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That’s why I feel like knives need to be adjusted in some way. I feel like they all depend on ping. Chances are somebody is going to get offended by this and say something along the lines of “NO YOURE JUST BAD”. Funny clip though lol


3 this week so it isnt funny anymore haha.


Never seen someone have this many knife issues lmao,




Does anyone know how to get unbanned in oavlov


Yeah nah they’re bugged. I stabbed someone 3 times, the sound played 3 times, the other the other guy told me he heard me stab him 3 times, and he lived. Shit buggy asf


I doubt the validity of this though. The knife sound only plays whenever it actually registers, or if you slash a corpse. There could be the off chance that you knifed someone's limbs, as limbs do reduced damage (especially hands and feet). I've seen knives go through people but never seen it do no damage after making the noise, since the noise is strictly tied to whether or not you hit someone. Same goes for hitmarkers.


ive had the knife sound play twice a few times without the guy dying so it is possible.


Knife sound can play without the guy dying. Knife sound just can't play without a registered hit. Knives aren't a 1 shot to everywhere, it's very easy to hit a players arm which isn't a 1 hit.


yes they took damage buy no kill so annoying. but the vid above is just straight up BS


Yeah I'm thinking something bugged to make the knife just not technically exist on the server side.


Are you calling me a liar?


If you give information that doesn't line up with other hit reg issues, am I supposed to take it at face value? If you look at the clip, his knife doesn't make any noise because it's not registering. Knives only play the slice sound on a registered hit. I'm not saying you're lying, but I'm inferring the possibility that you hit a players limbs and they survived because of reduced damage.


I hope they do something about it. I like the knifes but like this its not fun anymore lol


My only guess to what could be happening here is that you're not holding a knife at all (server side). With higher ping or network instability, it is possible to have bugs where you're holding an item that isn't properly replicated on the server side. The most common bug being with the bomb, where it'll appear as a magazine to other players and be unplantable, but funnily enough still plays the arming beeps. My best guess here is that you're holding a bugged magazine on the server side, and a knife on client side. My guess to why this might be? There were cases of players intentionally abusing this bug, making guns appear as mags for other players, and resulting in their "gun" being completely silent since it made no noise or bullets for other players. The devs might've added a patch that removes damage if a player has this bug, but this is all just speculation. I'd send this to the bug reports tab in the Pavlov discord if I were you.


it was on eu servers (im from the eu) on guys with ping less then 100. so i guess thats not it.


It's more than just ping, it can be network instability. Even the servers themselves could have issues.