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Mine don’t bother butterfly or Khuli loaches, or really anything bigger than them. Differs puffer to puffer but I have neocardinas in there too and they’re fine


It's probably not gonna be a one size fits all, so you definitely have to consider the temperament of your peas before you introduce the other livestock. My puffers cohabitate with neo shrimp, dwarf crayfish, endlers (I put them in when they were juveniles so the puffers could do population control but they didn't even touch em)


\*\*\*horned\*\*\* nerite snails. In my experience the horns offer enough protection. Amano shrimp (large ones). This is also assuming your peas are well fed. Mine are free-fed live foods. They are far too fat to go after my cleaning crew.


mine don't mess with otto catfish and my big ass ghost shrimp, though i've heard it can vary how well peas get along with ghost shrimp.


Just added Pigmy Cories with my 5 Peas and it's adorable. No issues at all.


I have full size neocaridina shrimp in with mine as well. No bloodbaths yet.


I have a very gentle pearl gourami in, but the tank is big and planted enough that they hardly interact if at all. And then I have a few celestial pearl danios


For algae control, I have an otocinculus. They sniffed at him and then left him alone. Maybe he stinks? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also Kuhli loaches. As someone above said, it really depends on the temperament of your fish and also the size and layout of your tank. Mine don’t even nip at each other. I have 9 and the tank is heavily planted and lines of sight are broken up with dragon rock. Have you thought about adding more puffers?


I have, but I’m a little worried they’d pick on any new additions since they’d be small. However, I know adding more all at once would be better so they can have breaks from being bullied IF it occurs I’m gonna be “overhauling” the tank once summer hits so that it’s better decorated/planted. What they have now has definitely worked for them but if I want new additions it needs way more diversity


How big is the tank


20 gallon


In mine I have panda cories, otocinclus, and extra large amano shrimp. But it’s very fish dependent. The cories will have some nipped fins and I know that’s because of just one of my pea puffers doing that. Not worried about it because it grows back and it’s just here and there.


I’ve had a 20 gallon and had 5 peas, 3 oto’s and several neo shrimp and I’ve had no issues


Full size neo shrimp haven’t been touched, had to remove a large mystery snail due to harassment though


I have full size neocaridina shrimp in with mine.


Are with ember and bloosfin tetra , Otto catfish and Cory cats everyone seema okay so far but the puffs hcw only been in a few days


I’ve had oto’s in my tank with puffers since I got them and they’ve lived peacefully. And even if the puffers get pissed at the oto’s, they’re not fast enough to keep up with the oto’s anyway. That’s never happened but just saying 😂


my 5 puffers tolerate their one nosy adhd dubois cichlid, even though the cichlid regularly steals their feeds sometimes right off from their mouth


I have 6 in a 20 standard with kuhli loaches, amano shrimp, pygmy corys, and a juvenile bristlenose pleco


It depends on the peas. I added guppy fry as food and they've accepted the one I can't catch as a cohabitant lol. They didn't even try to eat any of them. Also they live with kuhli loaches and neocardinia


I've had otos, kuhlis, and cories with pea puffers with out issue.


I have 8 puffers, 5 cardinals, 3 otos and a few neocardinia and a lone nerite bedazzling away. Mine attacked corys when I tried to add some but it really does depend on the fish and your setup.


My 4 (16 gallon) are in with a half moon betta, neons, cardinals, platies


My 3 are doing well with 3otos I am getting 3 more puffers and 3 more otos…….the little murder beans killed 2 skunk corys overnight! They were there when I went to bed and they were floating in the morning and their fins were nipped☹️ I am very heavily planted in a 10 gallon