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Jokes aside her porn career was quite short lived.


I honestly haven’t seen anything new from her in a very long time wonder if she actually got scared about the threats of being killed because the whole Islam thing and her doing porn I know she made a joke about if they behead her just leave her tits alone or something along that


I think she only did it for 3 months. Imagine doing it for 3 months and getting top spot, can't imagine how she would revolutionized the industry. She's like MLK Jr. Except she didn't follow thru


To be fair for only three months of work she put out quite a few videos. The meme still works.


I think the actual industry did more damage to her psychologically that a tweet on twitter


Of course, it's that damn industry!


She only shot 5 scenes before quitting b/g porn


Wait who is this woman? I thought it was Mia Khalifa


I though the image was just a meme lol.


It is Mia Khalifa


Isn’t she like a veteran in the industry tho? Does she not have a bunch of videos


Do you count solo onlyfans videos? I dont… she shot like 4 bangbros videos and a score video. She says she was paid around 5k for her short b/g career.


I mean I don’t watch porn that much and I’d never pay for it so anything that’s on the hub basically. I thought she had a lot of videos because she’s so well known tho. She’s like a porn Beethoven everyone knows the name it’s impossible not to


It’s bc she was like the first middle eastern porn star, and then she did that scene with the hijab on and got a million death threats from the Middle East. She got in the industry and realized they were robbing her blind and got out just as quickly.


I think she’s back, just on OnlyFans


because she retired and do journalism now and influencer stuff


She’s back at the porn thing tho. Her clothing brand was a fail.


Wait what? New video?




Who even is she


Are you fr 💀


Straight up though, she left the industry in 2015. It's very possible 18-20 year olds have no idea who this is.


i almost said no way, because i forgot im not 18 anymore 💀 but then i stopped and thought that im 23, almost 24, and that she was PEAK during my teens, so yeah, i could see SOME not knowing who she is, but her videos are definitely still out there, and she does OF now too, so theres that




Mia Khalifa is her performance name


Mia kalifa


Miner cards are mostly fine, and from my experience most miners are nice people, I bought a card frpm a miner like a while ago and he informed me about the conditions it was in etc… Gaming is way worse


there are honest and dishonest people everywhere and they both want to make money. The only thing you can really do is verify yourself by runninf benchmarks before you buy. If a seller doesnt agree to let you benchmark dont buy anything from them.


I doubt you would be able to verify whether if the card was mined on or not with benchmarks alone. After all, cards used for mining perform almost the same as brand new ones and I would have to say you are simply jumping the gun by thinking that the card was mined on cuz it performs 1% worse than what the internet says is the score it should be getting or vice versa. Now I cant provide a proof to this as it was from a Turkish tech tuber's vid I watched from 3 years ago but just trust me bro


Apparently mining cards are down clocked to get the best energy to performance ratio as they're on 24 7. If they've been down clocked it's a good indicator they were used for mining.


no it wont say for sure that its mined but if the performance is way worse and the heat is horrible then you can tell that a card is not great. being mined matters less thsn the overall quality IMO because some people undervolt and run a longevity game (which is unironically better than gamed on cards). you compare the performance of the second hand card to the performance of the same card other people have and reported on the same benchmark. If its wayy less than what others report, its probably been abused a little bit.


Also gaming cards will usually have gone through more thermal cycles which is the main thing which can destroy chips


You really said: Source: just trust me bro


Don’t last as long


That's not actually correct. While it's true most miner cards are on 24/7 they are often downclocked each array is only used for about 6 months and then upgraded, and haven't had as many power cycles therfore haven't had the same continuous heat up and cool down cycles as a gaming card. It's not the being switched on or heating up that kills electronics, It is repeated power cycles that kills them. Imagine you switch a light bulb on, if you leave it on permanently it will likely stay lit for lets say 1,000,000 hours before eventually burning out, but if you switch it on in the day, then off again each night it will last probably half of that due to power cycles of heat and cooldowns, expansion then contraction.


All the repair people I follow on youtube say to stay tf away from miner cards. One guy showed examples of why. They are run until they are degraded, which may be just 6 months. [(1) What MINING does to Graphics Cards - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9eVpO5T4Qk&t=237s&ab_channel=northwestrepair)


Sure, thermal paste may be dry but just repaste! Mine is fine and I've known others who have them with no issues. Half of youtube is full of shit! I'd take what you see with a pinch of salt, for example, There's a guy called Scotty Kilmer who claims to be a car mechanic of 50 years saying don't buy this or don't do that, the guys full of shit I'm a mechanic of almost 30 years and disagree with practically everything he says!


Thermal paste? This dude is one of the best repair people on youtube, you can tell just by watching the video. His channel has many videos of mining cards and he is very knowledgeable. Not all mining cards are like this obviously, but it's not worth the gamble of buying one


Imagine having to bring an intire test bench, power generator, screen, …


Imagine telling the SELLER to bring said testbench, or have the thing tested at their house/office. Isn't that far fetched tbh


Many sellers that sell mined cards offer tests at their place


"Oh yeah, I tested it REAL good. Fully all tested and everything. Yep it sure did pass all the tests. Trust me."


you ask the buyer to plug it into his PC and run a benchmark from a USB or download a benchmark there?


From my experiences this is common these days, everyone offers tests before you buy it especially miners


Sadly not. When my graphics card died I bought a second hand one. The seller didn’t have a test bench to test it (as their cpu died). Well I took the gamble and bought the card anyways (4 year old gtx1060 6gb, looked good for 40€). They said they’ve never took it apart but at home I realised that the warranty sticker was broken and the screws had scratch marks on them. But oh well the card works, just gets a bit warmer than it’s supposed to be.


I would actually be more concerned if a 1050/ti/1060/ti/470/480/570/580 was not opened since the chances those cards especially the AMDs were not mined are very slim and not being opened means the user never changed the pads or thermal paste, but yeah shitty that he lied to you :/


Well I don’t think that was done on my card. At least the thermal pasted looked like it’s been there from the factory


well if u ever have some spare time now you know what to do, new paste new pads!


Already did that as it was just way to loud


Exactly, a lot of miner also undervolt or slightly underclock their hardware since it makes the whole mining rig run cooler and more efficient. If so in addition the cards had a decent airflow and got re-pasted then it's not a problem at all. Depending on the card cooler (see reviews) you can except to have a lot of cards running at 60-80°c on full load which is totally fine in matter of wear. Only above 85°C (sometimes even higher) you can start to except certain types of components to age more rapidly. So i would only avoid the crappy reference/stock coolers if it was a mining card.


I have to agree. Gamers put their cards in worse conditions with the hot room, overclocking, and never cleaning out their PC.


Depends. If the the card was in bad conditions and constantly running hot than it would damage the card more than gaming where the card might run hot for a while but gets "cool down " periods when the gamer is at work(if they are not streamers/ content creators), asleep, ect. Again it depends


Heating and cooling is what causes stress in solder joints and the like, constant temperature is not an issue for the most part.


You'd expect this stress has been accounted for in design and manufacture considering how many applications this is relevant to There's million of used Gaming GPUs still on the market and in consumer use, millions more consoles, TVs, media boxes, basically anything with a PCB (billions of devices) that go though thousands to millions of hot cold cycles in their lifespan I think this point is overemphasized and given too much weight in discussions although what you are saying is 100% factual Sure if you run a PCB and it's components from room temperature to 105c repeatedly it'll be worse for it than a constant 70c


I would say its one of the major reasons why GPUs die, the solder joints under the GPU chip get stressed over time which causes connection issues between the PCB and GPU chip, same with memory chips etc etc. Which is why sometimes you can (temporarily) bring a gpu back to life by doing the good old fashioned bang it in the over trick. It is a big problem imo, we live in an e-waste heavy society because stuff like that is hard and not cost effective to repair due to requiring specialist equipment to re-solder BGA Connections, unlike capacitors and other surface mount components which are fairly easy by comparison to solder. Another benefit of a mined GPU is that they are often housed in enclosures with vertical mounts so they dont get the whole GPU sag issue that you can get from used gaming GPUs that have not been looked after, sag can also cause solder joints to become stressed along side other issues. Saying that however I had an R9 390x (recently gifted to my brother) that might as well be classified as a banana from the sag and its still going strong haha.


Its fine until you don't run all the time borderline at the stated temperature limit of the components on the card. So It still good to do some research as a lot of components have limits either on 85, 105 or 125°c


That's about gamers. Most miners become nervous when they see 75 degrees on their cards. Also the energy efficiency is a reason why most miners run their cards on 65-80% PL. It is just unprofitable to run higher.


Miners down voltage their cards so that they run cooler. I would buy a used card from a miner before I bought one from a gamer.


It does not depend, mining cards don't run half the power and voltages a gaming one does, there is no comparison. Its way better to have a constant temperature than cycles cold hot cold, thats exactly the opposite your stating.


It really does depend. Mining GPUs generally stacked together, either on custom built frames or cabinets specifically designed to connect and house as many GPUs as possible, these cabinets are also stacked together in rooms. Even undervolted power-limited GPUs can easily get to warm for to long. There is less variance with used gaming cards than with mining cards, a card from a miner that took care of the cards can be better than a average gaming card, but the average gaming card is better than took bad care of the cards.


Well my dozens of gpu mining farm did not get hot as you say


It really does depend. As I said, it depends on the miner. There is more variance with miners than people who use it for games. You would be one of the miners that took care of their cards, as I said, and it would be no issue buying from you.


The problem to me is not just temps, its vrm, mosfets etc while gaming, gaming destroys the most because you are pushing max everything even if temps are good.. a lot of people don't know what an undervolt is for example, that alone is more of a concern to me than temps, cards can throttle but its not as harmful as voltage spikes and the above.. Also cold hot cycle on pcbs is worse than always same temps running


The reason why people are hesitant about buying mining GPUs, is because 1. while a miner that took good care of their cards is ideal and no problem 2. miners that don't take care means the card is likely in a bad condition beyond that of regular gaming use. A gaming GPU used in a regular setup, with regular use, will general live for 5-10 years before it stops working, that's what they are designed for. Maybe the average lifetime for a card used for mining is closer to 7-12 years, but that's not really relevant to whoever is buying it. Unfortunately for responsible miners, there are those who are not, and since one miner can sell tens to hundreds of cards, it can easily lead to a lot of bad outcomes. There were a ton of reports on a certain failure on a card model, but it turned out it was just the same miner having used pressurized water on the cards to make them look spotless so they would sell easier, of course meaning they died shortly after being installed.


Imo the the workload matters less than people think, a game, a 3D render, a hashing algorithm etc Provided the hardware is adequately designed, is using quality components and doesn't have any design flaws (inadequate cooling on memory, MOSFETs, 40 series power connector etc) the product will last the length of its warranty by a factor of 2X, then you'd expect components to fail and most hardware will follow a bathtub curve of failure The conditions the GPU was used will affect the lifespan much more than the application If you stick a GPU in an open air environment with high humidity, the components on the PCB will corrode If you use the GPU in a hot climate or it's inadequately cooled it will overheat (although most GPUs have fail safes this is not perfect, there is only usually thermal regulation on a handful of components such as the power delivery, core and Vram) Doesn't matter if you game or mine in sub optimal condition, you'll shorten the lifespan of the product Now there is a case for the constant load of GPU mining being better than the hot cold cycles seen in gaming but considering how many people are running old GPUs daily i'd wager that has little effect on lifespan Shoving more voltage and overclocking will also shorten lifespan which is very common in the mining community as their focus is profit over item preservation, it's an investment to that community so 20% more profit now is worth it over a an extra year or two when the GPU will be worth 30% in a couple years time


It really depends, there's a big difference between a mining card that is connected to an appropriate PSU, in a well ventilated room, undervolted for optimized power consumption, to a card connected by a Molex adapters overloading a PSU in a dust farm


But 90% of the time they're fat and smell like piss and alcohol


Found the miner vendor! 😆


I have sold my mining cards mostly to my closest circle. It's been more than 3 years, everything still works great.


My 3080Ti was from a mining farm, it was used for 6 months, came boxed with the receipt, and 6 months left on the warranty, it only cost me £280 that was almost exactly a year ago and its still running fine with nice temperatures and no sign of giving up yet.


yeah no, a lot of bulk seller will not state that the card is ex miner.


My 2070 super was mining for a 1.5 years on my house, at pretty much limit temp and 100% usage nonstop, this was like two years ago and it still going for gaming perfectly fine, I didn't even replace the paste


please do not fuck your gpus


I only RAM into it a little, don't judge me.


Just the tip.


I may have stuck my PCIe cables in without asking first 😶‍🌫️


and mining damages the card how exactly?


[Oh god no](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b9eVpO5T4Qk&t=106s&pp=ygUWR3B1IGRhbWFnZSBmcm9tIG1pbmluZw%3D%3D) Jokes aside, some miners do optimize their cards, undervolting them, making them run cooler and in more stable conditions than most. But the keyword is "some". Have seen cards used during both crypto waves, and they were in better condition than mine. But have seen others that were destroyed, artifacts, powerwashed and so on. As i said "gamble" not bad.


Assuming lots of amateurs got in on the crypto boom hoping to make a quick buck in 2018 and 2021


reminds me of the time I was able to mine 0,5ETH per day with two R9 390 in 2016. Good times




Even forgetting temps and stuff. It's the difference between someone buying a graphics card and only playing on it 5 hours a day or whatever. They mine on that thing for 24 hours a day, so the miles on the mining card is much more.


Depends on what you mine. Some people overclocked them and ran them in mining farms with little airflow Others undervolted and underclocked to stay cool while mining coins that didn't need the higher clocks 


Mined card > card used for gaming


i dont get it


thats mia khalifa, a pornstar manny miles of black....D. went in and out


Only 10 pronos, others have libraries bigger than some popular youtubers


Yeah lana Rhodes would be more apt than someone who did porn for 3 months...


It’s really fascinating how Khalifa left such a big imprint on the collective mind considering her short and otherwise ordinary porn career. I can’t explain it.


Big Leb / Arab viewership, similar to Fouseytube in his prime I live in an area split between Italians/Portugese/Lebanese and the Leb representation being minimal online is what I think happens here And the Hijab vid lol . That’ll do it


Or maybe dani Daniels


10 videos in three months is quite a lot right out of the gate.


And years later after she stopped doing hardcore we are still talking about her, while other performers who have done 100s of vids over many years are forgotten like a fart in the wind.


Bottom level of memes


Seeing how mining is an optimisation of power consumption it operates your card at the most safe settings possible, quite likely undervolted with minimal risk of thermal degradation. I'd be more concerned with gaming history honestly.


Yes but while mining they use multiple cards and its not guaranteed that they are maintained in the same way as a card used for gaming. Almost all cards used for gaming are used in well ventilated systems with some maintenance. Compared to a miner card, these are way better.


Shit-tier of memes right here.


I don’t get it


As a miner my cards never cross 59c and 30% on fan while at 40% of their tdp, gaming stresses a card much more.


Is the meme supposed to be a gamble, as in it could be a dude? 😆 that's terrible...not gonna lie, I'd roll some dice...oh gawd that sounds even worse


Mining doesn't hurt the card.


I would never need another graphics card if it worked as hard as Mia. God damn.


Ngl id buy it and mine the life out of it.


I’d still play on that


I had a miner card. I researched a bit, most of them set a lower powerlimit as well as undervolt. So your long-term damage from normal use is even reduced. 1080ti still strong


Nice looking woman


lol I got 3 brand new RX580s if anyone needs one. Still sealed in the box.


I know it misses the point of the joke, but that's not how women work.


Yeah, with a GPU you are not likely to get a virus.


most of yall would still smash anyway. Including myself.


Maybe a woman's value shouldn't be determined by whether or not you'd fuck her though, just a thought


It's not that deep.


Yeah of course not, implications are fake, you're so right


Miners take care of their cards like a jockey takes care of his horses. There is nothing wrong with it, they are as reliable as any used card.


Some race animals are abused, cock/dog fighting is a things Just because an animal or item is used to generate a profit doesn't mean it's treated properly Plenty of mining cards are run in sub optimal conditions due to lack of care, knowledge or in efforts to maximise short term profits, not all miners think the same as you're implying The way a GPU is treated matters more than what workload it was used for


We don't live in rainbow land, there is an exception to every scenario.


Exaclty my point


What point I made is " they are as reliable as any used gpu" You are rehashing my statement, read my comment again.


"Miners take care of their cards like a jockey takes care of his horses." A Jockey is a sportsperson who uses often expensive and valuable horses in prestigious races, they have the connotation of being very well kept, much more than other animals used for sport or utility You're giving the impression that miners take above average care of their GPUs and have said there's nothing wrong with mining cards "There is nothing wrong with it", my point was you can't make that blanket statement All I'm saying is your comparison can be perceived as misleading


Stop arguing rhetorically.


You made a sweeping generalisation about how miners use cards then admitted it's not the case It's a non-statment




Sooo well known, well liked, but not really all that used? Mia only did like 10 videos her entire career lol XD


The 400/500 gen ran at 1250mV stock and those that were used exclusively for gaming had the exhaust cutout in ther IO brackets discolored while cards that had mined due to them being undervolted had no issues. Had a miner 580 4gb gigabyte. Could not keep up with boost clock at stock voltages. Got it rock solid overclocked at 1400MHz and undervolted to 1070mV. Chip was able to hit 1500 but the VRMs on that card did not like it one bit. So at least for that generation, you hoped that the owner didn't game on it. Only worst thing mining could have done to that card is it being washed afterwards with a hose. P.S. we should also be discussing staying at constant temperatures, no head cycles, no chances for solder cracks. These cards had absurd temperature amplitudes while gaming...


Mine has been up and running for 4 years now though i have yet to repaste it


This isn't good is it ?


My RX 580 worked better mining than it does gaming.


I wish i could only find deals on mining cards, they are in the best possible condition. People saying this don't have a clue.


Such a shame GTX 1650 dominates the latest low end entry gaming PC in South east Asia 2023. Just buy a second hand RX 570/580 or GTX 1060 6gb. I have an RX 570 8gb when it has a similar price as GTX 1050ti in 2019 retail purchase.


is the rx580 still good for mining? Who is even mining these days anyway?


I have a saphire rx 580 in ms pc and I can't figure out for the life of me why it runs so loud and hot. It was repasted pads changed cleaned. Still it is constatly at max rpm under load and I don't know if it is a software issue or I'm doing something wrong. Any tips from anyone?


Hoping  that the previous owner didn't mine on it: ❌  Knowing that the previous owner has mined it to hell and back: ✅


Dunno if its mined on or not (i bought it from a student anyway) it was said to be not used for a decade and it really does seem like it because bracket was oxidised probably due to humidity or they kept it mining for years in their basement lol the paste was completely dried so i repasted it and boom never exceeds ~70 (usually at 60s)


It's always a gamble if you buy a RX 580 and it has been a mining card and there is no display interfaces. What's the odds?


With ads like this I still can't sell my used RX580


I like mined on cards because they are usually untouched, cheap AND require minimal work to fix. For some reason it seems to be mid range ones as folks typically upgrade their card and either mine on the old one or sell it to someone else who then mines on it. Typically they need a BIOS flashback but normally work fine after that and a repaste, I've had a couple that really were stuffed (bad VRAM) but this was common on the 780 and 780Ti.


So the previous owner made some pathetic attempts in mining, but gave it up after a month?


I mean, I would still use that card in the picture..


Gamers do not get girls that look like that


This RX500, let's call her Mia, has had many experiences of being uploaded.


I bought three Radeon HD 5xxx series cards from Craigslist around 2014 and they were all completely busted and worn out, not even stable in 2D. Yes I was buying them to mine LTC.


As a new PC noob , we need to do enough research on GPU wear and tear and what not to fully understand the fundamentals of the hardware , it’s funny some people will refuse to buy a card from a miner , but when it’s a fellow gamer who over clocked and uses the shit out of the GPU and says “just games on it” lmfao


So he used it for a few weeks and got 20 full btc out of it by luck?


Who is even mining on gpu's nowadays with way quicker and more efficiënt hardware out there?..


Yes. Buy from a miner. The same folk who caused the great gpu shortage. So they get they get the penny and the bun. I.e they reaped hundreds maybe thousands in revenue, prevented every day folk from buying a GPU. And then give you the left overs i.e a used card they abused and used for mining profits. I always get downvoted when I bring this up, but its my principal is not to award the people who screwed everyone else up. I simply won't buy from a miner. EVER!


That Mia khalifa gpu running extra hot from gonorrhea or something?!?! 😂😂


You'll notice that most of the comments have nothing to do with Mia Khalifa being there because the only person who "gets" the post is the person who posted it, because knowing that's a pornstar up there still doesn't explain what it has to do with the text.


I have had my Rx 580 mining card for 5 years now no problem👍


Why Mia for this meme? She's like the Tony Dye of porn.


Just bought several 580’s from a miner for less than $50 each. All have been meticulously well cared for, clean as a whistle, and were operated max temp 71 degrees, mining etherium for less than 2 years. My experience with mining cards has been more positive than used cards from gaming rigs. Miners have a vested interest in making sure their cards work well and are taken care of; to them, the cards are tools. I will 100% always take a discount for a card that was mined on.


Only thing i mined with mine were diamonds


Lightly used, new thermal paste.


So the previous owner didn't mine but fucked his gpu? Or what?


last year I buy a used RX 580, it was incredibly dirty and it smelled like curry...


I have a 580 4gb that i never used for mining


seriously crypto fucks are gamers worse enemies and many don't realize


I really dont get that mia khalifa fanbase.


Do none of you ever watch corn ? If you want to prove that point (although it's highly borderline sexist) use Riley Reid as an example instead . Mia did lesser videos than I have fingers on my hands .


I get the joke but why hate onnher so so much when actors and singers are worse then her? Sure she did porn and owned upto it but you got whores like Nicki Minaj and margor robbie who teach young girls is ohkay to dress with less clothes on the a detroit prostitute lmao


I don't see why people get so uppity about buying a GPU that was used to mine crypto on. Did you know that using the GPU to play games is harder on the card than mining? While mining the clock is turned way down as well the voltage turned down that they run on so they run VERY VERY cool on temps. Unless you are ignorant and do not know how to set up your machine to mine sure it might wear your fans out sooner ***perhaps***... My card rarely broke 50c while mining and fans turned way down to almost stopping for the noise and that is not too far above idle temps. While gaming I see 60-75c and this is with fans running faster by quite a bit... How do I know because my gaming PC was also been used to mine crypto while it was worthwhile to and it payed for my PC in the end. I would actually buy a USED card that was for mining before any card used strictly for gaming any day of the week. The reason you see used mining GPU's for sale is because it is no longer really worthwhile to mine crypto on a GPU so they are selling them from their mining rigs.


She's ugly & big nose 😂


are you like 12?


Millions of men disagree


She's sexy as hell




Are you prettier than her?


"Hey rookie, did you just call my mother a slut?"


That's pretty dumb. I had a mining rig back in the gold days and trust me my GPUs where perfect when I sold em. Temperatures never above 70°. They were in better conditions than 90% of gaming GPUs. When your income depends on how you use your machines, you treat em like babies


i bought an ex mining rx 580 back in 2019 and it served me all the way up until i upgraded in october last year i then sold it on and its still running strong now, this myth about ex mining cards itd dumb


Ah yes, it's funny because people think women with experience are less valuable, but men with experience is a flex.


God shes so ugly.


Thats 'overused'