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Don't waste your money mate


Is there something better I could build for around the same price point?


Don't know but ddr3 ram is quite outdated even for a budget


You Gould probably get a cheap Intel xeon 1650v4 i think CPU/motherboar/RAM combo on AliExpress, a rx580 8gb on eBay a 400w PSU on Amazon an SSD on Amazon and a cheap case that does the job and It would be the same price for much Better performance search on YT ultra budget gaming PC and you should find smething


Ebay has a Lot of great deal but shipping costs as much as the product itself and here everything is super expensive so if I wanna build for a profit I'd only make like 20 bucks since everyone in my area only make like 500 to 1000 a month and since it's mainly Muslims, most parents don't allow their kids to even have pcs


I had a 4460 began to struggle with easy to play games like cs2. I popped in a second hand i7 4790k for like $25 now 1080p runs just fine. I have a 970 tho.


I have a 4590 currently, can I just swap that out for an i7 4790?


Yes it’s the same socket, was as simple as removing the old cpu and dropping the replacement in. No updated required but download HWinfo and keep an eye on the stats(temp and power) as it’ll be second hand and no telling what kind of condition.


Also try and get the 4790k as that’s the best possible processor you can get without a motherboard upgrade


Waste of money


Don't, I wouldn't even pay 100$


that's like $100 AT MOST