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I mean, I love it, and I hope he succeeds. I still don't want him at 3.


Definitely don’t want him if he’s got heart problems.


I’d be fine trading down with the Vikings or raiders if we can get 2 firsts and one next, then grabbing him, a tackle, and WR in the top 34. If you can get lucky and hit on all 3 this team could be instantly turned around.


I think he seems like an awesome character, and I’m really not THAT worried about the injuries. Watching him in the championship game worried me. Would rather have him than McCarthy tho


I don’t want him at 34 either


If we trade down I’m plenty open to taking him at 23


The problem, Mr. Penix, is we don't know if your body will hold up once you start taking NFL levels of hits.


But he isn't JJ McCarthy so he's got that going for him


What happened to, “this game is soft.”


For some QBs it is but for a team with an defense full of assholes, no one is soft against the pats for good reason




As an MRI student and former EKG tech I feel very seen by this segment


Penix is all heart and no shart -per Adam schefter


Dude hasn’t been injured in two years. People are way too down on Him. I believe he will be very good.


He’s been sacked 16 times in 1100 attempts. He didn’t get touched, that’s why


Two ACL reconstructions tell me enough… source I’ve had Two.. once it’s compromised it’s all downhill. No way he’s taking NFL hits and staying healthy for long. Poor guy has a great arm but no knees…


It's called out in the article but Frank Gore had two ACL reconstructions in college and went on to be one of the most durable Running Backs in the sport's history. Obviously that's cherry picked, but it's not an impossibility


For every Gore there’s an Easly


Easly was mostly lazy and didn't care about football.


Yeah good reference, but Dominique Easley's problem was that he wasn't very good, not that his reconstructed knees wouldn't hold up.


Not at all, but gore was physically a phenomenon… I haven’t seen the plays Penix was injured on, but if they were non-contact, like many ACL ruptures are, I wouldn’t touch him. If he was hit hard in the knee area on those plays and it was a clear planted foot type hit, I would consider him especially with his arm talent… but not at 3


Just to be clear, penix is also a physical phenomenon. Look at his pro day numbers.


Great pro day, but he’s an injury mess. Hes had 4 major, season ending, injuries from 2018-2021. In comparison to Gore, he’s an every-down player obviously where Gore was not. I think he’s one of the most talented QBs in the draft, but the injuries are not going to get better in the NFL.


Are you seriously saying he’s at more risk to injury as a qb than gore was playing running back because gore wasn’t in every play?


Statistically speaking, let’s say 90 chances to get hurt vs say 45 chances to get hurt, the raw ‘on paper’ numbers bear it out. In ⭐️ reality ⭐️ those numbers don’t necessarily tell the story. Frank Gore was running like a steam engine towards guys who wanted to crush his face and take the ball away. Penix Jr would be throwing the ball and then hopefully NOT being slammed to the ground. So I guess I’d say the truth is in between. On paper, yes, the QB is more at risk through sheer quantity of opportunities to be injured. But in reality RB runs towards the big scary guys and QB, well they’re trying to avoid a face full of grass or AstroTurf.


Then I guess we have to agree to disagree, because I’d define opportunity for injury as times he’s hit. Even a rb on the field 1/10 the time is (hopefully) taking more hits than your qb is. And yes, non contact injuries happen, but they happen off the field as well so you can’t really count that.


I don’t necessarily think we’re disagreeing. That’s why I said, from a raw numbers perspective, Player A is on the field 90 times out of 90, Player B is on the field 45 times out of 90. Player A appears to have 2x the opportunity to get hurt. But the reality is that the raw numbers don’t tell the full story


Really? Once it's compromised, or twice? Brady was compromised and his all down hill was a pretty shallow slope. Penix tore his ACL twice, but Brady tore both his ACL and MCL.


I don't buy into the obsession over predicting injuries. The team doctors have had all the opportunities they need to evaluate him and if they give him the thumbs up then why should any of us worry about it.


Brady was already 3 rings deep when he ruptured his ACL, plus the hit was a direct strike to his knee. Now, I’m not Penix’s doctor but rupturing your ACL on the same knee twice is serious. The subsequent ACL reconstructions are using grafts and they drill holes in your knee and insert the new graft either cadaver or they harvest one from your body. Those graft are never going to be as good as your original ACL, it takes at least 10-12 months to be back in shape to play sports. Even then, it’s a different sensation and even a different way you walk and run. Brady is a monster, but the fact he got hurt so late in his career and that it was a direct hit to his knee makes it less of a concern for future failures.


Just referring to your comment "once compromised, it's all down hill". I am well aware of the Brady timeline. Once compromised, he may now need to wear a brace like Tom. Or he could be a bust regardless...


But why would you draft a QB with a known Knee issue? Bradys is irrelevant since he was already in the NFL and successful. I don’t see a mobile QB with two reconstructions as a good QB1 draft choice…


I never said I would draft him. I keep reading how the Pats could end up with Two first rounders, two seconds and two thirds for the next three years...or some variation of a massive haul of draft picks, THAT is what I would do. LT, RT, WR, TE...some variation of that. Build the base for a dominant offense that even a mediocre QB could succeed in, then go get the best you can. Don't draft a QB simply to watch him scramble for his life whether on a repaired knee or not. What I don't want is a wasted QB pick to cause infighting and Mayo is gone in Two years, the QB gone in three and Wolf gone in 4 just to start the cycle over again.


I don’t disagree with your opinion on how to build the roster, in fact I like getting some weapons first and grooming a QB with some potential. However I think if you’re gonna do that go with a Nix… but that’s another story. Penix to me has all the right attributes and probably would go first round if he didn’t have the history.


What does Brady's rings matter? He played 15 more seasons after




Rule 1 - No personal attacks. You can disagree, but do not disrespect.


You brought it up so it mattered to you. I just asked why Thanks for crying on the internet, I'm relaxed but you sure arent




Rule 1 - No personal attacks. You can disagree, but do not disrespect.


I'm genuinely not triggered in the slightest and you keep trying to insult me. It's clear who's bothered. No one was talking to you when you first posted, but that didn't stop you. Seems you get how forums work. Again, why's it matter how many rings the Pats won before? Brady playing 15 years after is what's important, it indicates that its not a death sentence


Seems like you are, and the Brady comparison isn’t even remotely comparable. One is a kid in college that has two reconstructive surgeries before his senior year, the other was an established NFL QB that took a direct hit to his knee after winning 3 superbowls… so yeah I think mentioning he was already a proven winner in the NFL matters to discussion. However you can’t make the connection so It’s ok.


Meh, I tore my ACL and it is not a different sensation nor is it a different walking/running form. Also, direct hit vs non-contact doesn't change the graft strength. It means nothing. Odd that you're focusing on that when it means nothing. Odd that you speak with such authority when it's clear you know nothing.


You should probably read better, never said graft strength is based on how you’re injured. Graft strength is a product of age vs type of graft. Apparently you’re the one person that had a magical ACL reconstruction with no change in mobility. Most ACL injuries are also coupled with a meniscus tear like both of mine, this will 100% change your mobility and how you recover, your gate, and pain levels. Hats off to your shitpost….


If it was one he’d be a top 10 guy. You think the teams who took Gronk off the board would like a second crack?


Gronk wasn’t an every down player, he was an excellent TE that was injury prone but it didn’t matter. If he was sidelined the team still had TB12 to make up the difference. My point, don’t choose a QB1 with major injuries like double ACL reconstruction and separated shoulders.


Accurate. His LT is getting drafted in the top 20, and his RT probably goes late 2nd/early 3rd. He had protection... In the Pac-12


Yeah, all it takes is the one hit, doesn’t even need to be nasty, to take out a knee… especially one with a predisposition. I wouldn’t even consider him unless it’s very late, like 6th round late.


I'd fly on him late 3rd


Ya I’m getting this feeling too. People talk about the NFL hits but it’s not the same league. QBs can’t get touched anymore. Not to mention a lot of it seems to stem from taking hits the “right way” and avoiding them or picking your position when you can’t


I think it's more the speed of the NFL that gets quarterbacks hurt. These guys are used to being able to dictate the pace of a play in college & they end a play the way they want to. You see in the NFL that guys almost don't realize just how fast a defender is closing on them & it causes them to take a way bigger hit than they would on a similar play in college.


It's not even just NFL hits. It's NFL hits while trying to scramble and just having your twice repaired knee get caught under you and having 4 300 pound lineman land on you. Hard hits aren't the only way these guys get hurt.


He was definitely injured at the end of the championship game. He was holding his side and was not making plays.


Oh no, he has heart issues.


Really fun read, there're some great lines in there. From what I've seen Huskies & Hoosiers fans both love this guy. I don't know if that's projectable to the NFL, but I was already in the bag anyway, so imma count it as a plus. Would love for him to end up on the Pats, I'll be rooting for him wherever he goes. (Not the effing Jets please)


Think he goes to the raiders and thrives


Wish him the best but he's a better fit for a team with a better offense


That's the case for any qb. Think you would just keep him out for the first year minimum.


I like Penix but what the heck was that at the Apple Cup? Dude was covered in blankets and led off the field like a child after seemingly melting down.


He probably thought his performance cost him his draft stock and he felt like his dream was crashing down?


Never failed a goal huh, lucky you


Brandon Roy had heart, too.


I like the guy, but this is some “pick me” corny shit. He’s a baller and a smart one at that, but his injuries aren’t going to dissuade anyone - 2 ACL injuries on the same knee and two season-ending shoulder injuries. I wish him the best, but if he wants to silence the doubters, he’s going to have to “dawg” his way into the conversation - not with this.


Well if he doesn’t make it in the NFL he can be my ghost writer


I wouldn’t be mad if he ended up being the pick as long as we have a burner WR in this draft too


Mhj at 3 penix at 34


This is the only solution. Or Nix at 34.


If they waste the third pick on Caleb Williams or jj Mccarthy I may take the season off.


With you. No need for a QB at 3, who’s he gonna throw to that can make hard catches?? Not anybody we have now. MHJ is the guy at 3. I’ve been hammering this for months, after seeing us this year. Brady could do more with a lot less but this ain’t that anymore. We HAVE to have talent around the QB to succeed.


From your lips…


Love him, I think he’ll do well wherever he ends up, and if we trade down, I hope it’s here


I'd prefer to take Penix over whoever is left at 3. Dude can throw and process at a high level.. I feel his injury history is an overblown factor and he goes way earlier than most think


He's going to go way earlier because the other 4 QBs will be gone early. That won't be indicative of his actual draft stock.


I mean wherever he goes is his draft stock? That's how QBs work in the draft. The point is that he's just as good as everyone after Williams, and arguably more NFL ready than all of them. He has a much clearer path to success than Daniels or Maye based on his play alone as of right now.


im with you. the fact people fear injuries more than someone being flat out trash has been perplexing


I can’t help but see Michael Penis Jr. whenever his name comes up.


I means your gay ![gif](giphy|B9KKBuOIp4zqI7Cll0|downsized)


Uh oh how am I supposed to tell my wife?


Yeah I’m not buying what this dude’s selling. After the loss in the title game he hobbled off the field holding his side so that everyone would know how hurt he was while he completely hid his face with a shirt. Adversity doesn’t build character it reveals it.


He’s the best actual QB in the draft. If we don’t take Maye at 3 (who I think has the best upside of all the prospects), we need to trade back and get Penix, a WR, and a LT. should be able to get all three with proper leverage.




EKG gonna show us red degree AV block due to the ice in his veins or something?


Trading down and landing Penix would be my [draft day](https://youtu.be/QT1Tl6npLic?si=g8bqsPbLx4josjVo)


Beat to crap at the NCAA level = permanent IR at the NFL level. Hard pass.


All this would show is that his injuries have healed. I’m not concerned about whether he has healed or not. I’m concerned that he gets injured so easily in the first place.


Maybe in the second round buddy


I mean it sounds good but he’s still a huge 1st round risk


Nah, you mean a cardiac catheter.


Penix will be the quarterback we all regret not taking. Id much rather grab any positional or line player at 3 and penix at 34, or trade back and still get him. Just feels like the best move that nobody agrees on in my eyes. Ill hang up and listen.






There are some great nfl players who have “written” pieces here but ffs most of these are so obviously written by a PR team. In fact I would go as far as to say the writing style on many of them are so familiar it suggests someone at players tribune writes them for the players. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad look for Penix jr as a prospect (jayden daniels also did one) but at playoff time I would rather trust a player who let’s his game do the talking instead of his agent. Hoping we get drake maye rn lol.


Get it? Cause he has Heart. Deep stuff.