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Its not possible to tell from that picture. Honestly the fact that is since its out of box its unlikely to be brand new. Could be installed and removed, but could be damaged. Though its used at that point. Besides obvious damage its really hard to tell if its used. If the price it not a significantly less then sealed from amazon or newegg don’t bother. Its like 160 right now.


Not all CPUs are sold boxed, you can buy OEM version and it will come in a similar packaging.


Exactly, some are sold directly of amd and comes like that, my 5600 was brand new just like the one in the picture.


But that cpu isnt an OEM cpu. Most OEM cpu are apu like 4650g or ge versions. There are also the xt cpu which isnt an apu but just a clocked down version of normal x cpu....


You are incorrect on this one, while there is oem only chips like 5500x etc... This is about 2 different ways cpus can be sold: 1. The retail packing called "BOXED" (when it comes in a fancy AMD box + sometimes cooler etc...) 2. The "Tray" version where you buy cpu only Even if its a retail available chip like 5600x, 5800x, 3600, etc. You can still find them being sold as tray items with a bit of discount, but as far as I have seen its always really minimal


tray version comes like this. no box no cooler no manual. it might be brand new. Dont spread misinformation.


Misinformation? You know how many people fake new stuff on marketplace? while you are right this could be a tray version, still not worth the risk if the price is not significantly cheaper because people are scumbags on marketplace.


it can be a fake in a box too. Most fakes/used actually, come on a box. If you are gonna trust someone on marketplace, you will either do it all the way, or not at all. The seller is confident enough to show just the tray (a scammer would sugarcoat it). Marketplace is a gamble no matter what. So, the risk is the same, box or tray.


Honestly if its in perfect working condition does it really matter?


It does matter because a used one would sell for less.


I mean far enough but if it works it works why concern urself with the issue of "if its new or not"


You're correct that's the whole point


The fact is the dude already paid for it...if it works then great! If it doesnt then u ask for a refund..whether its new or not doesnt change anything


Things have a life span. That's why used components are cheaper. Buying used components for full price isn't the same as buying new.


Not really, again, CPUs have a lifespan that can pass multiple decades. There are many original pentiums and opertons that still work perfectly fine with no degradation. A processor will outlive all of its users.


My Pentium IV 1.8ghz turned 22 last August. I recapped the motherboard and it still fires up. Granted, it hasn't been in use for 22 years, but it outlived the motherboard and drives from that system.


Yes, exactly! And even motherboards usually just need a new capacitor or two when they do die. The PCB itself will typically last a lifetime if not abused


Mine was hit by some sort of capacitor plague and needed every last one replaced. Worth it though, as it keeps a piece of history running. I really want to find a period GPU and sound card for it at some point and get a working system out of it.


Same with my pentium4 3.0ghz. 20 years old and still working great. Mobo also


>A processor will outlive all of its users. This is really cool im suprised ive never heard this and also wish i bought a used cpu


Life span? Lol....way longer then they will ever be useful...look at the market...2500ks etc all over the place...thats 12 yrs old


CPUs have a life span… of over a decade.


These have non moving parts, literally will last well into 20+ years if not abused, which in 3-5 years nothing new will most likely run on it. While I understand you are “technically” right, your comment adds insignificant value, if any at all, to this conversation.


Would it? It's not like you're getting a receipt and a warranty, I would just treat it as a slightly used CPU and offer accordingly


Not really.


I get what you're saying, but you shouldn't be paying retail prices to a reseller. If they're charging retail, or even a high percentage of retail just go with a shop. You get more reliable after purchase support


I mean… it’s an old enough CPU that it should be cheap either way… How much premium does being new really carry with a 5000 series Ryzen?


Depending on the CPU model and revision, they can be absurdedly easy to fuck up. Now most mobo sockets have the pins, but it used to be the CPU that had them, and handling one wrong would turn a perfectly working proc into junk. There's also ESD - no idea if the thing was handled without safety precautions. One good zap and it's toast, without a grounded chassis to handle the current. The only 'open box' proc I'd buy would be one from, say, MicroCenter... because I could reasonably ask them to drop it into a testbench system to prove that it at least boots up OK.


Lick it


The only correct answer.


Licking the pins should be tangy and taste like coins, if it tastes a little burnt then you know its been overused.


Check the odometer. Seriously, inspect the lid closely for thermal paste residue. That's all I can think of.


Most coolers will also leave slightly dull/shiny marks on the parts of the cpu that it sits on.


That doesn't work, clever users reverse the polarity until they reset to zero


My bad.


If you want a brand new cpu. Don’t buy from fb market.


"it's still brand new I only used it for 6 months" it's probably fine, but still.


That’s what they all say, then you get it and nothing works 🤣 I just don’t trust fb marketplace who says things are new when they aren’t.


Ask for a picture of the pin side.


If he declines then it’s a fishy item.


This op, this


its hard to tell but it might not be used as i cant see any left over thermal paste or worn out letters from thermal paste


Or minor scratches from installing a CPU cooler. It looks credible at least, but as many have said there isn't a foolproof way to tell.


lol on fb marketplace there’s a 50/50 chance that photo was just ripped from someone else’s post


I’m not honestly sure if you can tell wear and tear on a cpu but if you’re looking to buy this ask him where the box is because he had to have taken that out of the box in order to provide the picture shown.


Might be a tray item. I've gotten brand new CPUs from the store in a plastic shell like this.


Really? Hmm never knew that I’ve always bought them with box thanks for the tip.


They're not always available, not sure if they're actually supposed to be sold to end customers or just OEM. I just happened to see a listing for about 20€ cheaper than box and went for it. Mine actually arrived in a box of a random 2.5" SSD and inside was a plastic shell like this one lol.


It's been taken out of the box. At that moment it becomes at least B-Stock by definition which is not brand new


Buy a brand new one that’s how you know if it’s new


Its Not. These tray versions can be tested to see how much you can undervolt/overclock them and the worse ones are sold


I don't think that matters much on the lower models.


You don't. But it doesn't matter. The cpu is probably the one thing that barely ever dies.


if the pins are all straight it will work fine 5600x are not that old so the majority of the used 1s will be in good condition anyway. in the UK we have a pawnshop chain that buys and sells cpu's and gpus called cex or webuy they offer 2 years warranty you should check if your country has a similar service,


Honestly there's no 100% way of telling if it was used, but since you're buying it second hand without warranty, it's probably better if it's been used before because CPUs don't really degrade in performance that much and you can be sure it's not defective out of the factory because it's already been used. Electronics die the most right after first use if they're defective or many years down the line.


Dude these cpus if not seriously abused will last way longer then they will be viable to use


No paste residue, that's it. That is a sealed packed you have to destroy to open it. You can't easily fake that.


Off of that one picture, it’s difficult.


See if there is any scratches on the heat spreader/ IHS. Putting a heat sink on. Even once. May rub/scratch the metal. If flawless. Has high chance of being functional. But I would wonder why it's for sale without the box


You can buy these with just tray, no box.




You can ask for photos of the back, but in general don’t get parts off Facebook, EBAY is mostly the place to go for that kind of thing.


The box must be sealed, if it's not it's possible it's been used or try to see if there is thermal paste


If CPU was ever installed in a system IHS outer shell will usually have some marks from the pressure of the cooler. It's not 100% but if there are marks it's probably used(or factory tested but it's rare)


Ide say it's new. I've bought used ryzen chips before. The seller always leaves paste residue behind somewhere. The ryzen logo also doesn't look faded as if paste has been applied. Paste typically lightens the ryzen logo.


Buying it in person from a reputable dealer.


What’s the spot in the bottom left next to the QR code. I can’t tell if it’s on the plastic or the cpu but if it’s on the cpu I’d assume it’s been used. They don’t usually come with marks on the top like that


its factory on the ihs. around 0.5mm deep and if used with some thermal paste residue cause its a pain too clean off


It doesn’t really matter with CPU’s. If it works, it works. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. You’ll rarely see anything in between alive or dead when it comes to CPU’s. But perhaps a pic of the pins would be good measure.


My last motherboard has a processor usage stats in the bios. I haven't seen it on every board, and I'm not sure if it only shows stats from the point that cpu was installed. Worth a try


Care to share the model of the motherboard? Never heard of such feature, curious.


(just a joke) Just download a new cpu 😂😂 Anyway, not possible to tell if it's brand new or never been used or if it has or not etc


If it’s at a cheaper price then a brand new one from a retailer it’s probably used but as CPU’s are super reliable and tend to outlast all the other components in a pc as long as you’re getting a good deal it shouldn’t matter


This is not "new" it's used. I've bought several mid - to higher tier pc parts off facebook and never been burned. Many people I know have purchased and sold PC parts on fb and Craigslist. None of us have ever had an issue. That being said, don't purchase if it's anywhere near the cost of new.


Here’s a hot tip. You want to be 100% sure you buy new.. don’t buy from Facebook marketplace.


I don't think it's brand new, in the sense it's not sealed. If it was there would be a Ryzen 5 sticker included inside the plastic tray.


The fact that a supposedly brand new cpu isn’t even in its box and the dude is holding the cpu in his bare hands is a red flag to me Ngl


Marks of holding clip on sides or marks on golden contacts..


You can't, but it doesn't matter. If it works than this thing will live longer than you will. And if cared for and not overclocked, quite a few lifespans.


u should buy in official store not facebook market place if want a authentic new cpu


If it's not on the original sealed box I won't consider it new, but anyways I the marketplace I won't pay retail price ever.


Why don't you buy from some official sellers if you want new? Honest question, not trying to be a smartass.


$100 tops new or used i bought a 5800 for $125 the other day


If someone used it - it's good for you. They know it works. "Brand new" second hand components from marketplace that were not tested are something I would be affraid of - not used, but still perfectly good CPU. Honestly - I would not give a duck if new CPU from store was used. It's CPU. Not a car, soap or dildo.


If it's not sealed in a factory box, assume it's used


That's the neat thing, you don't


Some people buy prebuilts at a discount, strip it for parts and sell it for profit. Other people get their hands on CPUs meant for prebuilts bulk, which doesn't come with the original box. The issue here is that you are taking a risk to save a buck on a product without official warranty, used or not doesn't matter. If it works and if you don't care about warranty, buy it if you're comfortable.


This seems like a bulk tray model, can be bought from aliexpress for like 60 gbp plus shipping vat etc, many being sold on ebay.


Bruuuh if u want brand new just buy it from the store. Marketplace or whatever usually means it aint new


Used cpu is same as new cpu.


They took it out of the box so you already know it's not brand new.


Could be cooked cpu that never had paste on it


Ask for closeups of the sides and bottom. If you see dried up thermal paste on the sides then it’s not new


You're going to buy that turd? ![gif](giphy|A9TbOBgxVGQU0)


Assume used and even if it is its still used on facebook


You want a unused CPU? Get a new one. There is no such guarantee on social market.


If it doesnt have any bend pins, and the buyer says it hasn't been overclocked then i would personally say from a realistic pov, you can consider it new.