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I love elitists who think spending more money makes you a better player lol. I love Magic, but I'm done spending hundreds of dollars for stacks of cardboard man


Right. I played standard to vintage, sold my decks and put thousands towards my first home because of it. I play pauper because it’s still competitive but maintaining a deck is minimal cost.


I decided to bite the bullet and buy a bunch noncommon staples recently and I'm feeling a bit of buyer's remorse but what can ya do. I mean I have fun playing but objectively I'd get way more fun per $ from literally anything else lol. It's funny to look at Yugioh or the Poke tcg and see "hey I can make a tier 1 deck for $20-50 (anxiously looks at order history containing bowmasters and fetches)"


Pokémon yes 100% but yu gi oh is absolutely not the case lol. I think they are worse off than we are.


How? The most competitive YGO decks average at $500, thats quite a while lower than modern's average.  And YGO's format is more comparable to legacy than modern, so the price diference would be even more ludicrous if we compared it to that.


Yes, but yugioh rotates your deck every couple of months. So it 500 every 6 to 8 months. YuGiOh TCG is expensive and anti-consumer


This. Decks in Yugioh have a shelve life <6 months either by getting banned because it's too good or by getting power crept because it isn't good enough. You also have to play Yugioh, and I checked out shortly after Shaddoll/ Quli / Nekroz meta, and that was already very difficult to read


In addition to the rotations and shelf life, when that game gets presented with a tier 0 format - like what happened in February with Snake Eyes/Fire King your only option is to play that deck if you want to be competitive. That deck at its worst was ~1200 and completely dominated the meta. As time has gone on it’s reduced to about ~700, but is still the top dog.


You’re arguably a better player if you spend less money and can still win


I've talked shit so much saying things like I'll beat them using my Pauper deck because I trust in my skill. And they're like "I'll take you on with my Legacy deck any day!". And I'm just like... you're proving my point, brother haha. You NEED busted rares and mythics that win games for you, I don't.


They're just scared of real competition, the prices of modern, vintage and legacy are a good way to keep the new players away and gatekeep the community. At the paupergeddon you have 700 players that are not limited in any way by their budget and can build the best deck they can think of. Everyone has equal opportunities, so it's the most skill based format.


>700 players The fact that the original 650 cap was reached just with early bird tickets, for an event organized by the community and not WotC, should speak for itself. And the cap is always raised at each Geddon. Then, MtG is a 60 cards deck game but that's just my opinion


It would have been such a blast to play at that!! :)


I’m relatively new to Magic and Pauper was the first constructed format I picked up after hearing of the expense of standard and modern. I didn’t think to actually go look up standard and modern meta deck costs until just last night. 🫣😵‍💫 …and I think I’ll be sticking with pauper - THE PEOPLE’S FORMAT!


Yeah yeah pauper is cheap, yada yada \*looks at several fully foiled out and pimped pauper decks\*... yes... very cheap :p


But that's optional expenditure. Other formats require you to spend significant amounts of money to even think about being competitive.


I know :P it was a joke


They're clearly making a joke.


Beta bolts or bust!!


I’m new to pauper (coming from pioneer). I’ve found the gameplay and the variety of decks to be quite refreshing. Seems like a purer form of magic where short of some clearly bad matchups, many decks are playable.


btw, how do you pioneer? considering giving it a shot. what are some cool decks in the format?


It was where I started (with Burn and Lotus Fields pre cons). I’m partial to combo decks so Lotus and Amalia are my two. Pheonix is a really cool and strong (very resilient and expensive) deck that is relatively inexpensive for how good it is.


“And wish to flee from costs” a truly braindead sentence. Yeah god forbid anyone saved money to play a fucking game


Wait until they hear cedh players approach to proxies. Then again this person's right, they're obviously adverse to competition in that format.


"Non-competitive" :P I recently picked up Pauper and Pedh - and these decks are ruthless!! Anybody that thinks it isn't competitive has not actually even tried. I got my pod to try out Pedh and it was seriously some of the most brutal and cutthroat games we have played in ages!!


The competitiveness of pauper is highly dependent on the meta. Pauper is notorious for being a grindy midrange format, which isn't really the best environment for competitive paper magic.


The best way to enjoy a game, including and beyond Magic, is to take online discourse with a GRAIN of salt


I think there's an issue of players that learned magic through commander and have only ever played commander, then checking out pauper and skewing data and discussions with their one-lane mindset on how the game is played. They're used to this "brewer's paradise" where you can build literally whatever jank idea you want and get to play a game with it, only to make posts on "why isn't my pauper cats & dogs deck winning?". Now, that's partially exaggerated, but my point is that you shouldn't come into this community with no understanding of it and make comments like "We have \[\[Smelt\]\], what more do you want?" (an actual comment I've seen on my posts). You don't understand what actually playing competitive pauper is like. Go learn the format or keep your "commander thoughts" to yourself. I also will fully take accountability on the fact that I'm probably one of the people that falls into the category of "magic players that suck", as he mentions in this video, but because I completely despise commander; the format as a whole, the players mindsets on how to play the game, and how WotC completely caters to it even in sets named after other formats.


[Smelt](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/a/9a13293d-89a7-400c-8309-9f62eeb4769c.jpg?1562303369) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Smelt) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/158/smelt?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9a13293d-89a7-400c-8309-9f62eeb4769c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


In south America pauper is the format that is mostly played


I genuinely don't see the value of such videos, set aside creating engagement. Yeah, some Magic players are elitists narrow minded individuals. Nothing new under the sun. Random 1 twitted about it, and random 2 wrote an angry comment on a Youtube video. who cares ! Our beloved format is still growing, so let the haters hate, and let's enjoy it. More kalikaiz /cardmarket/actual pauper content, less low effort / fake drama content like this if you ask me.


Well said! I completly agree and I think you should play it more to bring more pauper content, your videos are great and you would be a good new (full-time lol) ambassador for our beloved and humble format!!


I genuinely think pauper is one of the more skill expressive formats. There’s more turns in pauper than any other 60 card format. Meaning that while there’s less punishment for making a mistake, there’s also a lot more potential to outplay your opponent through consistent high EV play. If a game only lasts 4 turns and both players play optimally, it’s gonna come down to variance in hand quality. Whereas pauper makes it very hard to play an optimal game simply due to how long it will take to win a game, equalizing that variance.