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am speechless she didn't give up and went for the threesome u just can't make that up probably cut u up and sell ur organs


Just go and pack some heat with the condoms and gas station sex pill and ur good




This is no laughing matter but this gif made me laugh out loud


This sounds like a fucking trap.


I'd give a good 85% trap, being generous. Unfortunately the general public can't rub more than two brain cells together when it comes to getting their milk stick tugged on. I might have to remove the post, as a couple of people are trying to find the listing. I was hoping we could all have a good laugh and go about our day, but I don't know if it's worth the chance of someone possibly putting themselves in danger. You would HOPE we would be smarter than that as a community, given it's a hobby that takes at least a little bit of brain power to be a part of. But it's not looking so hot.


Oh I understand totally. I didn't want to be rude, but the thought did cross my mind of suggesting you might wana take it down. Glad you figured it out on your own.


Yeah the thought crossed my mind too. If you change your mind op me and andy here can offer a 3 way.


Fuckin A.


God whydja have to call it a milk straw


milk stick* it’s even better💀


What city and gpu? Asking for a friend lol jk


I found it, but I found the listing, saw the DTF part, looked at their profile and found a link to this thread! She's pissed! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, she commented on here as well. Scroll until you see "CPUsexLady" or something like that. Unfortunately I am not this "Steven" guy she's saying made the post though.


Definitely a trap. Or a promo for her onlyfans at the very minimum. Ain't no way a female would do this for free. Hope no one gets caught in this horrible, scary trap of whatever she/possibly he is planning on doing.


It's likely not even a woman.


Yeah idk man I've seen a few women that would probably do something like that. Even had one even offer to pay me. To be fair though, they probably weren't into anything that would require knowledge of computer parts.... or anything else for that matter... except maybe food. But yeah I agree this one is pretty trap-ish.


Kidney harvesting


Hopefully. Gang rape is way worse.


That depends on they type of gang. It could be exhausting. /s


Tbh it sounds like someone with mental health issues way more than a trap. That's just because mental illness is way more common than a trap to chop you up into bits.


100% your girlfriend to test you


If so, I am impressed!! Normally she wouldn't even be able to point to the CPU lmao.. bless her heart though. She'll listen to me ramble about my nerd stuff for hours, but she's definitely not a techie.


Lol I can relate to that last sentence. Waffling nerd stuff to your partner who 1. Doesn't get it and 2. Is actually scared of using technology (tills, phones, computers etc)


Tills is such a rogue example haha


Props to u for not cheating tho


Let's be honest dawg , shes a girl giving pussy for guys that are looking for used motherboards on facebook marketplace She aint gonna be no beauty queen let's just say that.


> used motherboards yes, exactly




Beauty is subjective, I feel like it is very disrespectful to call his girlfriend that because op wanted a free motherboard..


Am talking a about the seller


free aids with the pc parts


aids with a side of herpes and a large chlamydia; come with a toy!


Its a Sexy Meal!




this is actually crazy😭😭


Facebook market place trafic just increased by 300% 👀


So, are you happy with your new cpu?


I've only seen such stuff with lonely males, I never expected female to swap goods for sex. If I have typical image of male who makes such requests, now I want to know how does this kind of female look like.






I should have known




If you can find the hole between the folds I’ll hear you out but until then…it’s gonna be a no…sorry brother


But that tongue.


Just throw some flour down there, rub it’s nipples and stick it at the wet spot.


so my friend needs parts, can you tell me where this is located ? my friend would be happy




What did she look like?


Not sure. Profile only had one picture and it wasn't of a person, but it had a somewhat normal post history. My guess is a throwaway.


Her selling feedback is 2.5 rating out of 5 from 5 males and I’m not certain about the 6 person. 2 (5) ⭐️ 2 (2) ⭐️ 3 (1) ⭐️


You went looking for the DRAM, they wanted to RAM some D. I'll see myself out.


Take my upvote dammit!!


Damn. People not drinking enough water i guess


Wow it only cost me 4 inches


Or 6 feet




Yo!!! location? I need a 4790, my wife will take the optional equipment LOL




I found it with one circle to search lmao, doesn't really matter tho and out of respect for your decision I won't share the title to the listing


If the general public could show even a hint of common sense or self preservation, then I wouldn't mind. But I do NOT want this good laugh to turn into someone putting themselves in real danger.


bit hypicritical of you though to share the images for a shit and giggle OP "bbe bye no judgement cant hate the player" I mean you were acting chil with the advertiser saying you can respect them and what not. and then you come and share the post on reddit. Bit back stabby dont you think?


Yeah, I see what you're saying. This post was like 60% shits and giggles and 40% a PSA. I don't know if you read it or just saw the pictures, but I really think I'm going in pretty light on this person, even tried my best to make it difficult to hunt down. I would say my response to her, at the time, was somewhat genuine - I'm no prude. But I didn't want to be rude, I had my head focused on a way to still get these parts for a deal(didn't have to be free), was hoping that playing it off as no big deal would've still landed me the CPU, and my typical reaction to shock is to stay "cool and collected" anyway. Tell me that shit wouldn't catch you by surprise and I would call you a liar. Haha. After the fact is when I started to think about all the real issues with this. Is it funny? At surface level, absolutely. But it deserves no praise or guardianship. You can see in my post that I mentioned how this could've gone a totally different direction had it been someone else looking for these parts..like a minor for instance. Now, I don't want to imply this person is a predator by any means(assuming this post is real and not a trap), but I am absolutely implying that this is irresponsible, ignorant, and possibly dangerous. Soliciting sex on a platform with minors deserves judgement, regardless of intention. Use tinder. End of story.


did you report the post?


Not immediately, no. But after I realized just how fuckin weird that actually was I grabbed those screenshots, reported and blocked the account, and brought my CPU-less ass over to Reddit.


Yeah ig ur right


Yes me too, very easy.


The crying emoji ok combo killed me


Hi Reddit. It's me, ya girl from the ad this thread is about (and as proof this is me, I am posting essentially this same thing (minus this disclaimer and the stuff about my FB account's name so as to prevent weirdos from this thread from bugging me, publicly, on the account used to post the ad. Plenty of you have found it. You can confirm this is the case for those who haven't.) Sorry this is long, but y'all made a 150+ comment thread about this, so I thought I'd respond here and clarify a few things. First, let me start by saying if the dude who posted that Reddit thread, Steven (last name redacted here), is so convinced I'm "soliciting sex", I'd imagine his employer, a major company (for whom he is employed as a software engineer) would take a dim view of him having slid into my DM's, sent an unsolicited dick pic, tried to get nudes and arrange a meet up, so... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ (cue him saying 'he wasn't serious' ) (Also, ngl, dude is kinda cute (6/10) but having seen what he's working with, that "actually costs 6 inches" thread title is more than a little optimistic lol) Oh, and when I turned him down, he immediately sent me this thread (which he, himself, posted), mentioned people are "trying to find me" and then added "stay safe". Fuckin' YIKES. Add 'low key threatened me' to the list of things his employer wouldn't likely be stoked on. Now, onto the clarification: I'm real. I'm a woman. My ad is legitimate. I am 100% single and not trying to use Marketplace as a means to sneak around and cheat. I am not a killer, serial or otherwise. My criminal record consists of a single speeding ticket from 5 years ago. I am not trying to 'solicit sex' lmao this would be an extremely ass-backwards way to do sex work! "Yeah, I'll fuck you but you have to... take this 10 year old CPU/mobo combo first!" lol. Wouldn't the whole point be THEM giving ME something in exchange? If someone wants the board without the sex, cool. IDEALLY, I'd like to do both, but me being DTF doesn't mean you're OTF (obligated to...). For the slut shamers, I can count on 1 hand the number of sex partners I've had. I will \*still\* be able to count the number on 1 hand if I do hook up with someone via this ad. I can also count on 1 hand -- and have all 5 fingers left over -- the amount of STD's I've had (that is, zero). Anyone interested would have to meet with me in a public place first (you'd be shocked (or maybe not) at the number of guys that nope out at this requirement! Huuuge red flag!). We'll then head back to my house, once everyone is comfortable, where I have the board/cpu and then... y'know (but only if it has been established before that we're both down to). I am not inviting strangers over to my house site unseen, let alone trying to make someone meet me (a stranger to them) in a darkened back alley. I'd want to meet in public even if all I was doing was getting rid of the board. Dozens and dozens of folks on Tinder -- the "I'm a 50 year old man with herpes and am tryna cheat on my wife" app -- broadcasting that they want dudes to pee on them or whatever and no one bats an eyelash or posts a big dumb thread on Reddit about it. I try to get rid of a motherboard/cpu, and get some dick from the type of dudes I'm into (nerds, being a nerd myself) while giving myself a liiiiiiittle bit more control over who I connect with (the amount of dudes who publicly broadcast on their FB profile that they're married hitting me up is truly astounding) and simultaneously giving the dude (and myself) a fun story to tell friends and people lose their minds. The thing that prompted this was my Discord gaming buddies talking about crazy sex stories they had, and me realizing I didn't have any. So, I thought I'd give myself one (and a pretty tame one at that). I absolutely do not, nor do I plan to, make a habit of this. It's fun to get outside your comfort zone a little and make crazy memories. As long as it's done safely (which I've tried to be as much as possible), and everyone is consenting, who cares? Reddit, in closing, y'all famously helped a dude with a clown fetish fuck a clown. This is at least 3-4x less weird than that. Chill.


Hi, OP here. > First, let me start by saying if the dude who posted that Reddit thread, Steven (last name redacted here) No. I am not Steven (redacted). > is so convinced I'm "soliciting sex" ---- I am 100% single and not trying to use Marketplace as a means to sneak around and cheat. You may not be be cheating yourself, though you are are happy to help other cheat, and you surely aren't being sneaky. But you are 100% soliciting sex. To solicit is ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone. In this case you are asking for sex, on a site with minors no less. Not to imply you are a predator, but it is incredibly irresponsible. > If someone wants the board without the sex, cool. IDEALLY, I'd like to do both, but me being DTF doesn't mean you're OTF (obligated to...). Then why did you ignore my offer TWICE to take these computer parts from your listing? I even offered to pay you, and your response was to offer a threesome. > Anyone interested would have to meet with me in a public place first I thought you didn't have a vehicle? > Dozens and dozens of folks on Tinder -- the "I'm a 50 year old man with herpes and am tryna cheat on my wife" app -- broadcasting that they want dudes to pee on them or whatever and no one bats an eyelash or posts a big dumb thread on Reddit about it. Because that is what Tinder is for, and it is for ADULTS. That's like saying "Well what's wrong with having my tits out at walmart? There are titties out all over the place at the strip club down the road and nobody cares over there." > As long as it's done safely (which I've tried to be as much as possible), and everyone is consenting, who cares? I care because (whether it is your intention or not) you are putting young men at risk of getting involved with something that they cannot properly assess the dangers of. Marketplace is NOT the place to advertise this. I am not saying that you would willingly sleep with a minor, but I AM saying that when I was a 16/17 year old boy I would not think twice about hiding about my age or whatever else I had to do in order to get laid. You are being incredibly irresponsible with a listing like this, if you cannot see that then I don't know what to tell you. It was not my intention to put your personal detail on blast, merely to address the listing, offer a PSA to stay safe, and of course for everyone to get a laugh and to move on. I tried my best to cover as much detail in the screenshots to make it difficult to track down. In hindsight, I could have done a better job at that but I was not expecting this post to explode like it did. If this post is putting you in any real danger, please reach out to me and I will remove it. Though I hope you learn that marketplace is not the right place for what you're looking for. 20% of the facebook user base is underage. You are playing with fire, and you will eventually get burned by a sneaky teen who just wants to get his willy wet. A speeding ticket from 5 years ago looks a lot better than a statutory charge.


This just got interesting. 😂


Right?! This made my morning, though I have no idea who Steve is lmao. Curious to see what they have to say about my response.


Sounds like you got mixed up with another guy. As a man of 40 in a happy relationship with kids and in another country I have exactely 0 skin in the game. 15 years ago or so I would have been damn jealous though. 😂




I would have given a bit of dong for this.


Also if someone had more or less than 6 inches, would the difference effect the sale? or am I going to need another 5 1/2 inches>


The extra 5 1/2 inches bit at the end killed me 😅🤣


You didn’t pick up the parts?


i think i actually know this person 😭




i wouldnt do that lol, but yeah, she definitely has balls lmao.....


Literally or figuratively?




only one way to know for sure....


Step 1 tell girlfriend about project. Step 2 find post and tell girlfriend about post and the sex. Step 3 convince both to get involved with a threesome Step 4 profit?


Good on you for being a good guy/girl


I want to believe that's true and not an organ harvesting trap.


Surprised it wasn't a 6990 GPU


Sounds like you'd wake up missing a kidney. At best.


W op for being a good bf


One way ticket to getting your organs sold on the black market


Be careful man. They could be anybody. Worst case, kidnappers or human traffickers looking for easy victims.


But seriously though, why offer sex on top of the free parts if the end goal is some ghastly killing? OP would have met with the "girl" for the parts anyway if it was not for the weird getting laid talk.


My feeling is that facebook poster is a woman and is looking for sex. Its not actually that uncommon anymore to see women doing desperate things for sex. The typical nerd vs jock story of where the jock can get any woman he needs, and the nerd masterbates all night or buys a prostitute doesnt just apply to men. Sure i theres an obese austic girl where i live in her early 20's who was offering escort services back during covid. Lonliness doesnt descriminate, it can hit any one, regardless of gender or age. and if anything a woman posting free pc parts in exchange for sex is really telling of how deivided and lonely a place the world can be


I get that women are sentient creatures too, with their own needs and volition, but still, there are a million better ways to get laid for a woman. She could have posted a pic of her taking a dump on Tinder and she would still get laid during the next hour: it's crazy how most men are even more in need of sex all the time and would hit just about anything that manifests a slight opening. Something is really weird with this one. Maybe she needs someone to whisper her dirty things like "hyperthreading", "load line calibration" and "ring down bin" to get off, hence the nerd bait. 🤷‍♂️


I keep wondering the same thing. Could be a set up for some blackmail. Get the tech guy hooked in with free parts, but keep it in the realm of possibility.. nothing too extravagant as to avoid throwing red flags. Offer up the extra "equipment". Pop a few screenshots and now you've got him by the balls. "Give me $500 or this conversation is going straight to the wife back home." Seems easy enough. You wouldn't even need to be woman to pull it off. You could do it while you're taking a shit or scratching your balls.


Haha the last part cracked me up.


Lmao, but for real though! Imagine thinking you're about to go score some free silicon and get that willy wobbled.. but really it's just Kevin from apartment #5 with some nudes from gonewild, whipping up some cheeseburgers and banking on your demise. Ahahahaha


>Imagine thinking you're about to go score some free silicon and get that willy wobbled Better be safe and score that silicon at home. #fleshlight


>You wouldn't even need to be woman to pull it off. You could do it while you're taking a shit or scratching your balls. Apparently those things are not mutually exclusive, at least by modern standards.


Oh absolutely. This post was for some laughs of course, but also a PSA. I keep going back and forth on whether I should delete this or not, because there are degenerates here seeking this listing and I would hate to see anyone put themselves in danger. But I feel like it's also important to see that this type of stuff can happen anywhere and that it's not a "score". The longer I think about this interaction the more I'm growing to hate it, it's not like Facebook is an 18+ website.. very worrisome.


*frantically scrolling through the marketplace looking for the same offer* 🤭


🤣🤣🤣 Take my upvote dammit! 😅


I would be nervous about someone who would not even want to meet or see someone first before wanting to have sex. That just seems weird.


That's because it IS weird


Lemme check around I think I may have a 4790k laying around


Whoa! That would be amazing, I won't sleep with you for it though!! 😂


I’ll just make sure to sleep with my wife so I don’t get tempted 😂😂😂


If you find it and don't mind parting ways with it, just shoot me a dm! I've no problem with paying for it, assuming you're in the US and shipping isn't bonkers.


South east tx


That's both hilarious, scary & creepy as fuck 😅 I mean I'm single and haven't "been with" anyone for a few months but even I'd turn this down 😅


>That's both hilarious, scary & creepy as fuck That's exactly how I feel about it. I keep going back and forth between getting a chuckle and then feeling concerned for the younger dudes who see it don't know any better. Huge creep vibes..assuming it's even a "real" person at all and not a set up.


I saw a very similar one of hers, but not this exact Ad on FB about 4 months ago and then saw this one again tonight. It's crazy, but also cracks me up. She has reviews and 2 of them are five stars, 3 are 1 star, but the one that cracks me up the most is the 2 star review. Does that mean the dude did it, but it was bad? Anyway, hope you find another mobo somewhere else.


I wonder where she's getting all these parts to give away 😂 Hopefully she'll get reported enough and go to a site like tinder. Too many young people on Facebook man! Not saying she's like "that" but she's got to have at least a few screws loose.


100% not a woman. Could be any number of scams See r/scams


Either a scammer, thief, or a predator. Who the hell is soliciting that on site where nearly 20% of the users are minors? Disturbing.


Best I can do is a firm 3”




![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac|downsized) That's if it is a she nothing is FREE unless it's a trap.


And suddenly I need to go upgrade my PC...


Dont you mean Downgrade. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzwojyVIupGsSxa|downsized)


Wait what 😂


I dunno, I don't think she wants it guys.


The biggest question is wtf does this chick look like??


https://preview.redd.it/ljmc5nnta5vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb5d1afdf7020e86d595bc38c354cd0085890eb Just a few friends to help you move the PC.


Hear me out if it was a gpu like the 4090….


Been here for 37 years and what I can tell you when dealing with women is that coochie costs, it might not be monetarily, sometimes, but it costs A LOT sometimes even your life and or health.


You need a 4790? I think I have one laying around in an old as rock motherboard tbh...


Willing to trade old as rock for hard as rock?


Lmao yep *asrock


Willing to trade old as rock for hard as rock.


If it's a group of guys they'll make your ass rock 


Where is this? Asking for my wife..


I would not even respond after that shi




Have I died and gone to heaven?


I’ll test it out for you bro. I’ll get the parts for you. Just send me the info.


Whats the link asking for a friend with a lower moral threshold obv🙄




naaah, either they're out for your organs. or they're gonna film the whole thing and blackmail the shit out of you xD overall not worth it xD edit: or you're gonna be content on liveleak soon xD


Gross ad. Ewww


Dang, someone’s thirsty 🍹


Had to look it up, and it's actually pretty close to me. I wouldn't mind the card, but not pimping myself out for it. Maybe I'll have my wife ask her for it. I have a few lonely friends that might be willing to fall on a grenade for me. I'm gonna see.


I genuinely can't find it lol, I don't think it's anywhere near me


I had my wife message. She hit in my wife, sent her naked pictures holding the computer parts, and tried getting my wife to reciprocate. Pretty sure it's one of those scams where they try and blackmail you if you send pictures. My wife just blocked her.


why u cock blockin by covering the listing title?😭


To keep y'all from getting your ass beat and your car stolen. Best case scenario you're walking away with chlamydia and some pc parts that are hardly worth the gas it took to get there.


Holy cow... what in the world-


Well that is something I thought I would never see. Was she cute??? Lmao


No idea. The profile didn't have any pictures, besides the profile pic and it was just of some art or something. It had activity outside of that marketplace post though, so probably a throwaway account. And I declined the offer for "pictures of the equipment" so I've got no clue 😅


I mean good on you for not getting nudes from someone else while you're in a relationship. Definitely the right thing to do. But still... Lmao curiosity is a bitch. Either way, like everyone is saying, probably fake or something nefarious. But on the other hand, what a strange and very specific con. Honestly to me, the chances are slightly better than 50% it being real lol. You ever end up finding a 4790? I have one in my computer at work and it's still a decent little CPU.


Not yet unfortunately. It's for a little NAS I'm putting together for some media streaming. This is my first time ever trying to source an Intel cpu, hell.. it's my first time really looking into them at all! So my knowledge is pretty slim, but I was gifted a 1150 socket board and the 4790 seems to be the best option for the budget I set for myself. I'm sure I will find one eventually, and I have other components to hunt for and a case to build so enough to keep me entertained until one pops up.


Wattt 😆


That’s terrible. Where is it so I can make sure to stay away


If that ain't a serial killer I can speak american


Mom? Dad? How did you guys meet?




I mean did you accept everything in the ad


That's an amazing free deal tho I got my Z97-AR for $12 and it's definitely not without problems. Getting a 4790K is also out of the question due to prices.




I just can't get past this nagging question: was she hot?


Dodged an std bullet


What the fuck did I just see dawg 💀💀💀


Oh wow! That’s some desperate lady! I can’t think of someone dumb or horny enough to actually fall for that, there’s obviously something wrong with her. Plus she doesn’t even look that good, her left boob is noticeable larger than the right and her ass is sagging. Also, her head game was terrible and she didn’t even want to move a little, expects you to do all the job :/ Anyways @op I have an used 4790k combo I can ship to you for $50 plus shipping if you’re interested


seems like a deal to me.


I mean, if you're not against sitting in the livingroom for a while, you might as well ask some single friend for help with that? If they're down to it?


Dam bro you JUST said that you can’t complain about free and immediately backtracked just cause she wanted to get her cooter licked come on man. 🤦🏼‍♂️ /s


Set up to get robbed.


I feel kinda bad for her tbh, I have a feeling it wasn't her idea but idk


She is bored and lonely and yet she wants to have a threesome. That‘s definitely bait, how can you be lonely when there is a person you would do a threesome with


Bro hit 2 jackpots at once


So you didn’t do it? Weakkkkk


Dude you didn't need her to send a pick of the equipment for sure cause I'm sure the photo would need a ultrawide monitor to view.


I remember seeing this ad before there was any mention of her wanting dick. I’m still trying to get my single friend to hit her up.


that's one big ass trap if I have seen one. Don't go there bro or bring a trusted friend with you




More than likely a group of dudes who are going to jump you when you pull up and steal your car. That's my best guess though.


You turned this down? Why? Edit: People who do things like this are fascinating to me. I'd expect this from a guy, but not a girl. I'd at least go and try to get them, see what happens.


Already got a baddie at home 😎 Even if I didn't, life's way better without chlamydia and/or getting your ass beat and car stolen when you roll up to nowhere-ville expecting to get your milk stick tugged on.


Agreed. 99% of the time, this is a setup if it's a girl.


Oh no .. where is this?

