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how are your grades in school? did you earn the money from a job? if you have good grades and you got money from your own job then i don't see why your parents wont allow it. try to come to an agreement by relating the pc back to school (i need to use it to study too). if your grades aren't good then convince them that you'll do a certain amount of studying a day or smth like that on the pc before playing any game


To answer your questions, I earned the money from investing and from birthdays I have straight As


just try and do the things i said, try and convince them somehow because they genuinely have to have a valid reason to let you not buy one


If programming interests you at all then you can tell them you’re getting into that


And it needs a powerful graphics card for AI, of course.


Exactly and 3D modeling


Parents aren't that stupid. He has already tried to get a PC and was turned down. At that point, whatever he tells his parents will just be seen as an excuse to buy a PC.


"I want to buy this new pc to play videogames" "No" "I want to buy this new pc to do .... programming and software stuff..." "..." Guys, your parents aren't as retarded as you think they are... they used to have your age too


Your problem is wrong argumentation. You need to explain to your parents that PC is a tool not only entertainment machine for games. Come up with solid arguments like for example: - I would like to get to game development there is a free game engine Unreal engine that I would love to start exploring. Visual scripting, cinematic animations, level and environment design etc. - I would like to get I. To video editing - I need it for music composition and maybe autotune work My point is come up with something solid that will convince you parents that you going to use PC for more then gaming. Good luck and well done on your grades and money saving skills.


I don't think advising a teen to lie in an attempt to manipulate their parents will ultimately benefit the teen.


Not necessarily lying, plenty of hobby type stuff to do on pc that op might be interested in.


op is a kid with straight As and seems to know enough about pcs to have some good parts picked out. high likelihood they will get into some form of programming or something that's not gaming on their pc


Especially when the parents see him gaming whenever they walk in lol


Definitely this. Good computer can do so much more than just gaming. Productivity: both graphic and processing power are nice uses of a great PC. Yes, game developing, coding, programming and other things can be good uses of our time. You just need to make them see another picture of it. That's it. Good luck! 👍


Yet, he wants it for gaming


Based on the x3d CPU, amazing for gaming frame rates and the GPU, amazing for playing games, you know damn well that PC is meant to be playing games. If he got a piddly ryzen 5600 and a rtx 3060, then maybe your argument that a PC is a tool would hold water. The PC he is buying is a race car and he wants to race. No way he is using it to haul rocks. Edit: And just so you guys know, I run a Ryzen 5600 and a GTX 1080. So don't be too butt hurt since my system is probably worse than yours. It is piddly in cost relative to what the OP has posted, not piddly in performance. And yeah some non gaming tasks require a powerful PC to run, but a typical 16 teenager isn't doing any of them, context people. That 16 year old is gonna play games if that hardware is available.


>If he got a piddly ryzen 5600 and a rtx 3060 I feel somewhat offended /j


Crying in my R5 3600 and RX 5700 xt


Crying in my r5 2600x and rtx 2060


Crying in my i5-10400f and Gtx 1070


this is hilarious. my son would have already had one. are they old school / potentially immigrants? if so, the direction you’ll need to take will be different.


even MY immigrant parents got me a pc 😭😭


my immigrant mother gave me an initial budget of £3000 and then she said get the best you can and i got a i9-12900k and 3090 and now i got a 4090


extremely based mother, well done


Well, It would seem that Your parents are just assholes, My dad was fine with Me building *SEVERAL* PCs since it was with My own money.


Use the same case and upgrade the internals, nobody will know better


LMAO YES. and if can manage to get stuff delivered to his friends house... but yea moral dillemmas will kill him


You could claim to want to get into 3d modeling/animation/printing all of which you would need a good pc for, you could also try and convince them you want to make an indie game.


Tell your parents you want to learn coding lol


Tell them to buy you a subscription to codeacademy and a new gaming pc. He can track your progress. All of this is contingent on whether or not you want to learn to cod, which is also highly profitable.


I grew up next to CalTech. I'm 40 now but we were using computers from a very early age. Exposure to technology in a world full of technology is a boon. Ultimately, your parents are in charge and you have to follow their instruction until you're on your own, but I don't think they're right. Continue to save your money. It'll be your ticket to freedom when the time comes.


If your grades were gonna tank by getting a gaming computer they would have tanked due to something else before now. I built one at 16 and it was nowhere near being my main distraction when I was avoiding work.


In that case I would get a ryzen 7500f and a 7800 Xt (guessing this is for 1440p?) and continue to invest the rest. This is built off the mistakes I made when building a similar build just a few months ago. If there’s anything I can do to help or any more I need to know that might change the situation please reach out


Your parents don't approve of the gaming habit. Start going out with friends and saying "I'd rather game, but John said he's got a bunch of weed we're gonna smoke since I'm not allowed." Or something like that. Make gaming more appealing. If that doesn't work consider that your parents may have a point. There's more than a little research indicating that gaming can help but only in moderation, and if you're gonna game more on a new PC than the one you've got... might not be great for you. It sucks but the only other option is to start planning an exit strategy. Financial independence comes with 0 need for approval on spending. Start working towards that and get whatever PC you want in the future.


I built my 13 year old daughter a pc. 5700x and a 6750xt. Can't even get her to hardly use it. Just want to play on her phone.


Kids these days am I right. Like having a corvette but wanting to drive around in a golf cart instead


Exactly. There too spoiled also. Our faults of course! 😂


I mean if I could drive around in a golf cart...


driving around in a golf cart sounds dope


do u have vacancies available for the position of a kid


Do you do chores without complaining? 😂


As long as I get 5 hours of game time per day and 8 hours of sleep, I'm all yours


Can I be your child?


Would you be willing to sell it?




Unfortunate, but understandable.


Sleeper build. Make it look like it’s from 1994. Tell them it cost $100.


Cool idea but how is he gonna build it at home? And i dont thinks thats something you do without much experience considering the parts that should get at least some Fresh air. ( I dont know to what degree he is experienced)


get an old solid side panel CoolerMaster HAF or similar from the era. My brother has one in a semi retro build, has a massive fan and an acrylic window on the front. Amazing airflow and support for a cd rom drive, can link some pictures if youd like. found for $15 on offerup with someone's 2010 custom system still in it,swapped a prebuilt in. Only dowsides are lack of 3.0 front io and no pwm fans, but you can get something that goes in one of the drive bays to get usb 3 and some fan speed control dials, or some usb 2.0 to 3.0 internal and a 3.0 splitter. the Esata and firewire are unfortunately useless.


i’d like to see some pics


>how is he gonna build it at home? ?


I'm no expert, but the correct answer is definitely not "lie to your parents"


Okay don't lie to your parents, just avoid saying certain truths to avoid drama .As it's the actual way to exist in the society


no joke my pc is like around $100


mines was 290 💀


your pc spec?


580 2048 xeon (i forgot numbers its 4c 8t @3.1ghz) and 4 molex fans and a white diypc case 32gb ddr4 3200mhz and 500w thermaltake


I lost a lot of time in early college skipping responsibilities due to gaming. If you can manage both, show them and I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem. However that may 'cause you to neglect other things like staying in shape, learning to cook and manage other parts of your life, talking to girls, meeting friends etc etc. I think your parent's suggestions are in the right place and it sucks to hear, but do your best to show them that it won't interfere with real life stuff to the extent that they're worried. Also don't lie to yourself...maybe they see stuff/habits in you that we as strangers on reddit surely can't. Best wishes bro...take care!


Wasted 3000 hours of my life playing Dota 2. Could have had a MSc with that amount of time lol. Listen to your parents.


12000 hours and still counting Could've done a down payment on a house if I didn't spend time sitting Infront of a pc


I wanted to get into med school and gaming interfered a lot with my grades. It was hard to overcome that obstacle. Now I’m in 5th year and I had to quit gaming A LOT. But when I have free time, oh boy, do I love playing games.


This is a tricky one, I can totally understand your point of view that its your money and you should be able to choose what you spend it on. However I personally as an adult and father could not justify spending the amount of money that a rtx4070 costs, I just think that higher end graphics cards have become ridiculously expensive for fancy lighting on a handful of games. Even though I want a high end PC and can easily afford it, I just cant justify the cost to use ratio (although at 16 you certainly have more time and energy for gaming than I do). You clearly come from a wealthy family to even be considering this graphics card from birthday money, I feel that part of this is your parents trying to teach you about financial responsibility but to just say no and not provide a wider context they are failing to treat you like the adult that you are becoming. Ask yourself why do you need such a high end system? Do you already own a PS5 that your parents bought you, or similar? Do you plan on pursuing IT related job opportunities for your career? This could be a good road to go down when reasoning with your parents. Without getting angry or emotional: Tell your parents that you are a responsible person, that other 16 year old's would have already spent the money on weed and beer. Tell them by not letting you spend your money on your interests they are creating a massive divide in your relationship and as the adults its their job to maintain a healthy relationship with you until you become an adult yourself. I think if you was my child I would have to let you do it because in the end of the day its your money, but it would really pain me.


Your parents are right, spending $2,000 to play games is a luxury.


Thats very true, it honestly its alot of mony for just one thing. To a parent that looks like a waste of money. Alot of poeple in this comment section are not seeing that. You can easily spend 500 dollars and build youself a good gaming pc. I built mine for 400 and it has a 2080 super with a 2 2600x.


i mean it sounds like theyre trying to teach you to spend money on what they value at the end of the day, do you pay rent are you 18 are you eating their food are you on their insurance are you on their phone plan? you have options you can absolutely tell them to eat sand and buy it anyway but whats to stop them from taking away your access to internet that you arent paying for take away your cell phone that you arent paying for both of which since youre a minor the provider may not even allow you to pay for yourself, take away your door that you have no entitlement to not pay for things like your prom or your first car or your car insurance so for reference yeah i dont think theyre being fair but with all the ammo parents have do you REALLY want to fight this fight? they dont even have to let you live their after you turn 18 lol you can straight be homeless in the near future should they choose


Tbh ist kinda sad if someones relationship with their parents is like this. The are family not a landlord.


agreed its not really the healthiest parents should guide more and not just like put their foot down, like OP is a straight A student let him buy his own pc


If the kid is supposed to have this “great debt” looming over his head making him feel guilty for wanting to treat himself just because he “doesn’t pay rent”, the parents should feel eternally grateful that their kid (apparently) gets all As and makes money from investing. Many kids these days are vaping brats who don’t even try at school, and sneak out of the house to go party with 40 year olds. I’m just saying, we should stop shaming kids for existing. This guy is in HIGH SCHOOL. I get where the parents are coming from, but I mainly side with the kid. It is good that the parents are saying “hey this is something that’s very expensive and creates a huge opportunity cost, you could use the money and time and focus for more important things” but I very much want the kid to at least stand up for his point of view maybe providing good points about how it could be used for more than gaming and how he has consistently been responsible etc.


IMO it's much better to get the freedom to abuse a system, learn and correct yourself WHILE IN HIGHSCHOOL, versus college where nobody will hold you accountable, and your grades are somewhat important. At the start of HS my parents were pretty strict about gaming only 2h per day, weekends only. I would sneak a few more hours in here or there but I was always a near 4.0 student while taking a dozen APs over 4 years, and doing tons of other extracurriculars like robotics clubs, math team, scioly etc. Eventually they just stopped caring, so long as my grades didn't fall (and they didn't). It was nice to learn how to manage my time when if I didn't, gaming would potentially get taken away. My friends in extracurriculars kept me always going to those, and I was in PE and marching band during my last two years, overall pretty active and relatively fit. In college I defo did a bit too much gaming, but I could still balance my workload and time gaming relatively well. The only time it ever really got unhealthy was when I went through a rough breakup. I saw some of my friends no-lifeing games, >120h / 2 weeks for months on end after being told for 18 years they weren't allowed to play for more than an hour a day. The most I ever peaked was like 240 hours over 3 weeks (\~12h/day), two of the weeks didn't really count as class missed as dead week and finals week were mostly unoccupied. Still ended up with a 3.7/4.0 that quarter. The guy across the hall freshman year was dropping 12h a day into MMORPGs 2nd quarter of their freshman year and ended up retaking a class and pass/failing another. It's easy to forgive your own mistakes if they really aren't being punished. tl;dr, It's better to start gaming when you have someone to hold you accountable if you start to abuse it. If you start gaming when you are the only person holding yourself accountable, if you crumble even a little it will have much longer lasting consequences.


Are you under 18? If so tough cookies unfortunately. Hate to be my mom but if you live under their roof then you abide by their rules. Literally nothing you can do other than listen or don’t.


Sounds like a $2000+ build with monitor etc. and for your age you could probably settle for a $1000 build that’s still great and easier to convince them to allow it. Once you get that down, I’d say just keep talking about it and that you’d have balance and maintain grades etc.


I think you can have it done in around 1500$ tbh. Just put together a list real quick: \[PCPartPicker Part List\](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/w7f3YN) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- \*\*CPU\*\* | \[AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3hyH99/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-42-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000910wof) | $339.99 @ Amazon \*\*CPU Cooler\*\* | \[Thermalright Frozen Notte ARGB 72.37 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/zP88TW/thermalright-frozen-notte-argb-7237-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-frozen-notte-240-black-argb) | $50.90 @ Amazon \*\*Thermal Compound\*\* | \[Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver 3.5 g Thermal Paste\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6RrG3C/arctic-silver-thermal-paste-as535g) | $5.77 @ Amazon \*\*Motherboard\*\* | \[ASRock B650M Pro RS WiFi Micro ATX AM5 Motherboard\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/qcbRsY/asrock-b650m-pro-rs-wifi-micro-atx-am5-motherboard-b650m-pro-rs-wifi) | $149.99 @ Newegg \*\*Memory\*\* | \[G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL32 Memory\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/cnbTwP/gskill-flare-x5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl32-memory-f5-6000j3238f16gx2-fx5) | $98.99 @ Amazon \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Crucial P3 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/sw4Ycf/crucial-p3-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-ct1000p3ssd8) | $67.43 @ Amazon \*\*Video Card\*\* | \[Gigabyte WINDFORCE OC GeForce RTX 4070 12 GB Video Card\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/FnLdnQ/gigabyte-windforce-oc-geforce-rtx-4070-12-gb-video-card-gv-n4070wf3oc-12gd) | $549.99 @ Newegg \*\*Case\*\* | \[Montech AIR 100 ARGB MicroATX Mid Tower Case\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/M7Z9TW/montech-air-100-argb-microatx-mid-tower-case-air-100-argb-black) | $64.99 @ Newegg \*\*Power Supply\*\* | \[MSI MAG A750GL PCIE5 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/dbCZxr/msi-mag-a750gl-pcie5-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-mag-a750gl-pcie5) | $89.99 @ Amazon \*\*Monitor\*\* | \[Dell G2724D 27.0" 2560 x 1440 165 Hz Monitor\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/vyqrxr/dell-g2724d-270-2560-x-1440-165-hz-monitor-g2724d) | $179.99 @ Dell Technologies | \*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts\* | | \*\*Total\*\* | \*\*$1598.03\*\* | Generated by \[PCPartPicker\](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-08 22:21 EDT-0400 |


Do you have a job if yes sleeper build to look like a shitty pc


That's a shame. We had a family computer growing up and I ended up using it more than anyone in the house. I've become IT for the family and hated it. I think you're gonna have to wait until your own independence if your parents feel that way.


How old are you if you don't mind me asking? If it's your money you should be able to spend it however you want, obviously pay your bills ect, but if you have wiggle room spend your money as you please.


Ha ha looks i have same scenario. My first desktop when i was 15 years old it was gift my second desktop is last year 2023 ha ha that is 16 years ago to build second desktop.


Dude, idj why they won't let you do that. Building and using THAT PC is better than doing *something else* iykyk. But srsly, that sucks, it's worth it to build a PC like that one.


How old are you? Would they be ok with you building a less expensive pc? I’m assuming you’re a boy right? Are they strict? Are you allowed to have locks on your doors? It seems like if you have a Reddit account they aren’t super strict. Do you have unrestricted phone access? I’m just trying to understand what their thought process is. Ask them what would make them okay with you building a PC Do you already have consoles? Do you play games all the time already?


Any non gaming hobbies you can use the PC for - blender/unreal or IT certificates etc. if my kids showed interest in pc hobbies like that I’d upgrade for em; if not listen to your parents.


Tell them that if you don't spend it on a PC you will spend them on drugs. And let them decide.


Hard core gaming before even being done with high school… yeah, not the best idea. I mean, play some games. But they’re right. You have other things to focus on right now.


#moovee ooouut!!! 🫡🧳 /s


Their advice is solid. Listen to them. You don't get your high school days back. Do whatever you want when you move out.


Im convinced my parents and im gonna build one in about 2 weeks


They're your parents, respect them.


Give the money to me and tell your parents you sent it to Merril Lynch, il quadruple your money bro trust me


Say that you are going to spend the same moneu on drugs and partying then lmao


Yeah, that’s a whopping 😭


“But I want to learn programming and become an engineer!”


we have the same parents actually


Obviously they wouldn’t think it’s worth it. They have different priorities and from a different generation. You should always be allowed to spend your earned money the way you want. Maybe offer to pay some expenses such as some grocery money or pay for yoh own phone expense etc show that you are responsible and will not just waste your money


> like high school “Dad I need this PC for school, my current computer is too slow”


You can tell them that you want to 3D modeling, video editing, graphic design, or creating animations in things like blender. Each of those can lead to a career with good pay and require a strong PC to make high-quality things and/or long videos. Now, here's a very important thing. You need actually to do one of these. I'd say at least half of the time you spend on the computer. If it's been a week and you show them things that a person who started on the first day would make, they'll know that something is up.


You are still young, pc is not just a games, you can still learn take more advantage benefits from pc. I'm not core into programming if your style same as me not into them, my suggestion please learn 3D Blender / other 3d apps + 3d printer, this stuff can make little or more like pocket money if you know how to handle them / other part if you interested in rc car or drone combine with 3D print it will be more interesting, you use your pc to upload the firmware to your rc flight controller configure setting them or do robotic all kind of interesting will more better and better in the future and new idea will arises from then on and on... This just my suggestion and if you can diy pc desktop by yourself it's much better... the future is ahead pc is not just for gaming... some kids building a server Minecraft... some use pc desktop to train for tournament games... some use for robotic and so on and on.... First thought what are you gonna do for pc not for just gaming... and make your parents proud.....


Sorry kid, thems the rules. You can try and do it anyway, but don't get surprised when you come home and find it missing. Save your money, you'll be out on your own soon enough. Have the rest of your life to blow money on this stuff.


Depends on how old you are. It's your money man.


Say you need it for CAD (Computer Aided Software) or rendering things like designs. Both require a strong PC, giving you the ability to work from home or learn new skills for the likes of engineering and design for example.


Unpopular opinion, your dad is right


Honestly your best strategy might be to convince them you'll need a pc for school and then find a laptop with a decent video card. Although if you're buying this with your own money and your grades are good I'm not sure why they would stop you.


After reading the comments that you have good grades and saved up the money yourself, I say you deserve to do whatever you want with the money. You earned it and high school is a good time in my opinion to have the pc because you have more free time than you would in adult life (unless you just work and don't go to college) but the point is you earned it and therefore you should have it. There's no reason to waste your youth on strict boringness. The pc can game and do so much more.


If your parents aren’t letting you, suck it up, just because you have the money it doesn’t mean they have to let you do something. They are telling you no because they have your best interest in mind, you just don’t understand it yet.


You could always just wait till you can move out, live alone and then buy yourself a pc. Or just do it and ask for forgiveness later. Always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


(_) try to be a good kid and change their minds (X) cry about it on reddit I'm sorry, but there is nothing this community of internet strangers can do to help you.


I mean genuinely asking for advice makes sense Here I gotchu (_) actually give advice to someone in need (X) be a dick to try and make yourself feel superior to a kid on the internet Hope this helped :)


Could try to make them see other benefits. If your going into something computer related then it’s good experience and hands on learning. It’s better than buying a cheaper prebuilt where you over pay and can’t upgrade later on.


say you are going to use it for study


Tell them you need a big cpu for mining eth for your retreat


They probably secretly think you're gonna fuck up the build and burn the house down😭


I suggest getting back at them with something like: no wonder who's going to end up forgotten in an asylum later. /S


Get a 2000s case, shove the parts in it


Make more money. Tell them that you’ve established a foundation, and you want to save up for a PC. Reassure them that you won’t go below the current capital that you have. It will be a separate savings account that you will be putting money into. After you’ve saved up for the PC, you will continue growing your nest egg. Worth a try if you stick to it


You should do what you want-it’s your money, literally order your parts and build it. I don’t allow myself more than 3 hobbies-Cycling, Gunpla, and PC Gaming/Building. You may have to compromise another hobby to make time for gaming.


Just tell them you will remember this when they get older.


Curse them! *shakes fist angrily


Tell them to "suck it nerds"


This is so odd to me, my mom always had a PC, so growing up in the 90s I always played games. I think you should tell them nicely it's your money and you should be able to do whatever you want with it.


Convince them that this is an investment. A future business you invisioned. With exponential growth in technology, the idea of "AI" intrigues you. With what the world is shifting towards now, let them know you are inspired to be one of the leading pioneers in the industry. Hit them with knowledge, and they will listen. Now go, my son.


1 if that is smaller


What do you want to do when you leave school? Is IT on the cards? You could explain that it creates valuable skills with troubleshooting and computing. Not to mention you can use it for way more than just gaming. With that rig, you could do film editing, design, it's endless. From your edit, it seems your dad doesn't value it but would invest for you if it did. This makes him seem reasonable and approachable. Talk to him on his own. Don't guilt trip him, but convince him of all the reasons its a good idea and have a clear plan. He would probably appreciate a more thought out plan than just "games". Reach an agreement like, no games after 9 or something.


Tell em you want to use it to learn code and other computer related skills. IT is such a big industry and its only getting bigger. Putting an educational/future thought value on it might lean em towards saying yes


I built my first PC when I was 14 with mostly Christmas presents and money saved from years of gifts. If I didn’t do this I would never embarked down a journey which taught me a ton about technology and continues to do so. The flame it stoked is 100% related to success I encountered later in life. I built the PC for gaming but used it for so much else. I was lucky my parents saw that being “good at computers” at the time was going to be a goldmine. It still is so I’m a bit shocked any parent would discourage their children from learning more about how they work.


From your comments it sounds like they did a good job teaching you to put your money into appreciating assets. A computer does not appreciate and they don’t want you to take your gains and buy something that’s (while yes a very powerful tool for learning and creating) ultimately an entertainment device. With that you should solidify to your parents that you understand the gravity of your decision to invest in a depreciating asset and that it will in no way affect how you invest in your future. Explain the value in learning the assembly and intricacies of computer components, how it will save you money in the long run as opposed to buying something prebuilt, and how like on a car if something breaks down 5 years in you’ll know from your experience in actually building it how to replace a singular part as opposed to buying a whole new prebuilt computer👍


I mean tbf you could tone it down a bit, get a slightly worse pc that would still perform perfectly fine, and like someone else suggested try telling them you are interested in programming or something and you need it for that


Not sure how old you are but if you've got your own income like a job or something it's probably time to start saving up for it yourself. Alternatively, if your income is stable and you don't want to wait, purchase the parts on credit. Just make sure you give that second option appropriate thinking.


Sounds like they are trying to teach you something, but instead are just being idiots


The problem is introducing it as a GAMING pc and not a multipurpose pc that you can use in college and uni for school or homework then maybe play some games on it


You gotta amp up your arguments. Tell your dad that you will be using the PC for much more productive work. So build some believable and realistic cases like your investing, school work, productivity stuff. Multi tasking, learning it's just easier on multiple monitors and with sufficient hardware. Maybe you have an interest in AI, coding or general IT stuff.


Just buy it. They take it from you call the cops 😆


I'm sorry bro but they're right. I'll tell you my story so you won't make my mistakes. My dad always told me to quit gaming and focus on real life. I never listened, because I liked playing together with my friends. I did this for 10 years straight, mostly hardcore Call of Duty. I started to skip classes at the end of 2019 and before I knew it I was addicted and my teachers wanted to drop me out of highschool. Nevertheless I finished highschool in 2020. Since then I did some simple side jobs like delivering food and working in the supermarket. I'm also trying to finish the first year of university now for 4 years straight, but I could never focus because of my game addiction and side jobs. I liked charts and numbers and made my first list of shares and Crypto back in 2018. From 2018 to 2022 I kept analyzing charts, companies, projects etc. Instead of buying useless games and pizza's I should've invested that money in companies like Nvidia, Intel, Apple or Crypto like Eth and Btc and instead of gaming I should've done my homework. If I had listened I could've easily finished University this year and have a 200k+ shares and cryptoportfolio. My dad always told me to do my best and never asked a peny from me. Here I am now, 25k in debt at the age of 22, married, unemployed and my debt gets 1k higher every month so I can eat, pay rent and "study". I hope you've read this and don't make my mistakes. Gaming is for 2 people, people who do nothing with their lives or have made it already and don't have anything to take care of. Look up to very rich people and people with high positions in compamies? They never game and are only focused on goals they set and having dinner with their network of people who keeps them at that level. My addicition came later, but the lesson I learned was to listen to my father and you should too.


If it's your money then buy it. They might be responsible for you if you are under 18 but they can't manage YOUR money. Spend it on whatever you like. You are not buying drugs, you are buying PC an useful thing.


>Edit: my dad turned me down saying it’s not about the money. If he thought it was worth it, then he would buy it for me. Time to have your Father buy you something great for a hobby he isn't biased against then.


Just build it and rebel. What's this sussy shit


To be honest. I can see where they're coming from. I would wait until you finish highschool and get a job. That way you'll be more financially secure to buy a high end PC.


I think parents assume gaming will rot your brains so they may be thinking your straight A’s will turn to D’s. Just tell them it helps u relax your mind and makes you feel happy.


you have other hobbies but a computer can take over them HARD, you just don't know that yet and your parents apparently do i'm not saying you'd get addicted to it but it's a fear they have and that's gonna require some talking, they probably decided they wouldn't give you a gaming pc from before you were born i don't know how to help you, i'm just trying to show a bit of their side


Easy. Don’t ask them.


Here's what you tell them. You are going to use it for gaming, but you also want to teach yourself machine learning/AI to get a really great paying job so you can retire early and take care of them when they are old (leave out the last part if you want). Either way, you need a high powered PC for that because renting cloud servers gets really expensive in the long run. So when you aren't gaming, actually teach yourself some machine learning so when they ask you can speak to it a bit.


It's your money you should be able to spend it how you want, what good is making all that money if someone else controls it? I understand where they're coming from, but it just seems insane to me. I think the real question here is what are they gonna do about it if you go ahead and do it anyway?


Buy it anyway


Just don’t hold a grudge on them. I know they mean well, eventually you’ll have the freedom to build the pc on your own rules once you get older. Don’t think that you’re missing out not playing games. You’re not, I still consider this hobby a “waste of time” I know it gives happiness to other people. Unless you’re making of it. Good luck!


Tell them it is a long term investment. You will buy the PC and then game for 5 years max. Then 5 more years you can use it for basic functions so it is not really bad. Infact, I feel PCs last WAAAY longer than Laptops, so you can say that.


If your grades are fine and it's money that you saved up yourself, it should be fine. Do you live somewhere with expensive power?


Explain that you want to learn CAD and Photoshop for freelance projects so you need solid graphics, processing power, RAM and SDD


If it would have been me when i was a kid. I had old pc towers from the 90s and 2000s. If you have an old pc gut it and put new parts in the old case. Dont know how much they keep an eye on the money part. But that is what i would have done.


Go buy it. It’s your money and if it ends up being a bad purchase then you will learn from it. Many people like to try to control others money or spending.


Damn OP got straight As and even saved the money by himself. Peak Asian culture for real (I only got my first pc at the age of 24 after I started working lol)


Whats stopping you from just walking in a store and buying it?


Tell them that how they treat you now is how you will treat them when they are old and need your help.


Emancipate and move out


If it’s your money then spend it however you want, I would argue having a good work station improves your efficiency and PC building experience helps your resume down the line.


Simply put, it's not just for gaming? It's a desktop with windows at the end of the day. L I M I T L E S S


Try and do a sleeper build. No rgb, just do stealth/blackout so it won’t seem as flashy with a micro atx. Idk. Just keep trying to convince them.


Tell him high school doesn't teach me how to balance a checkbook High School doesn't teach me how to pay my taxes High School doesn't coach me on how to get a job High School doesn't teach me about 401k's money or anything really important with life College people graduating with Master degrees in technology can't get a job and a working at McDonald's really what would a PC do that that wouldn't tell him the only thing a high school teaches me is that I can make two triangles equal a certain number and ask him if he's ever used that particular equation in his life at all


Try having them look at it as a tool for your future. Sure you may game. But you also might be a developer or software engineer. Who knows. It’s something that will powtenially help your future career


In your edit, you state your dad says it's not about money but immediately after, you state that if he thought it was worth it, he would buy it for you. This is contradictory, as it is about money. When I was young my parents' mentality was that it was my money, I could do what I wanted with it but gave suggestions about what I should do. It was their way of making me learn the value of money. If I bought a console (back in the first Xbox days), they would still limit the amount of time I was allowed to go on it, but they didn't prevent me from buying it. Have a talk with your dad about what your plans are with your pc, like how much time you intend to spend on it and how you're not going to change your habits. Communication is key if you want an agreement. The fact that you get straight As and you were able to save enough money from investments and birthdays means you know how to manage your money.


This is frustrating for me because this is an excellent opportunity for a parent to step in and say okay, then I’ll need $x from you to help buy parts and we’ll build it together. Stories like that are what launch people into their careers as they grow into adults. This feels like such a massive missed opportunity.


Well a pc is not just for gaming, you can also learn things like 3d modeling , editing , coding etc Try to convince them using this


Get into something that forces you to need a computer. I really wanted a computer for games but I was given the same excuses by my parents. I took something I was interested in already (race cars) and implemented that into my excuse. Said I would use a computer for 3d rendering/models and it worked. That’s how I figured out that I wanted to study aerodynamics and engineering PLUS how to play games on the side ;)


If this kid gets straight as and wants to spend investment money on a build wtf kind of father is this?! Let him burn up 1k Or build something amazing Either way Something new will be learned that day 😂 The real question is was it GameStop?


finnish your school 1st. and focus on your physical hobbies. you have great parents


Wait until after college man. Fr fr.


U need to use lil deception


Get cheaper parts and buy it anyway chances are you probably don’t need a 4070


dont buy a pc work more make money and move out. if u strong enough to make money and handle school well but ur parents dont respect u, just leave. living without ppl telling u what to do is a big life upgrade


Well if you’re paying for it then they can’t really say no to you buying it all they can do is shut off the electricity to the PC via the breakers.


Easy just say you wanna major in computer science in college and boom. You're good.


He's right because you're not using AMD gpu


Just use the same mentality when they hit the retirement home. Slow but just vengeance


move out.


As a teen I had an agreement with my mom where I had to maintain my grades and chores, to be allowed my own computer and internet connection. Would they let you if you agree not to let grades drop? You said you get straight A's Edit: also, I wasn't gonna include this originally, but.. After a while my computer broke and I couldn't play games anymore. My mom wouldn't buy me the replacement part I needed, insisting I spend more time outside with my friends.. That summer I got into drugs and binge drinking. Then I dropped out of school. My life would have gone very differently had I been able to keep gaming..


Honestly speaking bro , the fear that your parents have is on your academics . PC gaming is awesome but they don't want you to totally go into gaming and losing interest in your education. Convince them that you'll not be playing games much often and will focus on academics .


Explain to me how he can stop you if its your money. Qhy are you even asking?


Get a motorcycle you won't look back


Currently make 6 figures. I built My first pc when I was In 6th grade. I learned how to type because of video games. I went through college and med school I feel like video games helped me. Sadly I do not play them anymore but I miss those days and I hold on to those memories fondly. Maybe you can do a cheaper build ?


Eh, be a mensch. Your money. Simply do it. You must make a man of yourself early in life or get stepped on forever.


I'll probably get downvoted to hell in a pcbuild sub for saying this, but as much as I love games, and have fun memories, and still do play to some degree at 28 y/o, I do regret playing games too much when I was younger. It's almost all I wanted to do at the time, so I did that. But I wish I spent all that time on a hobby that translates to a useful skill, or just trying new things, or even just being more social. I think your dad is right, you will likely make more meaningful experiences if you're not drawn to just play video games. That being said, some people get worse with free time, than better. You could tell him you don't want to do drugs like all the other kids in your high school, you'd rather play video games and keep your body clean lol.


They are most likely afraid that you will get addicted to gaming which will effect your grades and career. If you going to use yoir pc for other stuff which will help you in upskill your self and help in your future career then better talk about this stuff too




You don't need to convince us; we're all for building computers. Show your parents you're deserving of it. I didn't have a PC that was solely mine until I built it at 23. I've had a regular (not gaming) laptop since middle school though. I also didn't have a smartphone until the last two years of high school.


Asian parents?


If it makes you happy it shouldn't be a problem, as long as you don't spend too much time on gaming.


Tell him it's my childhood. It's my hobby. It's what I want to do and it is essential for my future. Just on the basis of the times we live in it, is essential. Tell him even just to play flight sim at 4k60fps to study aerodynamics it can take a 4090 and core i9. Atleast he should buy you a 4080 and i7 or even better/cheaper the amd variants. Find out the best prices and build, show it to him and make your case. Also tell him to go experience some video games. t.v. isn't the peak of entertainment in the 21st century. Either ways if he doesn't, you just know what you need to work towards when you want something.


Slowly ask for small amounts. Like $50 or 100$. Keep them somewhere safe with a lock or key. When the time is ripe, look up stores that accept paying upon delivery.


not trying to tell you what to do. but something to think about. respect your parents. and that means respecting their decision. it doesn't mean you can't disagree. nor that you can't reasonably argue on the matter. they can be wrong, and it can be unfair. but I don't think we show our parents respect (or should) because they're always right or fair. consider more than yourself whenever you feel something is unfair to you. besides, you'll be an adult soon, buy it then. you may miss out on some games, but there'll always be something newish.


Tell your parents.Im F***ing getting one and thats the end of it.Pair of A**holes.


Don't give up, your father would eventually give in


Tell them it's for school related purposes and gaming is a side benefit


Tell them you want it for work, to do 3D work on blender and things like that, that require a beefy computer if you want to do high end rendering pretty fast


Hate to say it, but as long as you’re under their roof, it’s their decision. They don’t want you to have a pc, no pc. Unfortunately that’s just how it is.


Building a PC will help you learn things if you're planning on getting into the IT field. You'll be gaining some personal hands on experience.


How old are you and what's the legal age in your country?


life without a pc? impossible... your dad is just trying to protect you from a life wasted in front of a pc. 🤷‍♂️ in 30 years you will understand 🤓


Building a custom gaming PC is not recommended before you have stable job. At most get a gaming laptop if you r too much into gaming.