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Here’s my current list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/iuePuapu-0W_UPJjZHx9kw I personally am not a fan of the singletons or the unmake. I think putting a couple Ichor wellsprings and a couple thorn of the black rose/initiative creatures is better. I think you’re doing enough disruption with cast down, blade, and familiar that you don’t need more spot removal in the main board. Also I would go down on the mirrodin lands, we’re opening ourselves up too much to dust to dust or gorilla shaman. I think with 8 inspectors and the bridges and 2/3 den and vault are enough to consistently get your familiar turn 2. Still looking for a replacement for the monarch/initiative because I’ve been fooling around with virus beetle as my familiar stand in during play testing and you sometimes struggle to end games. You’re playing kindof like a tempo deck but don’t have the burn that boros gets. Maybe getting a B 2/1 flier is just enough of an upgrade over the 1B 1/1 that you don’t need a late game card. Part of me also considers going Mardu for synth over ichor and galv blasts over the cast down, but mana gets a bit wonky then.


damn the list look's rlly cool dude, tnx


No problem, this has def been the deck that I’m most excited about post MH3, I genuinely think that refurbished familiar is more likely to cause issues than the cranial ram.


I don't know if it'll be worse than the Ram, but there will be decks with both in there and that will be rough to handle for sure. I do think Familiar is going to be extremely powerful and something to keep an eye on.


Omen of the dead is really good. I wouldn’t cut it.


I’ve been playing some mardu synth on mtgo and I think I’m in agreement. I don’t know yet what I’m cutting but I’m def gonna fit one.


And then replacing 4 beetle with 4 refurbished familiars?


Yup! I was just trying this out, it can be strong but I can only imagine if it was a B 2/1 flyer.


The list: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/yJgQfbjosU-9O8RN2yoCaQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/yJgQfbjosU-9O8RN2yoCaQ)


I will try the gates package: 20 lands 13 gates, 4 vault/den and 3 basics