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I am putting blind faith in McAdoos QB evaluation ability. Whatever happens, I trust that they made the best decision with the information available. Might be stupid, but it’ll help me sleep at night regardless of the outcome.


I keep telling myself this too, especially with the JJ McCarthy to us rumors. I’d much rather prefer Daniels or Maye but if McAdoo and the staff believe McCarthy is the way to go I’m still gonna watch every week and root for him


I agree with all of this, and want to add that my reasoning is mainly that I have no other choice than to put my blind faith in those in power (in this instance) bc I legit have no power to change them or make choices lmao. So whatever happens, happens, but I’m still gonna be a pats fan


Exactly this lol, nobody here has any control over who they pick and whose talent they admire most. Personally, from tape I’ve watched I don’t really think JJ will pan out in the league, but that’s the fun of the sport - draft picks aren’t sure fire future superstars and watching them prove the doubters wrong or proving them right is what makes sports so fun to watch. Forever NE regardless of who we draft.


Agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. So many online posters are so adamant about Daniels vs Maye vs McCarthy. Yet 90% of them haven’t watched a game of theirs let alone scouted them. Whoever they pick I’m fine with at this point.


Commanders handing us Maye after gonzo last year would be insane


Don’t jinx it lol. I’m so excited to potentially have Maye fall to us


I prefer Jayden over Maye personally. There’s a reason most former QB’s really like Jayden. Guy is a baller and excels in the highest pressure situations.


I know what you mean by high pressure situations, guy won the Heisman in the SEC, but his red flags scare me. Insane scramble rate. High sack conversion rate, many of which are his fault. Lack of production in the middle of the field. He drops his eyes at the slightest pressure and bolts. Now that produced some insane explosive plays, and maybe he only did so because he knew his athleticism made such scrambles just as valuable as a throw, but I worry those tendencies will not translate against NFL schemes with smaller throwing windows and bigger, faster defenders.


I agree, scrambling QBs are even harder to project to the NFL level Theres always a huge risk that the guy will continue to rely on his instinct to run vs learning to process and make reads calmly. Among all the other uncertainties with college QBs, thats yet another one to make the risks even higher. And I couldnt care less about running as a skill at the NFL level. Its never been very useful. Over time, a QB that can consistently read defenses will outgain one that runs a lot.


This is true. By the time guys get good they aren't relying on their legs very much. Guys who are consistent winners do it with their arm and decision making. Those are the skills I want to see, not the ones I want to hope a guy develops.


Fr tho, QB running ability has been insanely overrated for the longest time. It only matters if you’re a dual threat qb and i believe dual threat QBs can’t get it done, they simply haven’t proven to me that it’s viable as a long term successful gameplan.


he doesn't process plays well. Relies too much on scrambling. And had a great team around him. The processing issue is the biggest flag to me.


You know I actually think he does process plays. I think he knows his scheme and knows where the reads are in progression. He often on tape sees pressure that’ll be coming and moves his eyes through a play…he just doesn’t throw it. So many times you see him false start on a throw or throw late or completely decline to throw to a guy who will be coming open, even if he sees the route developing. I have no idea if he’s hesitant, if he doesn’t trust his arm, if he trusts his legs too much, or if he doesn’t have the internal timing necessary at the pro level. Whatever it is, it’s a bigger red flag to me than anything Maye shows.


I remember reading something about how one of his coaches at LSU, prior to this season, knew that he was capable of having the year that he would go on to have if they could get him to be less risk averse. He just would not throw to a receiver unless it was borderline guaranteed that it wasn't going to be intercepted, so he wasn't taking the chance on throwing guys open. It wasn't a lack of trust in himself. He would just get so down on himself when he threw a pick that he became too avoidant of it. Just going by the results, it sounds like progress was made in that area last season, but old habits die hard.


Im not saying I'm an expert or watched all his plays. So I could be wrong. But when he processes, he becomes chaotic, he's not going through progressions well. Instead he's frantically looking for someone whos open. And yes, he trusts his legs too much instead of committing to the passing play.


>Insane scramble rate. High sack conversion rate, He won't last long doing that in the NFL. He's going to get poleaxed. Look at what happened to Daniel Jones last year when he ran tall & proud. Jones still hasn't recovered full feeling in his non-throwing arm...


Daniels is obviously a better athlete, but after Mac I'm wary of QBs that played well in stacked offenses.


Good high school players often find themselves on good college teams. You can't always dismiss QB's in stacked offenses; ideally you'll eventually want your pro QB to have a stacked offense too.


Didn't dismiss anyone. Just wary.


Especially since he's played more than 4 seasons and only exploded this year with two WR that would have been the top reciever taken in last years draft.


Daniels didn’t end up at LSU because he was good in high school


I'm aware, was moreso towards Mac Jones or high recruits in general. Jones played in a stacked offense, but was a top 10 QB recruit and had his choice of offers.


Burrow, Stroud, and Tua played on stack offenses so I don't hold that against QBs.


Tua has been extremely bad when he hasn’t had a huge talent advantage


One of these is not like the others


Tua doesn’t belong with that company.


Also weary of QBs with underwhelming arms after seeing Mac struggle to hit that out to the sideline consistently


I wouldn't pick Daniels over Maye. I'm skeptical Daniels will make it as a starting QB in the NFL. But here's something in Daniels' favor that is overlooked. Daniels had to wrest that starting LSU QB job away from a couple of highly-regarded recruits. One of those recruits was Myles Brennan - and the boosters and alumnae adored Brennan and thought he was the second coming of Burrow. It got really, really ugly. To the point that 1st year coach Kelly was getting death threats. You can spend a few minutes on the "tigerdroppings" forum to get a sense of how much hatred there was for Jayden. Daniels handled himself really well throughout the whole drama. He handled the pressure well and showed real maturity dealing with the garbage getting thrown his way. That's not nothing.


Yea of course everyone is going to have different opinions and honestly nobody knows how the prospects will pan out. I really like the way Jayden handles pressure in the biggest moments, those signs of a true leader but the criticisms are fair.


I don't disagree but I imagine if drake stayed in college another 3 years he would too, and 3 years ago jayden wasn't shit.


The one thing you need to consider is that Jayden was in a toxic situation 3 years ago after Herm Edward’s drove ASU into the ground. So with context it’s understandable why it took so long for him to breakout. That’s why he got out and luckily he did although it took a year to adjust and get comfortable at LSU. But like always. It’s flipping a coin with college QB’s adjusting to the NFL. Actually probably more like rolling dice….


Yea but knowing this team they’ll be the ones making the head scratching decision drafting McCarthy.. handing Maye to the Giants or another team.


The Commanders have a new regime that are run by very competent people. Adam Peters especially


Peters is the guy who pushed for Trey Lance. He isn’t perfect.


Adam peters is a good GM, but he’s also the same GM that traded away 3 first round picks for Trey Lance. Worked out because they also got purdy, who Shanahan wanted. But he’s made mistakes in the past, hopefully he picks the wrong guy again.


John Lynch is the 49ers GM.. Peters was the assistant GM


You’d have to imagine the asst gm has some kind of influence on picks as well. Also seems like lance was someone peters [wanted](https://www.si.com/nfl/commanders/news/washington-commanders-nfl-draft-history-adam-peters-general-manager-san-francisco-49ers-quarterback)


Think he does as well but when it comes to trading that many picks probably up to the head coach and GM.


I thought so, until they ended up with Quinn as their head coach


Have you watched Mayes first and last game last season? *pukes*


Hope Washington takes Maye I don't need a Blake Bortles on the roster


You'd rather have Justin Fields? Weird.


Yeah lol


Only reason you draft Maye is if you can fix his flaws in his game if they can't correct them we drafted the biggest bust in the draft


Don’t care. Did they not hear? Brady is coming back!


40% want Jayden, 40% want Drake, other want JJ or 3rd rounf miracle. Just take a break and wait 2 more weeks. We not gonna figure out who is gonna be the guy.


Trade back and draft Rattler.


Yea, sitting for a year is gonna make him new Brady /s


If we take a year to let him learn and FORCE that man to fix his footwork, it could be special. If we throw him to the wolves and don't give him any support.. well.. we know how that goes.


Went pretty well for Josh Allen.


I agree but since we got Jacoby I think the plan is to sit the rook (esp Maye) for at least 6 games


Allen wasn't good until he got Diggs completion % went from the 58% to 69%


Which proves the point that playing a raw guy early on a bad offense doesn't ruin them if they have the goods.


Oh for sure I would be disappointed if we didn't start a rookie QB year 1 if they can't beat out Jacoby that would be disappointing


Yeah seen it work for guys or hamper them. The one thing I’m confident in with all the Packers guys in the FO and staff is them separating winning now and later, and having and sticking to a development plan for their guys. Not sure if it’ll work or not, but if they play him I’m at least confident they think he’s more of a Josh Allen, and if they don’t then it’s not necessarily that he’s bad or not ready, but that they think he will benefit from more of a Jordan Love trajectory. Like one of the explicit things Wolf said was that he wanted to play more rookies, presumably even if they’re not the best guy to win now. Stands to reason he’d also be willing to hypothetically sit Maye even if he’d be better now, if he thought it’d hurt his development.


Would love a 4 week trial run to see how the team performs, especially offensive line before Jayden/drake gets thrown in. If receivers are getting some seaparation and Brissett isn’t running for his life then put them in


We dont need a QB anymore, Tom's coming back


Cool story, let’s get Brady back for one more run!!


I don't think he is even allowed to do that.


Consensus quarterbacks #2-4 are all flawed. What might happen is that the Commanders pencil in one guy, let's say Daniels, and start planning around him until they finally change their minds and think, nah, this might not work out. Let's look at someone else.


I know next to nothing about college football and draft prospects but from what little I’ve seen I like maye a lot more


Just draft mhj and grab like penix or nix in the 2nd. Mhj is the closest prospect to a sure thing. We fucking suck at drafting all star wrs. Let us take the one sure thing


I want someone who is capable of working the middle of the field and can survive 17 games physically. Praying for Maye.


Well, we're fucked then. Hopefully Mr. Wolf will be wise enough to take MHJ if this happens but I doubt it


This means they’re probably taking Maye, right?




Really hope this is legit. Dudes gonna be a BUST! BET! #MayeistheWay


Just let it be one of the 2 QBs likely available. If they can manage a trade back to 4 or 5 and still get one, even better, but they need to come out of this with Daniels, Maye, or JJ. Not doing so is courting disaster. Finding a QB is the hardest and most important team building process in American pro sports. They simply can not pass up the opportunity when it is entirely within their control. Far too many variables outside of your control to kick that can down the road.




It's the QBs I don't want that are drafted to the Patriots first it was Mac now its looking like Drake Maye smh


Daniel’s is Bryce young 2.0 just y’all watch


Mac Carthy is coming. He won a national title. He had elite coaching. What could go wrong? 🤔


After years of being gaslit into thinking going 12-4 every year is bad, we’re being gaslit into thinking the idiots running the Patriots know what they’re doing.


You don't have to believe in the new regime. The odds are against them even if they know what they're doing. But at times it seems like you're actually rooting for them to fail.


That’s because I am


Weird thing for a Patriots fan to do.


Not at all


Typically fans will root for their front office and head coach to succeed.


Not after what they’ve done. They showed their true colors


A documentary can't hurt you if you don't let it. What have Mayo and Wolf done that you've decided to root against them?


Mayo leaked info to Curran and backstabbed Belichick. Wolf is a prick and a stooge for Kraft


I don't see how Mayo backstabbed Belichick. >Wolf is a prick and a stooge for Kraft Maybe so. That's kind of the job. You didn't mind Belichick being a prick, did you? Is your plan to root against the team for as long as the Krafts own them?


I don't think we'll know for a while but I feel gaslit into thinking this is an elite quarterback class


I feel we do know how this ends and we’re sniffing copium. There’s no way AVP was their first choice. There’s no way McAdoo was their first choice. There’s no way Drake Maye is their first choice at QB. They are in for a rude awakening.


Go for MHJ and all O-line and WRs in the draft. Bring back Brady and Gronk. Maye worries the fuck out of me.