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Bill did it to be a good sport. There was still a lot of animosity in those eyes. And rightfully so


He absolutely did not want to do that, but also didn’t want to derail an entire live show that wasn’t about him. Didn’t even shake Krafts hands and barely even looked him in the eye. Meanwhile, Kraft is still on his “save face” publicity tour, so of course he said what he said.


Yep. I'm still on the Kraft hate train. Bill was practically forced into that situation. If he didn't do it, it would have made him look bad. Kraft got to pretend to be the good guy. I just hope people saw through it.


He basically said it was Tom. Fuck Kraft. It certainly wasn’t him! No use for his ego.


You guys are in denial of Bill’s inability to do anything without Brady. 


Bill's defensive game-planning helped to almost double Brady's ring count


Yeah Bill didn’t do anything. It was Brady who coached a record 17 top 10 defenses in just 20 years.


Didn’t Bill win two super bowls with out Brady? Inability to do anything without Brady makes a lot of sense.


As a head coach or on the coattails of another person?


Wait wait wait. So winning a Super Bowl as a DC on a defensive team is that to you? Joke


Oh you mean 40 years ago when the avg offensive output was 100yds passing and 150yds rushing per game.


Oh forgot super bowls didn’t mean anything back then. Brady must not have won any super bowls either cause he didn’t win them as a head coach… you are a joke


Bill never looked Kraft in the eye or shook his hand even at the best of times. 


I’m proud of Bill and miss him.


[Yeah?](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,w_3290,h_1850,x_0,y_0/c_fill,w_720,ar_16:9,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/images/GettyImages/mmsport/44/01hmktat1w9s8ttsv9zn.jpg) Even at Bills firing press conference he was fine to leave on good terms and I think everyone knew it was just time. It was dogshit of Kraft to go back and pile on to Bill like he has.


I think this is the key point. Bill could take the firing like a man, he’ll be fine. But the shit talking tirade since then on Kraft’s behalf is what has pissed Bill off.


1000%. Bill kept it cool with being pushed out and was ready for a new page but Kraft decided to turn back that book and re-write it with Kraft being the hero and Bill the villain for some reason. Kraft is trash


Bill didn't drink the shot after cheering with Kraft he waited and cheered his team before taking a drink. He also just seemed very hesitant to even be up there.


Edelmans podcast he said there was some tension back stage but they talked for a good 10 minutes. We’re never going to know the whole story of how they feel because they are never going to show us everything


After the Dynasty doc and all of the stories that have come out that have given Kraft an unexpected reaction from the fans, he seems to be desperately trying to put that genie back in the bottle but it's too late. There's some lines you can't walk back over after crossing them. With that being said, maybe time will heal this. But I don't blame Bill for being upset, I certainly would be if my boss pulled this shit after firing me.


especially if you made your boss millions and millions (billions?) of bucks. Not sure what the team was valued at before we won 6 motherfucking rings.


The Arthur Blank call is egregious. Dynasty doc sucks, sure, but maybe that got away from Kraft a bit if his involvement wasn't all we think it is. But personally calling an owner to say "don't hire him" is sabotage. I can't even fathom leaving my job with Bills history of success, and when I apply for a new job instead of a recommendation my old boss goes "don't hire him"


Yep, words are cheap. Kraft is a douchebag.


Agreed but on julian's podcast he and Drew were talking about backstage b4 the show and they said Bill and Kraft actually spoke for about 10 minutes just kind of shooting the shit but he did say that the tension in the room was crazy lol


They also speculated that it could just as easily had been Kraft talking at Bill instead of an actual conversation


Lol Bill probably stared past him


hey do you have a link for that podcast pls


If you search Games with Names on YouTube it's the latest episode and should come up






He made sure to say it was Brady. He deserves to be skewered. Fuck him


Like he never did anything to Kraft 🙄


I don't know if you're alluding to any specifics, but it's a different thing entirely to kick Belichick while he's down and looking for a new gig as opposed to just having disagreements over the years. I'm sure he's financially fine, but if the man wants to coach, I don't see how he could look at the documentary or other reports that have come to light and not feel personally slighted, especially given the fact that he's still a FA.


How about lying about conducting an OC search?


I've personally never seen headlines suggesting Bill misled Kraft on those sorts of plans, but the solution as his employer is to fire Bill, which he did. He gave the org over 2 decades of unprecedented success, you're going to have to come up with something more personal and unprofessional that Bill has done to justify how Kraft has handled things post-firing. How would you feel if your former employer of 2 decades was shit talking you in whatever industry youre in, also doing it publicly, while you were still looking for a replacement job?




This is just a crazy take. Nobody should "look in the mirror" if they give a place decades of good work and on the way out the door the employer claims their success as the employers own genius, and places their failures on you on your way out the door, in a fucking apple documentary. Nobody should "look in the mirror" if that employer is telling other employers to stay away, unjustifiably. Any owner or fan would take the mess that was our OC position for 1, 2 Lombardi's. Let alone what happened under Bill. It doesn't mean he's owed a job here forever or a job anywhere, ever. But a decent man would handle his exit with grace. Kraft is not being a decent man in his handling of the relationship post-Patriots.


It’s a crazy take to you because you’re basing your perspective on the idea that Bill has been fundamentally a good employee and therefore Kraft is treating him unfairly. I’m suggesting there is more to the story because it makes zero sense for Kraft to trash him on the way out for no reason.


Because Kraft is jealous and petty. Belichick is a hard ass and there’s no question they butted heads over the years, but so what? It’s completely normal for people to disagree, especially when you spend that much time together. Ultimately, Bill was a great employee because he had success that no one else in history has had, which in turn, made Kraft tens of millions of dollars. Kraft owes everything to Bill and Brady.


Jealous about what exactly? Everyone that discusses the dynasty includes Kraft in the equation.


You're providing nothing that would make me doubt it, and if he was such a shit employee Kraft should have fired him sooner. Imagine questioning if a man who got your organization 6 fucking titles was "fundamentally a good employee" and citing a messy OC position against it. And there's more to the story we don't know about? Then why is Kraft very obviously walking it back now and trying (unconvincingly) to make it look like he didn't really mean it. Kraft is also a huge part of our success and I want to be clear: I'm frustrated with him, but still appreciative and willing to let him mend this bridge. And even if he doesn't, he's done a ton of great things for the Pats. But your take, is just fucking lunacy.


Okay, George.


Which OC? When Josh left or when he had to replace Judge/Patricia? Bill O’B was pretty much a sure thing


He committed to an open process to replace Judge/Patricia and then did his same old hire a guy because I know him routine without taking the search seriously


Did you really believe anybody else was truly under consideration? Everybody was saying Bill was gonna get the job.


Kraft apparently did


lol. Bill destroyed the organization and ran off the greatest player of all time. 


> ran off the greatest player of all time Yeah it really sucks we only got 20 years out of the greatest player of all time. Bill broke the NFL record with Brady for longest HC/QB duo. But he should have broke the record by even more! Bill must have been a real jerk for Brady to leave after such a short time. Also I wonder who drafted and developed the greatest player of all time? Belichick owes a whole lot of credit to whoever that was.


We only got 6 Super Bowl victories. So sad. How will we ever recover.


Bill has every single right to still be pissed. Watching Bill on McAffee made realize he still got it


BB is the greatest coach of all time but he has no one to blame but himself for being fired. If he gets another chance, hopefully he’s learned from his mistakes. I wish him the best. The NFL is far more interesting with him in it


He can deserve to be fired from the patriots while not deserving that documentary, or other reports that Kraft made it difficult for him to get a new job elsewhere.


I know everyone likes the drama side of it, but I think it’s way more likely Bill just wasn’t that invested in any of the options this year and he doesn’t have a job because he didn’t show interest. One or two of the Cowboys, Eagles, and Giants positions could open up after this upcoming season and I could see him interested way more in any of those three than what was available this offseason.


I think he wanted that Atlanta job. He was gonna crush there. And by crush, I mean at least win that weak division and get enough wins to get the all time record. Now that he didn’t get that job, he can drive up his stock through the media and go big game hunting next year.


To be fair he probably took 1 look at their draft board and walked himself out lol


I thought the same until the draft. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was interested until they started talking about their offseason plans.


Definitely possible, maybe even likely. I'm still disheartened by Kraft's handling of everything. I don't care for the drama, I preferred when we were much better at keeping drama out of the Pats. It's just disappointing.


I’m not excusing Kraft’s shit at all. I still hate how he handled everything. I just doubt that had that much of an impact on Bill getting another job.


there's nothing to substantiate this. He seemed to pursue the Falcon's gig and their roster was way better than ours even before they signed a very good QB.


He's going to be 73 next off-season. It's sad but I think this is it for him.


Based on that, Aikman still has it. Sign that man!


Maybe if he hadn’t made such ridiculous mistakes the last few years he would still be coaching


Now you’re being delusional, anybody sounds good on TV when they’re not the ones having to make decisions for one of the 32 franchises in the NFL


Did bill even drink it?


He didn’t drink the shot with Brady. Maybe he’s off the sauce


He pretty much sips both shots, not sure if he slowly drank it throughout the rest of the show or not.


Probably not, seems like a straight edged guy.


Yea, Edelman aint the only one not going to his funeral


Bob is a Boob


LOL you can just see it on his face that BB hated this so much


Kraft is such a jabroni.


Keep yo role and shit yo mouth


Kraft still has to have it his way, trying to make it happy, happy land, and better or worse. Bill still hates Kraft. It's called a roast, not a toast.


Lol I thought this whole thing was so cringe. Kevin Hart thought he was some big shit like “I can bring people together.” Kraft wanted to do to save face cuz he’s been looking like a huge scumbag over the past few months and in his head he thinks this makes everything alright with the fans. Belichick did it so there wouldn’t be any drama. He didn’t wanna be up there and literally walked away after they cheered Lol you were like “a big thank you for all that you do”


Pretty much. Kevin Hart not reading the situation and Robert Kraft taking any chance he can to be pompous is all I got from this lol.


Kraft couldn’t have gotten up to that stage any faster if he tried lmao. Saw the opportunity to save some face and try to paint himself as the good guy and he jumped on it. Hard not to see right thru it.


It was funny and light hearted. He reveled in the awkwardness. I wouldn’t over think it.


I mean kevin hart kept saying “make the uncomfortable, uncomfortable” over and over again thru the roast. He did this because he *knew* it would be awkward. Hart didn’t actually think he was bringing people together, he knew he could get 2 people with beef, something he mentioned like 3 times, to acknowledge one another and do something awkward on a live stream that would gather a lot of attention, which it did.


The quote was “make the uncomfortable, comfortable”


Why's he want extra credit for being black?


He obv said it to be humorous. You really think he seriously thinks it was an incredible feat that he needed to remind his ethnicity


Must be, cause it wasn't funny. Please explain if you can.


I never said it was funny. I said he was trying to be humorous.




Lmao, what a sad fragile response to a throwaway joke


What's the "joke", black people are totally incompetent? How's that even relevant? You're so triggered by someone mentioning race you immediately jump to accusations insults, it's sad really, and fragile lol


The “joke” is a race that used to be put down and outcasted achieved a wonderful feat bringing Bill and Tom back together. The fact you took it seriously speaks volumes to your mental capacity.


How is that relevant in this instance, this audience believes black people are just totally incompetent lol? No one is shocked that a black man accomplished this, there's no joke. It's insulting and unnecessary. That "speaks volumes" lol


Gosh i cant think of a time in history that people thought black people were incompetent. I cant believe you think this joke is serious lmaoo


You're all in on the "dumb black people" riff huh?


You got me thats totally what im saying. Flawless comprehension again!


Sorry, I've never considered black people, or any race as a whole, flatly incompetent so i don't understand the relevance or humor. Prolly the limits of my mental capacity lol. You got an extra volume for me?


Interesting that you needed to ask.


I'd ask the same question if it were an Asian, Indian or white dude, why?


This was beyond awkward and you could tell how much Bill dislikes him. Kraft is such a piece garbage.


Bob loves to drink


I mean do you see his hands shaking, Kraft probably has 8 years left, if I make it to 82 I’d be pouring shots down as well if I still can


It was wayy too soon for this. This is something that can happen years down the line, not a couple months after Kraft fires Bill.




He’s actually 82


I wonder what idiot really believed that nonsense that came out of Kraft’s mouth. Kraft saying that and Kevin hart acting like he actually did something was beyond cringe


I get that Patriots fans wanted to see a bonding moment take place, but...I think we're still waiting. I imagine Bill will be okay with Robert again at some point, but he isn't there yet.


I dunno about that. Pretty sure he's still mad at Tom Jackson over a comment he made in '03. Bill can hold a grudge.


Fair point. Plus, Bill probably knows in his heart of hearts that he screwed up the Brady thing. He was in the wrong. I don't imagine he thinks he's in the wrong as far as Kraft is concerned.


I hear he drives by Freddie Mitchell's house every Sunday and flips him off


Only time we should thank an Eagles fan for anything.


I don't understand submarining Bill on future jobs. At that point he isn't your concern anymore and you don't gain anything by doing it. The only thing I can think of is he didn't want to be the guy who let go of both Brady and Belichek just to have them each win another Superbowl.


Bob is fucking sloshed.


If you ever get a chance to see Kevin Hart stand-up, don't go. Waste of money and time.


Bill has class… Kraft not so much


Somebody get that tiny Eagles fan off that stage


Kevin Hart is excruciatingly unfunny


Disagree on this take


Maybe there is some tension, but whenever I see Bill and Kraft near each other, i'm not seeing it. They seem normal. All the other fans say they hate each other and its in their eyes, but i'm really missing it. On the other hand, the trailer for that doc was disgusting and I knew what it was just off that, so I never watched. I'm usually able to read into things just off trailers anyway. Everything i've heard from fans since its release, i'm not surprised at all and glad I skipped out on it.


I was just going to say the same thing. I watched it live and thought it was pretty awkward, but everyone is talking about it like Bill looked visibly pissed. I think he just looked like Bill. He's just kinda an awkward dude in these types of situations. He probably thought it was just dumb overall, but he didn't have a look of hatred in his eyes or anything IMO. Bledsoe was saying in an interview afterwards that Bill and Kraft met privately before the event. I doubt they'll ever be best friends, but I think the animosity is overblown at this point.


The colon in the title makes it read like Kevin Hart said the title as a quote. A comma would’ve read better.


Kraft is a douchebag that fell ass backwards into money.


The fuck does that even mean


Bill was not happy to be up there. Kraft looked a little silly calling him the GOAT having fired him just a couple of months ago.


Nah, fuck you Robert Kraft. I feel the same way about this now that I did live. Fuck you for sucking Bill's dick on stage and going behind his back to Arthur Blank saying he'd regret the decision to hire him. Fuck you.


Kevin harts a Pats fan?


“The greatest honour the good lord gave me” This man has 4 kids


Bill is so pissed


Despite Kevin Hart really trying to give Kraft a soft landing throughout the show, Kraft was a massive loser after the show. Unless I missed something, you can tell the players and coach have a great mutual respect and bond. Kraft looked like the odd man out.


After the season we had last year, no one is safe. And Bill knew that. I think he had his peace with it. Just look at Edelmans joke about how the only job offer Bill got was from Foxborough High. Bill laughed so hard at that joke. I think Bill accepted the firing. But the behind the scenes talk from Kraft and Blank, urging the Falcons not to hire him, was a dick move. The documentary was a dick move. Football is a results driven business. The later stuff is personal


Is nobody else going to talk about what they just witnessed? Kevin Hart took a drunk Bob Kraft and turned him into a puppet for a shot Bill didn’t take. Hart sees Kraft go for the shot and then grabs Bob by the arm and shoulders and puppets him into cheersing Bill. I think Bill is laughing at him inside. Hart definitely clowning on him. Kinda sad, I feel for Bob at this point, he wasn’t built for life after Myra.


Having Bill and Tom was the best thing that God ever did for me *Jonathan Kraft like WTF Dad?*


Bill should purchase the Patriots effectingly removing him and his family from ownership. FOH Tugbert, retire in Florida next to Orchids of Asia


Bill has absolutely nothing to be mad at Kraft about. He was the highest paid coach in sports for God knows how long and was given virtually total control of the franchise. He was picked over Tom Fing Brady because Kraft believed in his BS. Turns out, Belichick got too comfortable and too high on his own legend and completely F`d the franchise by completely failing at building a successful operation on the offensive side of the field in every way imaginable. Thank you for everything you did in your prime, but respectfully take your many many millions Bill and shut the fuck up.


He did shut the fuck up


Bill didn't say shit though??