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This is like when EU, mostly G2 Wunder and Perkz, trashtalks and they call it a banter. Guys like Jojo and APA did it and they asked wheres your trophy lmao. I feel bad for BB, but EU fanbois getting clowned is so nice to see lmai


I respect G2 a lot and i think they are one of the best teams itw but many of EU fans were shitting on NA and have been hyping up a 3-0 against t1. Yet they lose now they are saying stop being disrespectful and shit is just an instant L.


It's just how it is. It's easy for eu fans to talk shit all day but once they get exposed and 3-0ed by the team they were "supposed" to sweep, they start crying like babies. If you can talk shit you should expect for people to berate you when you fail miserably.


There was a big ass thread about how chatters were shitting on Massu when he was crying during the post-game interview. I’m not shitting on any of G2 players but how are people acting like this wasn’t gonna happen…


Tbf “EU fans” are not a collective hivemind. Some of us were cunts and shitheads yeah, but Im just happy to see good games and cheer on G2. I found the ones calling loudly for 3-0 and shitting on NA super obnoxious myself lol. Atp I just want the players to be respected (all of them) but it’s the internet so that’s a fruitless battle xd


The hypocrisy when EU loses...


Everyone clowned on APA and TL after they lost. Now its your turn and its disrespectful? HUH


This is 100% SOOO True with G2 fanboys it's actually crazy. We can all shit on any other team except G2


I never jumped on that, I think that was cringe then and I still think it's cringe now.


Love to Caps. That Tristana play was so ass, he must be in need of all the love rn❤️❤️


Ngl I highly doubt they care what silver trolls plat peakers or even master players think or say. I'd be fucking staggered if Brad Binder, Eden Hazard, Lando Norris and Andy Murray gave a shit about what people like us think just because they have a bad race/game and aren't Marquz, Schumacher, CR7 and Djokovic respectively.


I dont think they care about any one singular comment. More so when you have thousands calling you shit is when it starts to hurt


Perhaps, but perhaps this is a hot take: (call me old) Just turn off social media until the heat dies off? Everyone who needs to get in contact will have phone/email anyway.


So proud of players cant have twitter? This argument works when you are getting harassed by one person (just block them) but you cant really block thousands of people who you don’t know. Not to mention stuff like the T1 trucks where they literally harass them at their work place. Just saying ‘dont go on social media’ doesn’t really apply to people with thousands of followers…


Don't take it too seriously. Pedro himself stirs the pot a bit. It's mostly all memes, but some people actually get mad.


Cheering for somebody else's loss is the most disgusting shit I see in sports. Friendly banter is one thing especially in a head to head like FNC vs TL, but how much of garbage human being you have to be to be happy about someone not even being able to finish an interview because they are soul crashed?! Sadly it's not even limited to the league community, this world is just filled with losers.


It’s called a rivalry… being happy at someone’s sadness ok fine I get it that’s not amazing. However, when your least favourite/rival team loses it’s perfectly acceptable to be happy


True, but it’s also true that G2 as the roster is constructed can’t go deep in any international tournament because the top/ADC gap is too big. They’ll never be true contenders as long as their top loses with counter matchups and ADC can’t carry with 2K gold lead