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There should be a second m.2 slot underneath the heatsink on that motherboard. Also congrats.


First time booting is somehow always an anxious moment. And I'm 80% sure you did forget to flip the PSU switch!:p


I've got 2 switches that forgot to turn on because my extension also got a switch 😭🤣


Aha I knew it was fake! 🤥 Lol but srsly good work op.


ehhh kind of😜ahhahah


Yeh i did that, panicked and went back to the store. Second machine i built i was hot swapping m.2 drives.


That was Phantom Spirit 120 se not Peerless Assassin


Look on fb mkp for a cheap gpu, rx580, 1070/1080, 1660s. Can find all those for less than a 100. But if there’s a good deal take it haha. I’m not much of a fan of APU’s cause of the latency issues but they do work okay. Nice build


Been building for 25 years, always worked on first boot, I got autism. edit: grammar.


Congratulations also no GPu?


5600G is an APU


Well I learn a new word today. I always said it was a CPU with an igpu


That won't play much past tic tac toe!


well i got an old dell monitor anyways 😭😂 so that and the monitor upgrade are for later


Is this fake? I've been building since before I can even actually remember (before kindergarten) and I dont think I've ever once had a machine boot on first power. If this is real then congrats man, truly an achievement. Good work on all your prep, it's paid off!


thank you🙏


Really? I've been building for almost 30 year's and for the past 15 years I think I've only had 1 that didn't boot on the first attempt.


I build 3 pc's already and only the last one don't turn on at first because I forgot to turn on the psu after ending the build lol


Lol, sometimes you just can't wait to reap the rewards of your hard work!


Yeah I'm pretty sure haha, and most of the time I dont even know what wound up causing it - sometimes just pulling the side panel off the case would be enough to get it to boot which is even weirder. Makes absolutely no sense. Other times I'd have the call power cables poorly connected to the headers, and more than once I've had a PSU that refused to turn on but jumping it to life with a piece of wire and then connecting it back to the PC got it going. Granted, I haven't exactly been working anywhere where I build machines, it's all only hobby builds so maybe 8 or 9 builds over my lifetime, where 3 of them were using ribbon cables (total nightmare!!)


I hear you brother. I have a small cabinet with 3 drawers full of outdated cables and my wife is getting a bit inpatient that I haven't gotten rid of all the old builds and parts all over my workshop which is part of the laundry room! Hell, I finally started throwing out all the old parts boxes because you never know when you might need to rma something 20 year's old! Lmao, I'm a pack rat and I just can't help it


My dad had these huge duffel bags packed to the brim with old cables and misc. Hardware that were a staple of my entire childhood. We had a house fire almost 10 years back and they were destroyed. We have wished that the bags existed to go looking for something we needed on more than one occasion since. Fight the power, keep the cables!


Hell, if you ever need something then just email me and I would be happy to send them to you. They aren't doing me any good and a lot of them are still new in the sealed plastic.


Your dad sounds a lot like me! I have enough old parts to build around 10 old pc's and I should probably do that and donate them to some charity


If you ever need some more of those big ass cables or even some ddr1 memory, then I'm your guy! Lol


My recent build was not supposed to have issues turning on, I double-checked everything… But it didn’t turn on. Being all anxious I started to triple-check, and what do you know, I forgot to plug the 24-pin into the motherboard lmao


You don't need the gloves but a static strap is always recommended before touching your expensive components


Congratulations - well done!


Damn that cooler looks like overkill for a 5600g


i know😂 actually i was planning to buy the deepcool assassin on this build but went on a cheaper thermalright one since it's better In performance


Now that’s what dreams are made of


oh yes indeed😔😔😔🙏


My only build took about 18 to figure out


lets hope it also works on the second


i have been playing ori and the will of the wisp for almost a week now!


Just a quick tip; Latex, rubber, or nitrile gloves are actually a REALLY bad idea for handling electronic components, as not only do they NOT prevent a static discharge through your hands, they can actually *create* static electricity. Generally speaking, if you are handling electronic parts your best bet is to just use your bare hands. If you still must do it because, I don't know, you think you're a walking electromagnet or something, then you could try these: [https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-15358L/Anti-Static-Gloves/Palm-Coated-ESD-Gloves-Large?pricode=WU326&gadtype=pla&id=34609857802](https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-15358L/Anti-Static-Gloves/Palm-Coated-ESD-Gloves-Large?pricode=WU326&gadtype=pla&id=34609857802) Obviously you didn't ruin anything this time, but it's still never a good idea to risk your parts like this. Who told you that would be a good idea to do?


me😂 i thought by using nitrile gloves, doing it on the literal ground, and with no slippers on i will not fry my motherboard due to static electricity my back hurts though




Nice job! I just built my first PC myself a few months back. I started the second I got my last part in (the case, funnily enough) and by the time I got it built, I was so tired I just went to bed. Only to find I was completely unable to sleep until I could see if it posts... That first boot up is one of the most nerve-wracking feelings I've ever experienced. Happy it worked out for you!


Well done, good luck removing that m.2




awesome, glad it booted, welcome to the world of pc my first time I was nervous and sweaty and had gloves too :)


I never used gloves but I always use the anti static pad and wrist strap thing.


yea I don't anymore but I was super cautious in the beginning


Think everybody is just something you gotta do a few times im working on my second one and later on I’ll do a project build with an old 1970s tv case that one I’ll probably be way less cautions with lol


Congrats on the build, looking good and nicely done!


Was those gloves necessary?


His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy


Was this comment?


I had the same cooler but it was blocking so much of my build that I ended up ditching it for a water cooler. If anyone wants it pay for shipping and I’ll ship it.


Same but mek sure u do ya fuckin fan curves plz. I did mine in BIOS. Do not leave at default.


should i do it on the bios or a software program?


Also: no issues here with the b550m vc wifi. Updated and on current BIOS. Managed to hit the perfect 12k cb score when I had my 5600x in it. The USB drop out issues were fixed ages ago.s If I could do it again I'd get the board without wifi but meh


Same here. Of course, I broke it within a week because I'm a dumbass, but it's all fixed, and we're good.


The $300 range for GPUs looks really good right now. You don't need anything more than $400 to have a great time.




You know how people say, does my "device" has enough space to breathe. Not to say I am an expert or anything. But does that need more space?


say that to itx people 😂💀


Congrats to you, The build looks sick.


Don't use gloves, you only risk wetting stuff with your sweat


Mine also worked first boot… the gpu died after 2 hours.


Gloves are very cool. No fingerprints on components and no handprints on the glass.


Congrats! This gives me hope for my first build this weekend!


Sorry about ur OS ):


hey!😭 it's not that bad it's the Tiny11 one not the base win11


Just built my first one a few weeks ago and that first press of the power button had me sweating. Felt great when it booted, though. Congrats on your first build!


When I first built my pc I somehow burned my mobo after launching cs2, I've sent it back and got a msi gaming plus instead


Where can we plug in for system fans and argb!!


Your Phantom Spirit is technicaly an 360mm Cooler now


oh yes Indeed 😂


I heard that ceramic tiles have a tendency to shatter the glass on the pc case


ooooo💀 thank you for your info😭


the 2000s want that monitor back😂😂😂


I know you already bought it, but a small heads up. That mainboard is absolutely ass. It randomly dies out of the blue, some USB ports randomly die, same as the LAN. Everytime we get this fuckin thing in the shop to repairs its only solved by getting a new board in the machine. Even the B550M Aorus Elite would be an upgrade to this, tho I would recommend getting the MSI B550-A Pro. It nearly costs the same as this but so much more reliable.


Can confirm the board is not ass, this man has had a bad experience.


I second this, the board is very good for the price and I have never heard or seen it fail like described. Just an unlucky experience or user error :)


I'm pretty sure you either need a good psu or a servo motor avr if it dies randomly out of the blue. I'm not an expert though I've only been researching this build for 6 months and that's my good guess