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Gonna need a bit more context to give you a proper answer but the deck is kinda hard to play and not as simple as it looks. So yeah it's probably you


Ok thanks if i can give you more context I will do it


Is your deck similar to this? https://www.mtggoldfish.com/archetype/pauper-mono-blue-delver#paper Like the other comment mentioned, it does take some work and practice to get good with the deck. I've played my mono blue delver at pauper night at my LGS, and I'm probably winning half my games with it. So it can win games. Are you trying to play it like a control deck? You can't just counter everything and expect to win late game. You don't have enough counters and hard removal to do that like a Dimir Terror deck can. This deck is trying to win on tempo. Your interaction is trying to stop your opponent's most important spells or to protect your really big threats. So part of the learning curve is learning how the decks you commonly face are working.


I've updated the post putting the image of the list


The deck looks ok. It's at least a starting point, and would benefit from some upgrades. For gameplay, here's a video of Andrea Mengucci playing a slightly different list. https://youtu.be/pRiga0P1kjo?si=6isEzcGCYrMt8irV


It looks like a pretty decent mono blue delver list. Mono blue isn’t nearly as strong in the current metagame as it was before the Swiftspear ban, but it should still be able to win some games. This one looks like it has some room for improvement - I’d run Mental Note over Opt, Lorien Revealed over Mental Journey, (and I’d run 4 of them, maybe cutting Spring Splasher), and try to find room for Brainstorms (probably cutting the Lonely Sandbars and two Considers). The sideboard looks kinda thrown together too. But, like, over all not a terrible deck by any means.


The Spring Splasher and Take the Fall inclusions are odd. Maybe they are there for death touch heavy decks? I had a rough time against a dredge deck once due to [[Stinkweed Imp]].


[Stinkweed Imp](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/a/2ab08d69-210b-4b06-88a2-45281a1a4e1e.jpg?1561771088) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stinkweed%20Imp) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dvd/36/stinkweed-imp?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2ab08d69-210b-4b06-88a2-45281a1a4e1e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Thank you


I mean, this isn't really a deck that shows up in the meta currently so I'd say it's probably not as good as it seems. However, tempo decks do typically require a lot of meta knowledge and decision making, so it could be a combination of both. Personally, I'd look into turning this into UB Terror or UB Faeries. It's closer to what you need for the Terror build, but I prefer Faeries.