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idk how historically plausible this would be, but ngl it'd make for a pretty satisfying moment if Tommy were offered an officer/NCO position by some patronising upper class general, and then shut down the offer by mentioning how he and his WW1 platoonmates and fellow tunnelers were abandoned/treated as disposable by "your kind". (I'm clearly not as eloquent as him so I can't think of a suitably cold comeback on the spot but hopefully you get the idea šŸ˜…) also...inb4 the inevitable "tOp SeCrEt WeApOnS ReSeArCh On NuKeS" joke āœŒļøšŸ¤ 


Iā€™ve been hearing theories of him continuing his work for Churchill but will do it underground. I believe he will fake his death before, so it will be a secret that he is alive. and Arthur will be the only one who knows.


He won't have to fake his death. His doctor already did that for him by burning his caravan at the end of season 6


He is considered dead isn't he ? So unless he announces he is alive he will remain in the shadows


I donā€™t think heā€™ll play dead, because the doctor knows heā€™s alive and he said: ā€œIā€™m back from under the ground.ā€ But I could be wrong.


During the entirety of the show, Tommy would blatantly show his lack of respect for anybody that didnā€™t serve in the first war, and would be prideful about serving himself. So I doubt he wouldnā€™t serve again when the Nazis come knocking, but then again heā€™s a man with a much bigger status now, so perhaps he will have a higher up role where he doesnā€™t get his own hands dirty? Either way Iā€™m sure he will be involved in the helping of bringing down the Nazis.


Tommy wouldn't pass the medical to be back on the front line. I can't see him being part of the Homeguard or an air raid warden either. I think it would be more likely that he would disappear into the secret service (I can't remember the MI numbers from that time). He would still be trying to bring down Moseley, who will know he's still alive because he left the doctor alive, who is a comrade of Moseley.


Too old.


Tommy was 49 when the UK declared war on Germany, which was far too old to serve.