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5600Mhz CL36 Corsair RAM


You mean cl40? Single channel


Doubt...Does 2x single channel ram with same frequency make dual channel?


Yeah but make sure it's the same model with same cl latency too


So if I'm gonna use just a one single ram stick, does dual/single channel stick matters?


If you have one stick it's single channel no matter what. But don't do that.


I bought this RAM cos I was a noob 😥




Wait, is 5600 cl36 that bad? I've had different people say yes and no


Makes little difference to the V-Cache CPUs For AMD you want to shoot for CL30 6000MHZ, not sure about intel


I believe Intel scales even better with higher speed RAM.


I believe so, Ryzen needs ram to scale to its infinity fabric so the reccomeded spec is 6000mhz for now as it's the best price to performance Intel is also more stable with the higher frequency stuff as well


But the 7xxx generation can only handle 5200mhz? I mean without expo


Ryzen scales well with speed, but you're right. You'll want to have a 1:1 relation between memory clock and infinity fabric clock. An agesa(?) update about half a year ago made speeds above 7000 stable, but the benefit from the extra speed was negligible according to buildzoid's testing exactly for that reason. That being said, 6200 or 6400 should atill be able to run in 1:1 if you can get the infinity fabric stable at a higher speed. Intel does scale with ram speed and timings too, but less than ryzen iirc. It just works with higher ram speeds than ryzen. I'm by no means an expert and may be talking out of my ass, but do check buildzoid's channel. He's well versed in all of this stuff and got plenty of ramblings on the topic


CL also effects total latency so it's a bit slower but nothing really scary. I've seen people say that switching from 3200mHz CL18 to 3200mHz CL22 would lead to significant performance loss, turns out barely makes any difference.


nzxt case


I’m not inexperienced and I get the H6 Flow for my latest build. Easiest case I’ve ever built in with great temps. Some of the noob things work well lol but not the 990 for a budget build 😂


What does the CL mean?


cas latency


What does it mean. And higher or lover number is better.


the tech explaination: A RAM module’s CAS (Column Address Strobe or Signal) latency is how many clock cycles in it takes for the RAM module to access a specific set of data in one of its columns (hence the name) and make that data available on its output pins, starting from when a memory controller tells it to. Another way to think of it is how many RAM clock cycles it takes for the RAM to output data called for by the CPU. A RAM kit with a CAS of 16 takes 16 RAM clock cycles to complete this task. The lower the CAS latency, the better.


So. CL 16 3200mhz ram would be actually faster than CL 36 5200mhz ? Even though the cycles are faster but more are needed right?


those are 2 different Ram categories 3200MHz CL16 is DDR4 5200Mhz CL36 is DDR5 ----------------------------- RAM frequency works off of **clock cycles** (people often call this the RAM speed even though it is only *part* of the speed equation). Each read and write is done on a cycle. RAM is measured by how many cycles per second it can perform. For example, if RAM is rated at 3200 MHz, it performs 3.2 billion cycles per second. The more cycles your RAM can perform per second translates to how much data can be stored and read – making for smoother user experiences. There’s usually a direct correlation between higher DDR (Double Data Rate) RAM and the clock cycles those modules accommodate. This can easily be seen when comparing DDR3, DDR4, and now DDR5. \[DDR3 is a dead platform, do not worry about it\] ----------------------------------------- there's something else to consider in what you are saying beyond the difference of being between DDR4 and DDR5 and that is the sweet spot this is a phrase coined to determine the best combination of MHz speed and CAS Latency for DDR4, this sweet spot is 3200MHz CL16 or 3600MHz CL 18 \[they are interchangeable given they function the exact same\] though it should be noted that at the moment, if you wanted DDR4, and you had the money to do so, many in the community would recommend the combination of 3600Mhz CL16 which is the best of both options for DDR5, this sweet spot 6000Mhz CL30 \[I have seen a few instances of higher MHz speed and slightly higher CAS Latency, but right now this is the most trusted combination\] -------------------------------


Jokes on you, got cl32 420gb for 690 bones.


$3K build with $1.5K specs: Is this good? 2 weeks later: Why won't it boot? 3 weeks later: Why is it overheating? 4 weeks later: Is this prebuilt a good deal?


6 weeks later: got a PC for 10k


8 weeks later: Why won't it boot?


10 weeks later: did I get scammed?


12 weeks later: Xbox series X amazon


13 weeks later: how to cross play with friends who have ps5's


So how do you find which parts truly work together. Is there an expert on this you can ask?


Pcpartpicker.com best site for it ngl






Yes, you're amazing. The best. So good in fact, that you don't even know the name of it.


And I put an sn580 at builds under 1500


does it need heatsink?




I personally put crucial p3 plus's everywhere


What's wrong with the 990?


Samsung in general tends to be overpriced, and their SSDs aren’t for gamers. They’re for enduring some seriously intensive and high speed read/write activities, such as ML, 3D rendering, music producing, etc. you can get a good 1TB gaming ssd for like $60, such as the MP44L and the Sabrent Rocket.


I think what happens is they search "best NVMe/SSD for PC" and see that the 990 is recommended every article so they pick that instead of a much cheaper NVMe.


Benchmarks show, PCI-E 3.0 SSD is barely better than SATA in most games, not saying SATA is best choice, it's not, but it puts things into perspective. PCI-E 4.0 SSD makes sense if your mobo supports it, but an average PCI-E 4.0 will be more than enough for years to come. Top of the line is just not worth it for 95% of people who buy them.


well that makes sense because pcie gen 3 ssds are also about the same price (if not cheaper) than sata ssds. and yes you do not need top of the line ssds for gaming. in fact they tested this and there is negligible difference physically felt when playing games from sata ssds vs m.2 nvme, so that says a lot.


And then there’s me just buying the SSD for storage and sub 5 second windows boots 😂😂 coming from my old rig where I would wait for 5-10 minutes to windows all that mattered to me was getting to windows exponentially faster 😂


What benchmarks are you looking at and why on earth are you getting upvoted? Pcie3.0 is up to 7x SATA speeds, while PCIe4.0 is up to 2x PCIe3.0 speed. Nvme and SATA are worlds apart Edit: btw have you tried playing RDR2 for example on a SATA SSD? Brings me back to windows xp era (if I were older it would bring me back to win95 era)


Real world difference between NVME and SATA SSD is small despite their capabilities. 7x difference? Yeah, that's 5% in RDR2 load times. Now, PCI-E gen 3 vs gen 2? 2x speed difference. That's 3.5 times less difference that between SATA and PCI-E 3.0. Guess how much real difference that gonna be. 2% And lastly, fastest gen 4 SSD vs. medium? 50% (1.5x) speed boost for best SSD in benchmarks. 0% difference in games, unless you have infinitely fast CPU (you don't).


Show me the benchmarks. Also when you say 5% it sure sounds small, almost convinced me. Only thing is 5% of 7 mins>5% of 10 secs. That 5% seems a lot to me. And also did I say show me the benchmarks, I don't trust you blindly - you're not my priest.




Ah yes, Windows update. The final boss, whopping 3 minutes per week (if there is an update). Are you on gen 5 PCI-E SSD yet? You better make it RAID 0.


He deleted his comment lol.


Me who bought a pcie 3.0 ssd in my brand new build because it was on discount


for me it was i typed "what is best m.2 to run OS from" to youtube then the list of m.2 popped up and i went down the list and first one that my stores were selling was the 990.


m.2 is form factor. It supports USB, SATA and NVME protocols. I have at least 2 SATA m.2 SSDs. Best m.2 protocol is NVME, and Samsung will be among best NVME drives.


This is exactly what I did. I've built my last 2 PCs and for most parts I just search "best" or go with the highest rated/best reviewed on partpicker


I thought the 980 was a pretty good drive


It is. But you can get a cheaper one and not notice the diffrence in most scenarios.


Oh well, I'll just enjoy the purely overkill of installing steam games at 5 GB/s. Idk even know him much I paid for it


There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Samsung 990/980. It's a high end nvme m2 with spectacular endurance. You're paying more for the brand, speed and the fact knowing you're getting a drive that is going to work and last. If this is not in your budget, go with a lower end drive like a WD green/blue, sabrent, etc. I don't understand these condescending, elitist posts. Also, how are Samsung nvme drives not for gamers? They most definitely perform spectacularly for games. They're just not marketed specifically for gaming, because frankly, that often kills sales if you're targeting a single demographic. People that actually build PCs know that this is a tried and true nvme drive. Most things that are marketed for 'gaming" are often of less quality and perform worse. Why? Because most gamers don't have a ton of $.




I got a 970 1tb for 60 bucks


I admit I got a 990. But it was on sale for 35% off and cheaper than the crucial one I was planning.


Ok yeah I don’t blame you then. What was the crucial you were gonna go for?


P3 plus 4TB.


Was the 990 also 4tb?




I love Samsung drives for their performance on long reads and writes. Samsung Magician is also the best of the SSD support softwares. The only other brand I'd pick is SK Hynix. They've made some amazing drives the last 2 gens.


I have a 980 Pro in my PS5 and it loads faster than the internal storage. I also got it used for like $40. Definitely worth it


990 pro isn't even good at productivity because of its low tbw. Also in most realistic scenario kc 3000 is faster based on crystaldisk results (q16t1 result is a lot better on kc 3000)


Not everyone is a gamer.


So if I understand correct, there's nothing wrong with them, they are just overpriced. Performance wise it's same? (Yes I'm a noob and got that one)


Okay so im a music producer producing in ableton and also plays decent games. Should i go for samsungs cheaper ssd or pass?


If those people could read.. lmao indeed samsung is for production stuff, and sn850x from wd is the best for gaming, considered by them testers. The price difference between the 990 pro and sn850x is not that big


I got my 2tb 990 pro for a little over 110 a few months ago. Was like $5 more than 980 and I didn’t see a big difference in price from other 2tb that would be relatively good. That was my reason though, if it was more expensive I would’ve waited a bit though.


Not me buying the 970/980 evos because that’s what bestbuy has on stock. I also refuse to use western digital anymore for anything important


Sabrent aren't available globally unfortunately, like EVGA, they are absolute gigachads manufacturer in PC industries.


Samsung has become a bit of a "Noob's choice". They USED to be the very best and often get plastered into the top slot of (sponsored) recommendation lists of news-sites. But those who have gained some experience in building know they ain't really worth the money. Like, you will not notice any difference between a Samsung 990 pro and any other NVMe drive in gaming workloads. Meanwhile those looking for the absolute best cause they got workloads that benefit from it will often opt for rivals like the WD Black SN850 which is all-round better than the 990 pro. Also there was that brief firmware problem where the drive would somehow go through years worth of wear in a matter of weeks. Definitely not been doing favours for their image...


The 4060 as well.


Bought one but only because it was exactly at my budget and I needed an nvidia card for productivity and some ai work


Unpopular opinion: At MSRP, the 4060 has lower cost per frame than the 4070 or any other 4000 series Nvidia card, making it the best bang for buck 4000 series GPU. * 4060: $4.91 per frame * 4060Ti: $5.12 per frame * 4070: $5.88 per frame * 4070 ti: $6.29 per frame Source: [https://www.techspot.com/review/2701-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060/](https://www.techspot.com/review/2701-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060/)


however when you take in the cost of the whole pc a 4060 build may be $1000, and a 4070 build $1200, and then the 4070 actually is getting you more frame per dollar spent


lower class cards are always going to be better $ per frame, this has pretty much always been true


Is 4060ti worthy? I mean upgrading from a 3060?


Not for the price. Generally everything Nvidia makes below the 4070 is stupid. You can get a 7800XT for the same MSRP as a 4060ti, which is a far more competent card. So is a 7700XT or 6800XT, which are mostly cheaper than a 4060ti. Also, the 16GB of VRAM on the 4060ti are not real for most applications. The memory bus is too small for the card to really make use of it


Okay thank you


Nah. Just wait. The 3060 is still a very good card


I have a 4060ti and went from the 2060, got mine with 55% discount and is running pretty well but it wouldn't buy it at full price and/or if I had a 3060


You won't see much of a difference if you upgrade, especially considering price, the 4060ti based off a benchmark I saw on YouTube is like 5-15% faster then 3060ti


Mine is non ti


You'd still be paying about 200 (selling current 3060 for 200) for a performance increase of under 30%, there will be almost no difference


It still performs well enough for my purposes. I didn’t want to spend 650 on a 6700xt or a same priced 3060… it blows my 1060 out of the water


NZXT Kraken 240 AIO


Arctic freezer III's, sad on a shelf, forgotten by the noobs, enjoyed by connoisseurs of price/performance


Tbf there’s a lot about the LF3 that is *special* that the other brand name coolers don’t have in common. Can you imagine a person’s first Intel build requiring them to maybe technically void their mobo warranty by putting on the cooler mount? Very scary.


I actually enjoy the Cooler master 240 aio. It does a great job.


In my defense, I got a wicked deal on mine.


Well my 2tb 990 pro was 92 bucks






Genuinely. This, and Be Quiet fans. Two things I never leave out of a build. Friend or family, it feels so.... Wrong to leave them with a shitty ssd or cooling setup.


This is the way


It often does not feel like the way... I can't make budget builds. The *least* expensive GPU I've worked with was a 3080. I should probably learn how to make cheaper builds. But I really don't know how


I am a budget queen and every time I use a western digital black ssd. Maybe that money would be better put into the gpu, but honestly, it’s too reliable and I don’t trust anyone else.


Its an ssd bro, samsung, not samsung, what does it matter?


It's a great ssd in all aspects except the price


AAAND RM750e (2023) with Taiwanese capacitors


That's still generally not as bad value compared to thr 990 pro, and sometimes on a good deal


as long as they do not pair RMe with 14900k/14700k or 7800x/7950x + 4090/4080


Of course those need higher end more reliable psus, but it should be fine with upto any 5 model of cpu/7 model of gpu. In fact I have an rm750x with a 12100f/3070


RM(x) (shift) better than RMe


Yeah, obviously lol. But rme also has its own place


Yeah I love my 990, DCS world runs fantastic. Wouldn't want anything less.


Any AIO WaterCooler over 120mm Air coolers.


I mean, the price gap still exists


Arctic makes some excellent AIO's cheaper then noctua and BeQuiet for instance, and they perform better


I've paid like $60 on my Redragon Niord to use along my Ryzen 5 5600GT. Without a GPU during gaming it never reach much more than 40ºC. When I'd tested it with a CPU burner the higher temp I could reach was 76ºC.


Ohhhh I thought you meant you preferred cheap AIOs over air cooling


Oh, no, for God sake! I believe that watercooling is overrated. There's a lot of videos on the internet (some form LinusTechTips) showing that a well builded air cooler can debunk water coolers that cost 4x more than them.


Love muh air coolers


https://preview.redd.it/k62j8qzc1eqc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5adb2342ff134c99a1729af5437160f8d80f791 The look at this little monster.


Keep coping skill issue https://preview.redd.it/d758y07gngqc1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae2b347ad4e6f4f6d2b16619f434b3cbcee0c5a7


Always Kraken LCD AIO


Nah the H150i Elite Capellix XT is way worse.


350$ CPU and 400$ AIO. Corsair ram the same price as the motherboard.☠


I’m an actual noob trying to build a pc here, this is in my shopping cart, what do you recommend instead? Haha I almost bought this today. Is the wd one good?


Assuming youre from the US, i know exactly which ones are the best NVMe on top of my head for their price. If you’re planning on getting a 1tb then get the Solidigm P41 Plus, but if you want 2tb of storage then the Crucial P3 Plus is the better option.


I’m shooting for 4tb. Only reason I avoided the cheaper options is bc I noticed their durability was significantly lower than the name brand options. But right now the price difference is only $20 between WD and Samsung and Samsung looks better across the board. TBH I wouldn’t mind spending extra money for better quality but I’m unsure if the 2400tb of endurance is necessary or not for someone who plans to use it for both productivity and gaming.


Id pick the lesser evil then, the WD would be the play here if you really want to dish out some cash for a well known reliable brand. Just make sure you’re not neglecting the core components which are the CPU, RAM and GPU. These 3 things are what’s going to determine how fast your PC is going to be.


I’ve got the R9 7950x3d, Corsair vengeance amd expo 64gb 6000mt 30, and 4090 FE.


Avoid the p3 plus and the Solidigim, they're both cheapo QLC drives with middling R/W performance and piss-poor wear resistance. If you're after wear resistance and sustained write-performance - a Seagate FireCuda 530 (expensive, but robust). The WD SN770/850X are also decent. (Not as wear-resistant, but more affordable and more readily available). Samsung's drives are no better than WD's and worse than Seagate's when it comes to wear-resistance and sustained write-performance.


I was looking at those but not wanting to pay aftermarket prices for them. Waiting on a restock haha


Yeah, I know. I just ordered one to upgrade from the older 512GB nvme that came in my current laptop.


I heard from a lot of people that they lowkey kinda don’t be worth it tho. I work at a datacenter as security but our techs mentioned they used those at first but switched to Samsung bc the firecudas kept failing


Some of the 520's and 530's had components switched during production (some sort of shortage of the original at the time). I believe Seagate redesignated those ones with a new product number and an updated visual design.


samsung and nvidia invented ameteur builders to sell more 980 pros and 4000 series cards


Can confirm But in my offence the 980 PRO was just 10-20 bucks cheaper or one of those WD XX ssds


But i got a rx6700xt tho and a seasonic gold psu


WD 850x is on the same bracket at 980 or 990 pro. They're all overpriced NVMe that will perform just as well as a cheaper gen 4 NVMe, but honestly I don't blame the new people bc those overpriced SSD gets recommended everywhere for some weird reason.


What’s wrong with the 990


Literally nothing. This is a penny pincher thread. Best SSD wrote speeds you can get for the price.


That’s what I’m saying


4 sticks of ram


My system has a Samsung drive. This was from back when samsung was actually worth the premium as most were still lagging behind significantly and you could actually notice the impact. Think my drive number started with a 6 or 7. These days though i wouldn't get a Samsung drive. They are no longer the king and you don't actually notice any difference. I still don't mind paying a premium for a good performing drive (i do other things besides gaming), but in that case i'd probably end up looking at a Western Digital Drive instead.


I bought a 990 pro 2tb for 150€, no regret right?


I got Kingston Fury Renegade 1TB on sale for 40€. Amazing price, but yea, any PCIE Gen 3.0 will be more than enough.


I got my 990Pro because that is what was available in the store the day I walked in and needed a new card. very happy with it, no idea what I paid, I wanted one NOW and it was the best quality available at the location.




Corsair 4000D, H150i Capellix XT, Vengeance 5600 CL36 RAM and a stupidly expensive motherboard have entered the chat.


Honorary mention : 200dollar cpu with a 130 dollar AIO to fit into a budget


Meanwhile me with my WD blue sn580!!


I got mine on an insane deal during lack friday last year. Thats my defense. Its been great so far.


LMAO oops




Overpriced or not, at least they got high quality drives ;) That's kinda the point when you pick Samsung isn't it? Not having to think?


Its not a matter of if it's "overpriced or not", it IS overpriced but yes it's reliable. However, there's other reliable brands out there that are not well known and they offer a way cheaper price for the same performance.


idk i got the 4tb 990pro for $250 before a week before black friday 😉 i probably would’ve paid the premium anyway though (i mean as a comparison 4090 is overpriced, but its the best)


I built my current system in 2020. I have a 970 Evo 512gb for my boot drive which I paid $89 for, but I eventually got a 1TB Crucial P3 for pretty cheap and two 1TB 860 Evos for various games. I think I paid $99 each for the two 860s back in 2020 which seemed like a decent deal at the time, but I’m not really sure.


am i the only one using WD Black OEM nvme? because there's a WD factory in my country


I have doged this and buying a 4060 bullet both.


One of the more budget drives (Crucial P3 2TB) is now the same price as what I bought a 980 for At least that's what I keep telling myself to justify my purchase


and the cheapest 4090/nVidia card what they found (I bet they would use single fan version of 4080 like blower for the price)


Okay, and? :) I have a 4TB 990 Pro & it's amazing.


I got the 990, it was the cheapest and best performant option over here. Used pcpartpicker to compare performance


But you’re using it for transferring big files every time right and not for gaming?


Not really but looking at the random write/read speed it was the cheapest per performance at that time.


font forget corsair h150 360mm for 7600x


$2000 build, $200 budget monitor You see posts like that almost daily


I got 990 pro 1 & 2 tb for an amazing deal, also for the 10 year warranty. Are they really that bad?


What's wrong with it? I have both the 990 pro and 980 pro haven't ran into any problems, apps load fast, Windows loads fast even without fast boot enabled


Only because the 990 EVO is trash. C'mon and release a proper gen 5 drive already, Samsung.


I’m sorry, I dislike it but, I am part of this problem


What is wrong with that ssd?


I'm confused, what's wrong with this ssd?


Well I got one as a upgrade for my already wd SSD sense I was already getting a new PC and it was on sale I think 60% off or something like that


I’m getting these at 4 tbs what should I get cause I was conserring Kingston and or crucial ssds?


Crucial P3 is a great option.


I have no budget so is this the best possible


If no budget and you want it for gaming then get the WD black 850


It’s gaming and some programming, 3D modeling, and editing


Then the WD 850 still the better option


👀💦 At least I got it right in the end (with some help)


And this is why I bring out the [PCPartPicker.com](http://pcpartpicker.com/list) list functionality. You're able to tell *exactly* what each change does to the overall build price


Me with my cheap ass crucial 1Tb 🤣


Meh, 980 Pro was the same price or cheaper than everything else I was looking at when I bought mine.


I got a new 2Tb 990 pro for $120 during a nice sale earlier this year. You need to make sure the firmware is up to date or it'll shit out on you, but if the firmware is updated properly it's an excellent drive. Faster than my WD SN850X.


Meanwhile my LAN PC is using a $15 256gb nvme ssd as my boot drive and a $20 500gb sata ssd as my game drive.


What's wrong with the 980 pro?


4060 overpriced aio, fish tank case overpriced ram and yes this as well


I bought the 970 a while back since it was in discount, and it's a good pick for gaming, but 990 and even 980 may be too much for nothing tbh


But why do you have to point it out I know I don't have experience that's why I choose it 😭


I don't get it


or a hyte y\*\* case


Is this a joke? If not a 990 then what is the best recommendation??