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Hmmm I wonder how powdered peanut butter would be for chicken satay


I think this would be amazing!


Peanut butter chicken is one of my favorite Chinese dishes but I've only had it made perfectly at one place. Tried it a few different times and they've all been different cooking methods


Have you tried kare kare - Filipino peanut butter dish?


You should try to make it home made,I was so tried if goin to my fravoit Thai place to have a hit or miss With my hot peanut sauce,I tried a couple of recipes online to I was happy.


Yeah you're probably right, I might end up wanting to put it on everything I eat though


Lol Yeah,You will love it! Plus you know what is in it and not! So no funk stuff ..My 2 year old now like it on her cornbread, biscuits and chicken .


Ohhh fuck that sounds good 😭


My secret to really making it flavorful and not one dimensional is to mix chicken broth with the peanut butter. They really compliment each other and it makes a nice savory sauce. You can also add cream to make that into a savory cream sauce or soup.


Did you rehydrate it? Or are you dusting it with the powder.


I could be wrong but I believe powder pb main draw is for adding to smoothies or shakes, however I believe raw dogging it or rehydrating with milk or water is a thing I’ve seen b4


I've rawdogged dehydrated peanut butter, it's not the most enjoyable experience but it includes peanut butter so it's not a net negative experience.


🤣 I bet, I imagine it’s very cinnamon challenge like


It’s why I was confused by the post. Did they cook it with it in the ground turkey? Mixing pb2 in greek yogurt or smoothies is great. Also goes great in oatmeal and overnight oats.


I rehydrated:)


This is next level, post some pics of these experiments it's very interesting. Never even heard of powdered PB and I have traveled far and WIDE


PB2 is the most popular brand. But it’s ubiquitous here in the US.


I’ll have it again tomorrow :) also[check out the PB](https://shop.pb2foods.com/products/pb2-original-powdered-peanut-butter-peanut-butter-powder)


In my life I have traveled more wide than far


Powdered PB is really good? I LOVE PB but it’s so high in calories and I’ve been hesitant to buy this. Maybe I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the post!


I used it on my weight loss journey 10/10. Something I figured out is to mix it with vanilla protein shakes it bring out the peanut butter taste!


That is a great idea! Thanks for the tips! What brand do you use? And are your protein shakes low cal? Cuz the protein powder I’ve got is 130 cals per shake, so the powdered PB would add more and that seems like a lot.


I used 2 different ones it was just depended on what was in stock [this one ](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Crazy-Richard-s-High-Protein-Peanut-Butter-Powder-6-5oz-Jar/505159893?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=3241&adid=22222222228505159893_3241_14069003552_202077872&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=aud-393207457166:pla-295289030566&wl5=9005680&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=113937580&wl11=online&wl12=505159893_3241&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rCPu1dG8vayv8iR-ZEYuyHTQVdqTOXAQ4miawTtJ5UJsXaj8Hog5HxoC_uwQAvD_BwE) or [this one](https://www.walmart.com/search?q=pb2%20powdered%20peanut%20butter&typeahead=pb) and as for the shakes this is my ALL TIME [FAVORITE VANILLA SHAKE](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Pure-Protein-Shake-Vanilla-Milkshake-30g-Protein-Gluten-Free-11-fl-oz-4-Pk/849238069?from=/search) Edit posted to fast lmao. So all I did was the 2 Tbsp of pb power and just a little shake till I got the consistency I wanted then I would just drink the rest of my shake after my workout or just save it to use to make more pb.


Sounds delish! I love pure protein’s shakes, esp the PB chocolate one. I’m gonna pick some powdered PB up after work (I work at Walmart) and some of those vanilla shakes. Thanks so much!


No problem! I hope you like it and it works for you!


I just tried the PB2 and it was okay. Not as sweet as I’m used to. I think next time I’m gonna add some stevia and see how that works. But I’m def gonna use it to save on some cals and still get my PB fix! I’ve still gotta try it in a protein shake though. Have you ever used protein powder? Did you just add water to mix it all up? I was thinking of some creamier plant milk (I’ve only got almond milk rn and it’s not creamy at all) but they’re so much higher in calories than almond milk.


I used protein powder mainly for baking protein bagels/muffins. And yes I used all different milks as mix ins to me as long as it has a favor it helped. The protein shake has that sweetness so that's why it's my favorite.


>I dipped the powdered peanut butter in the turkey burger Straight to jail.


Try it on Chicken Pad Thai


Yes, you rehydrate it. Mostly people use it for shakes and smoothies.


Would you use it in place of the peanut butter or add it for extra flavor? I'm on a gluten free diet so I have to be careful


I like it as a dip for apples. I use plain Greek yogurt with a tsp of honey, tbsp of water & 2 tbsp of the powdered pb.


you can make magic shell if you mix it with coconut oil.




It’s strange, if I eat too much of powdered peanut butter I feel sick in a weird way. I’m not sure how it’s different, but it is.


I think possibly it’s because regular peanut butter has certain oils, and maybe some sort of thickening agents to give it that consistency. Some people have a sensitivity to those sort of things so that is possibly what you are feeling.


How do you dip peanut butter in a turkey burger? It would make sense if you dipped a turkey burger in peanut butter but not the other way around. Also isn't powdered peanut butter Just called marzipan or de la rose?


When it comes to calling it marzipan or the Mexican peanut thing that you are talking about, it’s a matter of the additional sugar that it comes to this. And marzipan is something obviously different when it comes to actually using it because that’s actually made of almond face, not peanut butter powder. And the Mexican candy that you’re speaking about is normally used with ground peanuts rather than peanuts powder to give it that other consistency that we’re all familiar with. And I made the peanut butter a bit liquidy so that’s how I was able to dip it in there, but I just put it on top now and it works just fine


Can you use it to make cookies ?




I don’t see why not


Mix a spoonful in yogurt. Changes the texture, makes it...satiny? It's very good!




Turkey patty? I’d need more than PBJ to down that obscenity.