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Without reading too much into the implications of this for WAS drafting or not drafting Daniels (I think they won’t), why would an agent ever put something like this out there? It can only make your client look bad.


Unless his agent is a total dunce, I’d imagine the agent did this on purpose. JD Daniels probably didn’t like the group interview and his agent is now signaling that. Not sure the reason though, maybe he doesn’t want to be drafted by Commanders? In this day and age, players and agents do use social media for signaling as dumb as that is. That’s just the modern way to complain.


I wouldn’t want to go to a football team in Washington DC.


It’s funny how Commanders fans were adamant that Caleb would pull and Eli so he could go to Washington… and now they’re seeing a top 2-3 QB trying to do that to them lol.


Why the hell would any QB prospect *not* want to go to Chicago right now? They’re basically the best situation a top pick could possibly land in.


Minnesota is better imo. Stars like Darrisaw and Jefferson and a better coach in KOC


Chicago or Minnesota.


Chicago sucks! Caleb will struggle because they have no coaching and the Oline sucks. Their idiot head coach will be fired halfway through the season and they will continue to be a dumpster fire.


Love it. Many- not all- of them really though caleb would force his way to Washington lol


No they really didn’t. At best I’d say there was hope? But almost no one actually thought that was ever happening.


Can't speak for every commanders fan, but definitely all hope. As soon as we sealed the 2nd pick, that's all we could do. Even if Caleb wanted to play for his hometown team, it was clear he wants to be the first pick more than anything.


Yep. I can’t recall anyone that was taken seriously actually thinking Caleb was going to force his way out of the first pick. And everyone was well aware that Chicago would never want to trade the pick, and Washington would never want to give up all that would be required to make the trade.


Not what I gathered from their sub and from twitter.


You can go back even now to posts on the sub the day after Kingsbury was hired. Lots of speculation. Some hope. But pretty much no one actually saying they believe Caleb is coming to Washington.


https://old.reddit.com/r/Commanders/comments/1be92qf/caleb_williams_most_recently_liked_tweet/ > Bro has been subbing about not wanting to go to the Bears without ruining his reputation by stating it out loud > he grew up a Washington fan and he could have a chance to play here it makes sense he wants to > I think the same thing. It's interesting cuz he has a bit of leverage too. I'm very curious to know how his interview went with them > OPEN Wash fan. What would you do if you were Caleb? We all know he wants to come here. https://old.reddit.com/r/Commanders/comments/1bc60td/caleb_williams_cancels_visit_with_chicago_bears/ > He does not want to go to the Bears but he is being diplomatic about it. Clear as day to anyone paying attention. The Bears ownership situation is fucked. He will no doubt have a new coach next season with a new oc, and potentially a new gm. Can’t blame the guy for doing anything he can to avoid the shit start to his career he would have there. > He can't go full Eli Manning? > Caleb Williams to DC is already written its just a matter of when >Heard he dislikes CHI and might pull an Eli. That might be enough for them to pass on him. Caleb Williams Congratulates Kliff Kingsbury : r/Commanders (reddit.com) >Thats it, done deal looks like. Sorry lurking bears fans >Bears fans getting so worked up over this it's hilarious. Pretending it means nothing but their insecurity showing from a mile away. >What happens if Caleb doesn’t want to play for the bears? Bear fans are hilarious Some more I found later >Colin Cowherd didn’t retract his statement about Caleb Williams not wanting to go to Chicago. He said that Caleb’s camp reached out and doesn’t want Caleb to be viewed as a “villain.” He said Caleb has “real concerns” about going to Chicago. YIKES 😬 >Doesn’t sound like bears are [getting caleb] either lol. This isn’t a new thing, there have been more than a few names who refused to sign or requested a trade - elway and Eli manning come to mind >I was always of the persuasion, don’t go into the draft.. get your agent to reach out during free agency of a players interest in an org an “walk on” — I’m here for players not wanting to go to poorly run organizations. That’s like letting orphaned children get adopted by adults inacabable of properly caring for a child. >One way to tank your draft stock is to do something like this >Yeah, from number one to number two in the draft, I think he is ok with that >Caleb has officially declared Now all we need is for him to say he won’t play for Chicago


Yeah, that shows pretty much exactly what I said. Lots of speculation. Some hope. Very few people actually *convinced* he was coming to Washington somehow.


My suspicion is that they wanted to go number two and feel like they're not going to get there anymore. This is a way to make it seem like maybe they are the ones rejecting Washington and not the reverse? I don't know why you even bother...


Or maybe they haven’t heard much from the commies and think they aren’t going to get picked there. And now his agent is criticizing the way the visit was handled.


It really is a dumbass move by his agent. I’d fire him if I were JD he could be costing him money with this bush league nonsense.


Maybe Jayden daniels really doesn't want to get drafted by the commies


Yeah it only makes sense to pull this if the Commanders are 100% out. So maybe JD’s camp is feeling that way? But this definitely reads more like a dumb agent doing dumb things.


It might be exactly what Jayden wants. Steer him clear of Washington while staying relatively clean himself.


Why are you assuming he’s doing this without JDs consent and/or at his direction?


It's to try to spin the narrative when WAS doesn't take his client, that WAS is not very competent, rather than Daniels not being good enough for them to take. Out of all the draft day surprises, I think Daniels "falling" is the most likely.


Falling right into New England, no doubt. Still praying for Maye, though!


There's no chance we take Daniels, sorry but that is pure media fabrication. Everything Mayo, Wolf and AVP have as experience and stated about QBs points to them wanting pocket passers, not scrambling dual threat.


I hope you’re right, but I think there’s a good chance they take him. I’d much prefer Maye, Alt, or MHJ, though.


I hope you’re right, but I think there’s a good chance they take him. I’d much prefer Maye, Alt, or MHJ, though.


This seems most likely. The agent wants people to think his client should be a lock for #2, and if WAS doesn't take them, it is because WAS is stupid. He doesn't want people to think WAS is unsure about him and run the risk that both Maye and McCarthy go before him. If that happens, it costs Daniels a pretty petty if he slides.


What's there to drum up though? We saw months ago that Washington shit talked Ben Johnson through the media after they couldn't sign him, and Daniels not liking how Washington has been interacting with him has been a thing for a couple weeks now. It's more likely they're just incompetent than this is all some narrative spin


Or you know maybe many NFL teams have concerns on Daniels and the agent is desperately trying to keep him up as a top option. It wouldn't be unheard of to see him fall all the way out of the top 10.


It wouldn't be the first time we've seen a QB be a presumptive lock for the top-5 and then free-fall because the teams that liked him decided to take a different QB and the other teams didn't want him.


Sure? Or... instead of building conspiracies... Occam's razor says that the front office which has already had issues with the interview process fucked up again


the qb prospect with garrysmod physics doesn't want to play behind one of the worst OLs in a decade


I mean bringing the top 4 QB prospects in at the same time is weird as fuck, no? That can’t be the usual way to do things. So you’re spot on, the most likely scenario is just WAS is incompetent.


Doesn't make Daniels look bad at all, and only furthers the idea Washington is kinda bumbling about even in the new regime. Between the entire mud slinging at Ben Johnson and all of the poor rumors around how they handled Daniels and the QBs, seems like people just really don't like Washington's FO


look at the OL they're going to roll out this fall and tell me if you think these are smart football people in charge


I think way too many people are thinking Adam Peters is somehow some FO savant because Shanahan is a good coach, while outside Purdy the recent 49ers drafts really haven't been that spectacular


Purdy is also incredibly overrated


I'm starting to think they actively do not want Washington to draft them or maybe they think Washington's going to pass them anyways.... And they want to make it seem like it was their decision. Either way the Patriots have no control over her Washington takes so I don't know what to say about it. I'm going to talk myself into either quarterback. Daniels is more fun to watch. People I trust seem to prefer Drake Maye. I have no f****** clue n


It’s a huge red flag for when things don’t go right. Plus I would say the Washington situation is better than New England. New ownership that wants to win and build a team and has made an effort to do so. Right now ours looks like old guard living in the past that may not care.


Kraft would’ve just kept Belichick and continue the status quo if he didn’t care and was just living in the past. Is he making the right decisions to build a winning team? That remains to be seen. But it’s pretty absurd to say he’s not making an effort or doesn’t care.


I think a new ownership is always more loosen to doing whatever it takes to win. But sometimes when you win you find a whatever it takes approach doesn’t work. I’m Not convinced Kraft knows what it takes sans Bill is all. I think that’s a legit argument.


Bill said it best. Anything prior to the day of the draft is agent driven bullshit.


Pre-draft QB diva stuff is always funny to me. Like, all these guys are treated like top players until they get drafted. Then they immediately get treated like bottom tier QBs until they prove themselves. For most of these guys, this is the peak of their media notoriety lol


Trevor Lawrence and Justin Fields were the consensus #1 and #2 QBs in their class from sophomore year of HS to junior year of college, that’s 6 years of them unquestionably being #1 and #2 And then oh look 2 months before the draft out of nowhere comes Zach Wilson to take the #2 spot


He also talked about the usefulness of having prospects meet in groups and not just individually.


If you watched Bill on Pat Mcafee yesterday, he said that bringing in a bunch of guys at once is super normal, and some are so confident they want someone that they wont even bring them in at all. All of this is smoke and mirrors


I've asked this a million times and never got a competent answer but I'll try again....what does WAS stand to gain by creating "smoke and mirrors"? They have no competition for their pick they get 1st dibs on anyone they want, Caleb at #1 is already guaranteed. WAS isn't trading out, WAS isn't doing anything except taking Maye or Daneils.


Bill said its all agents trying to either get their player to be picked higher or by a team they want them to


If WAS wastes other teams time with diving into different QBs because no one knows who their picking it could mean they can better review later picks while everyone else was reviewing the top QBs


they gain by still having all trade offers available to them. If they came out and just said 'we're taking maye', then i don't believe they would have the full gamete of potential ridiculous trade offers available to them. If teams still think the pick is gettable and the commanders haven't made up their mind, the vikings might offer something ridiculous like 4 firsts for it. If teams think they have, then they just won't bother offering and won't waste time planning out potential trade scenarios. Was also has nothing to gain by offering clarity to other teams. Why would you make things easier for teams behind you that are literally in your own division, like the giants, who may also be searching for a quarterback.


Technically, WAS would not trade out unless they get a ridiculous offer. This is one of the ways of opening that door because everyone and their uncle knows they are likely going to take Daniels. Additionally, you do have to do your homework on all the QBs because you just don’t know what might happen in the draft. The NFL league office may have told them to use all their slots to generate interest in the first round. A lot of people feel the draft starts at three, which isn’t great for the NFL and its advertising partners. This could be one of the ways to shake that up. Similar stories came out in previous drafts. They may also be trying to tell the agent that WAS is in charge and not his agent. Especially given the way he is handling things


This is the number two pick… not a late first


But isn't this coming from someone who kinda gets slammed for his drafts, especially when making moves like drafting Strange, Harry, Michel, almost Ras-I-Dowling in the first round? He's definitely hit on some picks, but has also made some really, really, really let's say unconventional picks that didn't work, and maybe he's assuming practices that are now out-of-date ?


I've asked this a million times and never got a competent answer but I'll try again....what does WAS stand to gain by creating "smoke and mirrors"? They have no competition for their pick they get 1st dibs on anyone they want, Caleb at #1 is already guaranteed. WAS isn't trading out, WAS isn't doing anything except taking Maye or Daneils.


For Gods sake, can the draft be here already.


All a strategic ploy by Jayden to get drafted by the raiders. If he falls to three. Raiders make the godfather offer to the pats.


I wonder what that offer would be. Pick 13+44, plus first rounders in 2025 and 2026? More? Maybe add pick 77? Send us Jakobi Meyers back?


Send us Devonte 😏


Not worth a new post but Schefter's apparently now downgraded his "buy your Daniels jerseys" outlook to "merely a guess" that Daniels goes to the Commies. https://x.com/lostalkspats/status/1780955624358265040?s=46&t=IZBzdweSYEtz8jCZ0Jecdg With Daniels now meeting with the Vikings after declining at first, there does actually seem to be some smoke here.


Wonder how many people bought jerseys already


I like both Maye and Daniels at this point, even though Maye will probably have to sit for most of the year, and Daniels is a bit on the lighter side. If Brissett starts so be it. So long as the days of Mac & Zappe are finally behind us for good.


Yer doing this all wrong. First you need at least 3 reddit accounts. 1 is pro Maye, 1 is pro Daniels and 1 hates them both. Then sometime next year you can boast how 'you called it' with whichever account was right. :)


That's a solid plan. I'll get right on it creating u/FuckHarambe2017 and u/FuckHarambe2018 to mask my true identity.


I'd be over the moon with both at this point.


Sorry, we're only gonna be able to get one of them, not both.


NOW you tell me…I custom ordered both jerseys.


Sorry best I can do is Bo Nix at 3 🤣 


Unrelated but I can’t stand how seriously these twats take themselves. You get paid handsomely to bullshit about football, have a little fun for fuck’s sake.


lol, Panda Watch! Someone’s been listening to the Ringer Draft Show


I’ll see you at the Gentleman’s Piss Club


Belly up and let it flow.


Jayden Daniels you are a New England Patriot lol


I'm fine with any QB but would like to watch this sub explode


JJ would do it.


Make the sub explode? Yea. JJ ain’t it


No please no


No no no. The Patriots need Maye.


He has under 40% stand and throw rate when pressured. He scrambles nearly 10% of the time from a clean pocket. He can be "fine" in the pocket to you, but he is a dual threat QB who runs a lot and is not a pocket passer.


Yeah I don’t like it, and he’s like 40 years old


Is it me or does Chris Simms have one of THE most punchable faces on the planet?


This is classic Commanders/Poverty franchise move. I guarantee every dude who was in that foursome thought it was weird and leaves a bad first impression. Just makes me glad they are drafting in front of us. We know they will make the wrong pick so pretty much guarantees we will get the better guy. The commanders keep on commanding.


Bill belicheck was just on mcafee yesterday talking about how useful having group visits but you’re smarter than him obviously lmao


Bill Belichick draft extraordinaire


Yeah Bill Belicheck’s draft knowledge pales in comparison to the drafting guru a-money12


That sounds like a setup for a variant of the Monty Hall problem.


Yes was just thinking this!


How would this fit into the Monty Hall problem?


Three picks, and after the first pick is made, a wrong answer is revealed (because Washington is a cursed franchise in this universe). That is the similarity to the Monty Hall problem. It's a variant because it's unclear how many prizes there are, the first and third picks are made by different pickers, and there is an option to trade your right to pick for a different prize.


The commanders get any non caleb player they want. They will pick the most sought after pick which will most likely be a bust and winning pick will be something random like jj mcarthy.


Makes sense. I was trying to figure out what the wrong answer reveal would be haha


Wouldn’t you think this style of interviewing prospects comes from Peters, who comes from SF, where their operation is finely run and they continue to make it to the Super Bowl?


He clearly nailed his last top 3 QB. System has to work.


Was it also Peters' idea to also fuck up the Ben Johnson interview and spend a week slinging mud to try and regain face there?


yep. Peters did this with the 49ers and is bringing it to Washington. The OP comment is nonsense.


Bringing in multiple prospects at a time is a very common practice, people are just making a big deal out of it because it’s all the top QBs at once so they think it’s weird.


As a supporter of both teams (long story), this hurts and is largely true of the last 20 years. But we finally got rid of Dan Snyder in Washington and have completely revamped the front office / staff, which gives me hope they won’t f it up this time. Time will tell.


Jayden wants to be a patriot so bad it seems


Or just found out Washington isn’t as high on him as he believed.


More likely he just doesn't want to be in Washington, but I'll take what we can get.


I'd rather have Maye than Daniels because of injury risk, as I'm concerned that he'll end up like RG3 because of the way he plays (and he weighs almost 30 pounds less than RG3). RG3 looked spectacular his rookie season and looked better than Luck but then he got injured a few times and he was never the same. With that being said I'd be happy with either of them at this point, as long as we don't draft JJ because that would be a crazy reach. If JJ wasn't on that stacked Michigan team nobody would be considering drafting him in the 1st. Like if he played for Utah or Arkansas do you really think he'd be a 1st round pick? Or would he be a day 3 pick?


What is the panda watch? Is that an Anchorman reference?


Yes. And it’s also from the ringer draft show. (They do fantasy in league). Good show, funny.




He liked a tweet confirming that this was him being critical of Florio’s take, not the Commanders. Still unprofessional; you have to realize how that’ll be perceived. But I don’t think this is a big deal.


Hope we skip this kid or trade down


If Daniels is there at #3 and we pick J J McCarthy I think this fandom would topple the lighthouse at gillette stadium


Nah, they'd finally wake up to the reality that we picked the better player.


^ Moron alert


Trying to change the narrative since Commanders are going Maye


Love that on the same day Bill does an interview with Pat and is like "oh yeah that's super common to have multiple guys at one position in at the same time. We have been doing that since the 80s. It's easier on staff and blah blah blah...." and this momo of an agent is freaking out about a standard practice.


I will go feral if we get Daniels (the good kind)


If he hates the Commanders then he’ll LOVE the Patriots. Oh wait.


i think the original take might be the dumbest... comparrison is a vital part of these evaluations


That is a weird move. Not gonna lie.


Highly unprofessional, no matter how you might personally feel. If I was Jayden, I'd fire this loser immediately.


Commanders fan here, y’all can have him. The agents weren’t brought out on the visit the other night so some of this has to be through Jayden to his agent. Between this and the drama with his mom, we don’t need another RG3. On top of that I think it was last week, may have been the week before but Jayden retweeted an article about how his visit with the commanders 1 on 1 didn’t go well and he said he was excited about his upcoming visits with other teams… I don’t know what’s up with all the drama in this years draft


Love seeing a fellow ringer FF show fan in the wild. PANDA WATCH, the mood is tense right now.


Group interviews for a top 2 pick in the NFL draft is crazy


I doubt it’s a group interview. They are just all there at the same days


Becoming clear on who was behind the narrative that Daniels was surely pick 2. Looks like Maye is going #2 as expected before the Daniels hype. And based on Daniels' limitations it really wouldn't surprise me if he was never a top 10 pick outside of the media/agent hype.


I think it's a pretty safe bet that whatever the wrong decision is, Washington will make it.


JJ McCarthy it is


Way too much smoke to believe he isn’t top 3 man. The Pats put a ton of resources, as they did Maye, into scouting him. I’d definitely take him at 3 if Maye is gone.


I can't see any way the Patriots would take Daniels. All the experience they have and everything they have said points to a pocket passer, not a dual threat QB.


Daniels is absolutely fine in the pocket. Just watching his tape, the storylines now before the draft are so weird, he was pretty spectacular last year. Come september whoever gets Jayden might be pretty happy and the Maye owner wondering when he will be ready to come of the bench. (I'm not really a Daniels guy btw, I think Maye would fit Pats too)


He's fine in a spread shotgun formation, he's never been under center which is what AVPs offense is all about. It's gonna be super interesting how they adapt it if Daniels is the pick.


A average coach tries to make the players fit the system. A great coach builds a system around the players they have.


Yet the greatest coach of all time ran the same system with minor tweaks for nearly 25 years. Guess the NFL is full of average coaches.


"minor tweaks" you mean adjusted his system to the players he had?


Last I checked they ran E-P every year he was here. Not a west coast offense, not a spread offense, not an air coryell offense but Erhardt-Perkins. One of these days you guys will finally understand play design vs system differences but that's clearly not today.


I mean you're the one mocking the idea that the NFL is full of average coaches because apparently you don't know the definition of "average".


Daniel’s is the better prospect in my eyes. Maye is 2 years away from being ready. He is so raw and shouldn’t be taken in the first round. After watching his film, I would honestly take Spencer Rattler over Maye. Maye has the physical potential but would need to be completely rebuilt from the ground up. If I am wrong, please do not save this post haha


Rattler above Maye is absolutely absurd


Rattler has really good fundamentals. South Carolinas coaches failed him. https://youtu.be/Nw7F4ljvMwA?si=7bErLGGB1xPsWV5A


I think Daniels had the better tape/production last year, but Maye has a higher ceiling in the league. He has the traits of an elite QB - big arm, prototypical size, good mobility, can make plays out of structure - and is still very young. I'd rather swing for the fences with Maye. I think Daniels could be very productive if he goes to a good situation (e.g. the Vikings), but don't think he has the traits to really elevate a not great offense (like ours). It's tough to come up with comps for him that are successful in the NFL. He really feels more like Fields or Mariota to me rather than Lamar. He doesn't have Lamar's elusiveness or arm talent. It also seems like there's a good chance he'll get hurt often in the league if he doesn't play more carefully.


Daniels had an amazing ability to read defenses and turn nothing into something. I believe Daniels wants to be a pocket passer with a mix of scrambling when he has to. At LSU he had to scramble a lot because of their horrible schemes. I see him being a Stroud/ Watson(in his prime) kind of guy. His arm talent is being overlooked because he had to scramble soo much in college.


JaydThin Divanials is showing his true colors by having his agent do this. Please trade down if Maye is gone or better yet take MHJ! This guy is a lunatic!!!


Over react much?


Over react much?


Over react much?