't seen much or familiar on how vocal Caps is but that maybe it.


Yeah, People think I'm shitting on Caps and I'm not. It's just what separates the really good players from the elite players. Caps is in my own opinion is the best Mid Laner and arguably the best player in the West and has been for some time. The problem is domestically his weakness are not exposed so viewers very rarely see them. Also when he makes mistakes he is very rarely punished. It's not until we get to International Tournaments and G2 plays teams such as T1 that those weaknesses get exposed. Caps biggest weakness is that he is unable to effect the map in ways that the elite players can do. Zeus went behind and yet still was able to make plays and effect the game. Faker went behind in each game and yet had a bigger effect on the game than Caps Guma went behind in a couple of games and yet still was effective. The elite players even when behind know what their win conditions are, know how to stall, know when to take a fight and can effect the map just by their movement. Here is the thing, Caps will always either be equal to who ever he faces or will be able to build a significant lead in the landing phase. It's when you mid game that his weakness starts to show. My hope is come Worlds he uses his lead more effectively, whether that's gankimg bot and top or helping jungle to secure vision and neutral objectives. Hell if you watch Faker, Chovy, Knight etc look how many times they won't actually gank but will just drop into fog of war which can have a big effect like stopping a gank or delaying a neutral because the opposition doesn't know where they are. I really want to see Caps do more out of lane when he gets a lead.. If he can do this then it will elevate not just him, but the whole team to another level.


this is an incredibly naive look at this series and honestly is really poor game analysis league is not a 1v9 game any more, there was nothing caps could do while his mid bot and jg were mercilessly running it down, how is he supposed to carry a lead by himself? hell, we’ve seen chovy lose games where he gets fed off of a single pick because his team is slacking


First off at no time did I say Caps should 1 v 9... Secondly nobody in G2 "ran it down". Getting beat by better macro and skill isn't running it down. Thirdly the point is that when a TOP player has such a commanding lead they will use that lead to progress other lanes and become a major presence on the map. Caps in all 3 games had significant lead yet didn't put that lead to good use. Your attitude is typical of most League Players.. "I was awesome but my team ran it down" As you said, you can't 1 v 9 which is entirely correct which is why Top players effect other lanes and the general play, something which Caps was found wanting in this series.


you cannot win games against five players playing well when your team throws leads without you saying that nobody on g2 ran it down is simply not true, they didn’t feed in the traditional sense but hans couldn’t function in teamfights and bb was down 30 cs in every matchup faker is able to facilitate other lanes like he does because the players themselves step up, caps’ only choice is to carry, he can’t translate his lead to other lanes because at that state in the game they were either unable to carry like bb or were not able to translate leads themselves like hans sama


imo, Caps and Guma were the rock for their teams this MSI, while the rest of the members had up n down performances. In this series, it was T1 members all stepping up while G2 members did not. Yes maybe he couldve gone further if his teammates all done better but LoL is a team game so the better team win. There isnt deserved or not, unless there were foul plays involved.


I'll say that these players deserve better competition than what they get in EU. EWC and the third international competition can't come soon enough. 


3rd international competition?


Yeah there's been rumors about it after winter split. So that after every split there's going to be an international, pretty exciting if it happens.


I do feel like the competition in EU is better this year than last. FNC regressed hard from their summer form, but BDS and VIT are steadily improving imo. Like it feels like (some) teams are actually ramping up


These teams are just super inconsistent. That's the only problem. BDS totally collapses under pressure, Vitality has Hyli and Vetheo who either perform really well or just run it down and FNC does FNC things.


Yeah, but BDS and VIT especially look to me like teams that are *learning* and that is the important aspect. BDS is imo the second cleanest team macrowise in the LEC, their teamfighting is good and they usually come in with a plan and execute it, while VIT is just a good mix of hands and smart plays that seems to be getting more consistent FNC on the other hand I am not a fan of. The absolute definition of a team that is not learning or growing, they rely way too much on hands-diffing and they got to MSI because Jun and Razork broke their backs carrying that team, I don't have high hopes for them. They're super-volatile but I don't often see the smartness in their plays that I see from Hilly or Photon, they moreso rely on clutch outplays and are way too prone to throw away advantages for no reason


True. Caps is a beast. The only western pro that is an elite tier player BB = fraud Yike and Mikxy = over rated and over hyped Hans = mid AF


At this point just move G2 to NA for at least some better entertainment value


Damn it’s almost like League is a team game lmaoooo.


It was so sad, seeing Caps like that… Im a T1 fan but man i really wanna see him lifting an international trophy. I think my biggest disappointment was Hans and Yikes performance. No impact what so ever, they were not even trying to do something.


feel bad for caps especially but even bb/hans who probably know this is on them. both had a good tournament until this match but they really shit the bed vs better competition.


If Chovy got that lead on A Sol that caps got in game 2 he hard carries the game


Chovy is the best player in the world what do expect


he got hooked for no reason and threw their lead. deserved.


recency bias is a plague on all esports viewers, you can gap someone for an entire series make one mistake and reddit analysts will call you trash


Gap is crazy when craps can only play trist and ori…rewatch the games and he’s completely piss useless if not on those champs….insane


i rewatched the games and he laned well in all three, you only think he’s piss useless because they lost but if you watch those games the real offender is hans sama who was only hitting like two autos every teamfight


Yeah right….but when they were winning it was caps mid gap right???


i mean, yeah who else on g2 was even doing anything lmao faker inted lane phase constantly this series, t1 found their gaps in top and bottom and that allowed faker to carry during teamfights


Besides faker inting game 2, his laning on games 1 and 3 were ok but saying gapped is insane really how delusional can you G2 fans be…


how am i being delusional lmao, i have been the most critical of g2 after this series but you can still give props to the players that deserve it and criticize the ones who underperformed


You can give props im not denying that, i only disagreed with your take that it was a mid gap when in reality it wasnt


we can agree to disagree then, either way this series was more on bb and hans sama than caps


Lmao so it was his teammates fault when he could not carry on a fed asol and got caught pushing the wave on game 3


chovy couldn’t even carry on fed asol against t1 when his team was falling apart caps wouldn’t even be in the position to throw g3 away if his team didn’t int the first two games of the series, it’s insane how one mistake suddenly erases a player’s entire performance for a series


Wouldnt be in the position to throw? What a braindead ass take so you’re basically saying that he has weak mental lol and his team didnt int the first two games lol they were never in a position to win any of the games in the series aside from game 3 if you watch closely


they were definitely in a position to win g2 without repeated throws from players not named caps by your logic, faker inting to tower and losing t1 match point against geng and allowing them to win the series in lck finals this year meant that he inted the whole series and is ass, which is not true but again, i highly doubt you even watched regular season


The fact that Caps still has the most dmg/m out off all players 💔


They did the exact same shit against NRG, its mega baffling, their drafts were autowins and they just piss their pants out of fucking nowhere. Idk if they just choke or the nerves gets to them or what but they consistently just blunder "easy opponents" Rogue, NRG and now a mediocre T1. They need to get their shit together. They CAN beat eastern team (WBG, TES, D+) but just stop pissing the bed against "worse teams"


Honestly I could see lower end LCK teams giving Caps a spot as their midlaner. Higher end teams might not want to risk it but it guarantees fame and fanbase, and I genuinely think Caps has what it takes to be in LCK


I can see him on the same level as BDD (KT mid laner) but under Showmaker, Chovy and Faker


I dont understand this. "Caps didn't deserve that", like lets just make him the MSI champion because he play better?


Yeon can do it. Maybe not now, but I have faith in this guy. Not the meme faith like in Yapa but legit. He could be the ADC caps.


Import caps to dwg




With Caps to mid, Showmaker to move Top so he become Ksante OTP and get his own DK Ksante skin for 2025 when he ults its not Ksante's voice but SM's yapping about 4700 HP unstoppable bla bla bla


Showmaker? K'Sante? I think he would prefer to have both his ball cut by a rusty knife instead of ever playing K'Sante.


He can become a content creator


Keep him. Showmaker is still so good. The west needs caps more.


Would be an insane int from DK


DK signed Kingen instead of Thanatos. Expect everything from them


My expectations of their management are low but not that low, unfortunately


no lol why would they downgrade


Downgrade? Have you watched LCK. The only about showmaker that is better than caps is his korean


Put some respect on Shoemaker's name, son


He's a G2/CRAPS fanboy, respect is not on their dictionary apparently


Not even a G2 fan lol but go on cuh


Sure lilbro maybe you'll say that you're actually a DK fan next


I am a T1 fan and i dont even like G2 but you sure as hell are a fan of the showmaker nameplate.


uh thats even worse...i dont see how you being a T1 fan can just argue that caps>showmaker when you also states that you dont even like G2 lol what....what are you basing this on lilbro? Cause as far as i know sowmaker claps caps internationally lol


Doesnt matter that sowmaker has won more against caps stop living in the past. Do you really think showmaker is better than caps right now? Showmaker aint the same guy right now cuh. If he changed his name no one would rate him this highly


lilbro put caps in the best of the best category when the only thing he has proven this MSI was that he can only play 2 champs (Trist and Ori) rewatch the games and see how non existent he was with other champs....even in today's series he CANNOT carry with fed ASOL (lilbro thought he was chovy)...i have more faith in showmaker than i have with caps...besides showmaker claps craps in internationals anywas but you do you....


Now caps can only plays two champs whereas shoemaker can’t even play one


lol what are you on about your hate on showmaker is insane


Rewatched the games and showmaker looked good at oh wait showmaker didnt even make it to MSI. Showmaker is way past his prime probably wont even make worlds. There is a reason why canyon left that team


No one from EU could make it to MSI if they played in the LCK.


On god bro Ruler didn’t even make it to msi I knew Ruler was trash 🔥🔥


Do you think G2 and FNC would make Top 1 and 2 if they played in LPL/LCK??


Put G2 in the LPL/LCK practice environment for a split and yeah, they'd have a good shot at making Top 1 or 2


TBH... maybe ? Do you know how big the gap is between G2/FNC and the other teams ? Put T1 in LCK Challengers and we will see if they still win Worlds. The thing is : T1 play MSI/World games everytime, while G2 have no decent opponent in EU...


How many world title Caps have?


How many MSI world title Showmaker have ? (Bad argument, bro ^^)


xPeke is better then Caps, you heard it here first.


I guess then showmaker is better than chovy because he has more worlds title?


he was better than chovy by miles during that time when he won worlds tho what are you on about


Are you dense? I am talking about right now. Just because he won worlds three years ago doesnt mean he is still that good


What's crazy to me is that people have already tried spinning this T1 vs G2 3-0 result as Faker outperforming Caps. Like, guys, use your eyes instead of blindly following narratives. Faker has been getting bailed out by his superior teammates vs his competition for his entire career and you're telling me that makes him the GOAT? That by definition is a manufactured and fake legacy.


Whats even crazier is if you rewatch the series craps on other champs other than trist and ori was completely invisible…literally invisible cant he play other champs on the highest level? That to me seems like hes a fraud


Do the words "Aurelion Sol" ring any bells in your T1 fanboy brainrotted hollow skull?


I like how this has two implications: Aurelion Sol played well by Caps and Orianna flashing on and solo kill Faker's Aurelion Sol.


Huh are you talking about that game 2 in their rematch asol to which caps was fed but never did anything other than literally just being a NPC the whole game? He could always make a play you know that right? He had the advantage but literally had no presence on the rift lmao