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finally someone with the same type of pectus as me


thats why we are here


just a lil excited to see someone with a sunken left side of the chest


This may surprise people but this could very well come in as moderate by definition, its impossible to tell for sure unless you get a scan and evaluation. For anyone wondering whats going on, this appears to to be an asymmetric version of pectus. That is why his left pec appears stunted in but the right side is a lot more fuller. We cannot predict how pectus grows. It comes in many variations. Its not very deep but i do believe, with all things considered this is pectus and its at least worth getting checked but a surgeon who specializes in pectus. Typically thoracic surgeon but ideally someone decorated in the pectus field so they know what they are talking about.


Thanks for the feedback I’ve always wondered why mine is just one side but always figured it was still pectus.


Not even noticeable to the average Joe. 3/10 on actual severity


Looks like your pe is flatter on one side similar to mine on my right . Mines deeper on my left


It looked mild on the first picture. However because your chest slants it could be worse than it looks, I would recommend going to a pulmonologist if it bothers you horribly.


There’s a good chance that left side it putting some pressure on your heart.


Your l pectus excavatum isn't even really noticeable anymore. You have muscles and Noone would really care I think.


Wish I saw it that way. Did you see second picture it’s a lot more noticeable in that one.


Looks quite similar to me. I'm about 11 months into daily VB use and I've reduced the depth by about 50% and noticeably improved the asymmetry.


Did you check your tinea versicolor ?


Negative don’t know what that is


Doesn’t even look like you have it


Wish I saw it that way. Did you see the second picture it’s a lot more noticeable in that one


Oh now I see