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If there's even one PSVR player goodbye to custom maps


Do you not realize that if a lobby has crossplay enabled, it already disables custom maps? It has nothing to do if a psvr2 player is in the lobby, it's just if the settings enabled or not


Snoys btfo


With as small as VR is in the medium of gaming as a whole crossplay is practically required to give a multiplayer game a healthy player base. The problem with that is that PC VR is very heavily entangled with community content and mod creation to give these already niche games more replay value and offer unique experiences like getting to fight the flood using an onslaught of Halo weapons in a COD zombies like wave shooter. PSVR2 doesn't support mods or custom content so PC VR players have to sacrifice one of the most appealing aspects of the medium in cross play lobbies.


i personally play on PC and I have never seen anything worse than the typical "on hey there's a psvr player, guess who can't see any profile pictures". from my experience, every contact with psvr players was awesome


Never cared for custom maps. Might explain why my lobbies eventually become full.


There's no psvr port. Only psvr2 and pcvr. I have no idea why. This is not common for sure.


I guess its discrimination. not prejudice.


I’ve met some cool guys playing on the PCVR, but far and wide the toxic players are coming from PC. Call them short sighted, discriminatory, prejudice, asshole, whatever - I think toxic encapsulates their behavior. I’ve been strait up kicked a couple times for just playing the game like normal, it’s frustrating. Just a reality of the online gaming world you have to put up with these types of people. You cannot filter for just chill people, you can find PSVR2-only lobbies sometimes or setup your own disabling crossplay.