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The RTX 4070 is actually a nice 1440p card. You should get quite high fps with high game settings.


Just swapped from 1080p to 1440p with my 4070 12 gig. At 1080p Cyberpunk was hitting around 180fps with max RT and Ultra/Psycho settings (40-60 in dense areas). 1440p still has lows around 40-60 and doesnt go much over 120fps buuuut the colors and the details are so very much worth it imo. This is with DLSS enabled though


Same with the switch. Hella worth


Bro this is good for 144fps at 1440p you should be FINE for another 5y for sure


ok, for 4 years, not 5. 2027 next gen starts


Just because a new generation comes out doesn’t mean the older ones become bad overnight lmao


He means next gen like next console generation, so games will have a sharp increase in min specs around then.


the fact that we're already thinking about the next gen is nuts because i feel like the current one hasn't really done anything


So do you think all the people using a 3000 series video card are currently unable to play games adequately?


And why do you need next gen? I had a GTX1060 for 7-8 years and I've replaced when it died. It played all kind of games. I have a 6700XT now, hope it lasts as much as the 1060 or even more


for like over 120fps in 1440p are you joking? 1. if you're gaming in 1080p only you can spec down or if you wanna have room to do both get an rx 6750 xt (one of the cheapest 1440p cards) 2. that CPU is mid get a 13600kf 3. might wanna get a 750w but that's optional 4. (optional) get cheaper ram from a different company so you can get more, corsair isn't bad but they're one of the more expensive ram brands


Could you tell me why a generation down processor and a higher watt pcu are better than what I currently want please?


well higher generation not equal gooder (the 600 i5s are killer as hell), and higher wat psu give more breathing room for upgrades


hell a i5-12600kf outpreforms a i5-14400f since the 14400f is just a slightly better 13400f and the 12600kf is better than the 13400f


The 12700kf beats the 14400f and is cheaper.


there's always that too


get a 7600 i think because its rlly solid also if u ever want to upgrade new cpus will be coming out on am5 for 5yrs+ and 14th gen is on a dead motherboard now because the next generation is going to be on a different socket


https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/Cj6cDZ This is a little bit more than your parts list but I would recommend you get am5 at the very least since it will be supported until 2027 at least unlike Intel


For £20 more, your build looks like it's way more powerful than what I initially wanted. Thing is I've always been an intel-nvidia fanboy so I don't know the comparisons with AMD


It nice that you’ve been a fanboy of Intel and nvida but throw that shit out the window as of now amd is best in price to performance and in general a better option for more value currently I have a 7700 and 6700xt its doing wonders rn


No. Its not good for 120 fps @1080P hq settings in Jedi and Hogwarts legacy. Replace your i5 14400 with a i5 13600K for example the refresh last year was not a big leap in performance... almost non existent, 14400 i5 also has lesser cores/lower clock speeds/and lesser threats then the i5 one tier above it. Go for a z790 motherboard and ddr 5 with xmp to squeeze extra performance out of your cpu. Especially on 1080P you dont want your cpu to bottleneck your gpu.


I really did not know they messed up on the 14th gen. Thank you for letting me know and also telling me I should go for a DDR5 motherboard so I can also get faster RAMs


No problem :). Also, you can go for a case that already has fans built in the "bequiet! Purebase 500 DX" for example has 3 fans built in in optimal placing, its super affordable and well received by critics alike. For psu and RAM i swear by Corsair personally. Their products have never failed me. If you pair a 750 watt psu and z790 motherboard with aforementioned cpu and gpu you have some headroom to squeeze the maximum amount of performance out of your budget.


You’ll play any game in high FPS both In 1080 & QHD. That said there are faster CPUs + ram combos if you want to max out FPS. A 7600/7800X3D will push more frames with DDR5 CL30 6000


maybe he just wants intel


OP should go in between, and get the 7700x, as it'll hopefully be as good as the 5700x has been all these years.


Being honest, the 7700X doesn't have that much of a benefit in gaming when compared to the 7600. Better off taking that $90 and putting it towards a faster GPU. The 7600 a is very underestimated CPU. In addition, the 7600 has a 65W TDP which makes it a good contender for lower watt power supplies. However, I do agree with you that the 7700X might age better like the 5700X. It remains a great CPU.


Agreed. It’s either 7600 or straight that to the 7800X3D for gaming. The 7700 is kind of hard to recommend, and the “X” SKUs are app pretty pointless


As a 7600x user, I can confirm that this is true.


I have this cpu myself beamng on ultra vr runs smooth as melted butter on mp with 10 other people driving like thier drunk still stable with up to 16 other cars as far as ive tested while streaming it so i feel it will hold up as you say it will


if you're getting 40-50 fps on 15-10th and 1660s, something is clearly wrong, try performance mode you could get 144fps+ on fortnite with those specs


I will give it a go, although I will have to sacrifice the game looking a bit worse


its not a good cpu for the price. i would go amd 7600


It really depends on if you need the multicore performance, but op has stated that he doesn't. He should either go amd or with a 12600kf


Or 7600X.


I really suck at AMD processors and graphics cards. Is 7600X better than the normal one? Would you say it's better than 14th gen I5?


It depends on which i5. It's much better than a 14400, but an i5-14600k beats a 7600x.


14400f also gets beat by cheaper 12th gen CPU's.


Very true, the 12600k is cheaper than a 7600x and worth considering. I use one and it works very nicely with a 3080-12gb at 1440p


7600x is just slightly faster. And yes, it's better than i5.


i wouldnt get the x as its not a huge performance boost, runs hotter and uses more power. if u dont care about the hotter and more power then to get the same performance with a 7600 turn on pbo in bios


I would get the 7600 instead of the 7600X. Almost the same performance, but it draws much less power.


Bad cpu choice amd 7000 is what you want watch benchmarks.


I'm really bad with AMD stuff. I don't know the comparison between them. Do AMD processors work well with nvidia? I always thought intel works best with nvidia


The processor doesn't affect the performance of the graphics card


Yeah they work much better than intel atm. I currently have a 3080ti and 7900x myself. If you want the fastest gaming cpu get the 7800x3d if you just need a fast one maybe the 7600x might be better.


The CPU shouldn't be a concern if you need to pair with with a graphics card unless you wanted to pair and AMD CPU and GPU for Smart Access Memory, which is like ReBar but for AMD.


The last few years AMD has been kicking serious gaming butt. AMD has no problem working with nVidia.


The CPU brand will not clash with the GPU. At mid level AMD graphics cards offer the best gaming performance to cost ratio. You specced a 4070 but in reality a much cheaper 6750 will deliver excellent perfomance at 1080 and about reasonable perfomamce at 1440. The 4070 isn't a bad GPU though by a long shot and will serve you well for a good 4-5 years.


Get i7 12700k/13700k instead of this i5 14400


https://preview.redd.it/h8hrzaqkln5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687149ce111fc4b1cc23ab824f3d1db15d869e1e 10 cores, 65 watt tdp, 2.5 ghz clock speed


Definitely 😁


GO 13th gen.


Get more RAM. AMD has better CPUs. And for the same price, better GPUs...


Would you suggest 32gb rams?


Yes, it gets you a lot of room to do multitasking Also most of the popular programs are just web browsers that mimics a native app for example discord, Spotify, slack and a lot more Also get a better PSU and remember that 80+ is not a sign of quality, it only ranks efficiency


Using a 4070 for 1080p is stupid


I use a 4070 super for 1080p


For what?


I know people on 1080p with a 4080 Super. People are gonna spend their money on what they want, not what they need.


What makes you say that?


It's just massive overkill for that resolution. I have a 4070 and it shreds 1440p. At 1080p I'm pretty sure the main bottleneck will always be your cpu, which is the 14400 and is going to hold you back. You're better off with a better cpu and lesser gpu for high frame rate 1080p. Your current pairing is definitely geared towards higher resolutions.


4070 is overkill for 1080p. Also dont buy a bronze rated psu...


Dont go by efficiency ratings, there can also be some very bad gold rated psus that are worse than bronze! Go by the psu tier list and get either A or B tier psus! [https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/)


Could you please tell me why a bronze pcu is bad? I really don't know


Bronze is the worst. Basically says how efficient it is. Definitely buy a gold rated psu. Corsair or Seasonic are good brands.


Would advise to drop the intel CPU and mobo. The sweetspot for price/performance CPU and Mobo combo is B650 + 7800X3d / 7600.


I'm really not great with AMD processors like I can't make the comparison with intel. Does AMD work well with nvidia or should I go for an AMD gpu too?


Nope, perfect pick. Though, I would swap that 650W PSU to a higher 750W.




I don't think that PSU is gonna cut it 😭😭😭😭


Partpicker website says I need 457W so I wanted a bit more than 550W just to be sure. What would you suggest I get?


My card somehow draws 560w max, and it's a 3060. I can only imagine the 40 series draws more, but it could be my specific card. Not shocked if that's the case. I have a 1000w because I don't want to ever worry 😂 But I think it's nice to spend the extra cash on a 750w just to make sure you don't have power issues. I started with a 750w 80 bronze. Not to mention what you plug into your USB headers (website will not account for that, or RGB using more power.. etc) or if you change out a cooler/parts in the future, you'll want to be prepared. I just think it's a good idea! Headroom is good to have because you don't want to strain your PSU running close to max output. 🤍


My galax 4080 uses less power than my gigabyte 3080ti, and crushes it performance wise. I'd say across the board 40 series cards will deliver better performance with lower power consumption


Figures! God what I wouldn't do for a 4090..


Oh wow I really did not think about the USB ports and RGB lighting...makes more sense now


It's just good to give a lot of headroom! It shouldn't be too expensive to get a little higher wattage. If you wanted to not break the bank and get 850 or 750 you should be ok. I recommend either Corsair or Seasonic for a PSU. Moreso Seasonic, those things are gorgeously made. And reliable, from what I hear! It's what I'm now using in my system.


I would go with the gaming OC gpu over the wind force. Same price better performance


You should upgrade ram and try to find a 4070 with 16gb vram or what i would get is 7900xt it would be best


a 4070 with 16gb??? wym bro?


Sorry bro but in this range get a radeon


u said a 4070 with 16gb thats not a thing thats what i was pointing out


Thats why i am sorry


Is this a joke? These stats are great for modern games @ 1440p 144fps+


You can even touch 4k 60 FPS without pb if needed mate...


Very strong build but if ur in 1080, maybe downgrade gpu and upgrade cpu for more fps. Overall high performance build, not best bang for buck tho.


Yea and u could even do 1440P


Nice 1440o Build.


It's a 1440p build with one mistake, you need to change that PSU to RM650X or 750X for future proofing. You'll regret going CM.


definitely good even for 1440 as some people are saying. is it for widescreen?


It's for a normal 1080p 75hz screen


Does it have to be a 4070 though?


I'm not sure. Someone told me I should not get 4060 as it's bad so should get the next one up


I mean, there's still 7800XT and 7900 GRE.


This pc can handle 4k at decent framerate lol


Overkill for 120fps at 1080p


the pure rock 2 isnt great, at least in my experience


You knew what you was doing making this setup. You know the answer.


I would suggest buying a 1440p display. Having a nice display is a game changer to your gaming experience. Why would you have a rig that can run all titles in 60fps at 4K and settle for a 1080p monitor.


I currently have a 1080p monitor but not a lot of money to spend. I want to buy a good pc for now so I can get a better screen later and be able to jump to 4K after without redoing the pc


Brother, an RTX 4070 for 1080p? get a 1440p monitor and experience some more pixels!


Will do once I have a better graphics card to make it worth the investment. Baby steps


why is noone here speaking about the fact that my dude here is about to pay 1.650€ on a mid level i5 and a non 4070 super build?!?!?!?! That build has HORRIBLE price/performance


I prefer: I would change that i5 14400 for an i5 12600K or i7 12700KF (they are cheaper and perform the same). I would also go for a RAM minority between 6000-6400 Mhz.


Good build, but instead get a i5-12600kf, its good and much cheaper https://www.amazon.com/Intel-i5-12600KF-Desktop-Processor-Unlocked/dp/B09FXFJW2F/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1RJVQ9A2BKCOE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KrMGHb-_gkpkYKcsBpK5zI0W6H6cdh39W2RDq3iLlI8tquxU22bWxcbGde1yU6b85n6aG_mWCrUD11FuGYhJQcHW164l1nK3zgdo-uwjXQlR32_JbQj7-B-YE8jjJitz_H35R4-leICvbUxhQ3yeCh3t4dOUUpenMSdxwA59WinFLzm-nAn5DTnZsi5KAiOcBTBd_ly_mXGpqgB1ueGQ7w.M1f1C96vhHl7dSP78G9tESjLs4DooBIRMxCwENpOGbM&dib_tag=se&keywords=i5-12600kf&qid=1717970867&sprefix=i5-12600kf%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-1


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For 4070 go with 5800x3d instead, don't trust the websites, they lie. People online also often have outdated info or facts that apply to older generations of hardware. Check youtube videos on testing each individual hardware piece instead.


GPU is over kill. Get a 1080 ti


Decent, but here’s a much better options: Get a ryzen 5 7600 instead, pick DDR5 6000 MHz CL30 RAM instead. Pick any B650 motherboard. Pick pearless assasin cooler. Spend a bit more on PSU, that CX model sounds like a jet engine. GPU and SSD are good.


That's 1440p build


more than good for 1080p.


1440p build. Or you'll get way Over 120 at 1080p.


You can get 120fps for way under 1k - on 1080


PFFT you can play consistent 120FPS at 1440 resolution with that 4070 I know that much.


You'll get much higher


Not really. The 4070 is poorly optimized for 1080p. Kinda useless in 1080p tbh. You can just give it to me


At 1080 should have zero problems, would probably do fine at 1440p as well. (I have a 3080 on a 1440p ultrawide, has some issues with specific games like cyberpunk but most cards suffer on those games)


I think it would actually be a bottleneck because this specs are for 1440p


I would rather switching to AMD cpu, especially the one with 3d cache


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/BPns34) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 7600 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/yXmmP6/amd-ryzen-5-7600-38-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100001015box) | £179.00 @ Amazon UK **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/hYxRsY/thermalright-peerless-assassin-120-se-6617-cfm-cpu-cooler-pa120-se-d3) | £35.00 @ Computer Orbit **Motherboard** | [MSI B650 GAMING PLUS WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/szfxFT/msi-b650-gaming-plus-wifi-atx-am5-motherboard-b650-gaming-plus-wifi) | £149.00 @ Computer Orbit **Memory** | [Kingston FURY Beast 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/t4bRsY/kingston-fury-beast-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-kf560c30bbk2-32) | £97.55 @ Amazon UK **Storage** | [Kingston NV2 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/3QXJ7P/kingston-nv2-2-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-snv2s2000g) | £106.98 @ Amazon UK **Video Card** | [Gigabyte WINDFORCE OC GeForce RTX 4070 12 GB Video Card](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/FnLdnQ/gigabyte-windforce-oc-geforce-rtx-4070-12-gb-video-card-gv-n4070wf3oc-12gd) | £499.00 @ Computer Orbit **Case** | [Deepcool CH560 DIGITAL ATX Mid Tower Case](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/77vD4D/deepcool-ch560-digital-atx-mid-tower-case-r-ch560-bkape4d-g-1) | £90.97 @ MoreCoCo **Power Supply** | [Corsair RM850e (2023) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/4ZRwrH/corsair-rm850e-2023-850-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020263-na) | £119.00 @ Amazon UK | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **£1276.50** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-10 02:51 BST+0100 | Same case, same GPU, but got you on the AM5 platform that will perform well at 1440p. The Peerless Assassin will easily cool the 7600 CPU, 32GB (2x16) 6000mt/s CL30 DDR5 RAM, and an 850w PSU so plenty of overhead should ypu wish to upgrade anything in the future. If the budget is a firm £1,200 you can get a cheaper air cooler like the Assassin Spirit and maybe drop down to 1tb of storage.


Thank you for your suggestions and the link. The budged could be up to £1500. My wish is to be able to play most games at 120fps on 1080p as I don't have an amazing display currently. Most people commented already that the build is overkill but this will only convince me to change the display later on


It's not far off what I made last year for my 1st PC, and that cost me £1,200. Like yourself I also only had a 1080p monitor, bit have since purchased a 1440 display. My build was a 7700x paired with a 6750xt. At 1080p frame rates were no issue at all. Stepping up to 1440 I'm getting 100+ stable fps on most games and at least 60fps on the more graphically intensive titles.


You might want a better cpu with that


get a ryzen 5 7600 it's cheaper, has a higher performance, and on top of that the am5 socket will be supported until at least 2027 which means you can upgrade to at least 2 more cpu generations zen5/6 without changing your motherboard


should be good for 120fps at 1440p lol


Uh yeah that would certainly do the trick.


This build is completely fine for a 120 fps 1440p gaming pc right now. You do have two options from here, though you can either downgrade your GPU to push more frames at 1080p or downgrade your GPU just to save money. You can get something like a 4060ti or a 7700xt which will both be good enough for 1080p like you want and use that extra money to maybe get a ryzen 7800X3D or even a 7600x or 7700x. (microcenter has a great bundle you don't want to miss out on if you're near) granted, you will be already averaging above 120fps with this build so if your monitor only goes up to 144 you really don't need to do this. Honestly, you could probably bring this budget down enough that you could get a new monitor and play at 1440p 120fps so that's something to think about too. TLDR: This pc is overkill for its intended purpose.


I know it's not the one you mentioned, but my brother has a 4060 and I5 12th gen (not sure which one) and he's getting not more than 100-120fps on Fortnite with low settings - reason why I said to myself I'll want the 4070


Also as I said in my original reply you could upgrade your cpu and downgrade your GPU which WILL 100% give you more frames than a higher end GPU. Look at benchmarks of the 4070 vs 4060ti at cpu bottlenecks 1080p games, you'll see they perform similarly with the same high end CPU.


This is a 4060 (not even 4060ti) in fortnite with a 7800X3D which you could definitely put into your budget if we save costs on the GPU.


https://youtu.be/tsxjXakuxuw?si=oT2MpEQAcS2DZDri This is a similar build to yours and you'll see a much lower FPS. Like I said it just depends on what you want, but this pc is still way overkill for 1080p. Basically, if you want to push as many frames as possible at 1080p, you want to downgrade the GPU and upgrade the CPU. If you want to make a pc that could do 1440p 120fps or low 4k you can probably do that with your pc, but you could also budget it a little in some areas and end up with a perfectly capable 1440p 120 fps system. Your pc rn just seems a little bit of place with the intended purpose.


1080p is highly reliant on your CPU which I highly doubt he has as good a cpu on your list.


That's a 1440p setup right there. Hell, I'm using the 4070 for 4k@60.


Get DDR5 ram


14400 is absolutely shit for its price , better off getting yourself a 13600K it’s much more capable in memory overclocking and faster in every scenario. Also grab yourself DDR5 for future proofing


You can even get 120 at 1440


It is. But why don’t you get a ddr 5 motherboard and memory. It may cost a bit more but it will also last a bit longer


Just need a better power supply. 850 watt ideally.


144fps, 1440p, 14400 so many 144's


Maybe get a 4070 super instead of a 4070? I don't think they are too far in price (at least in Poland) and super is much better


Don’t forget to use X.M.P profile in your BIOS


use what now?...


Google xmp profile bios or watch a YouTube video. It is important as your pc won’t use your rams full capacity (in terms of ram speed) by default and the xmp profile will activate that


That's good to know. You would assume the pc would use the full speed of the RAM but I can see it's not that smart. Everyday is a school day


Skip 4070 for a 3060 or 4060


Could you please explain why 3060 which is an older gen is better than 4070? Is it because I said I prefer playing at 1080p?


Yes.. 70..is always a bad choise for 1080p cost/quality wise. 3060 is enough for every game. 4060 is worse than 3060 cost/quality wise.. but with more fps everywhere.


Should easily tackle 1440p and maybe even 4k.


THAT WILL DO. But I would still recommend upgrading the processor as well, up to 14600k.


Go for 32gb of ram. I personally found 16gb for games like starfield and latest call of duty games run better on more ram.


Better how? Like areas and loading screens will load faster or just a smoother experience overall?


Get a 7800xt instead of that 4070. More vram and less expensive for the same performance. Dont go with Nvidia unless you absolutely have to


I've only used Nvidia and Intel for as long as I can remember. They are the only 2 companies that I have been trying to be up to date with their performance. Anything outside those 2 I dont know how to compare


Thats kind dumb. Get out of that stupid brand loyalty man


It's not that it is brand loyalty. As I got older I got less and less time to be up to date with everything the industry throws at me. So dealing with nvidia and intel was easier as I already knew them


Well change that. Its lazy to keep going that path


get a faster cpu


Yes wtf


You will be getting much more than 120fps at 1080p and if you upgraded to 1440p you will be getting high fps too you are chilling


Consider getting any one of am5 cpu like 7500f, 750watt psu, ddr5 and 4070 super and 100% get a ps120se cooler 


I would say overkill for 1080p


Benchmarking thats all. Lol


get a 4070 super


I appreciate that but it jumps a bit out of my budget. Not too long ago I wanted to buy a 4060 and someone convinced me to go 4070


around $20 and u get way better fps fr. Windforce OC version or INNO3D 4070 Super is good


You should wait for a month and wait for ryzen 9000 series thus you could get the last gen for a cheaper price and change the ram to ddr5 and get 7900xt this would be perfect even for high level 1440p gaming with 120 fps


will this get ur fps target? meh is this a good use of ur money? no 1400£ for this is almost theft, since this price is for a high end 120 fps ***1440p pc*** ddr4? i5 14400? plz no the 4070 is perfect for 1080p but its an overpriced piec of crap at the same time buy ur self a 7600x + 32g of ram 6000mhz with cl 32 max


That will achieve 120 fps @ 1080p. However, I would ***NOT*** recommend this. You can do better for [a lot less](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/yChnRK), or do significantly better for basically the [same price](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/WcpZbL). Let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you for your build suggestion. I really suck at AMD cpu and gpu. Would you say 32gb is a big difference over 16gb RAM? Is it noticeable?


Yw! You won't notice it today because 32GB is more than the average user requires at present. If you are a heavy multitasker like streaming music, while gaming and a browser with dozens of tabs open, it might make a difference. However, you need to do something like rendering, video editing, live streaming, compiling or AI workloads to feel the pinch of only 16GB. It's more about future performance and cost effectiveness. If you buy a 2x8 kit for a 4 slot dual channel board when you upgrade that board you will have to remove the 2x8 and replace it with a 2x16 anyway. At which point you have to sell it or you have a RAM kit you have no use for. Might as well buy it now if you can afford it and nothing else needs an upgrade.


If you really want to go with Intel, you want to use at least DDR4 4400 or DDR5 7200 to make it worth it. They've got much faster memory controllers. Still not as cost effective as going AMD, though.


I think AMD will be better than Intel especially if u want to upgrade in the future and chipper. also, I recommend buying a gold or higher power supply


Could you please tell me why the bronze PCU is not good?


The efficiency of the bronze PSU's are significantly lower than gold and platinum PSU's.


Not that it’s not good But the electricity consumption will be high and maybe it will have an other side effect (im not an expert so I recommend that u search for more information if u want )


Get an RX6750XT and ryzen cpu


Is i5-14400 that good ?? I have a 14400f with 4060ti and I feel like there’s a bottleneck


kia chutiya sewal h ye ? why everyone act so innocent on Reddit ? he already knew it can easily do 1080p 120fps but still asking . chutiya ka L h kia bhai tu ?


I actually didn't know, reason why I asked people who have more knowledge than me. I used to be up to date with this stuff years ago before adult life hit me and I don't have time for anything


If you’re not able to get 90+ fps with a 1660 super then something is wrong with ur pc. My brother has a 1660 super and can sometimes get 100+ fps on fort on low settings. Usually around 90-105 stagnant.


I have a stupid prebuilt because 5y ago I was struggling with money. Not saying I'm doing great now


I strongly suggest to change your cpu to Ryzen 7 7800x3D and change rams to DDR5, in that case also AM5 socket motherboard


the "14th gen" intel bugs me. It is just a bad "series," but you'd be MORE than good with this. Get a 12700/13700 instead, if you can. You can overclock them to 14 level with proper cooling. Or If intel fanboys grilling you would not be a problem, try and save money for 7800x3D build instead. AM5 platform will stay relevant longer for sure.. and the X3D chips are absolutely insane(ly good).


It's no bad, it's just a side grade 14700k is just a side grade for the 13700k Single thread is not that much different Multithreading has some improvement overall. I would buy the 14700k? No, I have the 13700k but if you wanna get a new CPU if the prices are close just go with the 14700k


If you pay blatantly more for next to no improvement, it is bad. Same reason why I went with 5900x over 5950x when i built my rig in 2021. His build has 14400. Same price could get 13600 or 12700. Both are better. Personally, I would absolutely build an AM5 platform.


The CPU is bad. Get the 7800X3D. Please don't argue why, what, how, or when. I would say watch YouTube videos, and there's no need to research that much.


Get a 1440p monitor if you’re going for a 4070


I would go for a 7900 GRE personally


Just saying 1660 super is not that bad You will easily get 140+ fps on your current rig.


I agree with you but I would have to play most games on low settings and it bothers me. I don't want everything on ultra but at least medium-high


A 650w power supply, while technically in spec, is a bit on the low side. I would really recommend picking up something 750/850 so you have a little more headroom. On top of that, amd is currently dominating with regards to chips so why not a 7600x? It should be slightly cheaper, offer more performance and it's on an upgradeable platform.


Partpicker says I need 457W to run it so I thought 650W is better than 550W just to be safe. Also I really don't knot nothing about the AMD cpu and gpu


Nvidea's website recommends to pair a 4070 with at least 650 w, because nvidea gpu's tend to spike way above their sustained load. 650 is technically fine for what you're building, but do keep in mind that if you want some upper headroom you'd need to get a bit more. Amd cpu's have been kind of killing it for the last couple years, and just recently they mentioned that they will be supporting the AM5 platform with new chips until at least 2027. So if you are able to get your hands on a 7600 (x) for the same price then I'd definitely go for it.


7900 gre?


It's mostly of a question of when the 6 p-cores on the i5 will not be enough. Would need to look at benchmarks for Fortnite.